Member Reviews

I love the title of this book as it is perfect for the story which involves flipping houses. Rian with an i is such a strong complex character that tells it exactly as she sees it. She and her twin Marley have been through a lot and are getting their feet back on the ground. Rian is also very vulnerable when she lets you in. I did not want this story to end. Parts of the book made me laugh and other parts will make you sad. Maybe there will be another book focusing on Marley or one of Pierce's siblings. I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

I had a friend say i needed to read Helena Hunting. Told me she was crisscross awesome sauce. Got the books and said okay will do. Put them in the to be read pile which is humongous and went about my reading days. Met Ms. Hunting and she was sweet as punch and got her books signed. Once again reminded to read her but didn’t get to. When I flipping love you was offered to me I said okay I am going finally read a Helena Hunting book. Well Ashley you were right. Helena Hunting is crisscross awesome sauce with writing witty entertaining books.

Favorite character: Pierce. He was grounded and a little lost. Trying to find his way and get the courage to tell his dad his passions and what he would like to do. He is kind and funny. I love his compassion and competitiveness but he is also fair as well. His dog has you warm up to him. His first encounter with Rian is fun and snarky. She really puts him in his place and yet you still like him. He is honest and doesn’t back down. He doesn’t judge people on appearances or wealth and he is just a good all around guy.

Favorite moment: The cleaning of the pool by Pierce with that elderly lady loving every moment of it and her commentary to Rian. That was a hoot. So was the confrontation in the grocery store on their first meeting.

Swoon moment: the mansion and his declaration of love to Rian

Interactions between Rian and Pierce: sizzling but also we get some highly entertaining witty and snarky banter

Writing style: very easy going and fun. We get some great banter and fun moments. Have the book in Rian and Pierce’s POV and I love Pierce’s. He is more open with himself and his confusion but also feelings.

Story: keeps you in the moment and has you just want more. Rian and her sister are a hoot and such opposites. As are Pierce and his brother. I love how the character you think would be more judgemental and one that would take more to warm up to isn’t. For me Rian was more guarded and prickly. She wasn’t as easy to like as Pierce. Her past was more heartbreaking but she doesn’t let anyone in as well because of it and seeing how hard Pierce worked to gain any ground was fun but not always easy. She is a tough nut to crack. While they are trying to build a relationship they are also in competition with one another over purchasing houses to renovate and flip.

Romance: fun and flirty. Snarky and sexy. I love how they have such a fun banter but also get intimate in sharing who they really are. How Pierce has Rian let him in as she begins to trust him but he has to earn that trust and that is a great aspect to their relationship. The characters are a hoot and you love them instantly. The chemistry between them is sizzling and the banter is too much and makes you laugh and smile. Pierce has you swoon at the end but he is so understanding and caring. He shows Rian that her past doesn’t matter and that she isn’t responsible for what others did. He shows her she is strong and amazing and it just has you swoon.

Overall: loved the book. It was sexy, fun, flirty and just a overall entertaining time. Can’t wait to read Ms. Hunting again. Would also love to see Pierce’s brother fall in love that would be a hoot and a half.

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I flipping Love You starts out with a hilarious bang that will leave you in stitches!! From the moment you read the first chapter, you immediately become hooked and cant wait to find out what’s going to happen next. That is what I love about reading a new story. The thrill, the excitement, and those new found butterflies that seem to make an appearance on the cusp of something being new to you.

Rian Sutter has had her fair share of family drama for the past few years and if there’s one thing about her, is that she doesn’t like drama or confrontation. Well little does she know, she’s about to get a whole lot of that in the cereal isle. Yes you read that right. Who knew that going to the grocery store would be so life changing in the form of a hot suit?

Pierce is tired of the Manhattan lawyer scene. Taking a much needed break in the Hamptons for the Summer to do what he loves, could be just the right thing that he needs. Renovating houses, and having a nice place to stay while enjoying his summer, what more can this man ask for? How about a woman who has managed to capture his attention and is deemed a once in a lifetime?

As I’ve said previously above, I absolutely loved the beginning of this story. It had an effortless humor, sexual tension that would’ve made anyone crazy with lust, and a complicated but hilarious dynamic between the main characters. I simply adored those moments but for some reason, I just couldn’t connect with the female heroine. I honestly don’t know what it was but I wasn’t on board with her as a person and that did diminish my reading experience.

Aside from the fact that I thought we were going to get a lot more fixer upper and demo in the storyline, I liked the fact the author made some of the characters with real flaws and they were relatable. Everyone has secrets and we’re all flawed in one way or another so I appreciated that she did that.

If you’re looking for a sweet humorous story, then this one is for you.

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The romance between Rian and Pierce. Gorgeous Hamptons area, and both are into buying property and fixing and flipping them. I did enjoy this one, in fact more than I expected. The only thing that threw me a bit, especially with Rian being so prickly, was how quick the sex came. Seemed a bit over the top, and at times I felt that was all they had going for them. As the story continues they become closer, but would have liked more the other way around. Besides that though, I did like the characters and the story line, and was a good quick read for the summer. Highly recommend.

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4.5 Stars! I can always count on a book by Helena Hunting giving me romance, drama, and humor…and I just love that! The combination of those three emotions make the story more real and more engaging. And this book is no exception. This was a fun, spicy, rom-com that hit the spot!

Pierce and Rian (pronounced like Ryan with spelled with an “i”) have chemistry that’s through the roof! They can’t keep their hands off each other and the reader is definitely the benefactor of those sexy times. But, there’s also a depth to their story. Both are dealing with family issues and their own uncertainty about the future and neither one wants anything serious. Or so they think. As I’ve said a million times before, fate will always win out. And, in this case, even as these two battle the family and career drama, and each other sometimes, fate gets it’s way and they steal each other’s hearts. I loved Pierce from the very start. He’s sexy as all get-out and super sweet and swoony when it comes to Rian. I love how he supported her and encouraged her sass and I adored the fact that he valued her intelligence. Their banter was delightful and their love was explosive. What more can you want from a story?

This was a quick, fun read with likeable characters and just enough drama to keep you turning the pages. It won’t change your life but it sure as heck will keep you highly entertained for a few hours! Can’t wait to see what Ms. Hunting has up her sleeve next!

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3.5 stars!

I have a huge love for flipping houses shows, so I was pretty excited to pick up Helena Hunting's I Flipping Love You. If you're looking for a light romantic comedy, you'll enjoy this one.

Rian is shopping one day and sees a hot guy in a suit checking her out. Only the reason he follows her is because he thinks Rian clipped his expensive car. The real culprit? Rian's twin sister. But it's Rian Pierce can't get out of his head.

I liked the mistaken identity here which was such a delicious start to the book. Rian is used to picking up after her sister's messes, but she also has a lively, independent spirit herself and Pierce just pushes all the right buttons.

I simply had a hard time keeping my interest in this one. By the time flipping houses actually comes into play it's almost halfway through the story. There was also one too many coincidences to make this believable. Pierce and Rian just happen to meet up too many times and the novelty of the humor wore off for me.

That said, there is a good, solid cast here with Rian's sister as well as Pierce's best friend and flipping houses mate. It's full of flirty fun and I think anyone looking for a pleasurable beach read will find it here.

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Helena Hunting is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors! Full of sassy comebacks, Rian and Pierce were great characters that you couldn't help but love. Their first meeting was absolutely hysterical considering Pierce was mistaking Rian for her twin.
Technically this book is a part of a series but it can totally be read as a stand alone novel. It was a fun and engaging read, perfect as a summer beach read. Especially since there is so much action on the beach in the book! Perfect for fans of Jennifer Probst's Billionaire Builders series.

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I love Helena's books. Hot cover. Love the story. Didn't want to stop reading. Must read romance. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This is the first book of Helena Hunting's that I've tried and I enjoyed it very much. It started off a bit rough, with an angry hero, a confrontative heroine, and lots of sexual innuendo. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to continue, but it smoothed out pretty quickly and settled in to become a cute romance. Rian, the heroine initially doesn't want anything to do with Pierce, the hero, pegging him as a rich, entitled NYC a-hole. However, Pierce is attracted right away and persists in asking Rian out. He finally wears her down because the chemistry between them is off the charts. It was really cute to watch these 2 dance around each other, especially when they discovered (after an unplanned night of passion) that their lives were already far more intertwined then they realized. The main conflict comes from Rian's resistance to any kind of relationship, but she has good reasons for her opinion so that didn't bother me much. Now I think I'll go back and try the other books in this series.

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I enjoy Helena Hunting. I have since I first read "Pucked". She tells a wonderfully quirky story that focuses on characters and their personalities, their quirks and the things that make them different.

Rian and Parker meet in a grocery store over Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Although, Pierce is convinved they have met before and that she is the one responsible for the damage to his Tesla.

She's not. her twin sister, however, is absolutely responsible.

There's an immediate attraction. It's acted upon, and then it isn't, and then they act on it...and then, yet again, fate steps in and puts them in one another's path, again.

You like both of them, Rian is quirky. She wants to be her own person, and she wants to pay her own way without it seeming like she is relying on anyone for anything. Pierce wants to be appreciated, and needed. So, there are some things they need to work out. It's a lot of fun hanging out with them while they figure it out.

If you have read Helena before, this book is a little different. I don't know if this is because this is traditionally published, or if her style is changing...but this one had the quirky characters, but it never felt over the top.

I enjoyed this title and I recommend it.

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Although I have read a few books by Helena Hunting, it’s been awhile. I am not crazy about the cutesy, suggestive titles that seem to be all the rage in contemporary romances these days and almost didn’t get this book for that reason. Glad I got over myself enough to read this book. I am an HGTV fan so loved the background of this story. Flipping homes and buying up homes to use as summer rentals in the Hamptons is the premise. The book also has a superhot H (Pierce) and the feisty girlfriend (Rian). Ms. Hunting is great at witty dialogue which kept me thoroughly entertained. This was a one day read for me. It was enjoyable without being too cutesy! If you are in the mood for a fun, house flipping contemporary, don’t let the title keep you from reading

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What a great story. The two main characters Pierce and Rian are both impressive characters. I enjoyed the banter between the characters. They has great chemistry. This is my first book I read from this author however it won't be the last. I would recommend this book.

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This is closer to 3.5 stars mostly because of repetitiveness and pacing. The story was great and I found all the characters likable. I really enjoyed the banter between Pierce and Rian but felt like it came to screeching halt when her family issues resurfaced in yet another internal monologue, I understand that it need to me a part of the story but I felt like it just kept coming back up, and/or we jumped way ahead in time by several days or even weeks sometimes without making that clear.

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Dear readers, meet Pierce Whitfield, your new fantasy boyfriend. 

He's such a picture of physical perfection that he can pull off a Speedo with aplomb and confidence. He's the kind of man who sees through external façades and inside to what counts. When his erstwhile girlfriend Rian stands her ground and fights back, Pierce stares adoringly at her and tells her how hot she is. He is not, as other men might be, put off by her stubbornness and prickliness. 

In Rian, Pierce finds someone who is not impressed by his accouterments. She doesn't care about who designs his suits, what kind of car he drives, or how easily he pays for things. What does attract her is his depth. His steadfastness surprises her, and it makes her unable to resist him.

Of course there are issues. She's keeping a big secret, and he's also trying to keep her from a few truths about him. How will each respond when they learn everything? Helena Hunting has so well established who these two are that when the truth does come out, their reactions are true to who they are. Hunting doesn't force any histrionics or hysteria onto her characters. 

Helena Hunting sure knows how to write Hot Romance Novels that are hilarious, make you think, make you feel, and give you the quiver, doesn't she? I flipping love this book.

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*4.5 stars*

LOVED the sparky, quirky, quick witted dialogue between Rian and Pierce!!! This caught my attention and interest right away. It let to a highly entertaining read and then turned into a more emotional read about 2/3 of the way through. Still enjoyed but missed the sparky commentary and back and forth a bit towards the end. This one came verrry close to a 5 star read and had there been a bit more of the wit included in the last part of the story it probably would have made it over the hump :-) Still HIGHLY recommend for a funny, memorable read! Don't hesitate.

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book.

Up until now I had never read a book by Helena Hunting. I was really missing out on some great and steamy romance! The heat between Rian and Pierce was palpable and I couldn't wait to see what would happen when Pierce found out about Rian's past. This book kept me reading late at night so that I could see what would happen.

I can't wait to get the other 2 books in this series and see if they are just as good as this one.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a little fire with their romance stories.

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It’s a fun, sexy and heartwarming story. It will have you feeling all sorts of emotions as it entertains you throughout the story. You will fall in love with the characters. I loved connection and fun banter. The chemistry is sizzling and steamy. Highly recommend it if your looking for a feel good story.

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I loved this book. I'm going to have to read every book I can find by this author! Pierce and Rian were great together.

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I flippin love this book! This author is amazing! I give this 5 stars and a strong recommendation. A must read!

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I flipping love Rian and Pierce. Pierce is persistent and swoon worthy. Lime green speedo and all. Rian is haunted by her past but independent and sassy. All together they made for a great read.

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