Member Reviews

3.5 hearts

I don't normally read the third book in a series without having read the first ones. But with KC having a personal loss, I jumped in to read <strong>I Flipping Love You. </strong> It was so fun and sexy and perfect for a summer read.  The romance bordered on unbelievable but it was still a great read.

Pierce was a much more likable person than Rian. He was more honest with himself and others.  He is almost too good to be true.  Rian, even with her twin sister, Marley is not very straightforward (as you can see in the quote below).  There are certainly good reasons for her holding back. For their age, their actions and reactions are not very mature at times.

The real estate market is fascinating and I enjoyed this aspect very much. It's always great to have a job like this where the people are out and about, doing things, not shut up in a cube at a desk.  With the summer season in the Hamptons, it sounded amazing.

I really enjoyed <strong>I Flipping Love You</strong> and must go look at the other stories in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em><strong>Shacking Up series</strong></em></a>.  It looks like book 2 is about Pierce's sister who is briefly in this book, but I can't quickly see the connections with the first book.  Maybe I will read in backward order!
<blockquote>"I'm not going to sleep with him again."  I'm totally going to sleep with him again if the opportunity arises. I already know it. That was too good not to repeat. The cuddling I don't know about, tough - it leads to talking and talking changes things. It blurs lines and pushes boundaries. It makes it difficult to stay on the right side of casual.

"Should I remind you  now that you said you  weren't going to sleep with him in the first place?"

"Well, I mean it this time." I don't mean it at all.</blockquote>

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Holy Crap Balls!

This book, just wow.

This books is everything I hoped it would be and then some. I’ve been waiting to read I Flipping Love You ever since Helena announced it was coming out.

You know those authors that captivate you from the very first book they write and you just HAVE to read EVERY single book from them or else you won’t be happy? Yeah, that author for me is Helena. Helena’s books are always captivating and mind blowing and very unexpected. I Flipping Love You is all of that, it’s fun, it’s quirky and Flipping amazing.

Rian and Pierce capture your heart from the get go and only make you fall in love with them more as their stories and backgrounds unravel. They both have had terrible times in their childhood and understand each other to a point and it’s amazing to see. Their story is so different to any of Helena’s other books and it’s quite refreshing.

I just have to say that Rian is an absolute hoot. She’s funny, awkward and embarrassing but also smart, talented and appreciates everything she has. She definitely rivals Violet (from her Pucked series) in the funny department for me. Pierce is handsome, strong and major talented. The way he’s described makes my damn mouth water at the thought of him. He’s caring, loving and adorable. Some of the things he gets up to are funny. When they’re both put together it’s a laugh for sure and let’s not forget the sex. To say their sexy time is hot would be an understatement, it’s SCORCHING the kind that makes you need to take your panties off and rub one out or the kind that has you jumping in the coldest shower of your life, just wow.

I’ve always loved watching shows about flipping houses so this book just hits the spot, I love the idea of buying something that’s broken down and fixing it into something beautiful again.

I’ll stop it here because I would really hate to give any spoilers away for this beauty, all I will say is this is a definite MUST read! You have no idea what you’re missing out on. I’m absolutely honoured to have been able to review this for this incredible author, I only wish I could rate this masterpiece higher than 5 stars.

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Finding love and flipping houses!

Rian Sutter and her twin sister Marley are selling houses and flipping some of them to try to make enough money to buy the Mission Mansion that their parents sold when they fled the United States after scamming people and abandoning them as teenagers with only $10,000 to their names. Rian and her sister changed their last name so they could try to get away from the stigma that their parents caused.

Pierce Whitfield is on leave from his job as a patent lawyer after a screw-up that he did on the doll patent that his family’s fortune relies on. Pierce is working with his brother also flipping houses when he runs into Rian on a date with another guy that isn’t going so well. Their parents were the ones that blew the whistle on Rian and Marley’s parents which when Pierce finds out cause all sort of trouble and their connection to the people wanting to buy the mansion for a resort.

The story is funny and sweet at the same time but that makes it a good read.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! I Flipping Love You is the third in this series but can be read as a stand alone. I loved everything about this book!

Pierce is the kind of hero I love! Charming, handsome, kind, sexy and all in when it comes to a relationship. He knows what he wants and goes after it. Rian had a lot of family issues so it was easy to see what was holding her back but I loved her independence and her bond with her sister. There are a lot of fun scenes here and great secondary characters!

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I enjoyed this new story by Helena Hunting. Rian and Pierce are a sweet and likeable couple. There are cute and funny moments with more serious heartfelt exchanges. Family support and roots and expectations play important roles for the main characters. A very readable and enjoyable romance.

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"you look like you're good at breaking hearts and bed frames"

Pierce Whitfield can rock a custom Tom Ford suit, jeans and a t-shirt, or a lime green Speedo with equal success so you can bet Rian doesn't stand a chance at resisting his assets or his charm! Their first meeting doesn't exactly go smoothly as an angry Pierce confronts a confused Rian in the middle of the grocery store about hitting his car then taking off without leaving a note. She has no idea what he is talking about, and her opinion of rich entitled hotties is fairly low overall so he is already digging himself a hole. When her twin sister Marley is revealed to be the culprit behind the hit and run on his parked car, he is surprised but recovers quickly. Sassy beautiful women who aren't afraid to stand up to him are definitely a turn on, and this one is pushing all his buttons in all the right ways so he decides to press his luck and push for a more civilized conversation over drinks. Of course Rian takes offense to what she perceives as an offer to trade sex for repayment of the damage to his Tesla and that hole just got a little deeper!

Rian found out long ago that good looking guys with money spell nothing but trouble, and she doesn't need any more trouble in her life. Ten years ago, her parents left her and Marley in a world of trouble and debt just as they turned 18, and Rian has been working her butt off to build a better life for both of them while putting as much distance between them and her parents' criminal past as possible. They are finally on the verge of recognizing their dream to start flipping properties on their own, and Marley's poor decision is about to put a dent in their checkbook, but Rian is determined to settle up and move on.

Karma and Fate have different plans though because every time she turns around Pierce is there again and no, he is not a stalker! Rian cannot deny the attraction is far from one sided, and eventually he wears her down until she lowers her defenses and gives into temptation- then holy shizz let the hotness commence! Pierce is the complete package of good looks and good heart, but Rian has been burned too many times before to truly let him in. Even as he makes it more and more clear that he is not looking for just a summer fling, she continues to keep her secrets rather than opening up to him and it is guaranteed to bite her in the butt. As Marley notes, Rian would rather self-sabotage anything good that happens to her than actually take a chance on opening her heart and potentially having it crushed again. Of course Pierce has his own issues to contend with, but in the grand scheme of things, his issues are barely a blip on the radar compared to hers.

Of course I Flipping Love You would not be a Helena Hunting story if it wasn't filled with moments that had me howling in laughter as well as the steamy sexy times! Rian could be the queen of awkward moments as her mouth tends to run before the mental filter kicks in, and I just could not stop laughing along the way. She is not afraid to voice her opinion or hold her ground though, and that fighting spirit is exactly what allowed her to survive and thrive after her parents' betrayal. I loved seeing a bit more of Amalie and Lex, and overall this story was a whole lot of fun!

"Rian is the beginning and the end. She's the fight I won't give up. She's the forever I won't let go."

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I Flipping Love You is the love story of Rian "with an i" and Pierce. Their Meet Cute is very indicative of this author's humorous style. I adore the characters. Pierce is an awesome book boyfriend in a fun romance. Helena did not let me down with this one. I will recommend this title. Thanks to St Martins Press for an ARC of this title via NetGalley.

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***I received an ebook copy from the author at no cost***

I Flipping Love You has every element of a classic Helena Hunting story: a fun and feisty female lead, a sexy and sinful man, lots of laugh-out-loud moments, and plenty of steamy scenes too.

Rian and Pierce meet in a rather amusing way, when he mistakes her for her sister at the grocery store. He's immediately attracted to her, and starts a pursuit, but Rian doesn't fall for his charms immediately like most other women do. Instead, she makes him work for it, which made the story even more fun to read.

Rian has some secrets, which makes her hesitant to get into a relationship. She's pretty steadfast about avoiding the commitment piece, and that only serves to fuel the fire beneath Pierce. There is an insane amount of chemistry between these two, from the minute they first encounter one another at the store. That chemistry only gets more fiery as the book goes on. These two were like magnets circling around one another.

I loved, loved, loved the plot of this one! I felt like I was reading and watching something on HGTV at the same time, lol. Helena did an amazing job with the characters, yet again, and I walked away from this book wishing I could submerge myself in the world she created and befriend these guys. Each of them is relatable in his/her own way. There weren't any over-the-top storylines tossed in, and all the dramatic situations that played out and hurdles characters had to overcome felt like they belonged in the story, which I appreciated.

My favorite part of this book was the humor. 9 times out of 10 I know when I pick up a book by Helena, I'm going to be laughing my butt off, and that's what happened at certain points in I Flipping Love You.

If you like a book that will give you a good old fashioned giggle-snort, while also tugging at your heartstrings (and maybe in a few places make you wanna tear your hair out), this is the one for you! It's a great story to add to your summer reads list.

Four stars to this novel!

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Oh, this book. When I saw that it was book 3 in the Shacking Up series, so I was curious how these were related. You don't need to read the first two books, Shacking Up and Hooking Up, but if you want some good laughs, I'd go back and read them.
Rian and Pierce were hilarious. I seriously loved reading their story and watching them navigate their relationship. The way they meet has you cracking up and you don't stop laughing throughout the book. The attraction and chemistry between these two is insane and off the charts, what starts off as a hilarious first run in with each out and sparks turns out to be this amazing connection that they can't deny or stop giving into.
I seriously couldn't get over how much I loved Rian and Pierce.

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I am flipping out over this new RomCom from Helena Hunting! A standalone novel set in the world of Shacking Up and Hooking Up this is another one-click must.
Helena writes strong, sassy and slightly awkward females and Rian is no exception. She and her slightly ditzy, highly irresponsible sister Marley are overcoming a huge family scandal that they would prefer to keep on the down low. All they are looking for is a return to financial stability and the family home.
Pierce is still looking for his true path in life – but he is pretty certain working in the family business is not it.
Of course, the route to their individual goals ends up being one and the same and their mutual drive combines with amazing chemistry and ridiculously fun escapades – and a few pink flamingos!
Another laugh at loud, all night read!
Well done Ms Hunting

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Bancroft has his humor and that BODY, Lex has…all his sexy Lexy-ness, but Pierce….a suave combination of business man meets guy next door HOT! Rian and her twin are trying to finally make a name (their OWN name) for themselves keeping the mess her family left them in the dark. Flipping houses is a delicate endeavor and crunching numbers to get them done is Rian’s specialty; people…that’s all her sister Marley’s area. So when Marley manages to catch the negative eye of one sexy Pierce and he mistakes her for her twin….oh intrigue and hilarity ensue.

Pierce’s relentless pursuit of Rian is filled with some interesting pranks, some peculiar places for steamy scenes, and one crazy brother. Ironically, Pierce and his brother are in the same business and neighborhood as Rian and Marley’s. A mix of office romance with forbidden romance as these two battle for real estate in the Hamptons and each other hearts. A twist of circumstance and readers won’t be sure where loyalties truly lie and if these two can find that elusive HEA after a torrid summer affair.

Hunting puts out fiery after fiery read. Always win a vein of hilarity her books are real romance with an air of lightness one every story. There’s always an ulterior motive, another line of some a-hole character to mess up our hero and heroines carefully laid plans. But Hunting manages to build characters you despise as much as you love. While their stories unfold prepare to fight alongside them as they try to reach their …ahem…climax; these characters will become your beloved friends and you’ll be begging for more!

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Well, it’s true we can’t pick our parents, but we can overcome and choose our futures. I love to watch shows on flipping and fixing up houses, so did enjoy that aspect of this book. Being able to do this in the Hamptons, well, that’s just a plus. I love Rian and her sass and feisty attitude. How many of us have wanted to say or do what she does? I also love her loyalty to her sister, Marley. Rian and Pierce make for some interesting story lines.

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This was really good. I loved it. The characters and story were great. I hope there are more books in this series and I definitely need to read the first two books.

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I love Helena Hunting. Her books have appeared on a crap-ton of our Friday “best of” lists. I’ve read every book she’s written, and I’ve enjoyed every last word. This one is no exception.

I would’ve read the book regardless of what it was about because, you know, Helena Hunting. But the fact that it was about a hero and heroine who flip houses? Score!! It’s like it was written just for ME! (I might have mentioned I’m an HGTV addict a time or ten, right?) And Pierce and Rian are good at what they do. I really enjoyed their competence porn.

This is also a romantic comedy that is actually FUNNY without relying on slapstick silliness. It’s smartly funny, and you WILL laugh out loud while reading a time or two.

Rian was a great heroine. She was smart, and good at her job, and a decent, honest person. She wasn’t at all flighty or neurotic. (Though she was a little damaged by her past, she didn’t let it rule her life, and I admired that about her.) But while I liked Rian a lot, I truly loved Pierce. He’s prime, grade-A, book boyfriend material. Smart, successful, funny, cocky and alpha without being an alphahole, laid back and not ready to jump to wrong conclusions without having all the facts first...he was practically perfect in every way. These two characters didn’t have a lot of stupid misunderstands, they talked about their feelings like real-life grown-ups, and their chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS hot. I have literally no complaints about this couple. (And if you’ve read my other reviews, you know how rare that is for me.)

Long-story-short, if you’re on the market (see what I did there? Heh? It’s a real estate reference) for a hilarious, sexy, sweet, low-angst read, this one’s definitely the book you’ve been looking for. 5 stars all the way.

Full disclosure: I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the 3rd book set in this world and another great read! Rian (pronounced Ryan with an i), this made me laugh everytime and Pierce's story was a fun story! From the way that they meet to their whirlwind relationship, it was a great read.

I loved that Rian is a fierce person. She has some insecurities about her family and things from her past that make relationships hard. When she meets Pierce she is all sass. I loved how Pierce was drawn to her instantly and didn't give up when he knew that she could be the best thing for him. He pursued her until she gave in. The chemistry was insane and hot between them.

I loved getting a glimpse at Amali and Lex's life and where they are at. This world is such a fun world and the read is a little lighter which I loved. Some laugh out loud moments. I hope we get Marley and Lawson's story soon!

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Storyline: 5
Angst: 2
Tissue: 0
Value: 5
Panty Scorching: 5
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Kindle eArc provided by Netgalley
Reviewed by Robin

Rian Sutter grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. But her parents yanked that spoon away and now she and her twin sister are digging their way out of their parents’ debt and trying to prove themselves in real estate. They are on their way to start flipping their own houses in the Hamptons but then Pierce Whitfield and his brother push themselves right into their path. As attracted as Rian and Pierce are to each other, they are also rivals in the competitive Hampton market. Can these two find a way to exist in the same marketplace, find a way to explore the sparks and not catch all of their dreams on fire?

“You think it’s sexy that I can do math in my head?”

“Yes. You’re gorgeous, outspoken, and intelligent. It’s a hard-on-inducing trifecta.”

Loved this romantic comedy so much! Pierce is the total package with his wicked sense of humor, determination, renovation skills and smarts. Rian is skittish since she’s been burnt in the worst way possible and letting anyone get too close is kind of one of her hang ups. As these two keep running into each other, the situations get more and more bizarre. It’s like fate wants them together and will keep the awkward at an all-time high until these two figure it out. I really couldn’t stop laughing out loud at way too many sections because both are so competitive and will go to crazy lengths to get to a potential house in the Hamptons that’s up for sale. If beach sex, speedos and gnomes are your “thing”, get ready for a book to take you on a wild ride. Just don’t let Marley drive.

I've never been disappointed in a Helena Hunting book. She is so hilarious and her writing style sucks me in. I frequently have to take laughing breaks and explain to everyone what is so funny. Just such a joy to read!

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4 stars. I Flipping Love You was a cute, fun read! This is Pierce and Rian's book. Pierce is Amelie's brother (from Hooking Up). He meets Rian after her twin sister hit-and-runs his car in the grocery store parking lot. He confronts Rian later, thinking she is the one that hit him, and is immediately attracted and interested in her. Sparks fly between them and their relationship develops as they both are in the real estate and house flipping business in the Hamptons.

I really liked both Rian and Pierce. They were sweet and sexy together. There was little pushing away or angst. This was a romcom, but was funny and not overly silly, slapstick humor. It didn't make me feel strong emotions, but it was definitely enjoyable and entertaining. I hope that Rian's sister, Marley, and Pierce's brother, Lawson, get books in this series as well. I also enjoyed the house flipping aspect and Hamptons setting.

Overall, I really enjoyed this light, easy read! I look forward to more from this series and Ms. Hunting in the future!

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

This book was so much fun and I loved Pierce and Rian! Even though they scored two out of ten on the compatibility test, they were perfect for each other and Pierce really had to keep pursuing Rian as she had such a terrible track record of choosing the worst guys to date.

There are secrets that they each keep but when they find out, they are accepting of that part of their loved one.

I loved that Pierce was able to finally do what he wanted and give up his lawyer duties for something he really wanted as well as merge his dream with Rian's - that was one great gift that he had for Rian! I also loved that he went back to the place where they met when he proposed to her.

This book was so fun to read that I want to get the previous two in the series that I have not read yet. Amalia's story sounds pretty exciting, also.

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I Flipping Love You is a fun, lighthearted, sexy little romp through the Hamptons. It’s high on wit and romance, and low on angst, which makes it a great addition to your own beach bag. It’s the perfect source of escapism.

Right from their very first introduction, I knew that Rian and Pierce’s interactions were going to be pure gold. They had an instant spark and attraction, but their banter was what truly won me over. While he was a little pushy, flirtatious, and smug, she was very prickly and antagonistic toward him. It’s this kind of back and forth that, in my opinion, adds to the best chemistry between characters. There was certainly no denying the chemistry that these two shared!

While a relationship wasn’t really on either of their summer agendas, a little, no strings fling was an entertaining diversion from their competitive real estate endeavors. But as we all know, no matter how many times we tell ourselves that we can keep our feelings at bay, feelings have a way of getting in the way and tugging at our heartstrings. Despite Rian’s best efforts to keep everything light and easy, she couldn’t seem to stop Pierce from stealing a piece of her heart. But Rian had her own reasons for wanting to keep Pierce at arm’s length. It was easier for her to keep him in the dark about her family history, as her past always had a way of sabotaging any potential relationship.

Helena Hunting did a fantastic job of creating these characters. I couldn’t help but like them and root for them. While the main characters took the stage front and center, I must admit that the secondary ones were just as good. It was Muriel who stole the show for me. This older neighbor may have had a small role, but she sure packed a punch and had me laughing out loud, wishing there had been more scenes with her.

I Flipping Love You was just an all-around entertaining read. It had the ideal balance between humor and heat that will have me coming back for more books by this author in the future.

*4 Stars

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What did you love best about this story?

My Rom-Com loving heart is soaring right now with I Flipping Love You. What an amazing, hilarious and romantic story for Rian and Pierce. My love for them both was instant and it got bigger and bigger as the story was going. I loved how persistent, and sweet and everything was Pierce with Rian. I loved how much Rian tried to resist him, but couldn't, And I loved their professional and not so professional relationship, adding the right amount of drama to the story, giving it twists that I loved so much.

Who was your favorite character and why?

Both Rian and Pierce. I loved how competitive they were and how much they couldn't resist each other. Their relationship was a mix of funny, romantic, and sexy moments that made it all more amazing. And their colleague's relationship was the touch that made the banter between them very entertaining.

What does Rose Dioro & Jacob Morgan bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book?

Rose and Jacob are perfect for Helena's books. They give the perfect personality to their voices to match the characters and the final product is simply perfection. Rose has a sweet voice, but it's also full of sass and flirtation that makes Rian's scenes even better. And Jacob...Oh My God, Jacob...That man knows how to make a book boyfriend sound sexier!! I loved his smooth voice *sigh* They both definitely do a perfect duo, especially when it comes to the voices they make for the opposite sex. I really didn't feel the change of narrator between them ;)

Would you listen to I Flipping Love You again? Why?

Abso-flipping-lutely. Both, the audiobook and the print/ebook version, are 100% recommended.

PS: I loved Amelie's cameo in this book. I just love her.

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