Member Reviews

I Flipping Love You, by Helena Hunting, is one of those books that manages to touch your heart, keeps you engaged, and be a little bit funny all at the same time.

Rian and Marley are twins real estate agents with a hidden past. Confronted by an angry Pierce, a bewildered Rian figures out that it’s a case of mistaken identity and the games begin.

Pierce is an uber-wealthy, but unhappy patent lawyer who is currently “on sabbatical” after a mistake on a patent that may risk everything for him. Spending time in the Hamptons while contemplating his future, he is couch surfing with his brother Lawson, and renovating houses. Right now, Pierce is living his dream. Afraid to admit it to his family, he has the job working with his hands that he’s always wanted, and he has enough money in his bank account. If only he weren’t afraid to admit this to his father.

Rian senses danger in Pierce and doesn’t want to fall for him. But good sense doesn’t always win, and things get complicated. Summer in the Hamptons is always a good time but will Rian’s dream of returning to the family home where she and Marley were raised come between a life with Pierce?

Of course, these two end up striking up more than a friendship along the way.

Helena Hunting created a story with characters who were so easy to fall in love with and make you want to get to know. Rian and Pierce definitely had a ‘fire and ice’ type of relationship from the beginning. I loved Pierce’s sense of humor and patience with Rian, and how feisty Rian could be at times. I hope there will be an upcoming story with Marley and Lawson.

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I Flipping Love You was a really fun read! Pierce and Rian were a fun couple to watch, mostly because she was prickly as can be and he was determined to push her buttons during every encounter. She called him an as*hole for the first third of the book, but Pierce was determined to prove her wrong.
And he did.
I thought this was a good story of two people who had very good reasons to avoid relationships, but once they met, they couldn’t stay away and that just made me smile. I did think Helena Hunting focused too much on flipping for my taste, but they were both in the real estate game so it was understandable.
There were times during I Flipping Love You that I thought Rian was kind of a pain. I mean, I totally get WHY she would be hesitant to tell Pierce all her secrets after life had taught her not to, but damn girl! She waited too long and it became a waiting game of me trying to guess if his brother would find out first and out her or if Pierce’s father would…I didn’t know but it was all I could focus on.
Until it happened and it was rather anticlimactic.
But the story itself was filled with plenty of action and drama, oh and did I mention how HAWT the steamy scenes were? Really hot! This is a fun read that’s guaranteed to keep you smiling and blissed out for a few hours.

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Review Scheduled to go live on blog on May 31st @ Naomi’s Reading Palace—

4.5 Stars

It's been a while since I've read anything by Helena Hunting, and when I came across I Flipping Love You, I was excited! I just needed something light and amusing, and Hunting delivered with this spicy read!

Pierce and Rian had chemistry right from their initial meeting, despite the issues and the banter that occurred between them. I loved the way that they both stuck to their guns and wouldn't back down. There were a few chance meetings and each time I could see the connection between them getting stronger.

I liked that they had something in common and had plans to flip houses. Rian had a dream to take on an estate that meant a lot to her, and these plans she slowly divulged to Pierce. However, they both had secrets that kept the distance between them... even though they were as hot as hell between the sheets.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading I Flipping Love You! Pierce and Rian were so entertaining to read about. They were both determined and focused on their goals and at times they even worked well together. I liked meeting each of their siblings and seeing the affect that they had on their lives. I was sad to see how both Rian and her sister were treated by her parents, but was grateful that she found someone like Pierce to make her whole once again.

Complimentary copy provided by the Publisher, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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5 star Review I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3) by Helena Hunting

A stand alone novel from the very talented Helena Hunting. I Flipping Love You had me laughing so much it hurt. I loved the premise of this book and could not wait to dive in.

When lawyer Pierce decides to take some time off and help his brother out by flipping houses, he has no idea that his life is about to change in ways he never imagined. Firstly he mistakenly meets Rian and believes that she is the woman who caused damage to his car. Once Rian sorts out the mess and realises that it was in fact her twin who was the one involved, she has to negotiate a settlement with Pierce and this is where the fun begins.

Romantic comedy is fast becoming one of my go to genres to read. I Flipping Love you was one of those books that had me laughing, smiling and generally feeling great. Pierce and Rian connected and the attraction and their chemistry together is smoking hot and almost electrifying.

I love Ms. Hunting's style of writing, she ensures that her characters are not “perfect”. I was entertained and captivated from the start. If you want a fun, not too long romantic comedy to read, then I highly recommend this book, you won't be disappointed.

I received an ARC of this book through the publisher and Netgalley.

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I had high hopes for this book because I loved Shacking Up but there were instances in which the plot dragged. Most of the antics seemed far fetched and the constant confusion by the heroine made the plot slow. Of course, Helena's witty style is seen throughout the book and seeing the previous characters was a joy.

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What a fun summer read! Helena Hunting writes some of my favorite characters and Rian and Pierce have definitely been added to that list. I loved the banter between them and the sexual tension was off the charts. Fans of the Shacking Up series will love this book.

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Rian and her sister have a history that they’re not proud of. They are determined to turn things around by flipping houses in the Hamptons. When a hit and run fender bender puts Rian on Pierce’s radar, her summer just got a whole lot more interesting.

Pierce is unhappy with his job. After a colossal mistake sends him to the Hamptons, he’s using the time to do what he loves best, working with his hands. When he sees the woman who scratched his car in the grocery store he’s ready for a throw down. However, after a grocery cart crash into his family jewels he’s determined that he wants that throw down to be of a different kind altogether.

I loved Rian’s snarky attitude and take no prisoners personality. Her loyalty to her sister was commendable as they work together to achieve their dreams. Or at least Rian’s dreams. Pierce was so much fun. He knew just how to get under Rian’s skin and did so at every opportunity. He was careful not to run her off, knowing she was skittish and used his talents to prevent her from doing so. I was so glad that his history did not include him being a one night stand kind of guy.

This was a cute and fun story with lots of saucy, sexy banter. The angst level was low, the steam high and the secondary characters were appropriate to support the main characters while not making me necessarily want to read more about them. The conflict was resolved with communication but was not an ongoing issue and the ending was in keeping with the rest of the story, sweet and cute.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who likes a light hearted but not silly read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Fresh, funny, house flipping story line where the guy and gal actually talk about things rather than fly off the handle and miscommunicate. It was a sweet summer read.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed the storyline. Rian feels like she is unlucky at love and is hesitant to be in a real relationship. Her sister Marley's mishap brings Pierce into her life. House renovation is the backdrop to fuel the angst between them. Pierce tries to pull her close while Rian tries to push him away. Hot love story with a HEA included.

I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Arc provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

5 stars
Why in the hell have I never read a Helena Hunting book? Was I in Jupiter or something?
I flipping loved this book.
Rian is the kind of girl that deserves a happy ending, she was hurt by the people that are supposed to love and care for you unconditionally, so she doesn't trust anyone besides her twin sister.
I love how Rian and Pierce meet, it was refreshing and cute. She doesn't let him walk all over her and he loves that she is that way.
Pierce is just what I would want in a man, sigh, but he only exists in books.
You don't need to ready the previous books, because I didn't feel like I was missing things or past events, buuuut I will definitely read the previous books in this series, I need to know everything.

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Rian and her twin sister grew up privileged and never wanted for anything but when they were 18 their parents sold their mansion and vanished with the money leaving the sisters alone, and not just broke but in debt. Pierce grew up poor until his dad patented a doll named after his sister which made them very rich, but Pierce wants out of the family business and to make his own life flipping houses. Pierce sees Rian's sister hit his car and drive off and only a few days later Pierce sees Rian (thinking it's her sister) and starts blaming her for hitting his car. Even though Pierce is mad, he can feel the attraction he has toward her and when they keep running into each other, he realizes he has to have her. And even through Rian thinks he's an arrogant jacka$$, she can feel this magnetic pull towards him. And when the two of them get together, you just know it's going to be amazing.

This is a cute romantic comedy that had me laughing out loud and rooting for Pierce and Rian to stick it out. I felt sorry for Rian because she had been through so much and yet she kept going and even had to try and keep her sister in line. Even through Pierce came off at first like a real jerk, he was just a really good guy who just wanted a simple life. I couldn't help but fall a little bit in love with them. A great addition to this series that you don't want to miss.

I received an ARC courtesy of St. Martin's Press through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I will never pass up a chance of visiting the Shacking Up world. I flipping enjoyed this book so much. It's no surprise that I'm a huge fan of Helena. She doesn't disappoint with this enemy to lovers romance. Rian and Pierce are both fun, strong, and quick-witted. They both have a playful, funny side. I enjoyed the side characters. It's always nice to read about the characters from a previous book. Lex and Amalie are just as cute and charming as I remember. This story is definitely, an easy summer read. I can't wait to get more in this series.

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Rian and her sister are trying to make a name for themselves in real estate. They are on their own and have to look out for each other.

Pierce comes from a wealthy family. He is close to his siblings and has discovered that he lives flipping houses with his brother.

When Rian and Pierce cross paths, it is an innocent case of mistaken identity. Will Rian give in to Pierce and go out on a date with him, or will she realize her family’s past is too controversial to open up to someone new?

Rian is a hard working, super smart, math genius. She uses this knowledge to help her and her sister in the real estate business. Her family’s past has always haunted her, and she knows it could affect her future career and relationship choices.

Pierce is a lawyer who is taking a break from the firm. He loves flipping houses, but doesn’t know how to break the news to his father.

The attraction between these two was apparent from the first scene. They were magnetic, and Pierce was very persistent.

I absolutely loved this book and this story. I just hope we eventually get Lawson’s story. I feel like it will have something to do with Rian’s sister Marley. You could feel their chemistry even though they weren’t in many scenes together.

- An ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.-

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I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

I have loved all the books I read by this author in the last year. This one continue’s the love streak. Although I think this one was better than the second one but not as good as the first one. (If that makes sense)

Rian has incredible determination to make it in the real estate world. She has a very focused work ethic and I really admired everything she put into their goals. She’s independent, driven and logical. All traits that I identify with. I especially loved how she would get upset about things but her anger would cool off. She didn’t hold it against them after it was over, just let it go. I don’t know why that stuck out to me but it did. She wasn’t over the top intense ya know? Her drive to be something better than she is was awesome. Gotta love someone willing to work for it right? I was sympathetic to her family history and understood her reluctance to share it with Pierce.

I didn’t really like Pierce to be honest though. I think he just kinda got whatever he wanted and didn’t understand the hard work that Rian put in that came so easily to him. His biggest problems were to stay working at his dad’s firm and keep his trust or try something new that he was already successful at but that didn’t take as much money. So, I thought he was kinda entitled.

Now their chemistry was off the charts and the sex scenes were great. But I still found their emotional connection a bit lacking. The climax was weak and Rian was wanting to find problems that just weren’t there. Not enough to really keep me from enjoying it but enough of an issue to make note of.

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Cute mistaken identity and enemies to lovers trope! Great characters with Hunting's signature humor. 4 stars!

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Loved, loved, loved this book! These characters are so much fun and their hilarious banter had me laughing out loud through most of the book. This author has such a wonderful way of crafting characters that feel real and true. So much so you want to be their friend. Rian and Pierce along with all the secondary characters are no exception. This story is fun all the way through with little to no angst and a nice easy build to the relationship between Rian and Pierce. This is a feel good romance that you don't want to miss. I highly recommend it.

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Rian with an "I" not "Y" is the total package! She has a great head on her shoulders and is ready to rebuild her life with her sister. They have been building their career up after hitting rock bottom. She has played out life by taking on the safe route including in the romance department. Then she meets him! The one person that will flip her whole world around. Yes I am talking about out yummy hero of the story, Pierce!

This book has a little bit of drama built over the summer romance. The beach scenery has you wishing you were out there soaking up some sun. The banter between the characters have you laughing it up. Then you get the steamy scenes and walk away from them blushing like a school girl! I love everything about this story. The almost betrayal...dreams almost being shatter, the almost HEA. That is all I kept thinking in my head. Would Rian finally let herself fall? Helena Hunting does an amazing job bringing life to her characters that you can't help but fall over for. I mean who would not want a HOT pool boy cleaning your pool wearing only a green speedo??? Yes! You get all of this and so much more. The scenes will have you turning each page non stop!

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Ce que j'adore avec Helena Hunting c'est le fait que ses romans nous emmènent toujours dans des univers différents et intéressants. Même si ce roman est complètement indépendant, il est lié à Shacking Up et Hooking Up étant donné qu'Amalie Whielfield est étroitement liée à un des personnages principaux. Si vous n'avez pas encore lu ces romans , pas de soucis car vous ne serez pas gêné dans votre lecture.

Rian Sutter est une jeune femme que j'ai adoré découvrir car c'est une battante qui n'a pas langue dans sa poche et qui a su rebondir au fil des années. Sa jumelle Marley est aux antipodes de sa soeur et leur différence fait toute la différence. Là où Marley est un peu plus extravertie et loufoque , Rian est plus posée , plus réfléchie et plus introvertie. Toutes les deux travaillent dans le domaine de l'immobilier et nous découvrons les transactions qu'elles maîtrisent à la perfection. Le but est d'acquérir des biens pour les rénover et ensuite les revendre afin d'obtenir une plus value. Leur choix professionnel n'est absolument pas anodin et très révélateur de leur passé que je vous laisse découvrir. Leur but ultime est donc de récolter assez de fonds pour acheter la maison de leur rêve. Vivre dans les Hamptons, elles ont connu et elle rêve de retrouver une vie passée. J'ai donc adoré le personnage de Rian car elle est clairement le cerveau du duo , et Marley n'est pas absolument pas idiote mais je dirais qu'elle est plus instable. Elle profite de la vie là où Rian n'est pas prête à ouvrir son coeur.

Et sûrement pas à ce mec arrogant qui l'attaque en plein parking de supermarché pour des faits qu'elle ne reconnait pas. Enfin, elle n'est pas directement responsable mais son clone n'est pas blanche comme l'agneau qui vient de naître. Dès lors , nous allons assister aux joutes verbales entre Rian et Pierce et on se régale. Il dégage de mauvaises ondes et représente le monde qu'elle a perdue . Pourtant , elle saura voir au delà des apparences et comprendre que les Whitfield, frères et soeur ne sont pas aussi hautains et arrogants qu'ils n'y paraissent. Ils vont s'affronter sur le même terrain de jeu et si vous espérez des coups bas, vous allez devoir chercher ailleurs. La seule difficulté pour Rian sera donc de préserver son secret et ne pas tomber sous le charme de cet homme qui a tout pour lui. La complicité et l'étincelle entre eux est immédiate et il s'agira de savoir si elle y succombera ou pas.

Pierce Whitfield est donc le héros super sexy, super charmant et super marrant de cette nouvelle romance. Il exerce un métier qu'il déteste par dessus tout et aimerait mettre assez d'argent de côté pour quitter l'entreprise familiale pour enfin s'épanouir dans quelque chose qu'il adore faire. Son dada c'est la rénovation et donc mettre la main à la pâte. Il s'éclate en aidant les gens des Hamptons à entretenir leur maison dans l'attente de leur vente. Si son frère Lawson adore le côté commercial et vente, lui c'est plutôt le côté manuel qui l'intéresse tout comme il adore redonner vie à ces demeures délabrées. Sa vie va basculer quand il va rencontrer Rian et sa mission sera de la conquérir. Il est sûr de son charme et est direct mais c'est ce qu'on adore chez lui. Il a les moyens financiers de se faire plaisir et pourtant on ne le sent absolument pas hautain mais bien humain. On va ainsi s'amuser à compter les points et qui remportera la manche finale. Quand nous les voyons à deux dans une même scène, nous ne pouvons qu'adorer et valider. Parviendra t-il à quitter ce monde d'avocat qu'il déteste? Parviendra t-il à se faire une place dans la vie et dans le lit de Rian?

Bref, Helena Hunting signe une nouvelle comédie romantique comme on les adore. On passe un très bon moment de lecture avec des personnages au fort caractère, passionnés et qui n'ont pas leur langue dans leur poche. L'étincelle est là et il s'agira de voir si nous aurons droit à un feu de pailles ou un feu d'artifices. Si vous lisez en VO, ne passez pas à côté de I flipping love you qui est la comédie romantique à ne pas manquer.

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I have only read some of the Pucked series, so this was my first non hockey book from Helena Hunting. I loved it! It was funny, sweet, snarky and had a great story that kept me intrigued from beginning to end!

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I received this e-ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Written from 1st POV and switches between the two main characters by chapter.
Scenario: (no spoilers). Rian’s twin sister scraped Pierce’s Tesla and made a run for it. Pierce bumps into Rian at the grocery store and mistakes her for the culprit. It’s quickly cleared up as both sisters are there, but Pierce (rightly so) wants to be compensated. As Rian is the responsible sister she becomes Pierce’s point of contact. Rian and her sister flips houses for living, and coincidentally Pierce is in town to help his brother (who also flips houses for a living). Competition and banter ensues.
This book completely tanked for me.
The internal monologue in this book was just awful.

- My tank is still dewy, post-exertion, I have terrible under-boob sweat, and my thong is all wonky. If I were alone in this aisle, I’d for sure fix the last issue, but suit guy is here so I must leave the thong where it is for now, wedged uncomfortably between my vagina lips.

- But when I saw her in the cereal aisle and really got a good look at her, I noted how gorgeous she was. The kind of beautiful that numbs your tongue and jacks up your heart rate. It’s odd, but despite them being nearly identical, I’m only attracted to the one approaching me. It’s also good to know that I’m not into women who pull hit-and-runs.

- I’m not sure I want a man in my life, regardless. They make things complicated. I already have daddy issues, and my last long-term relationship went up in flames—that was years ago, right after the rest of my life took a giant crap.

In these #metoo times, is following really not a scenario a female author should reconsider? (the book is being published May 29th 2018)

- I’m willing to negotiate terms, though.”
“Terms for what exactly?”
“The repair bill. We could discuss them, say over drinks?”
“Excuse me?” I can’t imagine I heard that correctly. “Can you repeat that please?”
“We could negotiate the cost over drinks. Just a couple hours of your time during which I’m sure we can come to an amenable agreement.”

- Rian: I’d like to wire the money to your account. Can you send the details, please?
Pierce: Sure. Meet me at Frescos on the beach. 7pm work for you?
Rian: Not happening. Bank details please.
Pierce: I’d prefer that this transaction takes place in person.

Regardless, she is still charmed by him.

- But I need to get this money situation sorted out and for him to stop messaging me. Because I’m starting to enjoy all this messaging, which isn’t good. So I relent, even though I shouldn’t.
Rian: Meet me at the Starbucks on the corner of Montauk and Ponquogue in an hour. I’ll bring a check.
Pierce: It’s a date.
Rian: It’s a transaction, and a way to get you off my back, don’t read anything into it.
Pierce: See you soon, ;)

<img src="" width="350" height="250" alt="description"/>

Let me tell you it’s not cute in real life. I had a guy requesting to book my AirBnB and after I accepted his booking (and at that point your address and phone number is visible) he started very badly hinting that he would not mind a little extra service while staying at my place. “I mean, I guess it means my stay would be a little more exciting now I have put that out there haha.” When I called him on it, he said he was just “joking”. When I cancelled his booking and reported his butt to AirBnB I knew he still had my address should he choose to retaliate. (He did not thankfully). It’s not cute! It’s not charming! It’s not funny! It’s terrifying.

The dialogue is my last complaint. It’s just so dull.

- He stands right beside me while I wait. “You look nice,” he says conversationally.
I glance in his direction. “Thanks.”
“What’re you doing after this?”
Probably going home to masturbate to the image of your pretty face. “I have to work.”
“Do you do that from home?”
“Sometimes.” I don’t enjoy being asked questions about myself, partly because my family history is less than ideal. It’s one of the reasons I struggle with dating. The whole let’s - get - to - know - each - other part is a problem. For most people, banal questions about family and employment are easy to answer, but not for me.
“You’re a real talker, aren’t you?” Pierce asks, that wry smile still in place.

I can not recommend this book one bit.

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