Member Reviews

This was my first Helena Hunting book, and it was a sweet, cute read. It is the third in a series, but I haven’t read any of those, and I still felt like it was a standalone. I thought this would be an enemies to lovers book based on the description, but it wasn’t that.

They had a hilarious first meet in a grocery store. There wasn’t a major conflict in the book. The conflict was minor and resolved very quickly. I also have never read a book about flipping houses and real estate, so that was different and interesting.

It had a great beginning, and wonderful end, but the middle fell a little flat for me. I usually finish books really quickly, but this book I put down and then had trouble wanting to pick it back up. I think this had more to do with not loving the main characters. I found Pierce very pushy, always going after what he wants, almost entitled. Rian was very cagey. You understand why later in the book, but it was hard to get to know her character because she was so guarded.

I think I’m just in the minority on this book. I liked it, but didn’t love it. I still think a lot of other people would really enjoy this book. This was my first Helena Hunting read, but I will still go through her backlog since I did enjoy her writing.

* ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

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4.5 Stars for I Flipping Love You which is book 3 in the Shacking Up Series and what can I say apart from I Flipping Loved It.......
A hit and run fender bender turns into a case of mistaken identity when Pierce accuses Rian of leaving the scene after scratching his car in a car park what he doesn’t realise is it was her twin sister who hit and ran. Rian and her sisters parents left them pretty much penny less and selling houses is not only a way of earning a living it’s a way to finance what they really love flipping houses and it just so happens Pierce and his brother have a house to sell as well as houses to buy but can they get past the hit and run incident. Pierce is a broody hot lawyer who also has a love for fixer uppers and the attraction between him and Rian is instant but the sisters have a secret and that secret effects Pierce and his brother, will the past come back to haunt them all......
Helena Hunting has once again given us a light hearted fun read, characters we flipping love, some real laugh out loud moments as well as some seriously holding our breath moments. The chemistry is sizzling and plot is believable so do yourself a favour and one click this brilliant read.

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3.5 stars.

This was an enjoyable read for me. Not particularly memorable but a solid book.
Riann for me, rubbed me the wrong way. I wasn’t particularly taken with her character, especially at the end.
Pierce was a breath of fresh air. I loved the way he came across initially and how he developed as the book wore on.
At times I felt the Book had a tendency to info dump, and there was definitely a whole lot of passive voice, which usually I don’t mind, but here it stood out a fair bit for me.
If you like Helena’s writing style and humour, you’ll like this book. If you’re looking for a book to zone out in, this is for you. It’s a solid read.

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Accustomed to her hockey books which are wildly funny, this is a tamer version of this author’s wacky humor. But what the book lacks in funny, it reclaims in emotion. This book is equally funny and emotional and it was a fantastic read.

Twins Rian and Marley Sutter are working as realtors in The Hamptons. Their dream is to flip houses and make a living out of it, and ultimately purchase the Mission House where they used to live with their grandmother when they were little. Their father, a realtor turned criminal, sold the house and fled the country when he was uncovered. He left the twins to their luck when they were merely eighteen years old. They lost everything but they fought their way out of the debt and the scandal and are making ends meet.

Enter hottie Pierce Whitfield, who barges on Rian in a grocery store where she’s buying her beloved Cinnamon crunch cereal. He accused her of tapping his car and she denied it, then they hear an “oh, shit” and turn to see her twin in plain flight. Eventually they settle Pierce’s claim, Marley gets a scold from Rian and Pierce starts stalking Rian, asking for a date. Incredibly, although the twins look alike, Rian is the one Pierce is attracted to, and he really wants to pursue something with her.

As with most twins, Rian is the serious one and Marley is the flighty one. Marley is all for Rian having a fling with Pierce, but Rian knows to keep men at arms length due to their past history. Rian is increasingly attracted to Pierce, but she is slightly paranoid and afraid of being rejected once Pierce finds out who her father is. The plot gets convoluted because the twins and Pierce and his brother Lawson are working in the same area and going for the same houses. The girls are realtors but want to start flipping houses; and Pierce and his brother buy and flip houses. Rian and Pierce make a deal to separate the personal from the professional and things get hot and smexy between them.

This story has a great pace, a lot of funny and a lot of heart. Initially Marley seemed flaky but then we learn that she’s just a party girl and she tends to enjoy life more. Rian has misgivings and trust issues and these feelings stand in the way to share more of herself with Pierce. Pierce has daddy issues, he’s attached to his inheritance, but he doesn’t like his work which is attached to his trust. He’s evolving but he’s a work in process. The plot gets convoluted, gets tangled, gets funny and we get to read a very entertaining story with bits of great humor and some other bits of heartfelt scenes.

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This was cute! It was a little different than other books I have read by Helena Hunting, but I did enjoy it! I will continue to read her books!

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I was giggling from the moment I started reading. Pierce was definitely an alpha, but sweet and determined. Rian was smart and sassy. And boy, there was plenty of steam! But beyond being a great rom com, the characters had depth, and the story was interesting. This pulled me out of my book slump!

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I flipping loved this story!

This was quintessential Helena Hunting! I adored Pierce and Rian, they were just the best! This was a great kick off to summer read and really was enjoyable.

Rian Sutter and her (fraternal) twin Marley are wonderful together and really play well off of one another. Rian is smart and witty, and that is what I love in my heroine. She stands up for herself and is not afraid to tell people like it is. I also really felt for her and her sister learning about their past and how their family let them down and abandoned them. No one should go through that, yet they kept kicking butt.

Pierce is great! So witty and sarcastic at times... You can't help but want to hang off of him and then lick him down. He really did seem well rounded and like he had his head on straight, wanting to leave patent law and flip houses full time and do what he loves? Heck yes!

I loved watching Pierce breakthrough Rian's walls and getting her to fall for him was wonderful. Loved this story.

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I enjoyed this book so much! Pierce and Rian meet—and keep running into each other—through a series of unlikely coincidences. I didn't mind suspending belief for this book, because all the other elements came together so well. Pierce is perfect: strong, but not overbearing. Rian is quite imperfect, but the reason for her angst is understandable given her backstory. The pacing of their relationship and the overall story is just right. I found myself caring for these characters and now I want want to go back and read the other books in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this author!! I love her Pucked series so I knew this book would be great too!! Anyhting by her is awesome!!

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There’s always great humor in Helena Hunting books and this is no exception. However this is not my favorite book, or series, of hers. I liked the characters but like the first book in the series, I felt this was more like a play by play of their lives, or a diary of on Monday we did this, on Tuesday we did that. Looking forward to her getting back to more in depth writing.

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Helena Hunting makes house flipping and the real estate world sound fun in I Flipping Love You. A hilarious, sweet, and sexy read, I Flipping Love You features Pierce and Rian, a new couple with an unfortunate not so meet-cute and chemistry that sparks at a single glance. With the dust settled these two start a fling before realizing their business ventures are tied together and they must separate business from pleasure. Things get a little messier when Rian's covered up past is uncovered and Pierce's personal life rears its head, revealing that both are afraid of commitment, but not afraid of each other. It's a lesson in trust and lust for the two, because it can't just be an easy summer spent flipping houses.

"I want to find out if she kisses like she's fighting or submitting. Or maybe both."

Helena Hunting is always funny, but also manages to write sincere romance that isn't predictable. Anyone who watches HGTV or DIY knows about the flipping homes craze, but I personally haven't seen any books featuring it, so this one was fun for me. I really appreciated that both Rian and Pierce were multi-faceted characters; their day to day lives and interactions were not solely focused on home sales and fixer uppers, but also on their emotional and physical connection, their personal lives with family and friends, and the pasts each has that leaves them with a bit of commitmentphobia. Told from their alternativing first person perspectives, Rian is a spunky girl with a desire to be better than her past told her she would be and Pierce just wants to finally make a career out of something he enjoys rather than something he's told to do. Both of their end goals make them perfect business partners or perfect enemies, but what Helena Hunting does with their personal and business relationship is even better. I really liked both main characters and reading their romance was laugh out loud funny and awe-worthy sweet. Yes, they sneak off to romp in every home and in various other locations, but they also learn to share and lean on someone besides their own family. The characters are more mature but I sort of liked that the character development in the novel was simpler. It was the perfect nice, light-hearted read I was hoping it would be.

"I am stretched with a capital S. Maybe even all caps. Shouty ones. It looks so hot."

I wanted to read I Flipping Love You, because I love any shows about flipping houses, but I also really, really, REALLY liked the cover. The model is both adorable and handsome and grabbed my attention right away. Turns out cover lust led me the right way this time. I Flipping Love You is a standalone, but if the other books are anything like this then they're going to be winners for me, for sure. I highly suggest this one, it's the sort of book you can read repeatedly and still enjoy.

"The desire is visceral, a shimmer in the air, a heat in my veins, and a fire in his eyes. That is what wanting someone is."

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I “flipping” enjoyed this story. I loved the chemistry Rian and Pierce had, almost right from their very first meeting. the witty banter between them made the story that much better. And true to Hunting form, the sex was hot!

This is definitely a book I would recommend to everyone.

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I just LOVE Helena Hunting's characters and story plots and I FLIPPING LOVE YOU is another HIT! I fell in love with Rian with an 'i' quirkiness, independence, and fiscally conscientious personality! Oh and Pierce, ummm, I would say our compatibility test would be way hotter than a 2 ;) You are just going to have to read the book to understand...

If you are looking for the perfect beach, vacation read BRING THIS BOOK WITH YOU! It's the perfect mix of sexy, comedy, and romance all in one. And if you enjoy binge watching HGTV this book will intrigue with if those walls are fit to be broken down with Pierce's gunshow or possible Rian's heart...

I am a MAJOR fan of Helena Hunting and I can't wait for the audiobook of I Flipping Love You so I can fall in love with these characters all over again!

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ARC received for an honest review

Waaaah! This book is so freaking good!

I am not usually one for covers, but the guy on this one has been taunting me on my kindle for ages and I just adore him. I licked him, he's mine! He look kind of Hemsworth-y.

I Flipping Love You is the story of Pierce, who is Amelie from Hooking Up's brother.

Pierce and Rian's story sweet and sexy and all kinds of adorable - and not OTT drama for drama's sake. I am not a fan of drama llamas!

The sparks between our lovelies makes the air around them combustible, and you just know that if they ever get together it is going to be hot hot hot!

I love the Hamptons setting - though all I really know about the area is that it is full of rich people lol! Makes me want to go to the beach (though I live hours from the coast, sand gets where sand shouldn't get and I don't go in the water because Jaws can eat me!). It also made me want to reno my house, even though it doesn't need it and I don't have the $$ to do it!

I Flipping Love You is full of sweet, sexy, funny moments, however it has plenty of heartbreaking and frustrating and vulnerable moments too.

I couldn't put this one down once I started.

I can't wait for whatever Ms Hunter brings us next.


Another mega-adorable and funny and sparky and sexy romance in this amazing series!

I adored Rian and Pierce from the moment I started reading.

They so obviously belong together, but there was this stupid first impression.

But they're working on it.

And it's so adorable and full of sparks and flirting and sexiness and beach and sand and houses ... I just loved reading it!

I love the whole summery, beachy, Hamptons atmosphere.

We have so many funny and sexy and adorable moments!
But also some very serious and moving and frustrating moments. Both Rian and Pierce have parental and/or job troubles, which are keeping both from enjoying life the way it's supposed to be enjoyed.

But ... we'll get to that happily ever after! And we love every page of their journey!!!

I just loved this book! There's really nothing more I could say!


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I Flipping Love you is my first book by Helena Hunting and I’ll be reading more. This was the perfect pre-summer read. A hit-and-run (both from a car and then a cart) brings our two main characters together. From the beginning, their banter hooked me and enjoyed them together. I love when the characters have some spunk.

Rian came from a wealthy family and after circumstances not of her own making, she and her sister have to start from the bottom and claw their way back up. Pierce’s family was a middle class family that became extremely wealthy after a successful product created a small empire. I found it interesting how their backgrounds played into their growth. Both had a past they need to personally overcome. That being said, this isn’t a brooding novel, so their growth was done with a dose of humor and of course lots of sexy bed time (or dryer, counter, couch, beach......).

Can’t wait to go back and read Amelie’s book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Saint Matin’s Paperback’s for the opportunity to read this ARC. It doesn’t affect my review in any way.

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Well hot diggity dog do I love Helena Hunting. Seriously comrades, if I could just roll around in all things Helena Hunting I would. I devoured the PUCKED series, I loved the Clipped Wings Series and I definitely enjoy a lot of her standalone books. She is creative, she is fun, she has this amazing writing style I inhale at any opportunity. I Flipping Love You has so many things wrapped up showing off what I love most about her writing style – swoon worthy romance, drama that is whoa and sexy scenes that are perfect jill inspiration.

If you have not started the Shacking Up Series, I highly recommend taking the plunge. With book three under my belt, I have to say there are a few differences between the other two I have noticed vs book three. Shaking Up and Hooking Up definitely had this huge steam factor that I loved, but I Flipping Love You is more of this sweet adorable romance kind of build. Though I do love these kinds, it wasn’t the typical hot and heavy I crave, more on the side of cutesy.

Pierce is definitely my favorite – I am sorry, I know in romance sometimes we can be too fluffy for the men and hard-press on the female leads but I can’t help it. Pierce is a sweetheart from the start to the end, I cannot get enough of him. He has this grounded assertive personality that makes him really believable. Rian on the other spectrum for me is really love/hate. I love a female lead who has a strong moral standing, passionate, and really driven – Rian is definitely all of these things. She has spunk and I fucking love it. But the issue is that she got under my skin more often than not…. though she seems to be level headed and smart, she is farcical. I also felt that this hovering ‘secret’ she was hiding from Pierce was just overly exaggerated; she should have been more trusting, more relaxed though I get the reasoning, not entirely justified, just felt it did not flow in the overall outcome I was expecting.

But what I loved about their chemistry was how easy flowed it was as their relationship grew, they literally met accidentally. This of course continues to domino effect into more accidental run-ins. It was just fun. They have a hilarious dynamic that left me chuckling with each page turned. Their chemistry was very much established right at the beginning and did not stutter throughout – it was delicious.

Another tidbit that somewhat geared me to the side of hesitance was that Rian always seemed to have her feet half in half out perspective throughout the relationship. I assume it was based on her guarded personality and trust issues (again not fully unjustified) but just made the chemistry seem rather back and forth. Especially while Pierce was really pushy on their chemistry, even from the beginning he was adamant of a match and to make a couple.

Overall, this was a very cute, light read – I definitely read it in one sitting because as all Helena Hunting books, once I pick it up I cannot and will not stop. I was constantly grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire read because it was flipping adorable. Aside from my personal pet peeve with Rian, I really enjoyed Rian and Pierce’s romance. They had this feisty, fun chemistry and they were hilarious together. I cannot wait to see who happens next – I am on the fence, do I want Law or Marley… I kind of want Law!

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Rian Sutter and her sister Marley were once part of the Hamptons’ elite but thanks to their father and his sketchy business dealing they are now pretty much two broke girls just trying to get by. They’ve discovered they have a knack for Real Estate and now that they are doing well they plan to move into the Flipping business. They are finally gaining the capital they need to secure flips, and Rian is getting closure and closure to her dream of purchasing the home her grandmother once owned; until the gorgeous Whitfield Brothers enter the scene and start buying up all available properties on the beach and things get very interesting. Especially concerning Piece Whitfield.
Pierce Whitfield is finding that his current position as a patent lawyer in his father’s multi-million dollar company is not his passion. He’s boredom led to a massive error which forced him to take the summer off from his job; and led him Hamptons to stay with his brother and to discovering his real passion…buying, remodeling, and selling homes….flipping. Meeting Rian Sutter does nothing but confirm with Pierce that his days as a lawyer are pretty much numbered.
From the first encounter these two have in the grocery store the humor takes hold and makes this a really fun read. Aside from the flipping issues the two have there are secrets to be discovered on both sides. What I really like about this book is there isn’t that whole looong period where the two separate until the misunderstanding that occurs draws them back together. The first time we met Pierce was in Hooking Up, his sister Amelie’s story. I have to say, the Pierce I met in that story is nothing like this one. That Pierce seemed very serious and straight-laced. This one was as far from that straight-laced as you can get.
It’s rare that I actually like both characters but in this case, I loved these two. They were funny and sexy and quite adventurous….all I’m going to say on that note is beach sex and sand fleas!! Oh, and green speedos!!!! LOL

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Delicious, steamy and funny as hell! Helena Hunting is a go-to author for me every single time. She does not disappoint. A must read Rom-Com! You wont' regret it!

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Helena Hunting is one of my go to authors. This book had both humor and heart. I flipping loved it! I give it 4 ⭐️

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I Flipping Love You was a flipping fantastic read. And one that had me hooked from start to finish.

As it had everything I love in a Helena Hunting novel. Including an absorbing and charming storyline, fabulous main characters, lots of crazy antics, chemistry and humour. As well as great sex scenes, fun pet names and chapter titles. And some very interesting secondary characters, along with a couple of familiar ones.

And all of it combined perfectly to make an extremely enjoyable, entertaining and heartwarming story. That I honestly couldn't put down; and one that I would definitely recommend to others.

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