Member Reviews

It's hard to trust love on a good day but when you've been terribly disappointed by the ones that should love you the most it makes it that more difficult to open up to the possibility of love. I really enjoyed this riches to rags and back to riches love story. Looking forward to more. I volunteered an honest review for this ARC provided by NetGalley

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This book was as light and breezy as its beachside setting - a light rum drink of a book, perfect for beachside consumption. And if you should happen to drift off while you are reading with said beverages on the beach and accidentally skip a few pages, it mostly won’t matter - except for a few chapters toward the end.
The protagonists are both likable. Rian is smart, funny, and fiercely independent, and Pierce is just a nice guy. The plot is low on drama and sprinkled liberally with steamy scenes. Some of the parts that I think are supposed to be funny seem just awkward, and there is a lot that seems simply irrelevant. But no matter. This is a fun beach read, not a Pulitzer Prize winner. And it is perfect for what it is.

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I loved this book! I Flipping Love You had everything anyone could want in a romance. The characters were amazing, the humor was perfectly executed, the relationship was sweet, and there was added in a touch of mystery. Pierce was persistent in his perusal of of Rian. I loved watching their relationship unfold. This book stands out to me because of how well Helena Hunting wove together comedy and the sweet moments. I'm also impressed with her ability to write such an amazing hero! I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more by Helena Hunting!

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I absolutely loved this book. It was funny, sweet, and a genuine fun book. It follows Pierce and Rian’s rekationship. They both have baggage and some issues to work
through to get their HEA

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Sexy; fun, fast paced and sweet! I really enjoyed this book and flew through it. Pierce was lush and it was fun to watch her change as the story progressed.

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I Flipping Love You is the third installment in Helena Hunting’s Shacking Up trilogy.

This addition to the series was so buffed out it became lackluster. The main characters’ development was rudimentary; recreational banging and incessant bickering leads to more banging does not a solid relationship make. Rian, the female protagonist’s maturity was not only stunted but led to offensive inner monologue’s about several minor and main characters.
Hunting used the cliché writing device of ‘let’s hold all of our secrets to the very end of the story and draw out conflict for tired reasoning. The lack of communication between Rian and Pierce was stultifying, and bred more bickering dialogue that held no pertinence to a mature relationship, which they definitely did not own.

The stories premise was an original concept that did not meet any expectations set from it’s synopsis. The book’s opening held promise with it’s wit, humor and dialogue. Unfortunately, the character’s became linear and boring.

As a Helena Hunting fan I was disappointed, especially because Shacking Up (the first installment of this series) was such a delightful, light comedy.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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An interesting premise is thwarted by lack of strong characterization. A Long Island realtor and a Manhattan lawyer keep crossing paths. Mutual bickering becomes a solid relationship, but the book suffers from telling rather than showing any development. Additionally, I have a hard time believing that any grown woman talks about her body the way the female protagonist does in this novel.

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I Flipping Love You was such a great romance read and although it is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. I absolutely loved the characters; Marley, Rian, Pierce, Amalie and Lawson. These characters will definitely have you smiling and laughing at their antics. I definitely enjoyed the back and forth banter between Rian and Pierce; the main characters in this story. Marley and her sister Rian have a past they'd wish stayed hidden, but with Pierce's determination to have Rian she isn't so sure a relationship is worth the secret being revealed. Everyone has their secrets and is trying to do what is best for them but this was a journey worth going on with these characters. It was absolutely enjoyable and I definitely look forward to reading more books from this author in the future.

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**3.75 Stars**

I really liked this book! The synopsis is a little misleading in that there's not really any competition between the two, so while it sounds like it's supposed to be an enemies to lovers sort of romance, it definitely is not.

I loved all the characters in this book. Rian was very endearing and very much relatable. She was definitely the every day woman which I thought was a nice quality. She was strong yet had her insecurities, she loves her sister and is trying to make a good living for herself.

Pierce was SUCH a sweet guy. I was worried he was going to be the type to throw his money around, but he wasn't- at all. He was a sweet, caring, genuinely sweet person. He fawned over Rian and took his time getting to know her to break down her walls.

I loved that Amalie, Lawson, and Lex all made appearances in this book as I've always liked their characters.

Some things that were missing from this book was more explanation as to how Rian helped her father cheat people out of money. We never get to find out past she's "good at numbers and didn't know." I also wanted more of Lawson's scheming with regards to the properties. I'm still not entirely sure what was going on in that situation, but I'm PRETTY sure it was resolved. I'm thinking there is going to be a book for Lawson and possibly Marley, so maybe things get answered in that one. Hard to say.

Overall, I do recommend this book. The middle dragged just a hair, which is why I ultimately knocked off a 1/4 star, but it did not ruin it for me. I have really liked this series so far so I'm looking forward to if/when she writes another book in the Shacking Up world.

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I flipping loved this book! The characters were likeable, and it was hard to put the book for bedtime.

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This is a good beach/summer read. It's a rom-com with strong sexual chemistry between Pierce and Rian (the lead characters). This is a predictable, feel-good story with a strong willed heroine who (along with her sister) has pulled herself out of a terrible financial situation and is finally on her way to finding success. I found parts of the story a bit wordy, but it has a satisfying conclusion and the sexual chemistry between the leads really sizzles.

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3.5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC. The review below is entirely my own opinion.

It's been a while since I read books 1 & 2 of the series. But here's a little character refresher for you all and how the series connects to each other:

Shacking Up (book 1) was - Ruby and Bancroft.
Hooking Up (book 2) was - Amalie (Ruby's BFF) and Lex (Bancroft's brother).
I Flipping Love You (book 3) is - Rian and Pierce (Amalie's brother).

All 3 are stand-alone's.

Now on to my review.

I liked this book a lot. The MC's had great chemistry. There was snark. You like them as people, if you know what I mean. And boy, I loved the gnomes! (You have to read it to know what I'm talking about. 😝)

This is a good, enjoyable story with comedy that's not outrageous or corny. It had moments that you knew what was coming but thankfully, nothing was too drawn out or OTT.

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What a cute read. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. There was a fun quirky romance along with the dealings of real life.

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The enemies-to-lovers trope can be a fabulous one to get on board with, particularly if the chemistry jumped out at you, then goes beyond the hate-part and is somehow sustained throughout the entire plot. No one said however, that it isn’t a tricky one as well, despite the obvious trajectory to a HEA.

Yet it wasn’t quite a good sign when the characters were annoying from the start, despite the book starting out as somewhat fun and hysterical involving a grocery cart, a dented car and its repair cost. While I really do like the love-hate antagonism done right, I found it hard to swallow the irritating, shrewish and apparently empty-headed twin sister who tried to use faulty logic (and thankfully fails) to get out of a mistake she made, then the heroine Rian Sutter who built on the stupidity when tried to get Pierce Whitfield to lower his repair cost through equally faulty logic and wilfully misinterpreting everything he said, which felt no better than any other kind of manipulation.

Or maybe there was just something about an over-the-top Rian that rubbed me the wrong way; her unkind thoughts of and behaviour towards a less-than-ideal date playing yet another part in this, not to mention the initial impression she made in the beginning chapter. (Side rant: why are other men purposely written as slobbery, boring, clumsy and completely undesirable in order to boost the hero’s image? Shouldn’t a hero’s or heroine’s qualities speak for themselves without the need for the author to put others down?)

In any case, I found myself skimming after a while as the development of Rian/Pierce’s relationship got somewhat tortuous, wondering if the sense of humour here was just one that didn't appeal: there weren’t overtly hilarious moments for me though there was quirk. In fact, a few bits of dry wit from throwaway comments in the inner monologue had me smirking more than laughing out loud while the banter between Rian and Pierce didn’t exactly made me hack out a lung.

I wished I liked this story more, rather than just tolerated this until the end. But the best conclusion I can come to is that Helena Hunting just isn’t an author that fits my tastes, in a classic case of “it’s not you, it’s me”.

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This book is super cute! It will make you smile, laugh, and have you slowly falling in love with the characters. This is an HEA that is one of Helena's best.

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This was really funny and great. Loved the banter between Rian and Pierce. Hunting is the queen of rom-com.

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This was a fun read. This would be such a perfect summer beach read. It definitely kept my attention it was sassy, funny, sweet, and sexy all rolled up into one flipping great read. It had me laughing out loud and shaking my head at the funny moments. There's a little bit of drama that doesn't last long as it's resolved fairly quickly. Otherwise most of the story is all in good fun with some sexy romps thrown in for good measure. This was a flipping good read.
I received a copy of I Flipping Love You from NetGalley.

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*ARC (Advance Review Copy) received in exchange for an honest review*

I Flipping Love You by Helena Hunting is the first book that I have read by this author and it won’t be the last. This is the 3rd book in the Shacking Up series but it can be easily read as a standalone novel.

I Flipping Love You was a great read. It is entertaining, amusing, charming and sexy. I liked how Pierce pursued Rian with gusto. Their first meeting wasn’t what you would call pleasant, so that along with Rian’s bad luck in choosing men, made her hesitant to get involved with Pierce. He was persistent though and eventually his persistence pays off.

The premise for I Flipping Love You is an interesting one. It centers around buying, selling and flipping houses in the Hamptons. Rian and her sister Marley find their paths intersecting with Pierce and his brother Lawson. This creates some tension and rivalry.

I liked Rian and Pierce and I liked them even more as a couple. Rian is a hardworking, take charge kind of woman. She speaks her mind and doesn’t take crap from anyone. I quite enjoyed her Gnome retaliation. Pierce is charming and confident. He has some career decisions weighing on his mind during the course of the story and I was happy with the route he took in the end. His pursuit of Rian was sexy and fun. He was determined to win her heart and I am happy to say that he does.

I recommend I Flipping Love You to fans of Contemporary Romance.

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I am madly in love with the storyline of this book. It was hot, funny, and witty. I couldn't put it down. I love the house flipping story . This would make a great beach read. Perfect for summer.

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4.5 Hot Stars Rian & Pierce were a couple that fate kept putting in each other paths with funny romantic results. They were both trying to succeed in the Hampton flipping market. This is a new story line for me, I thought the book might be more about the fixer up side but it was geared more to the romance with flipping details in the background. This book is low drama with secrets revealed toward the end. I always enjoy a novel that leaves me feeling good with a smile on my face.

I have also read and enjoyed the other 2 books in the "Shacking Up" series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy provided by St. Martin's Press/Netgalley.

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