Member Reviews

Oh my stars! Helena Hunting is one of my favorite authors, so when I heard about this one, I was very excited. Sorry but who doesn’t want a handyman like the way she writes her heroes. Though this story has some interesting twists as we ride the storm of Rian and Pierce. Their chemistry is evident right from their first meeting. I had to die laughing because of how it all came about. Then their run in meetings. That fateful date. The sand fleas. These two were priceless together. Their passion is insane too. Like fan yourself hot!
While this book is funny, there is the emotional and raw side to it as well. The past constantly haunts Rian. She struggles getting past it. But I adore how Pierce is there for her and how he helps and holds her up as well. I love how he fights for her too. And that epilogue. It was priceless.
Overall, I really loved this story. You have everything you need to make it amazing. I couldn’t put it down at all. There is witty banter, passion, raw emotions and so much more. The fluidity of this story is perfect too. Character build on point and oh so much more. I cannot say how much I adored this story! I highly recommend it!

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I was so excited when I saw the opportunity to read this book before the release date! I immediately stopped my current book and started it! I really enjoyed it! It is such a cute, funny, make your heart melt book! Love the chemistry between the characters and the flow of their story. I will definitely recommend I Flipping Love You!! I can't wait until release day because I am making sure all my friends get this book!

Thank you!!

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Rian and Pierce meet in a grocery store where he accuses her of hitting his car and taking off the previous weekend. Rian thinks he is crazy until her twin, Marley, makes an appearance in the aisle and recognition flares between she and Pierce. Rian then discovers that Marley does not always make good decisions and she is left to negotiate a settlement with Pierce.

Pierce is intrigued by Rian. He is currently on leave from his job as a patent lawyer because of a mistake. His family owns a "doll" business and his father wanted him to become a patent attorney to protect their interests. Pierce spends the summer in the Hamptons flipping houses with his brother. He discovers he really likes it. He decides to pursue Rian because she intrigues him beyond logical reason.

Their first interactions do not go smoothly and Rian is left embarrassed most of the time. I did like her spirit but found her to be stuck in her head a lot. Her family's past was a nightmare but she used it as an excuse to push people away constantly. She was quite a hypocrite at points and I felt she should have come clean sooner. She used various excuses to push Pierce away.

Pierce was not perfect, but he tried to make up for his faults every time. He tried to pursue Rian while still making her comfortable. He could tell she wanted to bolt a lot and had to take evasive maneuvers to keep her with him. Their chemistry was great and I found myself liking them together.

The book did a good job of being hot while still telling a believable story. Both characters came away as likable overall in the end. I found myself rooting for them. I was glad to have received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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I didn't realize this was the third in the Shacking Up series. I wasn't a big fan of the first but each book after has been increasingly more enjoyable. That being said, I was a little worried at the beginning as I just wasn't feeling the chemistry but it picked up around the 30% mark. We got to know more of a back story for both H/h and then I was sucked right in. As always with Helena Hunting the pacing was good, there were some laughs, and the ending didn't feel rushed. Now can we get a book for Marley please?!? That girl needs some lovin' too!

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Pierce and Rian are such a cute couple. They are funny and the chemistry between the two is incendiary. It’s a quick and funny read. Helena Hunting is such a witty writer.I received an advance review copy in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley.

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I was so excited to read this in advance reading copy. Helena Hunting just has this way of writing that you fall in love with her characters. There hasn’t been a book by Helena that I haven’t loved.

This book was amazing. Right from the first page this book had me hooked, I couldn’t put it down. Pierce and Rian had just the perfect amount it chemistry that keeps you turning the pages eager to see what comes next . Their witty banter brings a smile to your face as you read..... I flipping love this book!

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So much fun. What happens when the responsible twin gets blamed for the troublemaker?
Sparks fly. From grocery store stalking to date interrupter, Pierce is the fly in Rian's ointment. No matter where she turns, there he is, with his infuriating smirk and to die for body, getting on her gd nerves! This story goes from hilarious to heart felt in a New York minute. Very enjoyable and engaging.

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Rian and Pierce meet as a result of a hit and ditch...with hilarious consequences that just keep getting funnier! My particular fave was Terry the lawn bowler!

This was a sweet and sexy story with zing! The anticipation was killing me! And when all is revealed my heart did a flip flop. In fact Pierce made it flip flip a hella lot!!

I love everything that this author writes and this was no exception.

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SO good. Just so good. I LOVED this story, the characters (okay, Lawson had to grow on me), the glimpses of other characters, and just really everything about it! Romantic and sexy done right is the best way I can describe this book! I will honestly never think of an online dating experience in the same way after that restaurant scene :)

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I was thrilled to get a copy of this ARC from Netgalley! What an adorable couple Pierce & Rian turn out to be! I simply couldn't put this one down once I started. Pierce is seriously swoonable! He does everything right. Sexy in a suit, jeans, or yes even a lime green speedo!! He is the perfect man, good with his brain and his hands! Rian is sweet and sassy and so smart and having a hard time resisting the relentless Pierce.
The story itself is clever, witty, funny, sweet and extremely hot and sexy! I loved it!!!

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Rian and Pierce meet at a grocery store. Someone has damaged Pierces car in a parking lot and left the scene, he thinks it was Rian. The resulting scene is hilarious.

This book will have you laughing out loud. It is a heartwarming, funny, sexy romance, perfect for an afternoon at the beach. This is the first book I have read by this author and I doubt it will be the last. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy of this book.

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I love the premise of this story! Rian and Pierce had chemistry from the start and fate, chance, or whatever you want to call it kept pushing them into each other’s path. Rian was easy to relate to and root for, everyone has a little something from their past that changes who they are and how they live their life. Pierce was charming, funny, cocky, and perfect for Rian.

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Her sister needs to grow up.

Rich people are cheap.

Forget weird. This is getting downright creepy. The Hamptons is not that small!

Amalie s marrying her ex's cousin?

His brother is a twat.

That was a cute proposal.

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Over the last year, we've enjoyed the latest series of stand alone novels by Helena Hunting. They always offer such a nice balance of humor and swoony romance and, of course, I Flipping Love You continues along those lines. This novel features the brothers of Amalie, and particularly Pierce and his fierce love interest, Rian. Without going into it too much (because so much of what I want to say is so very spoilery), I'll say that Pierce and Rian weren't exactly what I thought they would be and that's a good thing. I read the synopsis and kinda had this one idea of how things might go and while some of the trope-y things I thought were there, some things were a nice surprise. I really enjoyed Rian and Pierce and their personalities and the way they meshed. And, of course, I enjoyed the funny banter, the warm fuzzy feelings Pierce gave me, and the sweet ending.

This novel has me longing for cookies fresh out of the oven and the beach--two things that should be attainable for me in the very near future.

If you're looking for a swoony romcom, or a light beach read, look no further.

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5 Flipping Stars

Wow! I can’t really put into words the way I feel after reading this book. I know Helena has an amazing ability to write heroes that I will fall for—no matter what. Honestly, she hasn’t written a man I haven’t wanted to drop to my knees for.

OH, is that too much? EH. You’ll be okay. But let’s get to Pierce and Rian (with an i).

You may remember Pierce from Hooking Up. He’s mentioned briefly since he’s Anarachy Amie’s brother. You know the lawyer brother? The one you kinda wanted to know more about, but you weren’t focused on that because you were too focused on Sexy Lexy?

Yeah, that Pierce. And OMG. Pierce. I don’t even have the mental capacity after that wild ride. He’s sweet, kind, caring, generous (in bed and out), and just amazing. As soon as I finished this, I messaged my best book girlfriend and RAVED about Pierce. I crazily explained how I just couldn’t handle how perfect this book was. The writing, the characters, the story. All of it is perfect. The back and forth, the push and pull, the lust and love. It’s. All. Perfect.

Absolutely Flipping Perfect.

Where do I go from here? Because I'm going to need more from this Shacking Up world and I'm gonna need it in a way that only Helena Hunting can deliver.

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I started smiling the minute I read the first few pages of I Flipping Love You. Pierce Whitfield and Rian Sutter meet under unusual circumstances. Their banter and back and forth is hilarious. Their time together sexy and sweet. Pierce is not only hot but he’s persistent and understanding- unwavering in his determination. Rian is sweet, smart and sassy, slightly reserved in giving into the building feelings. Great flow and comical encounters add to this sexy romcom. Definitely a fun and enjoyable read.

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This is book 2 in a series and I never read book 1. The first book is about the hero Pierce's, sister Lex and this is his story. The story starts in a super market when Rian gets accosted by him and he discovers she is the good twin. Prior to the supermarket he had met her twin sister. So this story starts out fun and it stays fun throughout the whole story.

Rian has a tragic past and so she dates nerds and boring guys and Pierce is so NOT boring, so when he tries to date her, she tries to fight it hard, until fate won't let her and so the fun begins.

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Loved this one. Fun read!
This new chick lit story hits the mark with a wonderful story featuring a lifelong dream. Living in the Hamptons, buying houses, updating and flipping them. Who wouldn’t love that scenario?

It all seems so wonderful until we meet the guys down the beach.

Helena Hunting crafts a delightful story about two sisters that are definitely different personalities. Along with two brothers that are also completely different personalities. Funny enough they are attracted to each other but this story focuses just on our swoon-worthy Pierce and the uptight Rian

He is determined to crack her icy exterior and slowly, but surely, she warms up to him. Then all bets are off. Sexy scenes and sweat inducing hookups make this a hot ass read that will completely suck you in. I have to cheer Pierce on as he tries his hardest to win her over. He slowly works on her but she is hiding things too.

I really liked Pierce's character but she was a bit harder for me to warm up to. Complete opposite from her sister, she was uptight and did not let people in. He, on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and just had a great personality.

A fun change of pace with a great theme running through it, I Flipping Love You has everything we look for in a contemporary romance. It does not disappoint.

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You won’t regret reading this book.
I was expecting to be reading a made up story based upon one of the TV shows. I wasn’t excited with this idea.
Turns out it was not like that at all. So much better..
loved the build up in the plot, loved the way the characters backgrounds were portrayed, loved how it all came together for a fantastic story.
I was always excited to get back to reading this book.
I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did. It is worth every bit of the five stars!

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After her parents lost their family fortune Rian Sutter found herself going from living a posh lifestyle to one a little closer to penny pinching, it was a big adjustment, but her and her twin sister have found a way to make it work. They have found their niche in the real estate world and are slowly climbing out of the hole their parents' financial demise put them in, and have actually taken an interest in flipping homes. Their first potential flip is a beautiful beachfront home that could really put their business on the map and put a decent amount of profit in their pockets... but then they find out that there's a sexy lawyer trying to steal their beachfront property out from under them! Rian isn't about to let Pierce steal their house without a good fight, she has worked her tail off for this opportunity and she intends to to keep it. But as soon as the battle begins she soon learns that isn't all Pierce wants from her...

Between the pages of I Flipping Love You you will meet some amazing characters that will take you on an unforgettable literary journey; a journey that is riddled with heartfelt drama, witty banter, toe-curling romance, and lots of passionate and angsty battles that keep things hot! This wonderfully crafted story was so much fun to devour, these characters had me laughing and swooning throughout, and gave me a serious case of the feels! I hate to admit this but this is my first novel from Ms. Hunting, and after finishing it I am really kicking myself for waiting so long, her writing was top notch, the story line was very creative, it's truly a can't miss read!! I highly recommend this one, it's romance at it's best!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.

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