Member Reviews

Great beach read! This one gets 4.5 stars! I enjoyed the element of real estate and flipping houses., along with the humor. I have not read the first two books in this series but it can be a stand alone novel. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Fun read, kinda refreshing spin on a turf war with a lot of sexual tension. Some things didn't mesh for me with some of the supporting characters, but all in all it was a good read.

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I really liked this book! The story was so cute, and original. I LOVE the HGTV channel about buying and flipping or updating homes, so I just had to read this book after reading the description!
I liked the writing; this is my first book by Helena Hunting and I'll have to add her to my list of good romance writers. The character development was good. It was filled with all sorts of humor and had me laughing out loud throughout the entire book. The story started out with a bang and held my attention throughout. There were some secrets held back and were not revealed until the end... which led to the author being repetitive throughout the book. What I mean about that is the author kept hinting about, and repeating little parts of the main characters past history, but wouldn't go into details about it until the end of the book. That's the only thing I didn't like about the book and kept me from giving it a five stars.
This was a super cute and funny romance novel with some steamy sex scenes. I highly recommend this book to whoever enjoys a contemporary romance novel and who enjoys humor thrown in. This is the third book in this series and I can’t wait to go back and read the first two in the series. It is a stand-alone book.
*A special thank you to St. Martin’s Press Publishing, and NetGalley, for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.*

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This was a fun book to read! It was funny, sexy, sweet and a great story line. The lead characters, Rian and Pierce have this fun, sassy romance that draws the reader into the story and you can't help but hope that these two get together. This was my first book by this author, but definitely not my last! I didn't realize this is the third book in the series, will be getting the other two now.

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This was such a fun and flirty read. From the first page to the last, I had a smile plastered to my face. I loved the wit and sexual tension that layered each page. I also loved the desire the sisters had to do better in their lives and the desire to be lady house flippers. The characters all had a special piece to bring to the puzzle. And not just that, it was exiting to see the characters come full circle. If you’re looking for a quick fun read, then please pick this book up. You won’t be disappointed.

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No spoilers!!! WOW! I flipping feel in love with Rian an Pierce! Helena Hunting does ROM-COM like no other author. I flipping love you will have you laughing out loud and the swooning the next. The chemistry between the characters flowed so well. A great story that will keep you entertained from the beginning to the end . 4 Stars only because I felt like I needed more!! An overall must read!

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Awesome book!!! I loved the chemistry between Rian and Pierce!!! Love the humor as well!!! I can't wait to read the next book by Helena Hunting!!!

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I flipping love this book! Rian and Pierce are THE perfect characters to work together and fall in love!! From the fixer upper to the mansion on the hill, I could not put this book down and Helena Hunting does not disappoint.

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**I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher.**

If I had to describe I Flipping Love You, by Helena Hunting, in a single word it would be steamy! In truth, I loved this book. Rian and her sister have seen hard times and are working in real estate hoping to save enough money to flip a house in the Hamptons. Their ultimate goal is to buy back their grandmother’s house and perhaps turn it into a B&B. When their sale is stolen out from under them, they bump heads with Whitfield brothers. Pierce is a lawyer who’s helping his brother fix up houses while his father’s company cleans up the accidental mess he made of the family business. Their chemistry is off the charts. Pierce pursues her and Rian gives in to what she assumes will be a casual summer fling. After all, he’s going back to Manhattan after everything is sorted out, isn’t he?

There wasn’t anything I didn’t love about this book. Red hot chemistry with lots of delightfully steamy scenes, witty banter, real emotion, and 2 mature MCs with baggage that figure things out together. I laughed so many times. I found Pierce such a refreshing guy. He had a romantic side that he wasn’t afraid to pull out, he was honest in a direct yet playful way, and he always took Rian’s feelings into account. Lots of authors attempt to write this into a character, but Hunting did it perfectly. I loved Rian too, and found her very easy to relate too.

I think everyone would enjoy this book. Let me put it to you this way. I loved it so much, I’m planning to buy myself my own copy. You should get yourself one too!

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I’ve been a rom-com mood lately, a void that Hollywood (despite their plethora of Chrises) refuses to fill, so I picked up I Flipping Love You by Helena Hunting. It was described to me as a romantic comedy with a case of mistaken identity and a lot of sexy fireworks. The problem was, I wouldn’t say this book is actually very funny and some of the devices used to try and make it humorous didn’t work for me. It was a solid contemporary romance and I enjoyed it, but I didn’t get the chuckles I was looking for.

Rian Sutter and her sister Marley are twins. Marley swipes Pierce Whitfield’s Tesla with her own car and then flees the scene. Pierce later sees Rian in a grocery store, assumes she’s Marley, and confronts her about the damage. Rian pays for the damage (and doesn’t chew her sister out the way I would), and Pierce asks her out. She refuses. He seems like an arrogant asshole to her.

Now Pierce asking her out is tied up with the car repair so initially Pierce read as pretty gross to me. Take this scene where Rian realizes Pierce is asking her out:

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

“We can call it a date if that’s what you want.”

It suddenly clicks what he’s trying to do. “Hold on a second. Are you trying to blackmail me into having sex with you over a car repair? Because if that’s your angle, I’m sorry to tell you, but you can’t put a price tag on my vagina. She is not for sale.”

Half of me is flattered that he thinks sex with me would be worth trading for a three-grand car repair. The other half of me is disgusted that I’m flattered at all.

Three grand is still a pretty hefty price tag, but still. Only a few cars have parked in my garage. I’m not interested in letting another in there simply to avoid paying for a repair, even if the car is a nice one and is owned by a seriously hot man.

“Whoa. Simmer down, sweetheart. I’m not trying to blackmail you. You were the one asking about a sexist comment discount. All I’m suggesting is that we discuss how to proceed over drinks. They can be of the non alcoholic variety if you’re worried about being under the influence around me. And for the record, I neither said nor implied that sexual favors would be involved, but I’m quite intrigued that you’ve automatically assumed it would be included in the deal.”

Well, gosh, Piece, when you live in a world where your body is not safe from predatory behavior, it’s kind of easy to jump to the conclusion that the guy who you owe three grand to, and who keeps flirting with you and asking you out, might be hoping to profit sexually from your sister’s mistake. Welcome to being a woman. Every conversation and transaction with a strange man has layers of “am I safe?” running beneath it.

So this scene squicked me out, and I assumed I would hate Pierce for the rest of the book, but he did improve as a character later on.

Rian pays Pierce and fully expects never to see him again. Then she and Marley (whom I still wouldn’t be talking to) head to the Hamptons for a beach weekend. Marley and Rian work in real estate. Marley does the people stuff, and Rian runs the numbers. They’re hoping to get enough liquidity to buy a Hamptons home and flip it, with their ultimate goal being getting enough money to buy the Mission Mansion, a house that once belonged to their late grandmother.

Rian was close to her grandmother, a woman who raised her and Marley after their parents were convicted of fraud and fled the US. Knowing that her parents’ white collar crime would impact their ability to do business in real estate, Marley and Rian try to keep their family connections a secret, and it’s something that Rian feels a lot of shame over. Rian and Marley grew up well off, but their parents’ actions bankrupted the family, forcing them to sell the Mission Mansion, the only place Rian ever really felt safe and loved.

So they head to the Hamptons to snoop around and see what might be coming up for sale, and guess whose house they rented for the weekend? Yup, Pierce. Well, Pierce and his brother Lawson. These dudes are rich (although how rich isn’t revealed until later). Lawson is buying up Hamptons properties and renovating them for rent. Pierce, a patent attorney, fucked up an important patent for his family’s business, is embarrassed by it, and is taking the summer off to reevaluate if that’s even the job he really wants. Basically, Lawson buys houses and then Pierce hits things with a hammer to work out his tender emotions.

So Pierce and Rian run into each other, and now that the car thing is solved, wind up having super hot sex on top of a running washing machine. Front loading, I would assume. Then Rian realizes that Pierce is basically her competition in the local housing market and is like “Oh, fuck.”

In terms of conflict, I think if you removed Lawson and Marley from the book, Pierce and Rian would have been fine having a relationship and being in the same business. It’s their siblings who freak out over the boning-plus-professional-competition thing. Pierce and Rian actually handle it like adults.

And Pierce slowly morphs into more of a beta hero. He doesn’t just want sex. He wants to cuddle and have lazy Sundays and be a good partner to Rian. He’s a hero in pursuit but he’s not gross about it (anymore).

My issue was, there were parts in this book that were clearly intended to be laugh-out-loud or at least snicker-out-loud funny and they fell short. For example, Rian and Pierce have beach sex and she gets eaten alive by sand fleas (Pierce is very sweet and gets her Benedryl and rubs anti-itch ointment all over her). This scene didn’t work for me, but for very Elyse-specific reasons. If I even read about bug bites, I get sympathetically itchy. Having sand flea bites all over your body isn’t funny, it’s terrifying. My sister mentioned mites to me when we brought our kitten, Fisher, home from the rescue and I had anxiety-induced hives until we got him to the vet to confirm he was pest free. I would seriously wake up with hives on my face because I thought he might have mites, and while I’m sure not everyone has my psychosomatic prowess, that scene still made me itchy.

There’s another scene where Rian and Pierce are both trying to cozy up to an “old” lady Muriel to get the inside track when she sells her house. Rian visits with her and Peirce helps her out with odd jobs, including cleaning her pool while wearing a Speedo:

He swaggers–it’s definitely not a walk or a strut–around the pool, grabbing the net. He starts at the other side, giving me time to ask some pertinent questions. I have an idea as to why Pierce is here–likely for a similar reason I am. We both want the house. I want to sell it or flip it, and he wants to buy it and rent it. It could end up working in both our favors, unless Marley thinks this is a better house to flip–then I really will be sleeping with the enemy.

He’s definitely got a leg up, or at least another, more enticing appendage. And showing up in a Speedo is a new level of playing dirty. I can’t compete with his six-pack.

“Does Pierce stop by often?”

“Every few days or so. He helps me water the plants and take care of the gardens between landscaping company visits. He usually brings his dog, Trip.”

“Trip?” I feign a questioning look.

She laughs and takes another long gulp of her drink. “Poor little broken mutt has three legs. You’d almost think they’re twins.” She nods in Pierce’s direction with a wink and a nudge.

Okay, so first of all, I’d drink with Muriel. Secondly, Muriel is sixty-five which isn’t an age I consider “old.”

What’s really gross here is the fact that both of them are manipulating Muriel in order to get a better shot at buying her house. Pierce even acknowledges that she’s lonely and looking for friendship, like he’s trying to be a nice guy or something. Except he shows up in a Speedo, specifically to titillate her. Rian bakes her cookies. Neither of them have any intention of keeping up with Muriel after she moves. Their motives are selfish and it wasn’t cool. I don’t like it when protagonists think of other characters as devices instead of people, and I don’t like it when protagonists take advantage of another person’s vulnerability for their own profit.

Muriel aside, Pierce and Rian’s summer romance gets complicated by their competing interests, their siblings who aren’t great, and the fact that neither of them wants to talk about their families. For Rian that means admitting her parents committed fraud then abandoned her sister and her. For Pierce that means telling Rian that’s he’s actually a really wealthy guy, not just a dude helping his brother renovate houses.

Overall, I Flipping Love You was okay. It wasn’t really funny and it took me awhile to warm up to the hero. A lot of the conflict revolved around shitty family members, but then a lot of conflict in real life does too. In the end, I Flipping Love You was a decent contemporary if you like home renovation and beach settings, but it didn’t deliver the laughs I was craving.

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I flipping love I Flipping Love You! Helena always does an amazing job creating characters that are well developed, sexy, and fun. If you've never read a book by Helena, you should start now. This book has romance, comedy, love, and it's hot!!! A great summer read.

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A fun summer read with more character depth than I expected.

This is definitely a romance with a healthy dose of comedy, but I enjoyed the more serious and heartfelt aspects of the story too.

If you have read the earlier books in the series there are some cameos from other characters. This can definitely be read as a standalone, though.

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"I Flipping" LOVED this book! It was a fun, sexy case of "mistaken" identify romp that is also achingly sweet. Even though this is a stand-a-lone, I enjoyed the glimpse into the lives of previous characters.

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I loved the strength and sassy of Rian! and Pierce was a great fit for her. There are some really hilarious scenes and situations that they get themselves into, and out of. It was very easy to get vested in these characters and it go along for the ride.

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Love Helena Hunting’s work and this read is a continuation of her characters steamy chemistry, wit, and charm! Loved ever minute of it!

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I flipping adored this story... these characters! From the very first chapter, I was hooked. The sexual tension between Pierce and Rian had me salivating!

"He's all-American handsome with a shot of alpha hotness."

Pierce is so much more than meets the eye. On first look, you would think he's your typical "pretentious, rich prick" dressed in Tom Ford suits with perfect hair and a body to die for. But he's not! He's funny, sweet, and just... perfection.

"...when I saw her in the cereal aisle and really got a good look at her, I noted how gorgeous she was. The kind of beautiful that numbs your tongue and jacks up your heart rate."

Rian is beautiful, smart, and incredibly guarded. She lives with emotional scars created by a past that continues to haunt her. For years, it's been just Rian and her twin sister, Marley, against the world. Rian isn't looking for love. She's looking for a financially secure future for herself and her sister.

"Rian is the beginning and the end."

When Pierce and Rian meet, sparks fly. The event that brings them together is quite hilarious and had me laughing out loud. The chemistry between them is instant. The angst was off the charts, and I loved it! Their flirty banter and intimate dialogue had me giggling and swooning like a teenage school girl. I could not get enough of these two!

I Flipping Love You was a sweet and sexy read. I enjoyed every minute of it! Helena Hunting creates a story with an ideal amount of heat, humor, and heart. I HIGHLY recommend!

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An adorable story of flipping houses and loving rivalries. A definite fun and sexy read, characters with heart and an overall enjoyable and adorable story. Thank you for the opportunity to read this title prior to publication--I just loved it!

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This book was hilarious and sweet all at the same time. I'm a sucker for romances, and although steamy at times, you can feel the love pouring out of this novel.

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I always enjoy Helena Hunting's books--they're fun and funny, and sexy, and have characters I find interesting. I liked Rian a lot, and I liked Pierce too. Her sister and his brother, though, could have used a little more fleshing out. The premise of the story was appealing, and I enjoyed how it unfolded. Nothing felt particularly rushed. The setting was lovely, and I felt like I'd taken a little vacation of my own.

This reminded me of Man Card by Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby--I like the real estate angle quite a bit.

Well worth reading.

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So someone hits Pierce’s car, he finds who he thinks is the girl who did it and it turns out it was her identical twin sister. The making of an awkward story but actually it was fun, easy to read with just the right amount of angst sprinkled in.

I loved Rian, her sassy nature, her humour and the way she is when she’s around Pierce was what made this book so good! Pierce was weird at the beginning but I quickly fell in love with him and now I want to keep him for himself!

A good story for a newbie to Helena Hunting, for those who are already fans of her books, you’ll love this one!

4 stars

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