Member Reviews
When you first start this book, listen to the warning. This book is sure to leave you entertained, depressed, scared, scarred and slightly relieved that you have gone so far in your life without knowing that "wound sex" is a thing. Choose Your Own Misery: Dating was hilarious! I couldn't put it down and all of the adventures were funny, scary, or downright disturbing. I loved that you could play as a man or a woman. It really did put it in perspective that everyone has it bad.
If you need a laugh and/or a cry, this is the book for you. It has anywhere from "wound sex" to "let's contact the ex" relationship horrors. It's sure to delight and/or frighten everyone.
**I received this book in exchange for an honest review**
I love how this is a situation based book. A choose your own destiny type of thing. It was entertaining and hilarious all in one shot. It's not something that I would read on a regular basis, but if you're into situation based reading I'm sure you'd like this. All in all, I loved the creativity! I felt like I was the character choosing what I will do next and the consequences of my choices. A very entertaining read!
Of all the Choose Your Own Misery books, this has been my least favorite. That being said, please note that I laughed my fool head off at the first two, and cannot recommend enough picking them up, for a bit of nostalgia, a lot of cringing, and buckets of cackling.
And this one provided all three of those, though the cringing came by the metric ton. As expected, I suppose.
The book veers off, one for men seeking women and the other women seeking men. No LGBT love here, but before you get offended, please note that you reaaaaaaaally don't want to partake in the world of dating with this lot.
There's a little something to offend everyone here, though some are a touch more O_O than others. We cover the spectrum, from Inbreeding (don't make the first move, at least while ovulating), casualties of shaving (not your face), speed dating, match making. We date older, we date younger.
And boy, oh boy, do we hit every single kink I could possibly pull up from my work place memory. One in particular I am entirely too familiar with nearly had me on the ground crying with laughter.
The gross out factor was a bit much for me, which is why I don't love it as much as the first two. That is not a discouragement, though. There is absolutely a market for this book. I'd like to give one to every Tinder user active today.
Also, I REALLY want a shirt that says, "C: DOS, C:DOS/RUN, RUN DOS, RUN". Now, please.
I do love a good "choose your own adventure" style story but this was a bit too high brow for my taste. I read through a couple different scenarios and both did not end an interesting way. While this a fun look at the perils of online dating it could have had a little more depth.
So I LOVED the book, but I also LOVED choose your own adventure books as a kid, and I happen to have left the dating scene just enough pre-Tinder that I have friends who had to go through it, but I didn't myself, so it's hysterical to hear their stories for the most part. In other words, I'm the EXACT demographic Mike MacDonald and Jilly Gagnon want, and I can use their book to mock my friends lovingly (and/or show them how making the same choices over and over keeps getting them into the same Tinder match situation).
This book is definitely entertaining for the new age online dating. There are definitely different scenarios to choose from quite often. While I found it to be entertaining, it is not something I could relate to.
I thought this looked fun and it was most chose your next step started repeating on the third try ...I dint jnow I ever read every scenario but stopped trying as the same things kept popping up was very adult and so be prepared for that ...was enjoyable
I played this through 6 times, and each time the story was funny, unpredictable and thoroughly grim. Great fun all round.
First, I would like to thank Mike MacDonald, Jilly Gagnon, Diversion Books, and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.
Choose Your Own Misery: Dating by Mike MacDonald & Jilly Gagnon is a MUST READ for any single ladies or men out there!! This book had me rolling on the floor laughing hysterically at most of the book! I loved how the author pokes fun of Tinder, Speed Dating, Online Dating, etc. I have been there and done that and felt their pain. However, their dates and experiences blew mine right out of the water!
I loved how the readers got both the male and the female perspective on dating. Glad to know that guys have it just as hard as girls do.
This book is full of stories of finding dates, interesting choices one chooses to make their profile picture, and their experiences on their dates. It is one book that will have you smiling, laughing, totally shocked, and feeling totally bad for that person on the date.
I will admit my ultimate favorite story in the whole book was about Ryder Strong from Boy Meets World whom I am a huge fan of. That story totally cracked me up and had me smiling ear to ear. Made me wonder if that really happened to the author or if she made it up. If it really happened to her high five to her. But, I was shaking my head at Rider at the end of the story!
I give this a three, because clearly it is not for my age group, so I won't bash it. It is probably enjoyable for the younger generation and for those having a horrible time dating.. Cute new way to do the Choose Your Own Adventure type books. If I were in my 20's I would be totally into this book.
I am currently living a nightmare of dating apps so I had to laugh when I saw there was a "Choose Your Own Misery" book related to Dating. I probably shouldn't have started it because like I said, I am living it, but I had to see if they came up with anything worse than what I have already experienced and as a kid I LOVED Choose Your Own Adventure books so I had to give it a go. I'm usually hesitant to read these in e-book forms since it's hard to "flip" to the page that you need, but this book had hyperlinks with "swipe left for NO" and "swipe right for YES" as the way to get to the next part of your story.
My first time through I "played" as if I was myself and what I would do in all the scenarios. I had to laugh when it asked me if I was willing to expand my age range, because when I was feeling down and desperate and ran out of guys to swipe on that was *exactly* what I did. In this scenario I ended up going on a date to a fancy restaurant where my date had a heartattack and left in an ambulance, leaving me with the bill. Yikes.
My second attempt I decided to "play" as a male. That date ends in a medical emergency too.
The third go round I decided to stay as myself again, just to pick something different in the beginning to see where I'd end up instead of the fancy restaurant. This time I end up at a gym trying to hit on a trainer, who ignores my asking to go out for drinks until he matches with me on Kindler while I'm at the gym.. standing in front of him? lol. We go out and surprise surprise it doesn't end well (but at least not medical emergency.)
I'm sure there are plenty more scenarios for me to play out, so I'll let you get to finding this book and I'll see what other trouble I can get myself into...
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.
I used to love these kind of books where you can select your choice, and it determines where the story goes. It's fun to go back and make different choices as well. I love how the stories/choices were very relevant to today's society and culture. This was pure entertainment.
I was intrigued by this book and i loved the concept of picking your own depressing love life. I thought the heterosexual side was well thought out and there was a lot of choices to pick from however there was only one lesbian option and the ending for that was suitably depressing, given the nature of the book. I think this is a fun pick me up once in a while but it's not a book that i would say is one of the must reads around.
As soon as i seen this book listed on Netgalley, i knew i wanted to read it. I was a huge fan of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books as a child, as i was so excited to get the chance to read an adult version. I played through twice already, once as each sex, and i will probably be playing through a few more times before the weeks end. Although this book has some modern subjects ( online dating being the main topic ) it still had a shot of nostalgia and i loved that about it. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for the physical book in store, as i have a few friends who would love this as much as i did. Thank you again for the ARC.