Member Reviews

Daphne Wentworth became Countess Carrington, after her father blackmailed Sylvester, the Earl of Carrington, into marrying her. After six years of coldness from him, Daphne has decided that to face the wrath of the ton, by requesting a divorce, in order to have a life that is her own. However, Sylvester has also decided that after a near death experience, that he must sire an heir and in doing so, recreate a real marriage with Daphne. In doing so, they must come to know each other as they should have, six years earlier.
As always, Stacy Reid manages to captivate the reader with her descriptive language and encapsulating story line. This book has everything from unrequited love to passion. I also enjoyed the connection to the previous book; however, this is a stand-alone story.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A story about a couple already married and having to fix their marriage is a welcome change in a historical romance novel. The fact that Daphne has been in love with Sylvester and unaware that he was blackmailed into marrying her adds a dimension to their relationship that, at times, it seems as if they will never be able to overcome. This story is excellent for anyone wanting to read about second chances in love and fighting for what really makes you happy in life.

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I’m always a sucker for a second chance romance, so when I read the blurb for The Earl in My Bed it didn’t take me long to hit the button to request for review.

For years, Daphne Wentworth, Countess Carrington has loved her powerful, enigmatic husband, despite the fact that they married under less than ideal circumstances. But no more. Finally at her breaking point, Daphne intends to create a scandal so big, her austere husband will have no choice but to divorce her. Except everything goes awry when he surprises her with the last thing she expected.

Sylvester Wentworth, Earl of Carrington, has returned to London for one reason—to seduce his wife. After a near-death experience, he is in need of an heir and means to make his marriage a real one. To his shock, though, his wicked, beautiful countess wants the exact opposite, and he must now do everything possible to entice his countess to stay forever.

What the blurb doesn’t tell you is that the “less than ideal circumstances” are pretty less than ideal. It involves blackmailing, an out-of-wedlock pregnancy and a man protecting his family. I’m not giving much away because all of this plays out in the first chapter. It’s dirty and incredibly sad and I already felt sad for both the heroine and hero before the author even fast forwarded six years in the future to show their cold, loveless marriage.

Six years later Daphne is done with being estranged from her husband and ready to do anything to acquire a divorce. Which is just about the time Sylvester decides it’s about time to return to England and set about getting to know his wife and producing an heir. He’s a few months removed from a near death experience that scared him enough to come home and try to change his life. Daphne is set on a separation and Sylvester is set on wooing his wife, so they come to an agreement. Two months of getting to know you, touchy/feely, alone time for Sylvester to work his charm, but if Daphne still wants a divorce at the end Sylvester will grant her what she wishes.

The Earl in My Bed isn’t a long book, less than 200 pages. It’s a fast, lovely read about two people finally deciding to set aside the past and find happiness in the future. I enjoyed this couple and even though at times I was alternately frustrated with each of them, I completely understood where they were both coming from emotionally. What a terrible way to begin a marriage.

This book covers several months of time, so there are quite a few time jumps between events and lots of telling, not showing. It really didn’t bother me because the author manages to develop this couple’s relationship rather well. There are lots of nicely done steamy scenes mixed in with a whole lot of conversations and trips out and about town.

There is a subplot involving the hero and his political involvement trying to pass laws ending slavery in all British territories which I would have liked to have dived deeper into. There is a villain (one of several), a kidnapping and some talk of Sylvester having a past that gives him the knowledge on ways to overpower multiple assailants and enter in a knife fight in order to protect his countess. I don’t think Sylvester’s backstory was fleshed out very well because I felt a bit lost when ever he eluded to things that happened during his time away from England. I’m not really sure what the near death experience was now that I’m thinking about it. This may be because I didn’t read the first book in the series, I don’t know.

The romance itself was lovely. This is my first book by this author, but I enjoyed her voice immensely and will be hitting up Amazon later to look into her backlist. Final Grade-C+/B-

Favorite Quote:
“Whatever are you doing?”
He smiled, but entirely without humor. “I am wooing my wife.”

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Daphne and Sylvester have been married for six years and yet they barely talk, rarely see each other and have never touched. The circumstances of their marriage are not the type to bring about warmth and affection. When Sylvester almost dies he decides it is time to fulfill his familial obligation and sire an heir. Unfortunately for him, Daphne has other plans that have nothing whatsoever to do with sharing her husband’s bed.

I understood Sylvester’s reasoning for remaining aloof and icy towards his countess but it tended to make me want to smack him upside the head sometimes. When Daphne comes up with her scheme, I felt a bit confused. She had the perfect partner to assist her in her endeavor right in front of her. That string in the storyline just didn’t add up to me.

However, I did enjoy watching Daphne come alive and Sylvester’s reactions to her. My heart hurt for the pain and loneliness she had carried for so many years. The groveling on the hero’s part was pretty decent although I would’ve loved to have had even more of it vocalized instead of shared through his inner musings.

Altogether a pleasant read. I suspect you will actually love it if you like this trope and don’t mind the hero being a bit of an a-hole.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley and Entangled Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Daphne Wentworth fell in love with Mr Carrington when he rescued her & Gulliver from a river when she was seventeen. She is overjoyed to find herself married to him soon afterwards but her eyes are opened when he rejects her on their wedding night. Now six years later Countess Carrington has finally reached her breaking point, Daphne intends to create a scandal so big, her austere husband will have no choice but to divorce her. Sylvester Wentworth, Earl of Carrington, has returned to London for one reason to seduce his wife. After a near-death experience, he is in need of an heir and means to make his marriage a real one. To his shock, though, his wicked, beautiful countess wants the exact opposite, and he must now do everything possible to entice his countess to stay forever.
I love the author’s books they are just so very good & this is up there with the best of them. Misunderstandings, hidden feelings, blackmail, kidnapping & of course romance all blend together to make this an engrossing read that I read in under a day. The story flowed so well & the characters are very well developed. This is the second book in the series but could be very well read by itself although we do ‘catch up’ with Georgiana & Rhys, I hope Julian has his story & even Henry could be redeemed!

My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Maybe 3.5 stars

Daphne Collins and Sylvester Wentworth, The Earl of Carrington met when he saved her and her dog from a near drowning, he takes her back to his home and they talk, he is enchanted with her and she with him. Once she is home she asks her father about him and learns that he is an earl. Her father Viscount Blagrove then does the unthinkable, he blackmails Sylvester into marrying her.

For six years Sylvester has ignored his wife and she is unhappy, she learned on her wedding night that he was blackmailed into marrying her, but has no idea what her father held over him or why he believes she was party to the blackmail - but after six long, lonely years, she is done. She knows she cannot divorce him, so she plans to force him to divorce her. She then imagines she will travel and maybe one day re-marry. She has been faithful to her vows, despite being left alone and at the mercy of the ton's rakes and gossipmongers. Viscount Redgrave has been pursuing her for the past year and tries in earnest to have her become his lover. But Daphne will not break her vows, she tells Redgrave that she plans to make Sylvester divorce her and Redgrave warns her that he will not be able to marry a divorcee - she doesn't care - she needs to be free. She loved Sylvester when they married and still does, but she can no longer live with his distain and barely leashed anger.

Sylvester is back in England after spending time in Jamaica where his is actively trying to free slaves and enforce the crowns law regarding slavery - he is passionate about this cause and has made enemies - enemies that have tried on more than one occasion to kill him. After barely surviving the last attack, he decides to go home, make peace with Daphne and get himself an heir. So when he learns from his man of business that Daphne has a lover, he is enraged. He confronts her and doesn't believe her when she insists she has been faithful. Then she informs him that she wants a divorce - he refuses and makes a counter offer - give him 8 weeks to woo her and if at the end of that time she is still unhappy, he will petition for a divorce (a promise he has no intention of keeping).

She reluctantly agrees, but refuses to allow him in her bed. He agrees and plans to seduce her into staying with him. But when old threats, secrets, doubts and mistrust come calling, can these two come together and find their HEA?

I thought the writing was great and I liked both Sylvester (great name!) and Daphne, but I had a really hard time wrapping my head around Daphne wanting a divorce - because she is unhappy in her cold marriage? Because she is lonely? Because she wants to be free? None of these reasons made sense to me - as a divorcee she would be shunned. So being shunned and becoming a social pariah is better than having a loveless marriage where your husband ignores you but gives you a huge allowance and pretty much doesn't care what you do with your time? There were also some inconsistencies in the plot that baffled me and I am still not sure if the threats to Sylvester were all done by the same person. Overall, I thought the previous book was much better, but I am not sorry I read this book and would recommend it. It is the second book in the series and while Georgiana and Rhys make an appearance in this book, it could easily be read as a stand alone title.

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So I am going to disagree with all of the five stars, I am glad that you enjoyed it that much but me not so much. Daphne got a bummed deal (God I am so happy I didn't live in that era). Her horrible dad blackmails the one guy Daphne had a crush on and he was a jerk, he thought she was in on it and refused to listen to her when she tried to tell him. Then she is abandoned, treated miserably and lonely. Can you really not understand why she wanted a divorce, she lost 6 years, to a jerk this poor girl needed a new life with someone else. So ok he decides to make his marriage work because he needs an Heir, but what about her feelings...I hate books that guys treat these girls like crap and think that that is acceptable.

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I received an ARC of this book to read in exchange for a fair review. The Earl in My Bed is the second book of Stacy Reid’s Rebellious Desires series but can be read as a stand-alone. I did not enjoy reading this book. I felt it bounced around too much, was confusing, overly melodramatic and I was unable to sustain the willing suspension of disbelief required in order to accept the characters actions. The sex scenes were awkward and unbelievable as well. Supposedly loving father turns into evil blackmailer in order to obtain a title for his beautiful sweet 17 year old daughter is not a trope I enjoy to begin with and this one was not well written.

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I couldn't quite get into this book. I'm sorry about that. Maybe in the future, I might be able to get into it.

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4.5 Stars
It's a great read, I loved the story. It's full of passion and angst, an amazing combination. Lord and Lady Carrington don't have an ordinary marriage. Things are very complicated where these two are concerned. Although, they both desire each other and may even love, but still they are unable to find bliss in matrimony. However, things will need to change because after six unhappy years they are both tired of it all...

Unfortunately, by 'change' they have different things in mind. One wants to be free and the other wants a second chance. Who will win is the question that needs answering...

Very well-written, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend anyone who loves a good historical romance. I hope this book doesn't disappoint you either.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book 2 in the series by Stacy Reid. This was a very great read I enjoyed it a great deal. I cried and just couldn’t put it down. I cannot wait for book 3.

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While rescuing her wolfhound puppy, Daphne meets the man of her dreams. Tall, dark, incredibly handsome and powerfully built, with intensely green eyes, he is everything a young girl could dream of. In The Earl In My Bed, Daphne learns that you should be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Sylvester Augustus Wentworth has been pursued by many mothers hoping to attach him to their daughter. As the Earl of Carrington, he is a good catch. When he saves a young woman in distress he does not realize how this will change his life forever.

Blackmailed into marrying Daphne, Wentworth has no choice. But he can get his revenge. He ruins the father who has blackmailed him and forced him into a marriage, not of his own choosing. Believing that she was in on the scheme, he virtually ignores his bride.

Chapter One introduces the characters as they meet. The rest of the book takes place six years later. By this time Daphne is desperate to change things. She cannot bear to live any longer with a man who holds her in such contempt, and whom she still loves.

This is not your typical romance, there is no real courtship. They live together but do not know each other at all. To the outside world, they are a typical society couple, but it is all a façade.

Can They Learn To Love

They are already married so this is a different story from most of the genre. I found it interesting to see whether they could work past the chasm which has grown between them.

The way the author portrayed the heartache and mistrust without making it mean and vindictive. The struggle seemed very real and honest.

This is the second book in the Rebellious Desires series by Stacy Reid. It will be worth the effort to check out other books by this author.

Reviewed for LnkToMi iRead in response to a complimentary copy of the book provided by the publisher in hopes of an honest review.

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Publisher's Description:

For years, Daphne Wentworth, Countess Carrington has loved her powerful, enigmatic husband, despite the fact that they married under less than ideal circumstances. But no more. Finally at her breaking point, Daphne intends to create a scandal so big, her austere husband will have no choice but to divorce her. Except everything goes awry when he surprises her with the last thing she expected.

Sylvester Wentworth, Earl of Carrington, has returned to London for one reason—to seduce his wife. After a near-death experience, he is in need of an heir and means to make his marriage a real one. To his shock, though, his wicked, beautiful countess wants the exact opposite, and he must now do everything possible to entice his countess to stay forever.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed this newest edition to the Rebellious Desires series.
There is no need to read these books in order because each one is a complete standalone title.
Daphne fell head over heels for her Earl as a young and impressionable girl.
When her father discovered her infatuation he promptly blackmailed Sylvester into marrying her.
Daphne had no knowledge of her father's perfidy but Sylvester thinks her implicit in the scheme.

With no knowledge of her father's machinations Daphne doesn't understand why her husband leaves her for six long years.
Now he is back and wishes her to provide him with an heir.

How will their mutual misunderstanding end.
Will the two of them find love or will their pasts and the secrets involved be the end to a possible love everlasting.

I gave this book 4.5 of 5.0 stars for storyline and characterization and a hot sensual rating of 4.75 of 5.0 flames.
The intimacy doesn't occur right away but is instead held off until nearly the end of this book.

I received a complimentary digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley to read and review.
This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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Lord Sylvester Carrington was blackmailed into marriage, So there was no way it could ever be a happy union.
Daphne had no idea of the lengths her father went to secure her the man she wanted. By the time she found out it was far too late.
Years later the strain of living with constant tension is getting too much for both of them. Something has got to give.
An emotional story full of turmoil and tension. Our characters have let their pride rule for far too long. Is there anyway out without a huge scandal?.
You will need the tissues out for some of this, but there are also some laughs to lighten things up.
A very enjoyable story.

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After being unable to finish a different regency romance, this was a wonderful change! It's the first book I've read by this author, but it certainly won't be the last! I love this sub-genre, but sometimes I hit a streak of poorly written novels with shoddy characterization and think that maybe I need to move on, then I'm lucky enough to happen upon a gem like The Earl In My Bed that re-establishes my faith and optimism. I raced through this over the weekend due to the heartily entertaining story-line and endearing characters.

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I received a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I adore the Earl in my bed I thought it was so sweet and Charming. The relationship the marriage starts off with blackmail and a distance of 6 years. When the Earl faces death he realizes that the marriage needs to become real and he needs an heir but the sweet way he goes in pursuing his wife is perfect. I love this book.

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This is actually my first adventure into the land of historical romance and as good fortune would have it, I picked a winner.
I loved this book, it had everything one could hope for in a story, romance, suspense, betrayal, mystery and a dark and brooding man.
Daphne met Carrington when she was a young girl, she'd jumped into the water to save her puppy and was struggling to hold on when Carrington rode up on horseback and after a few awkward tries manages to pull them both to less muddy ground. He takes her home, closer than the ride to her house in the pouring rain. They speak for a bit and since it's not appropriate for a young woman to be alone with a single man, the rain has let up he rides her home. We find Daphne a feisty young woman then at 17, almost ready for her coming out party and her father hopes to marry her off to someone of a high stature who will care for her. Until he catches the hint that she's a tad interested in Carrington, which send his wheels in motion. He blackmails Carrington into marrying her, which she knows nothing about. Next thing she knows she's to be married to him and he's absolutely horrid.
The first 6 years of their marriage she spends in basic isolation, he's barely around, uncivil, doesn't converse and when social obligations require never dances with his lovely wife and he hasn't bedded her yet. She's convinced he's got a mistress, but all the better for her; she's decided society be damned she wants divorce. Women weren't allowed to file for divorce so she had to convince him to do it. She hatches a plan, at the same time he comes home from a trip to Jamaica where he has near death experience and realizes he doesn't have an heir. So he needs to get on board with Daphne and try to work something out. Meaning he demands an heir. At the same time she tells him she wants a divorce and he refuses. Carrington is determined to win her over in his own manipulative way, still angry and distrustful until he starts spending time with her, getting to know her and seeing what he's missed out on the last six years. Obviously he doesn't understand the harm and pain he's caused her and even after this, because he doesn't trust her and can't tell her he loves her she wants to be gone.
There's so much that goes on in this book, I've only mentioned the two of them, but there's a much deeper story there between them and the side characters along with a brief but ongoing side story.
Fantastic book! I'm so glad I read this. Historical readers will love this one. It's got it all.
4.5 stars

**advanced reader copy from Net Galley and Entangled for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own**

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You can never go wrong with a book from Stacy Reid. Daphne and Sylvester's story is wonderful! A journey of forgiveness, amazing chemistry and love!

I loved the strength of Daphne, her determination to be happy. Having been in a marriage with Sylvester for so long, loving him, and yet being so lonely. It makes you hurt for her. Then we see our hero Sylvester, that is not able to forgive Daphne for the errors that her father made. The trust issues that he has for her, and yet the determination that he has for wanting to start again due to a recent experience.

Through this story you see this two struggling to come together, with the challenge that Daphne feels its to late. Sylvester's patient and courtship of his wife. It was all very sweet, and pretty hot and steamy at times.

I could not put this book down! I read it in one sitting.

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Generally, I liked it. The earl needed a good smack a few times for being a total twit, and I don't buy the sister in law's story about simply being "busy" for 6 years which is why I docked a star. Easy to read, predictable but not excessively so (as to be expected with this sort of books). I would have liked maybe a little longer - perhaps her going to Jamaica and him chasing her, but it wasn't essential.

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This was a well-written, entertaining book. Daphne Wentworth, Countess Carrington has been married to Sylvester Wentworth, Earl of Carrington. Tired of a loveless marriage, she intends to create a scandal so he will divorce her. The Earl returns from a trip, planning to make his marriage a real one. Now they have to figure out how to come to agreement. I enjoyed this book and would read other books by this author. I would recommend this book to others. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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