Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this latest by Stacy Reid. I had read the previous book in this series and found this one more engaging than the last. While the second in this series, it can definitely be read as a standalone.
This story follows the Earl and Countess of Carrington. Unfortunately, the Earl was blackmailed into marrying Daphne six year ago and he has held it against her ever since. Just as she has determined she would like a separation and wants the Earl to petition for divorce, a near death experience has lead him to finally decide he would like an heir from Daphne.
I found the book to be really enjoyable and fun. Instead of another debutante story, this couple is already married. You can't help but feel for Daphne who was not involved in the blackmail but is being punished for it. She becomes a strong and confident woman looking to create a scandal in the hopes of ending the marriage despite what it will mean to her reputation. You can't help but admire her for her courage.

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This was an enjoyable read. The characters were satisfyingly complex, and it was nice to see the relationship between the hero and heroine gather more dimensions. Personally, I would have liked to know a bit more about their six years apart, but that absence doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the book.

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I always enjoy this author, the stories always involve interesting characters, with delightful chemistry and passion. This one does, as well. Though I’m glad I didn’t have to bear the six years of misery this book skipped over. Our h and H meet when he rescues her from a river, where she had jumped in to rescue her puppy. She falls in love, her father intervenes , and forced him to propose by blackmail. Angry, he leaves her untouched and ill regarded for six years. Hurt and lonely she resolves to force a divorce, he meanwhile has decided he wants an heir.
They reach an agreement to stay together for two months, in which time he woos her but never forces a physical relationship. Through a series of misunderstandings, a kidnapping and unspoken words, the marriage is fractured. Eventually we have a HEA, but not without some tears. I received a free arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I requested this ARC and promised to leave a fair and honest review. I do so enjoy Stacy Reid's writing. What do you do when you are married but not? What do you do when you are unfairly blamed? What do you do when you don't want to want? Read this great book and find out.

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This is a love in reverse romance that is poignant at times and just fabulous. Sylvester and Daphne slowly learn trust and respect and love. This is not a happy go lucky couple, they have to work at their relationship, as most people have to do. The times they spend together talking, dancing, interacting with the children at the orphanage make this a special story. Fantastic story from a great author who interjects emotions.

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whoa. Just finished The Earl In My Bed. The hero was an admirable and sometimes formidable man. And the heroine was loyal and living. They were both hurt by the actions of a third party which devastated their marriage. This left them apart for six years.
After that long Daphne had decided she wanted to be able to try marriage again, but to a new man. This would require a divorce and that was easier said than done.
Meanwhile, Sylvester had decided that after six years he was ready for an heir.
Having opposing plans and ideas helped neither of them, but along the way common ground was found.
Ms. Reid brought her characters to life with detail and personality. The world they lived in was much different than present day, but she brought the political climate to life with clarity.

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This is Daphne and Sylvester’s story. They get married because her father is blackmailing him. He is very cold to her for the 6 years of their marriage. He thinks she is involved in the blackmail. She wants a divorce. He wants to woo her. They realize they love each other. It was another wonderful Stacey Reid romance. I loved it. N

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I've liked Sylvester and Daphne story but for me it is not the best so far in the series. The chemistry was there. The passion was a slow starter even though they are married. It was still a good read. Bring on the next one in the series.
I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review that is all my own.

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A lot of betrayal is felt by Sylvester for his wife. Unknowingly Daphne marries Sylvester thinking it's for love when in fact he is blackmailed by her father into doing it. There is quite a bit of foreplay but the title led me to believe that there would be more throughout the book.

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I am a fan of Stacy Reid's and I was excited to receive an ARC of this book. I loved the story of Sylvestor and Daphne. There was chemistry, passion, angst, a good old-fashioned kidnapping, and, of course, an HEA. This read was a page-turner for me and I could not put it down. This was a read I'd recommend!

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