Member Reviews

3.25 out of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this book was really fun! It was a slow burn. The FMC was my age, 25, and was figuring out her life and career. This felt really relevant to me and my life right now. The MMC is a tattooed kickboxing instructor with a heart of gold. This was a sweet slow burn romance and it was such a quick story.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for giving me a free arc in exchange for a honest review. This book was intoxicating and such a blast to read! I love romance books and anyone like me, this is right up your alley! I would go pick up your copy as soon as you can!

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Is it predictable, yes, is it enjoyable.. absolutely!

I throughly enjoyed Maybe Someone Like You, I especially liked the chemistry between Katie and Ryan from their first meeting onwards. It was my first time reading a book by this author but I’ll definitely be checking out her other work.

I disagree with some of the other reviews I’ve seen, I think sometimes you just need a sweet, easy to read romance to sink your teeth in to.

3.5 stars!

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This turned out to be a typical romance with the whole opposites attract thing (with some quick judgments made by one or two of the characters). I did not go into this book with very high expectations. And let’s just say that those low expectations were met, but not really exceeded in any way.

Pretty much everything about this book was very simple. The plot was simple with no real twists thrown in, which made it quite predictable. It’s a romance, so you know the two characters are going to end up together. Yes, there were some bumps, but honestly, it came down to prejudgments on Katie’s part and poor communication on both Katie and Ryan’s parts. Luckily, they felt like very small bumps, which I didn’t feel the need to nitpick about since this was and turned out to be an easy, don’t have to think too hard read.

While everything as a whole was enjoyable, I did wish that the characters felt a little more three dimensional. I think it was hard to see that because the problems and obstacles they faced seemed liked the same very time they came up. I also wish that the author didn’t go the route of the guy has tattoos and practices martial arts, but he’s not scary – I don’t like it when books use look-based stereotypes/ judgments like that.

The only that stood out was that it needs to be better formatted. Overall, I enjoyed this one because it did what I expected it to do.

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This book actually made me feel really good inside. Katie is a very dedicated hard worker with a passion for life. I'm glad she stands up for herself and women and goes with what she believes to be the right thing. Ryan even though it sounds like he had a right exterior is just a sweet ball of fluffiness. He seems to be a really great guy with really great intentions.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. The characters were entertaining and some were not so nice but you knew it, you felt it. Positive vibes to these two and their great story even though I feel like this sorry was really all about Katie finally believing in herself.

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Just like other reviews, I agree this was a very painfully slow burn of a read between that have a chance encounter. Katie is a lawyer fresh out of school and Ryan is a tattooed martial artist and instructor. He sees her lurking outside his gym and invites her for a class. Never did Katie think she would ever be taking a class like this and going to a gym regularly. However, for these two characters it takes 2/3 of the book to realize they could be more than friends.

I loved the characterization of Ryan and Katie. The plot was good but again it was a super slow burn and I was wanting more from their connection. It didn't detract from the rest of the story however. I definitely want to read more from this author in the future.

Thanks to Netgalley, Stacy Wise and Entangled Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Available: 4/16/20

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Yay! A fantastic read from a new-to-me author! it was so fluffy and romantic. I can't wait to read more books from her!!

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I must say this wasn’t what I was expecting, but none the less, it was enjoyable. The story was intriguing and held your attention. The characters were easy to relate to and connect with. Fans of the romance genre will find this very enjoyable!

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I received this book as an ARC a while ago, and I might be a little late in posting this review but I really liked this book! It was a sweet, romantic read with two characters that I enjoyed reading about. Katie and Ryan are what some people would deem "incompatible", but that isn't the case in this story - in fact, it makes them all the more attracted to one another.

Their romance was a slow-burn type of romance, which I generally don't enjoy but this one was different for me - I was rooting for them from the get go! It delivered everything I wanted from a romance novel, and I will most definitely be on the look out for more books by Stacy Wise.

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This story is adorable, with a character trying to grow into her own skin. The guy is a mega super super hottie, and the story will keep you interested. I am glad that I can across this book!

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This story was so much more than what I was expecting. It was enjoyable right from the start and it held my attention till the end. It was not a sex filled story it was more of a sweet romance without the alpha male. I will gladly read more from this author since this was the first time I have read anything by her.

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Maybe Someone Like You focuses on the life of Katie Capwell - recently graduated from law school and ready to dive into the corporate world as she navigates her career and personal life. Figuring out that yoga is not for her, she decides to take up kickboxing where she meets the kind and attractive Ryan who becomes more than just her trainer.

What makes the novel stand out from the rest of the New Adult fiction out there is the depth that it offers. The book features romance, but the focus doesn't lie solely on a romantic relationship. It's on Katie and her personal journey. We have the chance to catch a glimpse of her friendships and the dynamics within her family, but more importantly - we get to understand who Katie is and what her dreams and hopes are. We follow her transition to adulthood and finding out what she truly wants in life. 

Well-written, the romance unfolds organically, there's no "insta-love" and nothing that would make you raise an eyebrow. I enjoyed reading it and went through the second half pretty quickly, both pleased and relieved that there were no frustrating bits. If you love the genre, the book won't disappoint (if only more New Adult books were like it!). It's great to read about a heroine who is level-headed, smart and mature. 

I have kindly received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing in exchange of a fair review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Katie is just out of law school, and just out of what she THOUGHT was a relationship until her boyfriend started talking about how excited he was to "meet" new people. She has a mother who expects a lot from her, who may or may not be the reason she got a new job. And she has started doing something fairly out of character: kickboxing. And her trainer is sweet and sexy and keeps popping up everywhere.

The feel I got with this one was very much a New Adult book and less of a Romance. There is a lot of focus on Katie at work, with some hanging out with Ryan, the hot trainer. Her coworkers are pretty awful, and she is a bit of a spazz. Which feels a bit off, since she is supposed to have been "Top of Her Class" at law school.

The vibe between Ryan and Katie was more best friends than romantic, but it is still a very sweet romance with a very slow burn. Ryan is a great character, sweet, charming, and just a genuinely nice guy.

This is a fairly slow-paced story, with a lot going on. The pacing sort of killed me at various parts, my just wanting to know what exactly was going to happen, but my interest was piqued with all that was happening, keeping me wanting more.

Overall, this is sweet and predictable, very much like a Young Adult Romance with adults. It's chaste and great as a palate cleanser in between books!

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In Maybe Someone Like You, the focus is on the heroine and the romance, though sweet and ultimately satisfying, takes a back seat to her figuring out what she wants and where she's going with her life. There are dozens of Ryan-and-Katie moments sprinkled throughout, but since we only see Katie's POV, we aren't ever sure where Ryan stands on the whole K+R question. There's several false starts, many did he mean....? moments, a handful of dates with other guys (gasp!), and a whole lot of Katie figuring out how she really wants to use her law degree.

Plus some truly epic examples of an OMG bad boss. (shudder)

For all of the times the reader thinks no, no, no, Katie, don't be like that, it can't be true--Ryan does like you, I'm sure of it! and wants to either shake or hug her (or both) the ending is a gloriously satisfying thing that will leave you with a happy glow. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for more from this author!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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When I saw the blurb for Maybe Someone Like You I thought, hmmm, I think I want to give this a try. This book was the first I've read from Stacy Wise and I'll definitely try other books from her in the future. Maybe Someone Like You was a slow burn romance, and overall I liked it.

I mostly liked Katie. She's a smart young woman in a bit of a flux when we meet her. I think everyone can relate to that at one point in their life or another. She's finding her own voice and I appreciated that. I enjoyed watching her grow throughout the book.

Ryan was smoking hot. I'd be signing up for his class any day of the week. He's fun, sexy and exactly the type of guy Katie normally wouldn't date. I like that he knew who he was and was comfortable in his own skin.

These characters have just took a while for things to get moving. Friends to lovers is fine-and in fact, I happen to LOVE that trope, but this took a long time to get to the lovers portion. I was left wanting a bit more for them.

I enjoyed the writing of this book. I thought the dialogue was good and believable and the plot was authentic. It just moved along slower than I would have liked, so the pacing felt a bit off for me. Overall, I did enjoy the book and will definitely read this author again.

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I was so excited to read this book after reading the blurb. It had so much potential for me. However, I’m sad to say I was left quiet unsatisfied at the end of it.

It’s not that it is bad story. It’s really not. And the characters are likeable. I just don’t think it lived up to my personal expectations. It didn’t grab my attention as I had originally hoped.

I’m usually one for slow burning stories as they keep me hooked but I think this was just a little too slow for me and I found myself getting bored throughout it.

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I’ve not read anything by this author before but I really liked the sound of the story from the blurb and I’m glad I got the chance to read this book as I absolutely enjoyed every minute of reading this book. The characters are what make this book such a fantastic book to read and it was a pleasure to read too. From the get go they pulled me into their story and they held it the whole way through the story. I liked how they got together and how they interacted with each other and with other characters throughout the story. Has a great storyline and there is plenty of romance all the whole through the story and I will be looking up other books by this author in the future. I would also recommend this book to everyone

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The book started off rather meh for me. I didn't connect with Katie and found her a bit naive and compulsive in her need to meet her mother's expectations. I enjoy reading about strong female characters and she just wasn't one. However, I'm glad I pulled through the first several chapters, because the book did improve and Katie became a more likeable and empowered character. Her relationship with Ryan was a little drawn-out in the beginning and the tension between the two dipped in several chapters, but their story had a satisfying enough ending for me.

Overall, the book was a bit of the cliched "uptight-sophisticated-girl-meets-bad-boy" vibe, but nevertheless it was still interesting and different enough to keep me reading. The relationship between Katie and Ryan was allowed to slowly build with no trace of insta-love, so that's always bonus points in my book. I give the book a solid 3/5 rating, with detractions for character likability, repetitive genre, and predictability.

*I was provided with an ARC by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Katie is at an all time low she decides to do something different. Her decision takes her into the path of her complete opposite, Ryan. Sexy, not a lawyer but a kickboxing instructor. She decides to sign up for lessons that get her closer to him. Her life will never be the same again but will it be better or worse?

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