Member Reviews

Soooo much cuteness in Maybe Someone Like You. Ryan and Katie were such a cute couple and I loved that it took them awhile to be together. No instalove, no gushing, just regular attraction and some common real life misunderstandings (aka, no big drama). I wish we could have been in Ryan's head a bit, but I think that would have diminished the complications a bit. We saw Katie date a few different guys and have some not so great experiences with them (some men are such jerks) and we also saw Katie go through some boss from hell issues but persevere through them to end up somewhere amazing, and with the perfect guy. Even though we weren't in Ryan's head, we got enough to know that he has ambitions and goals and is there for his family (a huge plus for me). Highly recommend to anyone that likes swoony romances.

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It was a sweet book a little cliche but that sometimes life. The main characters were good.

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Maybe Someone Like You is the first novel I’ve read by Stacey Wise. I was drawn to the cover and the blurb.

The plot was there, but I did find it a little hard to connect with the characters. It was a little slow, but I did power through and finish it.

I received a advance copy from Netgalley for an honest review.

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I won't be providing a review for my blog or Goodreads because this book just ended up not being for me despite me thinking it had a chance. (I do like romance and new adult.) I appreciated Netgalley giving it to me for the chance though.

This was only a one star read since it was a DNF fairily early on. I don't think it would be a bad book for others to try.

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This was such an addictive, romantic and sweet read and I'm still debating whether or not I should promote the book to a 5-star rating instead of 4.5 stars. This story was one I just couldn't stop reading once started and finished in nearly one-sitting (I had to take care of my son at some point, lol otherwise I would've definitely finished it in 1 sitting)
Ryan is one of the most awesome book boyfriends ever and he made me swoon and purr like a kitten. He just couldn't do anything wrong in my book, lol. He was attentive, sweet, funny, sexy, badass all wrapped in one awesome package and I couldn't get enough of him. Too bad though the story was only in Katie's POV haha, I would've loooooved reading Ryan's POV as well.

Katie was a really interesting character and I admire her so much for the way she lives her life. She's smart, ambitious, and ready to step out of her comfort zone to get what she wants. Sure she makes mistakes and could've handled things differently here and there to achieve more progress in the romance but it somehow made her feel really realistic I think. Because underneath her bravo exterior and her brave character, she had her moments of weakness and insecurity and the way the author wrote down this character, was just really well done I think!

the Romance is a slow-burn so it has all the potential to develop into a really great romance. There was always a bit of angst presence in the background which only spurred me on to read as fast as possible because I wanted to know more more more.
The only thing that bothered me a bit was the wrap-up at the end; it was too quick haha. Things I've been waiting for the entire book to happen were happening in just a couple of pages near the end.
But overall it was a really AMAZING read. It was humorous from time to time, the chemistry and friendship between the main characters are so perfectly written and therefore I really liked the slow-burn romance, instead of wanting things to happen earlier on in the story so there was a friendship present first. I loooved Ryan, I loved Katie and I loved the minor characters - there were several characters present I wouldn't have minded if there'd be a full-length novel for them as well.

This was my first Stacy Wise book and I can't wait to read more by this author - Already put in a pre-order for the printed edition of this book when it releases and I put her other book, Beyond the Stars, on my wishlist.

If you love a sweet, slow burn romance with some really amazing characters and lovable minor characters as well, low on angst, that is just a really addictive and light read... THIS is the book you need to put on your wishlist/order! I love exploring this genre and 'meeting' new authors and this is one author I'm reaaaally happy to have found! Definitely a recommendation to anyone who's into romance and likes a story that isn't only revolved around a romance between the main characters. It simmers in the background so it's present and you're waiting for things to happen, but there's so much more than romance in this book and I loved the perfect balance between the story-line and the romance. 4.5 out of 5 stars!

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Maybe Someone Like You
by Stacy Wise

Review: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ❣

Maybe someone like you is Katie Capwell's story about finding the life you want, rather than the one everyone expects. Katie is following in her mother's footsteps and has just graduated from law school. Now she needs to find a job and settle into her career. The hard work isn't over yet and Katie is experiencing her first bump in the road. She managed to get a job at the law firm she interned at but thanks to a merger she lost her place before she even started. Her boyfriend also went with the job. Now Katie is back on the market but only looking for a job. She needs a break from dating Mr Wrong.

Her flatmate and best friend Hannah invites her to a yoga class and Katie accepts. She needs to get out of her current headspace. As they arrive at the Yoga class Katie finds something that interests her. Ryan Brincatt is tattooed and hot as hell. He is nothing like Katie's usual type. He's a kickboxing trainer and Katie finds herself joining up for one on one time.

This is a romance novel however it's also so much more. Katie is funny and smart. She has some awesome friends and a history of choosing bad dates. This book kind of reminded me of a cross between Bridget Jones and Suits. The romance is slow and Katie's life is the main story. She has a medaling mother and her father was creative. She wants a mixture of their lives she just has to work it out.

Ryan is a great leading man. He's more than Katie could expect. He's sweet and caring. This is a clean read and there are some magical kisses but Ryan is husband material rather than alpha material. This is a really good book which I enjoyed and would recommend if you are looking for more than a romance.

4.5 stars out of 5.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

ebook, 366 pages
Expected publication: April 16th 2018 by Entangled Publishing, LLC (Embrace)

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I received a copy of MAYBE SOMEONE LIKE YOU on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

Four stars and here's why:

MAYBE SOMEONE LIKE YOU is like a great cup of herbal tea. You don’t gobble it in a few sips, but you do savor it so that the flavors unfold in the most delightful way. I love a good love story, and Stacy Wise delivers a sweet and sexy romance. This book had all the feels about a girl who graduates law school and has to find her own path despite what others foresee is her own future. And that future doesn’t include a cool martial artist named Ryan. I laughed. I cried. I banged my head against the wall a few times as Katie and Ryan discovered what truly matters when two souls connect. Highly recommend.

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***I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this title.***

Maybe Someone Like You, by Stacy Wise, was such a pleasant surprise. Katie’s life is in transition. Recently graduated from law school, the job she had lined up falls through when the law firm merges with another, not to mention her jerk of a boyfriend has cut her loose. She stumbles upon a kickboxing gym and she’s intrigued. It doesn’t hurt that her tour guide Ryan is hot and tattooed and the complete opposite of her ex. She signs him up as her trainer, and she has a new job lined up in no time, but her life is still chaotic. Her new boss is impossible, and Ryan’s sending mixed signals. She’s got to get her life in order and figure out what will make her truly happy.

I adored Katie. I loved that she would figure out how to do something when she wasn’t sure or practice things to get better. And she had such a wonderful way of speaking. Her thoughts might have been complicated and sometimes filled with doubt and worry, but she always seemed to know what to say. She was honest and not afraid to admit when she was wrong. When it came to Ryan, I thought it was great that she worked so hard to maintain perspective and adjust the way she was thinking in order to stay realistic rather than simply see what she wanted to see. She was definitely a people person and liked helping others. She was also very concerned with living up to other people’s expectations, especially her mom’s. By the end of the story, she’d shown great character growth, learning to include her own expectations, and move them to the top of her list.

For me, Ryan was an irresistible gentleman with a dash of bad boy mixed in to keep him interesting. He was definitely Katie’s opposite, but I really liked that about them. They just fit so well together. He never takes advantage of Katie or any situation, yet he does definitely send out some hot and cold signals. I respected the way he kept things with Katie professional, even though it caused some trouble between them. He’s loyal and caring and protective without being overbearing. I loved, loved, loved seeing him with his family, especially his niece Sydney. If I could have changed anything about him, it would have been that he’d followed his sister’s advice about being more straightforward about his feelings.

I settled into the writing immediately. I read other’s reviews that complained about pace but I liked the speed of the relationship between Ryan and Katie. I won’t lie. The book was 69% done before they even have their first kiss, but to me it just made sense! Katie was very recently out of a relationship that had her questioning herself, and she had so much change going on in her life. I wouldn’t have loved her quite so much if she’d stopped searching for what made her happy to pursue a relationship she wasn’t necessarily ready for.

The idea of fate was peppered throughout the story and I loved that Katie and Ryan ran into each other in lots of places, as though they couldn’t escape one another. It gave them a chance to get to know each other as people. I loved watching their chemistry develop, this slow simmer that eventually could no longer be ignored. It was truly like watching them fall in love.

The story’s backdrop is Katie’s friend’s wedding, which was a lovely way to include some girl time with Katie and her group of friends. We also meet Craig, Katie’s coworker, and he was great despite a rocky start between them. The wedding scene was completely adorable in every way. This story just left me feeling good. I fell in love with the characters. The angst was minimal. I was completely smitten with this book.

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This is one of the best books I have read so far in 2018. Stacy Wise has crafted a sweet story about a young woman's path to finding happiness within herself, within her career and within a relationship. If you are looking for a hot and heavy romance that will melt your Kindle then this isn't the book for you. But if you want to read a touching story about two people discovering a real connection then give this one a try.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Love, love, loved this book!! This is the kind of book you make your husband mad by staying up too late because you just have to finish it. (Not that I did that or anything.) The characters, the plot lines, the dialogue - everything was just so good. Katie is a recent law grad who's just been dumped. Her roommate tries to cheer her up by taking her to yoga, but Katie gets distracted by the boxing gym next door. Oogling the workouts, she meets Ryan who offers to train her in a free first session. First of all, I just need to thank the author for where in the plot she started the story. It was perfectly placed, not too early, but not too late that I felt like I had no idea what was going on. It reminded me of the plotting perfection I've come to know in authors like Meg Cabot. Also, I have to admit, I liked that it was a New Adult (post college) novel where the romance ends in just kissing. Even if as the reader I was also kind of like, but that's it?! It's satisfying and yet leaves you wanting more and really, what more could you ask for in a novel?
Secondly, Ryan and Katie's interactions were written so perfectly that as the reader, you obviously know they both like each other, but also sort of wonder along with the character. Slow burn is the perfect way to describe this book. But honestly, after reading book after book where the characters met and BAM instalove, this was so refreshing and wonderful to dive into. The timing, their interactions, the level of intensity, it all made sense. It was all believable. I don't mind sitting down to read a romance where I go into it surmising the plot and knowing they're going to/supposed to be together, but that doesn't mean I don't adore cracking open a book and reading a romance that is just plain believable.
The romance was obviously the best part of the book, but watching them build up to that, from total strangers to coach/client to friends to maybe more - like I said, I stayed up way to late because I HAD TO KNOW. The subplots about her dad killed me - be prepared to be sad about that. Her mother was frustrating, and yet, I kind of sympathsized with her. The law firm was mostly bleh, and I'll be honest, I just sort of skimmed over it. Gathered that she wasn't happy and moved on. Except for Craig; he was very intriguing. Even the twist at the end. I kind of figured that was what was coming, but it was still done just so well. So believable and patient.
I seriously could not recommend this book more highly. SO worth your time (and lack of sleep). Not only will I be buying it, but I will definitely be recommending it to my girlfriends for them to buy. Heck, maybe I'll just buy it for them; everyone has a birthday. Seriously, go read this. You won't be disappointed.

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This is my first book from this author and thank you to #NetGalley for providing me a copy.

When I first read the blurb, I thought to muself "you should request for it" because, well, martial artist.

The story actually is between Katie, a newly graduate law student who got cut from a job that was offered to her days ago just because of the sudden merger. Not only that, she got dumped by his so-called BF after she didn't make the cut.

While cooling her jets, Katie decided to join jer frienwho asked her to come with her in a vinyasa class she's attending. She joined her instead of plotting murder on his bf.

On the way to the class, she mistakenly assume the door she was going to open was the vinyasa class their going to. Instead, Katie stand outside riveted to the girl inside a gym pulling powerful punches to a punching bag. She then realized that she wanted that for herself.

So when Ryan, the instructor who approached her outside the gym offered her to train, she accepted it.

From there their friendship grows.

And it took, like, forever for them to finally be together.

Yes, I felt like I waited forever for their "getting together, together".

The heroine and hero actually are great characters. The writing was fluidly done but sadly, the pacing was too slow.

It's hard to read books with slow pacing without droplets of romance to it especially when it's a slow burn romance. Read should be fed a litlle of swoon-worthy moments every now and then to tide us over.

Overall thought, this was a good book. Friends to lovers theme plus a slow burn romance, I know may people who crave stories like these. Hopefully, the author will make a second book, even if it's a novella, as long as it will feature romantic moments netween the main characters.

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This book was cute but utterly predictable and not the best I've read in this genre. Very fluffy and cute ending though.

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Katie just wants to do something different. She recently finished law school and is searching for her first job while she waits to find out if she passed the bar. Her boyfriend just dumped her because he "wants to be single for summer," whatever that means, and she's just had it with the status quo. On her way to yoga with a friend, she passes a kickboxing gym and is immediately intrigued. The fact that the trainer she runs into is gorgeous and tattooed and not remotely her usual type doesn't hurt, either. It turns out that Ryan and Katie get along perfectly, both in the gym and outside. But can two people from such different worlds make it work?

I really enjoyed Stacy Wise's debut novel, Beyond the Stars, when I read it back in 2016. I was pretty excited to be offered a review copy of her new book (and even more excited when the weekend rolled around and I could dive in). Maybe Someone Like You was okay, but it's not going to be one of my favorites of the year.

On paper, Katie and Ryan were great characters. Katie is a driven young attorney who wants to make a difference and isn't willing to settle for a soul-killing job just because it comes with a large paycheck. Ryan is the perfect guy, one who will make sure you get home okay after having too many drinks and who loves hanging out with his niece. Together, they have a lot of chemistry. It's just a shame that I never really felt anything for them.

This is definitely a slow burn romance. I can go for a slow burn when the final result is worth the wait, but I'm not sure that it was here. This is a very chaste romance -- which is fine! -- but after wading through 366 pages of manufactured misunderstandings and willful miscommunication, I was hoping to be rewarded with a little bit more than a kiss.

I did enjoy the job aspect of the book with Katie weighing the pros and cons of the large paycheck and security that come with a job she hates versus something less certain that she's passionate about. I also really enjoyed Craig, Katie's coworker and, eventually, her good friend.

Overall, this is an easy read, but it's not earth-shattering. The plot moves along very slowly with a few asides that probably weren't strictly necessary. If you like character-driven stories and getting inside your heroine's head, you'll probably enjoy this book. If you enjoy swoony heroes and lingering stares and the slowest of slow burns, you'll really enjoy it.

Final rating: ★★★☆☆

I received a free copy of Maybe Someone Like You from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

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I was looking forward to reading this one after reading the blurb. You've read the blurb, I'll give you my thoughts on the pluses and minuses in this story.
The plot was great. The writing while seemed slow, flowed really well and the dialogue was great.
The story is equally balanced between the two MC's Ryan and Katie. Katie just took her bar exam, coming out of a crap relationship and looking for a job after being cut from a merger and has a famous uptight attorney for a mother who raises the bar of expectation without even speaking. I hate that. Katie is cooling her heels waiting to find something when she goes to yoga class with her roomie. Ryan holds the door for them. He works in the gym next door and teaches boxing. The idea appeals to Katie and after a practice session she signs up. Ryan works with her and you can tell there's underlying feelings going on, though no really spoken. Ryan always seems to turn up when Katie needs him which is a good thing. Ryan is gentle, kind and a special sort of man you really don't find in books these days. I love the way he was written. Even if he did drop both shoes and not just one.
Katie bothered me a bit, always harried getting hired on as a clerk for a prestigious law firm she's sure her mother had something to do with that. The atty she works for is a grade A buttwipe and I was honestly trying to figure out when this girl slept. She barely ate, yet squeezed in her training at the gym. Katie watches as her friends are having relationships and her best friend is getting married and after Ryan, wonders what the hell is wrong with her.
She does finally take a stand on her job situation and that was a plus. Her father died when she was 10, he was a famous photographer and she misses him. She had her Gran and relied on both those memories when the proverbial sh** got sticky.
Here's my catch with this one, it's definitely a YA story. We have a front row seat to watch these two bob and weave their way toward each other, then away. I had a had time feeling the emotional connection between Katie and Ryan. For as much as they talked and spent time together, I just didn't feel the flow between the two of them. They'd make great best friends. Hopefully the author will come out with a second book and we'll get a closer look and them and a couple of the secondary characters. This book is a great story that will have you wondering if there's someone out there "maybe just like you."

3.5 closer to 4
*advanced reader copy from NetGalley and Entangled for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**
review edited 3/27

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Maybe Someone Like You reminded me of my favorite slow burn romances in the best possible ways.

Katie has recently graduated law school, and also was recently dumped by her jerk of an ex. While going to a yoga class with a friend she meets Ryan, an instructor at a kickboxing gym.

After a trial she signs up for lessons with Ryan and they form a fast friendship. Katie is attracted to Ryan, but unsure if he could feel the same way about her. Some of her past experiences have left her feeling less confident about romantic relationships and she isn't sure if she's Ryan's type.

I love smart, fun, and adventurous heroines in books and Katie fits the bill. I like that she has a career she's worked hard for and that she applies that same work ethic to learning kickboxing with Ryan.

Ryan is sweet and really looks out for Katie. He pushes her to learn more and to expand her comfort zone. He wants her to feel powerful and strong, and that made me love him even more!

The plot was well paced and it was easy to connect with the characters. This is definitely my favorite book so far this year!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After a job opportunity falls through and she breaks up with her boyfriend, recent law school grad Katie Capwell is drawn to a boxing gym one day while on her way to a yoga class. While looking through the windows to the gym, she’s approached by the sweet, sexy trainer, Ryan Brincatt. After signing up for some training sessions with Ryan, Katie quickly finds herself drawn to him, while struggling with how different he is from what the appropriate, perfect guy has always looked like in her mind. While building her boxing skills, Katie also begins a new job where she, unfortunately, begins to realize that she may have been wrong about her dreams.

I loved Katie because she seemed so incredibly real, just like someone I would be friends with. She longed for career stability and happiness, and also longed for love and romance – the problem was, she had built up so many “perfect ideas” regarding a career and a man that she continually found herself disappointed when that fairy tale didn’t come true. Katie was funny, smart, driven, insecure at times, and very vulnerable at times – again, making her a very relatable character. Ryan almost seemed too good to be true and honestly, I wasn’t sure about any of his feelings until almost the end of the novel (which was frustrating). However, his sweet and caring nature, along with major sex appeal, maintained my interest from the first to last page of this book. My only criticism of this novel was how elusive and mysterious Ryan was. I was never sure of his intentions, feelings, other women, etc. for most of the novel but then I realized that the author prompted me to slowly gain his trust and faith in the good man that he was, just as Katie had to do.

Poor Katie had several things going on in this novel regarding some serious “dating fails,” her best friend getting married, a new job with a very scary boss, discovering new interests, longing for her mother’s approval, and coming to terms with her true feelings and interests both personally and professionally. I have seen some reviews alluding to the slow pace of this novel but I couldn’t disagree more. The girl was trying to find her place in the world professionally while crushing on the total opposite type of man she had pictured herself with, missing loved ones that had died earlier, and just overall struggling to get her footing in the world. Attention other readers and reviewers this takes time and it may not always be mind-blowing excitement, however, I enjoyed being a part of her journey of self-discovery, confidence, and love.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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1.75 stars
This book was so slow, it was like watching paint dry. I kept reading, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

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Maybe Someone Like You,  Stacy Wise

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:  New adult

I loved Stacie's Beyond the Stars, almost a five star read for me but this one? Well, Its sweet, cute, easy to read but I didn't feel that magic of Beyond the Stars in it.
I liked Katie, liked Ryan but didn't really feel much beyond friends with them and the set up of miscommunication was so tenuous to hang a full romance on that I just didn't find the story believable.
The Jasmine issue was one of the best parts of the story, how it led to Katie volunteering with the pother group and yet it was a secondary part of the main novel.

Stars: Three, a story I had high hopes for but which ultimately was just an OK sweet read, not a solid romance for me.

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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i only got like 20% before i dnf.

it was very dull the characters weren't relatable at all

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LOVED this book. It wasn't what I was expecting, but instead was so much better. Katie is a recent law school grad looking for a job when she goes to a yoga class with her friend. Instead of entering the class, she catches sight of a sexy fighter entering the gym next door. He invites her in and she is hooked, - both on him and on the training. However, after he last boyfriend cruelly dumped her, she is a bit gun shy, thus leading to an interesting dance as she and Ryan get to know each other.

While this novel is marketed for the new adult reader, this grandma thoroughly enjoyed it. I found myself caring about the characters and engaged in their story. I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.

Just a note for younger readers - this novel has some minimal swear words and some adult situations (but not sexual), it also touches on abusive relationships, but with a light touch for such a tough topic.

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