Member Reviews

I have a bad habit of seeing an author's name, remembering that I liked one book they wrote a long time ago, picking up the next book that I see with their name on it and saying "I'll read this some day" and then forgetting all about it for several years. That was entirely the case with THE OTHER BROTHER. Then, when I finally picked it up four years after the fact, I couldn't put it down and read the book in a matter of hours. I love the way Baratz-Logsted explores the multi-layer of characters and their personalities without exploiting any one particular flaw or asset to an extreme. It would have been very easy to overdo the flaws of the many male characters, and she managed to not do that.

It’s my weekend alone to rest and relax, and book 1 is done!
Unfortunately, this book was not the best way to start my trip. There just wasn’t much to the story. A reveal happened around 95%, but most people won’t make it that far.
Mona marries Jack, who it turns out is the brother to mega superstar rockstar Denny Springer. And she complains that he doesn’t hang out with his brother. Or her kids.
Mona and Jack go to Connecticut for the summer and Denny shows up. And Mona complains the whole time. Then a “surprise twist” happens, but the book was so boring I didn’t care.
This author was a Red Dress Ink author, and as I was obsessed with that Publishing line, I read them. And I was never a fan. I went into this hoping the writing would have grown. I was disappointed.

Cute concept. Cute read. But I felt he execution was not quite as good as the concept. Good for a light, fast-paced read. But it just might not stick with you very long. Characters felt stereotypical and the aha moment felt like it came out of nowhere.

What would it be like to be the younger sibling of one of the most famous people in the world (in this book, a thinly-veiled Mick Jagger)? This book does a decent job of showing glimpses of what that must be like, not just for the sibling, but for the sibling's spouse and kids too. Interesting idea aside, the book could've been better - it read like the wife was writing a blog, so we learned a lot about her opinions but not enough about everyone else. Many of the characters were a bit too caricature-like (the SUUUUPER selfish rock star, the boorish American neighbor constantly pushing Budweiser on everyone, the dopey bodyguards, the precocious but oh-so-cute kids, etc.). I get that the author was going for some comedic moments, but it could've been done better.

This novel is about a woman named Mona who is married to the brother of a fictional famous rock star. The two brothers never see each other but the rock star brother ends up spending much of a summer with Mona, her husband, and their two small kids. This is the kind of book that is easy enough to read but undoubtedly I will have forgotten completely a few months from now. It also was written, not entirely successfully, from the point of view of a British character even though the author is American, and was a bit uneven in tone as well. If you're looking for a light fluffy read you could do worse, but frankly you could also do better. 2.5 stars.

I appreciate I was sent this book in exchange of a review.
Famous brother in law? Sounded interesting, however the story didn't wow me.
I would still recommend it for more light reading.

I used to love everything this author wrote but now? Ehhhhh. I liked the premise & could see where it could be a great tale but it was just dragging along & had to put it aside. Might try again at a later date but thanks to netgalley for the opportunity.

***I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for this opportunity.***
This was a great book. The story was captivating and kept me interested throughout. Can’t wait for more from this author.

Mona is happily married to Jack, brother of a famous rocker. It was interesting to see the other side to this fame and try to determine if Denny really wanted to have a familial relationship with them all.

I really, really wanted to like this book. The description was intriguing, and the book has everything it needed.to be SO GOOD.... But it just fell flat for me. There isn't one thing I necessarily HATED, but nothing I could find to LOVE either. I wouldn't rule the author out as one I may try again in the future, but unfortunately this wasn't the book for me. I don't feel comfortable saying much more than that, as I was unable to entirely finish the book, and I do not want to taint it for other readers.

I was kind of amazed by how much I enjoyed this book! I have always been intrigued by how it must feel to be a sibling of a famous person. And this book explores that theme but it takes a slightly different spin by explaining it from Mona's perspective (the wife of the non-famous brother, Jack). At first, I didn't want a secondhand account of the brother's relationship. However, you discover that Mona has an alternative motive for getting the brother's, Denny & Jack together (the ending was an unexpected twist).
This being my first-time reading a novel by Lauren Baratz-Logsted. She did a wonderful job of exploring the topic. I love a quote from the book. "If Denny's greatest fear was being less, perhaps my husband's greatest fear was not being enough." In my opinion, this statement summed up the dynamics between the brother's. I rated this book a 4.5/5 stars. This is book is really worth the read!!
Many thanks to Netgalley, Diversion Books, and Lauren Baratz-logsted for providing me an ARC of this book.

This was pretty meh, if I'm being honest. I think because I had read another book where the brother in law is a famous rock star and really liked it (read my review of The One You Really Want HERE), this one paled in comparison. I also never connected with Mona, the MC. She keeps kind of a big secret throughout the book and because of it she almost felt unreliable and like whenever really go to know her. I appreciate that the secret was supposed to be a twist in the book but instead it felt weirdly deceptive. You might have better luck!
The Other Brother comes out TODAY on August 7, 2018, and you can purchase HERE.
But then, as I stared out the front window, in my peripheral vision I saw a shadowy figure come around from the side of the house before beginning to move faster. It took me a while to realize what I was seeing.
With the waves glistening in the background, under the moonlit sky, my brother-in-law was running on the deserted beach, alone.

While the description was very intersting - I found myself struggling to get into this novel. I just could not connect with the author's voice and POV so it was not a good fit for me so I was not able to complete the novel and give it a fair and honest review. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book - I wish you the best!

Denny Springer is one of the most famous singers in the world. Mona is married to his brother, On the surface, Denny seems to be a self-centered jerk, and he and Jack have never been close. Still he is Jack's brother, so Mona feels like they should spend some time together and do some bonding. When she invites Denny to spend some time with them in their summer rental home she never expects him to take her up on her offer, but he does and when Denny arrives, things don't go exactly like Mona thought they would. This is an endearing book about family and how hard it is to truly know another person even if they are your family. The characters are really well drawn and likeable. All in all, it's an engaging read.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll.......a great track by the late great Ian Dury. However the idea behind this novel from American author Lauren Baratz Logsted perhaps doesn't leave the reader on the best note.
Mona Springer is married to Jack and has two sons William and Harry (yes the Princess Diana theme hangs heavy over parts of the book) and adds to the often cliched writing setting Mona's family in Britain and the vast action of the plot in coastal Connecticut. In crossing the Atlantic the writer often forgets we are supposed to believe the whole family are British and using scenes and words that are purely American do nothing to cover those blemishes.
Mona is the narrator and begins to unravel the story of Jack's brother - the world famous, mega wealthy playboy rock musician Denny (known as Dennis by his parents and when things go wrong) when we are first introduced to him at an Easter gathering at the home of Edith and Burt - her parents-in-law- and who haven't really seen the prodigal famous son for 20 years when he turns up for lunch in a limo. "I thought he was going to be a maths teacher..." complains Denny's mother and from the off he seems the egotistical spoilt rock band singer we should all hate (but as it seems as the novel develops - all secretly admire)
Mona and Jack have been married 12 years and have the two young princes (sorry sons) aged 9 and 7. They run a travel agency which seems to be doing well so Mona has decided they'll take a month off and hire a beach house in Connecticut. Rashly perhaps she also invites Denny even though the back story seems to show Jack loathes his brother and has ploughed his own way in the world without him for far too long.
It is the mid 90s so things like mobile phones are 'new' and whirlwind glamour of rock music has left brother Jack, jealous but also seemingly making his own music in the background. So when Denny does turn up on their holiday with a limo (and driver) and two bodyguards ( the funniest characters in the novel) how will things go when he is asked to 'bond' with a resentful brother, nephews he little knows and a sister-in-law who it seems loathes him one minute but loves him the next.
The author has written other novels and there is nothing drastically wrong with the writing or the plot as it unravels. However the obvious lack of Britishness in the scenes and main characters seems weird when that is what they are. Once the family rock up in America it all is easier and parts of the ending leave a reader satisfied with what you might have thought could have happened within the trio of brothers and Mona.
Apparently the author is a huge fan of Mick Jagger. Denny Springer (really- so near Springstein it was a bit of a joke) comes out of it less rock and roll and more human than we expect from our rock gods. But the book is a pleasant read although young lads thinking they might learn about the secrets of rock and roll might not want to turn this page.( as in leaf rather than Jimmy.....)

Mona is married to Jack. Jack's brother is Denny Springer, the lead singer of the greatest rock band in the world. They have been estranged for many, many years until Denny shows up at a family dinner in London. Mona then invites Denny to spend the summer with her and Jack's family in Connecticut.
The good stuff is THERE, but it's missing something. It's like if you were eating a warm cookie an expecting a chocolate chip and get a raisin instead. Mona was kind of an annoying person and seemed to cause unnecessary drama.
Still, it was a good, quick plane read for me.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book.

Lauren Baratz-Logsted’s book The Other Brother has a cute, summer read concept. She fell in love with a guy and then discovered his brother was a famous singer - a major star. The book then centers around the brother coming home for Easter. The plot doesn’t really advance too much from there. I wanted to love this book, but it fell a bit flat for me.

AWESOME BOOK. Totally enjoyed the characters, the setting, and the writing. I would highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more from this author. Lauren Baratz-Logsted has a way with words...she makes you feel like you are right there and know the characters.

Read more like young adult fiction to me, very light, breezy, lots of filler. Honestly as so as I'd pick it up again I could barely remember what had happened the last chapter it was that forgettable. Maybe good for a plane ride where you can't concentrate but want to keep busy?

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a honest interview.
Well written, typical beach read. I have read other books by the sane author and it didn’t have the same flow. Nonetheless, still a good read. I did find s few things to be unrealistic, but that happens. This did not have any impact on my rating.