Member Reviews

I teach children with autism and this is an awesome resource for students, parents, teachers, literally anyone you can think of. 100% recommend!

The New Social Story Book, Revised & Expanded by Carol Gray is geared towards children on the autism spectrum, their family and caregivers, and their peers. There is a tutorial section at the beginning, going over each of the criteria of what makes a Social Story™, and how to create new ones for your own child, or class. Sections follow that cover a variety of ages, and/or skill sets. These stories may be tailored to fit your own childrens’ needs, and that is encouraged since each child is different. So, consider them templates or guidelines. There are sections on self-care, coping with change, dealing with feelings, among many others. This would be great to have in every classroom that works with kids in the spectrum.
***Many thanks to Netgalley and Future Horizons for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This review is probably one of the easiest I have written. I use social stories quite a lot if the time in my profession and at home with my son - I usually wrote my own, I studied Carol Gray at University and had a collection of her social stories- these are now added to it. For children / young adults social stories are very effective and if you are unsure of how to write your own this is the perfect book to help.

Social stories is something i really needed help with. As a mother of a child with autism I have found very quickly that always being that one step ahead is the difference between a successful and unsuccessful day!
This has helped me understand 1. What social stories are and 2. How to go about creating and using my own
Definitely recommend to teachers and parents who want to understand Autism a but better.

As a school counselor, I am required to teach social skills to different populations within the building. I have had some success with social stories. After reading this book, I should have a marked increase in my success record. This text provides detailed rationale for social story elements as well as great examples. I am especially drawn to the bullying chapter. Fantastic resource for educators and parents. I will recommend to my colleagues. Thanks to Future Horizons for providing a copy of this book for review via NetGalley.

I absolutely loved this revised edition of Social Stories by Carol Grey. As a special needs coordi nator in the UK, I have used social stories with ASD pupils many times in the past but not until I had the privilege of looking at this book did i realise I could make much better use of them. This comprehensive text offers stories for a multitude of situations for all ages from pre school up. It explains the theory behind them in an easy to follow way and offers superb advice for tailoring and writing your own, with specific pupils in mind. Seriously I do not know how I have managed without this book. I would highly recommend it No school should be without a copy!

Very helpful when starting to use social stories for your own children. My son has had a few composed for him at his school but I was very unsure how to compose them and make them helpful for my son moving forward. There were lots of examples that I would not have thought to use a social story for. I also loved that there were tips in how to compose one and style it for your own child.