Member Reviews

The Pilgrim's progress has been a favorite of mine since I was young. I was about 11 when I first read it and it left an imprint in me that for the next 3 years I re-read it about 1o times. Only recently have I read it again as an adult. There is a reason why this classic is often labeled as "second best, after the Bible." If you've never read the Pilgrim's Progress, what are you waiting for?

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan a few centuries ago is accompanied by a 40-day study by Harold Myra. This book has been sitting for me to read and review for quite some time. For some reason, I felt encouraged to go through it recently.
This particular book has two parts. The first section is the 40-day study with Harold Myra. The second is the spiritual classic, Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
In this 40-day study, Harold Myra takes a small section of Pilgrims Progress. He also adds in how more current circumstances might help the reader understand the book better. And all of that is followed by a prayer for the reader.
I happened to read this during our State of Hawaii Stay-at-Home Work-at-Home order for the COVID-19 pandemic. It just so happened that Revelation Media offered a free link to an animated video for Pilgrim’s Progress for children. On top of that, Truth for Life also offers a copy of the Pilgrim’s Progress book in their bookstore.
It seems that Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is getting all kinds of attention right now! Needless to say, it is great timing as so many are turning to God while staying at home.
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan with Harold Myra was provided complimentary through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I give this book five out of five tiaras because it breaks up the original book into a 40-day study that helped place more current perspectives on the original book.

I loved this book. I had never read The Pilgrim’s Progress, but I had always wanted to, so when I saw this I jumped to read it. I liked after each chapter there was an explanation of all that happened in that chapter. That helped me to understand it even more. And I loved the prayers at the end of each chapter also. I believe others will really enjoy this, especially those who need a little more to explain the book better. I really enjoyed it. I thank #NetGalley and the publishers of #ThePilgrimsProgress for the opportunity to read and review with my honest opinion.

I appreciate the opportunity from NetGalley and the publisher to read an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I have long had The Pilgrim's Progress on my TBR, but have never taken the time to read it, imagining that it would be a difficult read. This edition eliminates that obstacle, providing a modernized writing of the original, along with a 40-day devotional. The devotional section is well-written and ties Bunyan's writing to contemporary Christian life. This book has inspired me to take the plunge into Bunyan's original writing. Recommended reading for anyone looking to learn more about a Christian classic and how it relates to their own lives.

The Pilgrims Progress: Experience the spiritual classic though 40 days of daily devotion. Harold Myra: Published by Discovery House, First ebook edition 2018
I have to say up front that I have been a fan of The Pilgrims Progress since I was a kid. This was one of the books I would take for my favorite book day in Elementary School. My Mom would read it to us. I watched the animated version and I even did a John Bunyan monologue in a church service once. So, the idea of spending 40 days with this classic in an ebook version was an easy choice.
Although the book itself came out in 1989 I was not familiar with it and since I am downsizing my library I would have had to think twice before adding another volume. The ebook version is a perfect fit for me and the idea of spending some time with this classic makes it a great deal for me.
The author, Harold Myra, summarizes a section of the original story each day and then adds some devotional thoughts before concluding with a prayer. I tried to imagine if a reader unfamiliar with the original story would be able to follow and I believe he/she would grasp the essence of the story. If not an updated version of the original is included with the book.
I found the devotional thoughts included each day were quite apt and I highlighted several of them. Mr. Myra refers to A. W. Tozer, Martin Luther and Helmut Thielicke in his thoughts, so he connects us on our journey with well known (to me) fellow travelers. However, referring to these three made me wonder if a child would appreciate this book as much as an adult.
I have no concerns with the book, theological or otherwise and I highly recommend it. Although I must repeat, I am a lifelong fan of the book

The Pilgrim’s Progress
Experience the Spiritual Classic through 40 Days of Daily Devotion
by John Bunyan, Harold Myra
Discovery House Publishers
Discovery House
Christian , Religion & Spirituality
Pub Date 01 Jun 2018
I am reviewing The Pilgrims Progress through Discovery House and Netgalley:
It’s been well over three hundred years since Pilgrims Progress was originally published and to this day it is a classic in Christian literature.
In this 2 in 1 version edition of the classic allegory by John Bunyan the language is updated and easier to understand, included is a forty day devotional by Harold Myra
I give The Pilgrims Progress five out of five stars!
Happy Reading

The Pilgrim's Progress is an amazing work of literature - and this was a great accompaniment to such a wonderful book. I love the short devotional pieces that correspond with the book. It was a great discussion starter and book to make you think. I highly recommend this book.

It’s been several years since I read Pilgrim’s Progress, and it was one of those books that I kept because I knew I’d want to read it again. When I saw this, my first thought was, “Why didn’t anyone come up with this idea before now?” I jumped at the chance to read it again, starting with a forty day devotional that goes along beautifully with the messages throughout the book.
Each day of the devotional contains a reading from the book as well as a prayer and message from the author that adds extra meaning and ties everything together. If you have never read Pilgrim’s Progress, I highly recommend this edition. And if you have experienced the allegory, I feel that this will help enlarge on what you have gleaned from the book previously.

I love this classic and re-read it from time to time. Thanks for continuing to keep the classics available!

Fantastic! I've wanted to read The Pilgrims Progress for years but always felt a bit intimidated, this version was so helpful and brought it to life for a first time reader!

I’ve loved the book Pilgrim’s Progress for many years, and have previously read it in the original and updated versions. This new edition is an excellent way to read through Pilgrim’s Progress in a meaningful, unique way. Harold Myra’s devotions that accompany each section are excellent and give meaning and understanding to the text. I appreciate the fact that there are scripture references included. If you’ve never read Pilgrim’s Progress before, this is an excellent way to begin. This would also be a book that a family could enjoy together.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

I last read Pilgrim's Progress two or three years ago and remember at that time wishing I had something to help me understand it better. This is the book I wanted then and am glad to have found now as I decided then it was one of the few books i wanted to reread every few years.
The book explains the most important parts of the story and concludes with the full John Buryan narrative.
I highly recommend this book.
I was given this book by NetGalley and the publisher. This is my voluntary and impartial review.

3.5 stars
“This 2-in-1 edition features an updated-language version of John Bunyan’s classic allegory, as well as Harold Myra’s brand-new, 40-day devotional. “
I rather enjoyed the original version of John Bunyan’s devotional. It took some real getting used too, as the devotions are written in a very unique way. Harold Myra’s updated version was written in the same kind of fanciful language. I just was not a fan. I can see how some people will really enjoy the updated version. I would think most fans of Bunyan will like the updated version as well. My only suggestion is to read the original devotional first before reading the updated section. I believe I may have gotten more out of the book if I had read it in reverse order.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Net Galley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Are you kidding me? This is so good! Anytime you take the ultimate classin of Pilgrim's Progress and give it a few more resources to make it come more to life is always a win. I loved reading this book as a way of going deeper in my thought process around Pilgrim's Progress. Such a great idea and well done, I just wish I would have thought of it myself. Good job!