Member Reviews

I dad this book back when I used NetGalley only for collection development and didn’t write a revie. However we did put chase this book for out library. I thought you should know and I thought I’d make it right with a review-even one 12 years later!

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"My father was a caretaker for many years. He taught me early on an appreciation for old Southern graveyards. When I was a kid, I used to think the cemetery by our house was enchanted. It was my favorite place to play. I called it my kingdom. "Is that why you're known as The Graveyard Queen?"

I love that quote because it quite handily explains the title of this series and gives you a little window into Amelia Gray's mind. The Kingdom is the second book in The Graveyard Queen series, following The Restorer, book 1. Amelia has followed in her father's footsteps, both in her choice of profession, restoring old graveyards, and in her ability to see ghosts. While book 1 was more about Amelia helping to solve a current mystery, book 2 delves into Amelia's own past, and had, to me, a much darker tone. It was more spooky ghost story and a mystery that has gone way too long unsolved, with a dark, dark presence on a remote island that seems to have affected everybody who lives there.

Even though this book has a decidedly more sinister feel, it was just as good as book 1, especially if you like Southern gothic ghost stories, which I do. The setting was described in vivid detail and I thought the mystery unfolded at just the right pace. I was entranced from page 1.

In summary, I loved this book, and highly recommend it. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

5/5 stars.

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This series is one of my favorites. A skill inherited and learned from her father, Amelia restores old graveyards, but she also can see and hear spirits. Her father had the same talent and taught her to ignore them, just restore the graveyard, do not interact with its inhabitants. In the Kingdom, there are two graveyards, the new one and the one at the bottom of a lake after a flood. Amelia keeps getting drawn to a grave she finds hidden in the woods.

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DNF. Not for me................................................

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