Member Reviews

Tanner Cohen and Sydney Braswell had the perfect college romance, future plans and ideal partnership… except that what Sydney had planned wasn’t precisely what Tanner wanted, and while Syd didn’t listen, Tanner didn’t really make her.
Years later they are forced to work together when Syd is assigned to the task force Tanner and her FBI/DEA/USA team-mates have formed to investigate their seemingly dodgy boss and his mob connections. Can Syd and Tanner work together and find a way to be friends, or will they face up to the thread of connection still between them? In the last of the Lone Star Law Romance’s Peyton, Tanner, Bianca, Dale and Syd will finally find the answers to their questions as a line is drawn and the good and bad are finally revealed.
This has been an excellent series of romance/crime thrillers and “Outside the Law” pulls it all together and ties up the loose ends. In each successive book we have had a team member find romance, so it won’t be a shock that this time its Tanner’s turn, and when the love of her life turns up in the opening scene we know where the romance plot is going, however bumpy the road might be getting there.
At the same time the plot thickens as US Attorney Herschel Gellar seems to be getting more and more involved with unpleasant characters and shady deals. The big reveal puts an interesting twist on the whole story, especially one dominated by powerful women.
I’m a series junky as I freely admit and it was great to read the final instalment, revisit the characters we have come to know and love, see the ongoing relationships and friendships take another step, and finally find out just who was behind everything from the murder of Lindsey Ryan onwards. Thoroughly enjoyable reading, only sad the series is over.

Outside the Law is the final book in the Lone Star Law series. Needless to say - go read the first three before you start this one.
Like the other three books, this one continues (and concludes) the overarching plot involving the investigation into the Vargas cartel and features two new main characters and their romantic arc. It's about time the Vargas get what's coming. :) Taite wraps things up well and leaves no real loose ends. Overall, the investigative plot, with all the associated intrigue, suspense and nefarious shenanigans worked really well and kept me hooked to read the next one to see what was going to happen next.
As for the romance - it's actually a bit more in the forefront in this book. Tanner Cohen, introduced as a member of the task force in earlier books, is an FBI agent who is blindsided when she is called onto the carpet by Sydney Braswell, her former college gf who is now a lawyer. Not an auspicious reunion, especially as their break up still haunts them both. After all the insta-loves of the previous books, it is kind of nice change of pace to have a second chance romance. Taite seems to give this romance aspect a bit more focus than the ones in the previous books, or maybe its because the two characters have a history and there are flashbacks to their college days. There's a bit of angst - hell they both regret what happened in college, but it worked with the story.
An enjoyable series.

'NetGalley ARC provided by The Publisher in exchange for a honest review'
Carsen Taite's new book/series featuring lead FBI agent Tanner Cohen and the rest of her cohort from the previous series are utterly riveting and masterfully drawn. Her latest thriller which rehashes past drug cases and gang members,pits some AUSA members,detectives,a few law enforcement officers,lovers,exes and enemies against one another at times when information does not pan out--in this unforgettable standoff between righteous courage and deepest greed/evil. In a storyline of fierce intensity,great storytelling,shifting allegiances,great supporting & surrounding chemistry,nice P.O.V.,and shocking twists,multiply investigations collide with a dramatic ending straddling both sides of the law. This 4th installment is also a well-crafted,well-paced crime drama series about friendships,first-love,commitment and the choices we sometimes might make about how to spent our short time on this earth. Fans of this continuing series need not be despair as they speed towards its final page because there are still many questions left unanswered. Recommended series to everyone!

Outside the Law is the last book in this series and it definitely brings a great end to the series. I read the first 3 books right before this one so that the story was all together for me and fresh in my mind. I really enjoyed this story and love how Taite wraps up the case. I really liked Sydney and Tanner. The romance between the to simmers at the beginning and they both struggle with how their relationship ended after law school, neither has really found someone who they really loved more than each other over the time they have been apart. I really liked how Taite followed the main characters from the other three books in this so that you still see how everything wraps up in the end. Outside the Law is an excellent read and I highly recommend it. I’m going to be checking out Carsten Taite’s other books as well.

This is the forth and final book of an on going series and I admit I enjoyed them all. Yes, I would advise you to read them in order. Reason being is that although the main story changes there are some story lines that continue throughout the books.
I feel that the story line and characters were developed well by Taite and I'm actually disappointed to know this is the last. I've got to know and like the characters.
I was pleased that it ended on a happy note and I have to admit I didn't see it coming.
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

Carsen Taite is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors after I recently discovered her books. This is the fourth and final book in the Lone Star Law Series. Each book follows a different couple, but there is a crime story that flows through all four books. I highly recommend reading the entire series. I went back and read them all before I started this book and it was so worth it. It was extra thrilling being able to read through all the books without having to wait for the next.
I really really enjoyed this book and this series. Strong, brilliant, and confident women, sweet romance and sizzling chemistry, incredible writing, and a fantastic twisty crime story. Carsen Taite is a talented writer - she has a way of making her words come alive and the story jumping off the page.
This book follows Tanner and Sydney's story and wraps up the investigation. Tanner is an FBI agent on the case when Sydney is brought in from from a big city law firm to be an unbiased outsider on the case. But Sydney and Tanner haven't seen each other in years, not since their final year of law school, when the young lovers went their separate ways. Can they forgive and forget the past and move forward. Will they give into the attraction that has never quieted between them?
I received an ARC in via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Outside the Law is the 4th and final book in the Lone Star Series. I have enjoyed all the preceding books and was looking forward to reading this one. The series deals with a task force of women who are trying to bring the murderers/drug lords to justice following an on-going crime.
In the 4th book, Tanner Cohen, an FBI Special Agent, and Sydney Braswell, a U.S. prosecutor for the Justice Department, reignite a romance they had while in college. Rather than evolving into a marriage at the end of college, the two love birds found out that they had different dreams. They broke up and went their separate ways.
This case brings them back together again years later. Because of past involvement, I found the rekindling of their feelings and physical attractions believable. I enjoyed the pleasure, doubt and fears that Syd and Tanner feel when thinking about their rekindled relationship.
Because this is an on-going crime story, I do not recommend this book as a standalone book. The plot is very intricate and well thought out. For me, I found the first half of this book a little slower than the previous three books. However, mid-way through the book it picked up. Ms. Taite also put a nice twist at the end that I found interesting.
I recommend this book and give it 4 out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

This is the last of the Lone Star series, and high five to Carsen Taite as she has delivered yet again.
This story is as good as the rest, and an excellent series.
The story has all you can ask for, crime, thriller and romance. Both Tanner and Sydney are likeable characters and I found myself routeing for them.
Respect to CT, she tied up the series with an outstanding book, kept the flow of the story from book 1

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40123906-outside-the-law" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Outside the Law" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1526378541m/40123906.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40123906-outside-the-law">Outside the Law</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2829153.Carsen_Taite">Carsen Taite</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2400885381">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.<br />This book is the 4th in the Lone Star Series. Tanner (FBI Agent) and Sydney (spec. prosecutor) are the leads in this legal thriller/romance that has courtroom drama, angst and just the right amount of sex to carry the storyline. Neatly written plot that makes more sense if read in series sequence. Ms. Taite is a favourite author of mine.<br />Recommended with4 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

This is the fourth and final book in Carsen's ‘ Lone Star Law’ series’. This time the main story is focused on Tanner Cohen and Sydney Braswell. The federal task force in charge of bringing an end to a crime family involved in smuggling drugs is made up with the friends and colleagues we meet in the previous books. Eight women are tasked with the job and falling in love seems to be unavoidable. In ‘Lay Down the Law’ we meet Payton and Lily, next comes ‘Above the Law’ where we meet Dale and Lindsey. The third installment ‘Letter of the Law’ covers the love story of Bianca and Jade. Now we have Tanners and Sydney falling. I have read all of Carsen Taite’s books and have never been disappointed. Simply a great read.
eARC via NetGalley.

Readers should definetly read the first books in this series, as this book pretty much wraps everything up. You don't have to read them to appreciate the love story between Tanner and Sydney however, since that's pretty secluded to this book, but it definetly helps you to understand the corruption that they are fighting. You'll also appreciate the cameos from all of the other ladies in this series.
Carsen Taite is wonderful at crime and books that focus on law. This book remains in her zone, so to speak. Excellent editing as well, so you're never pulled out of the book.
Overall the series was a strong one.

I had two differing thoughts when I found out this was the final book in the Lone Star series. My first thought was, oh no, the final book, but, then I realized, oh, but, it's also the final book, all those juicy plot strings will probably be tied up by the end of the book, awesome!
It still has in it the overarching story of Bianca, Peyton, Dale, Tanner, Mary, and various girlfriends of those characters. They're on the task force, that then sorta became a secret task force, and now seems to be a non-secret task force again. And how they're going up against drug kingpins and trying to catch the bad guys and save the innocents.
In between all the hard core mystery/thriller stuff in this novel, there's also the final love story of the series. Sydney is introduced to the group. She's a lawyer from the Justice Department ("Main Justice") who comes in to suss out whether Herscel, the guy who's supposedly in charge of the task force, is doing his job, or impeeding the womens' jobs.
She and Tanner have quite the past, which we get to see in flashbacks, having gone to law school together and been a couple. Their break up wasn't great, and now there's tensions galore between them, but, also an underlying love still there too perhaps.
It was a really good end to the series. And while I thought that there was a bit less romance in it than in the previous books, that did make sense since there was so much to tie together in the mystery plot. All in all, very cool!
I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

This is the fourth and final installment in the Lone Star Law series, and I’ve read them all. This is a fitting ending and all the conflicts from the prior books wrap up nicely, as expected. What I’ve enjoyed about this series is that the characters all work well together both as individuals in their professions and also as couples and I came to really care what happened to them. The plot begins in the first book and is woven nicely throughout all four books. Carsen Taite never fails to keep me entertained and on my toes.

The fourth - and final - book in Carsen Taite's Lone Star Law Series is as good as the other three. No real surprise as Ms Taite is a master of the legal thriller. Here we meet the gang from the earlier books plus a new character - Sydney. She has been brought in to add some external control to the task force but she also has history with Tanner. Can they get past the past to ensure the safety of the team?
There is a lot of good stuff here and I'd recommend you read the books in order as the storyline flows through the series. Tanner and Sydney are well written and their dance round each other is credible as they try to find a way to forget who they were and become friends as who they now are. There is enough tension and plot development to keep you turning pages. I didn't see the unexpected end coming and that always pleases me.
Recommended if you like cops and crime or well written character driven stories.
I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

This is the final book in the Lone Star Law series by Taite. The first three are Lay Down the Law, Above the Law and Letter of the Law. Although each book contains a different romance, the characters run through all four books, and the major crime plot advances throughout the series. So do read the books in order to save confusion.
In this edition, Tanner Cohen, one of the main players in the series, is given the chance for love. An FBI agent, Tanner is involved in the group of law enforcement officers trying to sort out the violence and murder by a drug gang that seems to have threads into the FBI itself. This time, a new group member joins their hunt, Sydney Braswell, a special prosecutor.
The potential romance kicks off straight away when Tanner realises that Sydney is in town. They were lovers for three years when they both went to law school, so it isn’t a surprise that their emotions run hot when they meet for the first time in a decade. It doesn’t help that their attraction is just as searing as it was all those years ago.
The crime plot is far too complicated to get into here. Trust me when I say you have to read these books in order to have any idea of what is going on. In fact, I’d recommend you read them close together, as reading them spaced apart so the author has the time to write them, gave me too long and I forget all the plot, characters and nuances that the author usually brings to her books. So I’d have to work at it to understand the array of characters and remember some of the major plot points when starting each book. I think this is one of the reasons I gave the middle books in the series less stars than the first and last in the series.
The issue I have with this series is that there are so many characters that it can be hard to remember them all when leave a lot of time between the books. However, I’m sure that the plot, while complex, would work brilliantly if you read the books together, as a series. It is in this form that I think the series would really shine.
I really like Taite’s work. She often has intelligent plot lines, and good side characters. Her main characters are strong and smart, and it is a joy to go along for the ride.
If you like books with smart, strong women, a cracking and complex plot and a good crime story, then this would be the series for you.
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

This has been a great series where I have enjoyed the ride. I have always felt there was a lot going on in these books and it always takes me a bit of time to remember all the details from the previous books. I liked the romance between the two characters that we focused on in this book, Syd and Tanner. What did work is that the two have a history which Taite was able to build off which helps when you have a book action packed with so many other storylines going on there isn't a lot of time for romance which I found lacking a bit in the last 3 books.

I think this book is a fabulous closing to the Lone Star Law Series. I think Taite improved the series with each book and this one being the best overall. This book felt more romance than crime. Which I cannot say about the others. Of course, we had to wrap up the ongoing investigation, put those bad mofo's in jail but I just felt more spark this time around. I think you will see that the characters are given more time in the book to explore that romance and as a romance junkie, that was much appreciated.
Tanner Cohen is one of the FBI agents you met in the previous books. Tanner has been very much an auxiliary character until she helped with the rescue, Bianca Cruz's daughter. Tanner is your strong silent type. She is the job, 100%. What we didn't know is that Tanner gave up the love of her life for this career and that former love just showed up in Dallas and is on the case as well.
Sydney Braswell is Tanner's law school sweetheart. They had their lives planned, finish school, take a job at a high-powered law firm, big house and kids to finish it out. The only problem, Tanner wanted something else and that desire to join the FBI broke them. Sydney found out the high profile firm wasn't all it was cracked up to be either and is now a special prosecutor for the Justice Department.
Tanner and Sydney's journey back to each other is sweet, sexy and sure to keep you entertained. Overall this series has been delightful, I was thrilled that the book to finish out was this good.

Outside the Law is 4th in a series that keeps on giving. Great characters, great writing and a great plot. I am recommending this book to my students book group. They are currently discussing strong female fictional characters and I believe Carsen Taite has just given them a new one to talk about. I would recommend this book to all. The pages turn themselves in a well written book.

The romance part was slow and the plot was not interesting enough to keep me gripped. I have liked other books by this author exponentially more. The story was extremely formulaic for the genre, which might not be a bad thing depending on what you are looking for.

Like most books from Carsen Taite it is well written with solid characters.
This is the last book from the series and I would recommend reading them in order. All the lose ends are tied up and nothing was left open.