Member Reviews

3.5 Stars. This is the fourth and final book in the Lone Star Law series. I’m a big Carsen Taite fan, but I have to be honest this series wasn’t my favorite. But all four books were decent and I am a little sad the series is now over. I would put this book in the little better than okay category. Do you have to read the books in order? I would recommend it. There are some storylines that ran through all four books. Some big loose ends were finally tied up in this one. I think you might be a bit confused if you started the series with this final book.
Each of these books has a main character finding romance. For this book it was Tanner’s turn. What made this book slightly different, Tanner’s potential love interest is an old flame. One of my issues with these books is so much action took away from the romance. But because Tanner and Syd have a history already, a faster moving romance made more sense. On top of everything, the action in this book was more toned down so the romance had a little more time.
I enjoyed getting to know Tanner more. I found her to be pretty likeable. I wasn’t sure about Syd. I took longer to warm up to this new character, but eventually she won me over. Of course all the old characters from the other books were all present. My only complaint, I really like Lilly, Lindsay and Jade and they didn’t get much time in this book. Since they are the girlfriends of the more main characters, they were basically left for background noise. I was just bummed because they are the characters I liked the most.
I did like how all the loose ends tied up. I don’t think Taite left anything really hanging. There was a twist I didn’t see coming so that was interesting. I liked the ending, it was sappy and sweet. But then it took a turn and it was ultra-cheesy. I think Taite went too far in the cheese department.
If you are a fan of this series, definitely pick this book up. I think you will be happy with this as a final book. This is not a favorite series for me, but I will miss it. If you are new to the series, start at book one. I’m looking forward to what new series Taite takes on next.

I have to admit there are several books in this series I didn't much care for - had I realized this book was part of those I probably wouldn't have grabbed it. But I'm glad I did.
I really enjoyed Tanner & Sydney and while there are aspects I didn't like, the story flwoed well and was an overall good read.

This is the fourth and last book of the 'Lone Star Law' series. According to the author, she's been inspired by watching the tv series Dallas and decided to write something similar but with lesbian main characters. There are loads of plots, subplots and several different characters in the series so it's easy to get lost. Despite that the author presents here a good catch up with the previous books stories, now that the full series is available I suggest that you read them one after the other.
This is by far the best book of the series and Ms. Taite has saved the best for last. Each book features a romance and the main characters, Tanner Cohen and Sydney Braswell are well rounded, lovable and their chemistry is sizzling. The author follows her usual romance formula between a hot, stoic butch (FBI Special Agent Tanner) and a beautiful but strong-minded femme (Prosecutor Braswell). The twist is that they've been a couple during college which didn't end well so trying to work together and trust each other is a main issue. The author takes the reader between their past and present relationship fluidly. The book found the perfect balance between romance and thriller with a surprising twist at the end. Very entertaining read.
Overall, a very good end of this series. Recommended for both romance and thriller fans. 4.5 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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This book was okay. I thought it was. Little too long for the story they were telling. I feel like a lot of the characters were pushed to the side, like we never got Mary’s Story. I thought the idea of Tanner having an ex that came back was good and it let me fill in a square on my lesbian bingo card. Great storytelling, as always the characters are well written. Could have been shorter or more evenly written. I think the beginning sort of dragged and then ending was wrapped up way too quickly and in too nice of a bow. I lie Carsen Taite’s writing and I’m glad we have finished this series. It was really good and I only read it cause it was at the library. I just picked it out randomly and I think is is probably my second favorite law and order series by an author. The other of course being the Honor Series by Radcliffe’s. Overall an excellent book to read.

This is the fourth book of the Lone Star Law Series and apparently, and because the author says so in the acknowledgments, it will be the last. Since the first book, the plot has been developed and new characters have been appearing, so if they are not read consecutively it is not possible to understand the magnitude and meaning of the whole story. Therefore, it is not advisable to read this book without having read the previous three.
I particularly liked the four episodes individually and the story in its entirety. The plot develops with a good pace, has enough tension to keep you interested and hope for what will come next and there is always a bit of romance.
In this case the protagonists are Tanner and Sydney. Tanner is a Special Agent of the FBI and Sydney is a lawyer from some government department. The other three couples of the previous books also appear in this, but with little role, even Lindsey, the journalist who stars in book # 2, does not appear in this one physically, she is only named.
Tanner and Syd have had a relationship in college, studying law together, with some gaps in how old they are, how long they have been together, how long has it been since their breakup, reference is made to a Tanner service in Afghanistan before starting law studies but it is not very clear. They are not very important things, but if they were clearer the story would be more complete. Once they are reunited due to the case that they carry out, the relationship does not seem likely to be resetting, but the circumstances and their irresistible attraction, finally brings them back together. There are several sex scenes, not very extensive or descriptive, the story being more focused on the romantic aspect of the relationship. The previous relationship between Tanner and Syd is told through flash backs, not very long and complex, rather short episodes to give us an idea of what their relationship was and the reason for the break.
The book is in summary highly recommended if you look for a fun read and the set of four books is also worth reading.
<i>An ARC was sent to me from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley for an honest review </i>

This is the fourth and final installment in Taite’s ‘Lone Star Law Series’ and it’s a good one. Tanner Cohen walks into a briefing one morning find herself being hauled over the coals for her part in Razor’s (the Zetas enforcer) confession by none other than her ex of ten years previously. Sydney Braswell was at law school with Tanner and after a three year relationship their trench for a picket fence was all but dug – until it wasn’t. Now they’ll have to get beyond personal issues to get to the bottom of US Attorney Geller’s apparent witch hunt with Gantry in the spotlight and finding the missing Vargas brother, Sergio.
‘Outside the Law’ shares the same fast-paced intrigue that was prevalent in the first three in the series but has a much better romance and probably because Tanner and Syd have a history. Love-at-first-sight can be a little unbelievable so it was nice to have the implied depth to the relationship. From the relationship point of view this was the best of the series but from the law and order point of view, I found it lacked the tension and danger of the previous books.
This is not a stand-alone novel and won’t really make sense without reading the first three books.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I've read a few of the lone star series and this very nicely wraps it up. It was nice revising old characters and for once Carson did not abruptly end the story but give it a nice lingering end.