Member Reviews

For gods sake that really irritated me, talk about milking the bloody cow, too much drama. I didn’t enjoy this read as much as I hoped, I was excited to read this storyline but it soon got old, the characters were very likeable and their chemistry was strong enough, they spent too much of the book apart for my liking, the couple of sex scenes were very nicely done but i just feel this was a letdown compared to the first two books, less milking and and more time together then this would have been a really good read for me.....

I was very interested to read this book after I've seen the synopsis. It didn't disappoint but I wasn't really ecstatic after I've finished it. It could've been more fun reading it actually, had it not have been for one fact: their get together was rushed somehow, and in spite of the characters' great chemistry, the majority of the book they spent mildly flirting and behaving very politely and cautiously around each other. Plus, I wasn't really keen on that first sex scene when such a power-play imbalance happens out of anger and hurt; it might have been a better situation had that scene followed, without it being the first and the main in the book...

A very good romance and a brilliant retelling of one of my favourite Shakespearean play Twelfth Night.
It's been a while since Nell Stark released a novel and its been well worth the wait. All the characters in this book were well done except that perhaps Duke could have been more forthcoming and been more firm with Toby and his mechanitions. However that too was important to the plot so I guess all's well that ends well.
A must read