Member Reviews

This is the third in an enjoyable urban fantasy/paranormal series by Lesley Davis that focuses on angels, demons and the end of the world. I would strongly recommend that you read the first two as they build upon one another with an overarching plot and you may not be able to fully appreciate the book without the background and introduction to characters. The series itself is rather unique as it tackles angels and demons in a
We start the book with Kieran - a young woman plagued by visions and is (unsuccessfully) suicidal - who is currently being held in a psychiatric hospital. Her new doctor, Merlo Blue, is the first to understand that Kieran is not crazy but there's something larger and more sinister at play. After breaking her out, Merlo reaches out to (characters introduced in the first two book) to try and determine what is happening and how Kieran is involved.
There's a fair bit of action and thrills in this one - plus some great twists and surprises that caught me by surprise and I'm trying very hard not to spoil. Davis is a great fantasy and urban fantasy writer, and she's created a really interesting world and characters in this series. I recommend this series for anyone that likes urban fantasy and considers a bit of lesbian romance thrown in as a nice bonus.

I liked the story a lot but I was very confused during much of it, due to lack of background information. When I went to see why it was so I found out it was actually the final book of a series. I wish I would've known that so a) I could've read the first few or b) not requester it at all. sadly I couldn't finish it because I was missing out on so much of it, what I did read, however, was well written.

i really wish publishers would MAKE IT CLEAR on netgalley if something is a series or not; when i requested it i checked on goodreads if it was, and it said it was a standalone (it has now been rectified)
therefore, i had to DNF this, because i felt like i was missing A LOT of the background even if it wasn't a direct continuation of the other two. so the rating is not because this is bad, but simply because it can't act as a standalone and this was not made clear at all.

I did really enjoy this but I started myself off at a disadvantage not realising that it was the third (and final?) book in the series. I think I would have got more out of it if I'd read the entire series although based on my experience you can read it as a standalone. Kieran was an interesting character and the plot was good although a little slow paced in places. Demonic possession, lesbian romance and just the general world building of this book have me wanting to track down the first two and start from the beginning though so perhaps I'll up my rating when I've done that. Still recommend for fans of fantasy and urban fantasy.

This is probably more of a 2.5 but I rounded down because I kept losing focus and skimming a lot. I think this could easily be a 3 or even 4 star book for some people but for me there were a few issues [some of which are kind of my fault anyway].
First, I didn't realize this was the third book in a series when I requested it. I think it can more or less stand alone because the two main characters are new to this book, but it seems like all the side characters are protagonists from the previous two books so I definitely felt like I was missing something and kept going 'wait, who ARE all these people???'.
Second, it was ...a lot more fantasy-ish than I was expecting? I guess this also probably could have been avoided had I read the earlier books, but the summary makes it sound like the story is going to take place mostly in the hospital and also that it's going to be kind of like 'oh, is demons or is she just sick?' so I was definitely expecting the whole thing to be much more ...subtle I guess? Instead they're out of the hospital by the 30% mark probably and then everyone and their mother is revealed to either be an angel or some other supernatural being and we rush headlong into very standard angels-and-demons urban fantasy fare.
There is nothing inherently wrong with any of that, but it just wasn't what I was looking for and because of it I couldn't really enjoy this book. Also there is one sex scene and it's around the 75% mark if you are looking to either find or avoid that ;)

What a great read. I really enjoyed this book. The story and the characters had me from the beginning. Though it's the third in a series, this book can certainly stand alone.
I love a good romance and there was just enough angst between the two main characters to build the right amount of chemistry needed. I recommend.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39685314-white-wings-weeping" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="White Wings Weeping (Wings, #3)" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1523900428m/39685314.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39685314-white-wings-weeping">White Wings Weeping</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/596395.Lesley_Davis">Lesley Davis</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2400868460">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an Arc from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.<br />A paranormal romance with sex and angst that is #3 in the Wings Series. To really understand the characters, it is helpful to read books 1 and 2 but not absolutely necessary. Main lead Kieran is compellingly written as a flawed individual seeking help and is ably supported in the storyline by Dr. Merlo Blue. I read slowly, re-reading sections to fully appreciate and savour the plot. I recommend this book with 4.5 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

Lesbian romance, demonic possession, epic battles between good and evil… what’s not to like? Dr Merlo Blue has a new patient in the psychiatric clinic who has tried to kill herself more than once. Kieran Lee is not very good at suicide and this time she’s landed herself in a clinic headed by a self-important chauvinist who thinks Dr Blue’s methods are too touchy-feely and that Kieran needs a heavier hand. It’s not long before Merlo realises that there might be a lot more to Kieran’s suicide attempts than depression.
There is wonderful tension in the first half of the book and I really enjoyed the clinic setting with the interplay between mental dysfunction versus demonic possession. The second felt a little like uncontrolled mayhem but even then I enjoyed the dynamics between the characters. I was disconcerted when a story line of Atlantis was chucked in for good measure and I had a fleeting thought: But Atlantis doesn’t exist. I laughed at myself and carried on reading.
I liked both Merlo and Kieran as characters but was more drawn to Kieran and I think it was because Merlo had a lot of potential but I found she was absent from many of the scenes she could have been actively involved in. Hands down, though, my favourite character in the series is Rafe, in both this and the second book.
This is the third in the series but I have only read this one and book two. Characters from both of the first two books are in this one and it could still probably be read as a standalone but there will be some information loss. Rafe and Ashley’s story is in book one and I think I will go back and read it at some point.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I really loved this book! I have a busy schedule so it took longer than usual for me to finish it but this book definitely didn't make me want you put it down. Sometimes I went to my bed at 4 in the morning when I had work at 8 am because I stayed up reading it!
My favorite thing about it is that I dont have to read the other books to grasp what's going on cause when I first requested it, I had no idea it was part of a series. But I enjoyed this one so much, I'm definitely gonna buy the others. Great writing, fantastic paranormal storytelling. Wonderful book all around

Wow, what an emotional ride. I’ve only just caught my breath after the phenomenal ending where demons and angels fight to the death. This is the third book in the Wings series and Lesley Davis has surpassed herself. Our main character is Kieran who ends up in a psych ward after yet another unsuccessful suicide attempt. But this isn’t a cry for help, Kieran really wants to die. She believes she is mad because of the visions she experiences and she cannot cope with the horror she sees and feels.
Dr Merlo Blue is no ordinary doctor and she knows Kieran is no ordinary patient, so she enlists her friends in the Deviant Data Unit. Together they try to help Kieran understand what is happening to her and then deal with the visions. The book is poetic in places, scary in places, incredibly moving in places and also funny in places – usually courtesy of Rafe who is as brilliant as ever.
If you haven’t read the first two books, then do yourself a favour and start there cos you’ll get more out of this if you know the background. This does stand alone, however, if you do want to dive in. An excellent read and recommended if you like paranormal, stories with depth or something just a little bit different.
I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I felt like I was reading this for days, there wasn’t as much romance as I like in this book, probably because Kieran was possessed 😱 so this was just an ok book for me, i can’t really remember if the sex scene was hot or not so it was probably average, it’s a shame really because I do remember book two having some well done sexy scenes in it, I think book 2 really does top book 1 and 3, I can’t say I’m upset that this is the last instalment, I did enjoy the Angels and Demands but as I said not enough romance for me and I got a bit bored and thought it dragged on longer than necessary.

3.5 Stars. This is the third and I am guessing finale book in the Wings series. I’m guessing this is the end since all the loose ends seem to be tied up. But I’d be happy if I was wrong since I’ve grown attached to all the characters. I enjoyed this read though the second book is till my favorite. While it would be helpful to read these books in order, I would suggest at least reading book 2 first. I think starting at book 2 would give enough background to understand this book fully.
The first two books are urban fantasy/crime/romances, while this book is straight up urban fantasy-romance. This book is all about good vs. evil, angles vs demons, with a little romance thrown in. They way these books work is each book is about two new main characters, and then eventually the characters from the previous books join them. In this book we meet Kieran. Kieran is plagued by seeing visions of Hell on earth. She wants to escape the madness and keeps trying to commit suicide. But no matter what she tries, something always goes wrong and she stays alive. After her latest attempt, she winds up in a psychiatric hospital in front of Dr. Blue. If only she can convince the doctor she is not crazy so she can get out and try to kill herself again. But Dr. Merlo Blue isn’t a normal doctor; she has secrets of her own. And once she realizes what is going on with Kieran, it is up to the doctor and her friends to save Kieran and maybe just the world.
I absolutely enjoyed this read and thought it worked really well as a possible finale to the series. The reason I didn’t enjoy it as much as book 2 is the romance is not as good. It is okay, I just wish we had more time with the mains together. What is really going on with Kieran, and I won’t mention for spoiler reasons, it is not very conducive for a romance. There was a lot Kieran had to deal with so I understand the romance not playing as large of a part as I hoped. It is okay all things considering, I just wanted a tad bit more. It’s one of the reasons I’m hoping for a book 4, I would love more time with this couple.
What I really enjoyed about this book was the urban fantasy parts of it. The imagination Davis has is really impressive. I thought the new secondary character and her cool powers were great. Plus I loved who and what Doctor Blue really is. That was a twist I didn’t see coming. And just clever because it is not something urban fantasy/paranormal authors really use as a magical being. On top of the cool new characters, this book had a big climax. A big “we must save the world” climax scene that was also well done and exciting to read about.
As an urban fantasy fan, this book was right up my alley. If you have read the first books, absolutely get this one. If you are new to the series, I highly recommend at least reading book 2, Pale Wings Protecting, before this one. This series has opened my eyes to Davis as a writer and I look forward to checking out her other books.

I had a real problem getting into this book. I have not read this author before and it seems as though this book can stand apart from the author's other books, though there is some backstory missing. White Wings Weeping follows the story of Kieran, who starts out in a mental institution due to suicide attempts. Dr. Merlo Blue is her assigned psychologist, who is also an empath, who is also associated with the angel world, apparently. The problem I had with this book is the author has a full cast of lesbian characters, so she is trying to push all boundaries, which wouldn't be a problem, except she makes it a point to keep pointing it out. Let the characters just live their life. As a pansexual myself, I don't go around pointing out how gay I am all the time. My life is just my life. But that was not my biggest problem with this book.
This was - Around 60% in, the author introduces a new character, named Kosumba. The author states that this is a black archangel and then in the next sentence points out, "isn't that going to drive those so-called Christians mad who are stuck in their racist thinking" or something very close to this sentence. So instead of letting this beautiful African character stand on her own, the author is doing exactly what those so-called Christians are doing. She is using the race of this character as a "gotcha" character and pointing it out in the process. That just isn't right. It's racist and disgraceful.