Member Reviews

As with all anthologies, this collections had a few stories in it that weren't to my personal taste but, by and large, it was a stellar representation of tricksters in queer literature.

I'm always a big fan of an anthology that starts off with a f/f story, and this one did that with Helena Maeve's steampunk "Wagered and Won". I loved both Kathra and Cecily, although it was only Kathra's PoV that the story was told in. The story could have benefited from being a bit longer, but it got across the budding attraction between the two main characters and I kinda love how their bonding activity was getting revenge on each others' people.

Possibly it's no surprise to anyone that I also loved the polyamorous story in this collection. "How to Trick a Trickster" by Ava Kelly was a story with a matchmaker who ended up falling for the two people he was meant to make fall in love with each other. It had a very snarky person, a schmoopy cutie and of course the matchmaker himself. The shared PoV of this one worked really well.

We actually had two matchmaker stories in this one, now that I think of it, the other one being “Whiskey & Pixie Dust” by L.J. Hamlin, that had a demon matchmaker setting up a witch and a demigod by way of the pixie dust listed in the title. The matchmaker in this case definitely is not beloved of the other two characters, in a story that basically works as an analogue to drink spiking.

Demons were a common theme in this anthology. The most memorable perhaps is the erotic short from Daria Defore. "A Spell for Luck" is a delightful romp set in the same world as her longer story Sparkwood. It's another one that I would have loved to see fleshed out into a longer novella.

Finally, my last favourite of this collection was “Kneadful Things” by Laurin Kelly. This was an absolutely beautiful story about a man who answers an ad on Craigslist and ends up working for a person who isn't exactly human, but is able to grant wishes. The description of Jin's physical body when not glamoured was wonderful, as was the unique way in which he gets gratification with his partner.

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I'm not normally a big fan of short stories as I tend to find them unsatisfying. I really enjoyed this collection. The only story that didn't really do it for me was the very last one, which is unfortunate as it left a med taste in my mouth when I finished. Going over the other stories in the collection again as I write this though I found that each of the stories was still memorable and different. Sure all the stories in the collection are queer and romantic in some way but they are all different in plot and writing style. Overall a solid, sometimes steamy, sometimes exciting, sometimes adorable anthology.

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