Member Reviews

A memoir with quite the Thanksgiving cover that with each page made me thankful for the husband that I have who is alive, happy and well and the relationship we have as two partners taking on the world. Beth Howard is a wanderer and although married; her and her husband didn't always live on the same side of the universe, so it was almost like they were two independent people who happened to be married and happened to run into each other every once in a while - I don't know how she did it. As a divorce is in the works, Marcus, her husband passes away and this book is born.

Her journey to recover from grief and find her next passion was heartbreaking and motivating. I have never been a wanderer and always followed a plan, so to read about her life jumping from job to location to job was interesting because it was so far different from my own life experiences. As a newlywed, it was hard to read this book, because I didn't and still don't want to admit that maybe some day I may have live without my spouse or he without me - I understand her inability to put the pieces together because I don't know that I would be able to put both shoes on each morning.

I think at this time of the season, this book is a good read to remind us all to be thankful to wake up each day with the person we love and to constantly do things for our spouses because one day we may not be able to. I know this is a memoir, a story of life, but I found her journey to be refreshingly truthful - I thought she didn't cover up any of the details that we as the reader would need. If you are a fan of memoirs, this one should be added to your list.

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My apologies; if I requested this book, it appears that due to family commitments I was not able to read it before the book was archived. I'm sorry it has lingered this long.

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