Member Reviews

Weather and Your Garden

How many of us discover the weather from the screen of our cell phone, or television. Wohllbean challenges us to look out the window. This is excellent advice. If you’re a gardener or farmer, you know that the weather five miles from where you are can be rain while you’re having sun. I have friends in Florida who live in an area they call the desert because they get so little rain while those of us ten miles away have a relatively good amount.

The only problem with Wohllbean’s discussion of the weather is that in he discusses European weather rather than what we experience in the US. However, what he says about where weather comes from can be translated usefully to the US. The book also has interesting information about pests in the garden and discusses aspects of the weather. I found the formation of hail particularly interesting.

Wolhllbean talks about sensitizing us to how what we do affects the environment. Most of us wouldn’t think about it, but painting your garden furniture with wood preservative means the stain will wash away if the furniture is left our during the year allowing the chemicals to seep into the soil. Chemicals in the soil will affect insects and worms some of which you want to foster in your garden. A better idea is to use natural pigments or more durable wood.

If you are a gardener, this is a good book. You may know or practice many of Wohllbean’s recommendations, but I’m sure you’ll find new interesting ideas.

I received this book from Dutton for this review.

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