Member Reviews

I originally requested this for review from NetGalley in 2012, but must have never gotten to it for some reason. The ARC is long gone but I am trying to clear my NetGalley to review shelf, so I purchased another copy to read.

I thought Darkest Knight was pretty good, it's book two of a series, so I am missing a few pieces of the world building. What I did get is that there is a sisterhood of knights who are either children of angels or future mates to angels. After mating the angels either turn human and stay with their new family or become Fallen. The pieces I am missing is who the sister Knights fight, there's references to somebody or another's Fatherhouse, but they really aren't part of this story, and also the bit about Gargoyles except that somehow it is possible to be enslaved to one and the leading lady was freed from that bond at the cost of her lover turning into one. But that's sort of a side thing here, since the focus is the leading lady is on the hunt for a being who has killed most of her 'sisters'. So fearless leading lady, some charms and magic, and angels, ghosts, witches, and gargoyles - it kept my interest and stacks up fairly well against current urban fantasy at a similar price point of $2.99 for the kindle edition.

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