Member Reviews

Burning Ridge comprises #4 in the Timber Creek K-9 Mystery series and the second I've had the privilege to receive through download from the publisher and NetGalley. Protagonist Deputy Mattie Cobb is a handler for Robo, the regal German Shepherd police K-9, who has been trained for specialty assignments in search and rescue in the remote and rugged Colorado mountains.
Veterinarian, Dr. Cole Walker, provides the love interest (which does not overwhelm the storyline), while level-headed and experienced Stella, is a complex, well-trained, and competent detective who issues police procedural basics and authority.
Unfortunately, the beauty of the Colorado wilderness doesn't completely hide the ugliness of a person or scenario twenty-plus years in the making when Robo discovers a charred body and even older shallow grave sites near the same location. When the body is found to be someone extremely close to Mattie, the situation becomes very personal.
This book will function well as a standalone, as it reveals much more about her dark childhood than previously disclosed and somewhat sets the stage for revelations in book five. The author releases little tidbits about the training, commands, and intuitiveness of our faithful and loving canines throughout the novel. Cole is beginning to realize the seriousness of finding a companion associated with police investigation and the even more dangerous position of a K-9 officer.
The characters continue to be well-fleshed and emotive. The dialogue is delivered naturally and you even come to love Mountaineer, the reliable, sure-footed mount given to Mattie. The drama grabs you from the opening chapter and the well-plotted storyline never slows. My only complaint would be the inexplicable connection to the antagonist or lack of resolution for his/her/their involvement. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to read and review and heartily recommend whether or not you're a dog person, a small town USA person, or a crime, police procedural person. It's a fast, well-plotted mystery. You'll enjoy.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.
I loved this book so much so I’m going to read the other books in the series.
I loved the characters and setting of the book.. I loved Robo.

Deputy Mattie Cobb's fourth case hits close to home. When Cole Walker and his daughters discover a burned boot with foot still inside, Mattie and her K9 partner Robo are called in to see if Robo can find the rest of the body.
Meanwhile, Mattie is considering meeting with her brother who was raised in a separate foster home after their dad was sent to prison for abusing his wife and kids and their mom disappeared. They haven't seen each other since they were children but Willie called recently to try to make amends as part of is treatment for drug addiction. Talking with her brother brought back repressed memories of her childhood that have sent Mattie to therapy and make her feel like she shouldn't connect to other people. This puts her growing relationship with Cole in jeopardy.
Mattie is also developing a relationship with Riley Flynn. She and her father have recently moved to town and, with her father working two jobs, Riley is lonely. Mattie met her when doing a school safety visit. She wants to find a way to help Riley connect with the community and make friends.
When the body turns out to be Mattie's brother Willie, the investigation gets more complicated. She knows he wouldn't have voluntarily returned to Timber Creek from California because of all the bad memories. Mattie and the rest of law enforcement are looking for California connections and trying to figure out how and why Willie got back. There are quite a few suspects. Among them are Tucker York who works for Colorado Parks and Wildlife and was in the area because a plan is in place to move part of the herd of Bighorn Sheep to a new location. Bret Flynn, Riley's dad, is also a suspect because he is behaving suspiciously.
This story was exciting and suspense filled. I really like how Mattie grows and changes in this story and how she has grown over the course of the four books so far. I like her growing relationship with Cole and his daughters. I really like her relationship with her dog Robo who is clearly her best friend.

A good mystery and I really enjoyed the K-9 officer Mattie Cobb and her K9 Robo as the lead characters in this story. This is the fourth in the series of Timber Creek mysteries, but the first I've read. It seems easily read as a stand-alone to me - I didn't feel like I was really missing anything.
Robo and Mattie uncover a burned body in a fire pit and the investigation turns very interesting. The action gets going and things get really scary for Mattie and Robo. There were some surprising developments.
The plot was interesting and the characters are good. Mattie's backstory is really sad and I felt really bad for her. Loved her boyfriend Cole - he seems like such a great guy and is the town vet.
Thanks to Margaret Mizushima and Crooked Lane Books through Netgalley for an advance copy.

Mattie is looking forward to seeing her brother again after so many years apart. They share bad memories and she'd rather not relive them but seeing him would be good. She never imagined he'd be dead when she saw him next.
Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this for review (thank you). It will be published September 21st.
When Cole and his girls go for a horseback ride in the high country, he's horrified when his dog brings them a boot with a remainder of a foot in it. That sets off a search. Not only do they find that victim, they find three more in other graves.
Mattie can't figure out why someone would want to murder her brother. She better figure it out quick because she's the next on the list. And there are more surprises yet to come.

Once the novel hits the midpoint, action abounds. As a result, I read late into the night to finish the book, my heart pounding all the while. The author is able to weave lush wilderness details into a suspenseful mystery. The reader feels herself transported up the rugged mountain, swaying on the back of the roan gelding Mountaineer with Mattie,Timber Creek detective and canine handler (who is more than a little afraid of horses), in pursuit of the miscreant who has torched a body.
Much of the opening, however, felt a bit filter-y with large swathes of back story and the narrator informing the reader of characters’ feelings rather than having the characters feel them. For instance, when a friend asks Mattie if she has been in touch with her brother--clearly an emotionally charged moment--the distant narrator inserts itself with “Although Mattie didn’t like to share information about her family, Stella had become a trusted friend, and Mattie felt safe with her.” That’s a moment when I wanted to be close, right there inside Mattie’s head. Instead, it felt as if one of those old-time voice-over narrators had walked onto the scene.
As in the other Timber Creek K-9 books I’ve read, Robo is the star. Whenever he’s on stage, you just want to press your nose into his ruff and never let go. He is sweet and tough, depending on which side of the law, or rather, which side of Mattie you stand on. Their bond is almost uncanny in its devotion and ferocity. Another character who achieves a stellar performance is Cole, Mattie’s love interest. Speaking of love interest, readers who wish to avoid steamy sex scenes would do well with this book. There are many longing glances, a few hugs, and fewer kisses--and I think all of those are on the cheek. Cole is patience personified. He gives Mattie space to work on her personal issues of abandonment and estrangement. He understands the hectic and sometimes dangerous aspects of her job, and while he worries about her, he provides support. His relationship with Robo deepens in this book, and that was heart-warming.
The two weaknesses of the book are the sometimes distancing “telling” narration and the backstory “info dump.” Both of these occur mainly in the beginning of the novel. Once the scenes begin rolling, the reader is in good hands. The novel’s strengths include the engaging characterization of Robo and Cole, the crisp action scenes, and the beautiful, layered imagery of the surrounding mountains and burn.
I recommend this book for readers of Robert Crais’s Scott and Maggie series, and Barbara Nickless’s Sydney and Clyde canine police thrillers. Margaret Mizushima's Timber Creek series is lighter and somewhat less graphic, however.
I received a copy of Burning Ridge from the author via Netgalley.

Mattie Cobb is a police detective with a K9 partner working on a small town in Colorado. Her latest case turns out to have a very personal connection and her past will hold the answers she needs to solve the crime.
This is the 4th book in the series, but I didn't feel lost for long. I really liked Maggie's relationship with her dog, Robo. That was the best part of the book. I would definitely read more in this series.

I declare Burning Ridge: A Timber Creek K-9 Mystery (Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #4)
by Margaret Mizushima a great read!
This is my 4th book by the author, and although I don’t know how to describe the books I can say
• The books are like a cozy, but not really – enjoyable simplicity
• The books are not extremely descriptive, but the reader gets all they need to form opinions, likes and dislikes about characters, and situations.
• Many returning characters from earlier books
• The books convey an overall positive feeling, even when terrible things are happening within the story, the energy returns to a feel good, everything will work out feeling
• Robo is the type of animal to make an owner or handler proud
• Violence is alluded to vs. descriptively presented
• Friendship and respect seem to be important fundamentals in the background of the stories.
• Mattie is a strong female lead character but is not arrogant. She has no problem also showing her softer, insecure side when necessary.
• There was some excitement, action, tense moments, and feelings woven into the story.
• The books would be good “Hallmark” TV series
Ideas that may resurface in future books:
• The ongoing relationship between Cole and Mattie
• Mattie’s birth parent’s – this is not really important to the series, but the way this book ended it could be a thread that comes back in the future.
For me, this series and the author just leave me feeling good at the end of the books.
The expected publication date is Sept 11, 2018. As with the earlier books in the series, I expect it will be available in all formats.
I wish to thank the publisher Crooked Lane Books, the Author and NetGalley for the advanced reader’s copy for an honest review.
For me, this was a 5 out of 5-star review

Awesome Book! Absolutely loved the K9 unit, the dog, and the handler! Loved the vet too! All of the characters are well done, it would make a great series on Acorn T.V.! I think this is better suited to YA genre, after all, the only action between the handler and the vet are kisses, you could go up a notch, be more romance, or keep it as it is; push it toward the Young Adult, I believe my 15 year old neice would finally find something she would like to read. Thank you Netgalley!

Mattie Cobb is a Deputy Sheriff with the Timber Creek Sheriff’s Department and her past has come back to haunt her. She is trying to reunite with the brother that she has not seen in twenty-five years when she and her K-9 search dog, Robo, are called to search for the body. Her love interest and veterinarian, Cole Walker, was out horseback riding with his girls when their dog brought them a body part. Now it is up to Mattie and Robo to locate the body with help from Cole and her department. This is the fourth book in the Timber Creek series and Ms. Mizushima does not disappoint as the action and mystery are in high gear. Mattie soon realizes that her past is somehow involved with the dead body. Since she does not remember some of her past, when she was a child, this makes the investigation more puzzling. After Maddie is abducted and Kobo seriously injured, those who love her will search Colorado’s Redstone Ridge until they find her. I would always recommend you read the beginning of a series when possible, but Ms. Mizushima gives the reader enough back history about the characters so you won’t feel lost. I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to give an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

Timber Creek, Colorado may be a small mountain town but there always seems to be an event that calls upon the services of Deputy Mattie Cobb and her K-9 partner, Robo. When a charred body is discovered in the forest, the implications are that this was a recent murder. What Mattie doesn’t realize, is that the clues she discovers may lead a murderous villain back to her.
In this book, the fourth of the series, Mattie is trying to make personal connections. She is thinking of entering into a real relationship with Cole Walker, the veterinarian who is gently pursuing her. She also wants to become closer to her foster mother. But above all she would like to reconnect with her brother, who she hasn’t seen since she was a small child being reared in a tumultuous household.
From a steady beginning, the author ratchets up the suspense and suspects, until the reader has no choice but to sit and read to a conclusion. Happily, there is a hint of another mystery that Mattie Cobb and Robo fans will shortly see.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read another title in a great series. Recommended.

Thanks to Netgalley for this advance reviewer’s copy! This is Margaret Mizushima’s fourth book in this series, and I’m happy to say that it’s holding my interest just as much as the first one did.
Mattie and loyal K9 partner Robo are handling a crime that hits too close to home. Mattie is slowly coming out of her emotional shell, but still has a long way to go when it comes to opening her heart to veterinarian Cole Walker. As she is preparing to reconnect with her brother, whom she has not seen in many years, she becomes involved with a body that is found deep inside the forest. Is she really surrounded by people that she can’t trust – or does she need to let her guard down and see what happens?
Mizushima’s characters are true to life and nuanced. Mattie is definitely more emotionally grounded, but still views her German Shepherd, Robo, as her closest ally. Robo is superb as the K9 officer, who can alternatively tug at your heartstrings when he plays with Mattie or make you cheer as he takes down the bad guy. We should all have a dog as loyal and supportive as he is.
Twists and turns kept me reading for hours – I didn’t want to put it down! This police procedural is just the right mix of action, dialogue, canine antics, and suspense. Most of the suspense comes in the last 20% of the book, but it’s worth waiting for. Robo’s skills are put to the test as he handles his most daunting task so far, and I held my breath to see what would be happening next. Mizushima’s writing is easy on the brain, despite some plot nuances and characters that appear in the beginning, only to disappear, then pop up again. The love the author has for the Colorado mountains and forests is evident in her thorough description of Mattie’s surroundings. I felt as if I were right alongside the characters, fully immersed.
The only concern I have is early on, when veterinarian Cole shows up at his clinic early in the morning. Some patients stayed overnight, and they are described as just waking up from anesthesia. It’s not proper medical practice to leave a patient unattended immediately after anesthesia, much less overnight without care. Yes, the procedure was a “routine” spay – but there is no mention of any veterinary nurses other than Cole’s coworker. This was jarring to me and it took me a while to get past that. Every other instance of veterinary work was perfect, and an excellent layer to the book. Note to the author: add more veterinary scenes to your book! It’s always a good thing to have the public see how hard vets and nurses work to care for pets and livestock.
If you have not read any Timber Creek mysteries yet – pick this up! To better gain an understanding of Mattie and what makes her tick, start with the first book. This one could stand alone, but the backstory will help some of the details make more sense.

This is another solid addition to the Timber Creek K-9 Mystery series. This series is consistently good and really keeps you on the edge of your seat. Maddie and Robo are such a great team!! 4.5 stars
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

Absolutely LOVE this series and this book was no disappointment. I have recommended the series to my library patrons and every one who has read them is anxiously awaiting the release of those one. I can't wait for number five!

Wow. Well-written and intense. The bond between dog and owner is brilliantly portrayed, and the suspense is riveting. This is in the category of "couldn't put it down", and I sincerely look forward to reading more from this talented author. Be sure to put it on your Must Read list!

Margaret Mizushima brings another page-turner to the Timber Creek K-9 Mysteries with "Burning Ridge", the fourth in the series.
Deputy Mattie Cobb and her K-9 partner, Robo, embark on a case that reveals more of Mattie's past to the reader. In the process of solving a current murder, Mattie stumbles upon the site of a 25-year-old crime to which she feels some unexplained connection.
All of the characters that readers have become familiar with from Timber Creek, Colorado, return in this book. A few new ones appear who hopefully will become regulars, like Riley and her father.
Mattie's past and personality become more understandable to the reader in "Burning Ridge", and her relationship with Cole Walker deepens. Mama T plays a bigger role in this story. Robo hones his tracking skills, and uses a new skill learned during a previous case – scent lineup.
Mizushima presents very believable red herrings along the way. The reader will be guessing up until the very end, where all loose ends are tied up.
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Having now read 2 of Margaret Mizushima's books, I can officially say I am a fan. Burning ridge is a fast paced tale of family, love and forgiveness. As an animal lover, I love the relationship between the main character and her dog. The plot line is good, character development excellent and this book will keep you turning pages to the very end. An excellent read! I am looking forward to many more by this author.

Another in the K-9 series and sure to please any who respect the abilities of “man’s best friend”. Add to that a respect for law enforcement personnel, a fast-paced plot and the reader has the makings of an enjoyable read. The settings as described provides a visual of a place to maybe visit. A bit of all things homey for country folk, and a mix of everyday life for everyone, tragedy, action, love and insight into the lives of the characters for those familiar with the series. Easy to recommend.

"Burning Ridge" is a K9-detective mystery. It's the fourth in a series. You can follow this book without reading the previous ones, and this book didn't spoil the previous mysteries.
The main characters were likable and complex, and they acted realistically. I cared about what happened to them. They dealt with personal struggles while solving the crime. Mattie's painful childhood is connected to the current crime, pulling up painful memories. She needs Robo, her loyal and talented working dog, and Cole, the veterinarian who loves her, to get her through. The crime was a clue-based mystery but turned into a suspense when the murderer kidnapped another person...and he tortured his last target using fire. (This was suspenseful but not traumatizing to read.)
The crime scenes were not described in gory detail. There were no sex scenes. The was occasional use of bad language. Overall, I'd highly recommend this interesting and exciting novel.

In Burning Ridge, Margaret Mizushima's 4th in the Timber Creek K-9 Mystery series (Crooked Lane Books 2018), Mattie Cobb, K9 deputy in the small mountain town of Timber Creek Colorado, and her working German Shepherd Robo are tasked with tracking bodies and associated evidence that are showing up in remote areas and in strange configurations. But this time, it quickly becomes less like the work she loves and more like unraveling clues that hit too close to home, so close, they could endanger Mattie's life.
I've read every book in this series and have come to expect a tightly-woven plot, well-developed characters, believable plot lines, a fast pace, high tension, and lots of information about working police dogs. Again, Mizushima delivers in Burning Ridge as she skillfully weaves a variety of subplots into the main action in ways that don't detract and always nicely enhance the main storyline. For example, there's Mattie's growing love interest with the local vet despite Mattie's trust issues, difficulties rooted deeply in her childhood. Then there's her effort to re-establish a relationship with her drug-afflicted brother just released from prison. As if that isn't enough, Mattie becomes a role model for a local teen who wants to spend time with Mattie, so much so that Mattie gets suspicious. By the end of the story, Mizushima has carefully woven all of these plotlines together so there is no wasted time, words, or pages that could be skipped.
If you aren't convinced yet that you want to travel with these characters, here's the story's description of Mattie:
"...a small package of dynamite with twice the power"
--and she is, always, throughout the story. Here's a description of Robo relaxing:
"Robo circled and then flopped down on his dog bed beside her desk, heaving a sigh. He looked up at her as if to ask what they were waiting for."
And finally, Mizushima is an all-around talented wordsmith. See if you don't agree:
"The sharp edge of a half-buried rock caught the toe of her shoe and sent her sprawling, the hard ground knocking the wind out of her. Spent, she lay still, heaving for breath. Her world gradually stopped swaying and she spotted the shadow of bushes off to her right. Staying low, she crawled into them, sharp thorns from prickly rose snagging her clothing and piercing her skin. She huddled inside the shrub like a rabbit brought to ground. Burning thirst made her yearn for water.
I’ve read every book in this series and they just keep getting better. I'm looking forward to the next.
--Review will appear on my writer's blog August 24 2018