Member Reviews

This is a captivating story that will keep you on the edge of you seat. Kept me up reading until the very end of the book. Well worth your time. I was given this book free for my honest review by Net Galley and Montlake.

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Ethan Somerton is all that. Sexy, hot and totally swoon worthy. Ethan is my kind of male. This story kept me so engaged that I was like what is next. I really enjoyed Natalia as well. She is one fierce, loyal heroine you fall in love with. The suspense was awesome and this whole series was wonderful.

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Relentless is Book 2 of Elizabeth Dyer's Somerton Security series. I did not read the first book and had no trouble keeping up with the storyline. If this book is any indication of what Elizabeth Dyer puts out, she’s going on my auto-busy list!

Ethan Somerton is working to infiltrate to dangerous Vega drug cartel. He crosses path with the beautiful and elusive Natalia Vega, niece of the dangerous drug lord that Ethan’s trying to bring down. There is instant chemistry between them but neither of them will let it get in the way of their plans—Ethan bringing down the cartel and Natalia protecting her little sister.

This book kept surprising me over and over (in a good way). The plot never went like I thought it was going to. The characters and their relationships with each other were all amazingly complex. Nothing was black and white.

If you are looking for a fast paced romantic suspense, this one is for you!

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I’m always on the look-out for reliably good new authors of romantic suspense, and in Elizabeth Dyer, I think I’ve found one. Relentless, the second book in her Somerton Security series (and her second published novel), is a strongly-written, fast-paced story featuring a team of ex-military types who work for a specialist security firm that also runs off-the-books black-ops for the government. While that isn’t an especially original concept, Relentless is nonetheless a very readable tale; the author has created a suspenseful and intriguing plotline that packs an emotional punch in just the right places, the central characters have great sexual chemistry, and the knife-edge walked daily by the heroine is well-depicted. While characters from book one (Defenseless) reappear here, Relentless works perfectly well as a standalone and I didn’t feel as though I’d missed anything by not reading it first.

Natalia Vega’s father was head of the Vega cartel – until, that was, her uncle murdered him in front of her and her sister when Natalia was just seventeen. When she attacked Hernan Vega in an attempt to protect her mother from his cruelty, Natalia wasn’t strong enough to do much damage, and an enraged Vega retaliated by giving her to an associate of his as payment of a gambling debt. That night forced Natalie to make a choice, and since then, she has learned to keep her mouth shut and her eyes open, honing her skills with knife and hands to become one of Vega’s most ruthless killers, while at the same time striving to fulfil the promise she made to her dying father to protect her younger sister, Ana Maria. But Natalia is no fool. She knows she’s expendable and that every day could be her last; Hernan Vega is cruel and unpredictable and she suspects it won’t be long before he decides she’s outlived her use – but until then she will continue to do everything she can to ensure her sister’s safety and that Ana Maria has the chance of a decent life.

Former Navy SEAL and head of Somerton Security Ethan Somerton has recently learned that a close friend and colleague – whom he’d believed had died when an operation to take down the Vega cartel went wrong – is alive and being held hostage. Ethan is determined to get Will out, but finding him is going to be like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack – until his technical expert, Parker (hero of the previous book) tells him he’s found a way into the heart of the cartel. The man Vega employs to cook his books and launder his money is on the take; and once Vega disposes of him, he’ll need a new accountant. An ex-SEAL with an MBA and a specialism in forensic accounting, Ethan is uniquely qualified to join Vega’s operation and to try to discover Will’s whereabouts from the inside, but it won’t be easy to gain entrée to Vega’s inner circle, and once there, it’ll be incredibly dangerous. But it’s his only chance to find Will and it also gives Ethan an opportunity to contact whoever it is within that inner circle who has been sending the authorities occasional tips about cartel operations. According to Parker, the informant is Ana Maria, but once Ethan meets her and her sister, he isn’t so sure. What he is sure of, however, is that he wants Natalia Vega. Desperately. It’s stupid and it’s dangerous, but she’s like no woman he’s ever met; exuding sensuality and an almost frightening confidence behind which he senses a deeply buried vulnerability.

Ethan and Natalia are tough, determined and prepared to do whatever has to be done in order to accomplish their objectives and their mutual attraction is intense and undeniable. They strike sparks off one another right from their very first encounter as they metaphorically size each other up while trading pointedly accurate barbs and thinly veiled insults, all of it underpinned by an intense sexual tension. Ethan has a bit of a saviour complex, but Natalia doesn’t want to be saved. Or rather, she believes, given the things she’s done over the years, that she doesn’t deserve a better life, but Ethan won’t accept that and is intent on finding a way to rescue Will and get Natalia beyond her uncle’s reach. But when his investigations into the cartel finances throw up some serious irregularities, Ethan finds himself confronted with a shocking choice while Natalia faces a devastating betrayal.

Ms. Dyer gets the balance between the romantic and suspenseful elements of the story just about right, and does a good job when it comes to conveying the harsh reality of Natalia’s situation, and of showing that she has no illusions about the way her life is likely to pan out. There are a couple of false notes struck however; one is how quickly Ethan and Natalia decide to throw in their lots together, and it’s also a little difficult to believe that Natalia was able – with relative ease – to uncover the truth of Ethan’s identity (which we’re asked to believe was so carefully fabricated) when nobody else did or thought to check the same places she did.

Other than that, though, the story is well-conceived and executed, and the second-half plot twist is well done and propels the story towards a gripping, gut-wrenching climax. Relentless is an intriguing page-turner with a high-stakes plot, a well-matched central couple and some nicely steamy interludes, and I’ll be on the look-out for more books in the series.

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Relentless is book 2 in the series and, after the first chapter, it really is a stand alone. I had to think back to what happened in book 1 because it is referenced. However, its not critical to the story of Relentless so it isn't really an issue.

Ethan is the leader of the security team and is carrying a huge burden. He is determined to save a fellow soldier from a drug cartel. First, he has to infiltrate the cartel! Natalia is the niece of the cartel leader. She has been forced into a life she does not want. She has to do awful things for her uncle in order to protect her younger sister. Sparks fly when these two meet and instantly they recognize that the other isn't who they say they are. They form an uneasy alliance-Ethan needs an in and Natalia and her sister need out!

I liked both Ethan and Natalia. They are hardened due to the things they have experienced and it fit in well with the plot. I thought the action was good and really keeps the story moving! Overall, if you like romantic suspense, Relentless is a great pick! Good characters, solid action, strong heroine!

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4.5 Stars

Relentless is the second title in the Somerton Security, and whilst I don’t think you necessarily have to have read Defenseless the couple who are featured in the title are quite prevalent in this title and there are some spoilers.

Ethan Somerton and Nalia Vega’s story is of two self-sacrificing individuals, on opposite sides of the law who will put themselves in danger in order to protect someone they care about.

Ethan Somerton is a former Navy SEAL and owns Somerton Security, his team often run Black Ops for the government. He’s intelligent, strong willed, determined and deadly.

Natalia grew up as part of a cartel, and her loyalty is gained through manipulation. She’s selfless, strong, deadly, cunning and intelligent.

Both characters are incredibly well developed, their banter is both full of snark and humor. The attraction this pair share is mutual and the love scenes are full of passion, heat and steam.

If you enjoy an intense, surprising and unique romantic suspense packed full of intrigue, actions, and danger that will keep you completely captivated and enthralled will twists and turns aplenty look no further than Relentless.

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This is my first book by Elizabeth Dyer. Yes, I know, I should have begun with the first book, but c’mon - mafia romance here people. And the surprising part? The mafia member wasn’t anywhere near what {who} I would have guessed.

While I’m no stranger to female lead characters that can be dark as all heck, string, athletic and deadly when you’re not paying attention, this was the first time that I had a character like Natalie Vega. Why did she affect me as much as she did? Well, she is strong, that much was clear from the prologue and her no nonsense attitude. But she’s also human, trying to survive, using her learned abilities to live one more day and protect her sister. She’s incredibly smart - it doesn’t take her long to figure out someone without having to spend hours on end to get to know their characters. And boy is she ever fearless - it takes lady balls to do half the things she does and still be as stoic as she is.

Now, Ethan for his part. Well, I believe that Natalie has him easily pegged - although arrogant in his capabilities, this man still has facades that he hides behind to protect himself and his loved ones.

Since I hadn’t read the previous book beforehand, I can’t say that I missed much - it still felt like its own standalone book with interconnecting characters. That being said though, I really need to get to know Parker and Georgia’s story because these two just seem too good together and they are entertaining as all heck!

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

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I’ve been craving a romantic suspense for a while now and let me tell you, this totally did it for me. The characters were great, the story had me hooked and it that great nail biting anticipation I love.

I loved Ethan in Defenseless, so getting his full story is something I’ve really been looking forward to. He lived up to all of my expectations. Loyal, a little broody and a lot sexy. He’s the problem solver, the care taker, a no nonsense leader. He also has a soft spot for the people he cares about. This was evident in his relationship with Parker and Georgia in the last book. It was great to get inside of his head and learn about what drives his character.

Natalia is about as tough as it gets when it comes to female characters. She’s has spent the last several years of her life immersed in a cartel lifestyle. This was no choice of hers, so she is pretty closed off and prickly. Pretty much a perfect match for Ethan. Their chemistry is fantastic and the dynamic between them is really interesting. She’s involved in crime and he’s by the book, I wouldn’t necessarily say that they are polar opposites, as they have a lot of the same qualities when it comes to their personalities, but it’s the life style that’s vastly different. This sets up for a lot of great conflict.

I’m a sucker for a good guy, and I love my heroines strong and full of fire in books. Again, this story checked all the right boxes for me. I truly enjoyed everything about this book and I’m really excited to read the next installment.

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Relentless is Book 2 of Elizabeth Dyer's Somerton Security series. Even though this is Book 2 of the series, I do believe it could be read as a standalone even though there is an ongoing back story. The first book was so good however I highly encourage everyone to pick it up as well.

This story drew me in right from the start and didn't let go until the very (unexpected) ending! Having gotten to know Ethan in Book 1, I eagerly looked forward to his turn. His story certainly did not disappoint. This book was jam-packed with action, drama, intrigue and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

Even though Natalia is a complete bad @$$ who is willing to go to any lengths to protect her sister, the author did a superb job of bringing her character to life and gave us an insight into her vulnerabilities. Natalia and Ethan made a superb couple.

Overall, this was an excellent addition to the series and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store for us next.

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This was my first read by this author and it was very good! Relentless is a good title for this action adventure/romance. The story moves at a good pace and if you like strong, smart heroines and sexy heroes, you're going to love this book. Will definitely being looking forward to more from this author. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for Netgalley.

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WOW - so much going on in this and all of it is fantastic!! Right from the beginning this story and these characters pulled me in keeping me on the edge of my seat until the very end. The suspense with the twists and turns in the story is top notch and the romance between Natalia and Ethan is heartwarming with the air of the forbidden. As Natalia and Ethan combine forces to fight the cartel and bring it down you can't help but cheer for them. This is one book everyone should have on their must read list. I highly recommend it.

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***4.5 ‘Promises’ Stars***

I really enjoyed Defenseless and couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series to see what would happen next with the whole recovery of their friend/brother Will, as well as wanting to spend more time with the characters we’d met along the way. So I was more than happy to dive into Relentless and I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it had me mentally pulling my hair out at times. I loved how everything played out and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.

Natalia and Ethan...Overall, I loved both of them. While they may seem total opposites on the surface, they are very much alike when you look beneath it. Loyal, honor bound, and lethal. They definitely take things to the next level, especially when it comes to carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, which was what had me wanting to pull my hair out...numerous times, I didn’t, but the urge was strong. Thankfully, I did understand why they felt the way they did and rolled with it.

As far as their ‘romance’. If you’re looking for cute stuffed animals, wine and roses, you aren’t going to get it here. Theirs is more of the quick, intense kind that leaves you a little shook, but when you look at everything going on and just who Natalia and Ethan are, it ends up working. Their curiosity about the other and the intensity of the situation they find themselves in had them going for the jugular on every level. But in the end, I can see them building on the foundation that they have and making it last.

I really enjoyed the various twists and turns in this story, some I figured out, some I didn’t, but I like that they author went where she did with it all. As for the whole “Did they find Will?” situation ~ maybe?? Sorry, can’t say either way, you’ll just have to read the book to find out. As for the rest of the characters ~ we really don’t get too much time with them, with the exception of Georgia and Parker ~ whom I still love and adore ~ but the little time we do has me looking forward to the next book and getting to know them all better

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Relentless is another exciting thriller by Elizabeth Dyer, and the second book in her Somerton Security series. When I received an invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, I immediately accepted the opportunity to read and review. My opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.

Relentless and a fast-paced romantic thriller and plenty of action scenes that had my heart racing on more than one occasion. The plot is enthralling, pulling me into the story from the first page and kept me engaged to the last.

Natalia Vega’s character is hardened by the actions she’d had to take to protect her younger sister. In the beginning, she doesn’t know how to deal with her unexpected feelings for Ethan, and she fights her emotions with everything in her. Ethan still manages to win her heart.

Ethan Somerton is a great hero. He’s loyal, brave, determined and will do what it takes to win Natalia and save his friend who is being held by the ruthless Vega cartel. When he realizes she is a trained killer, he has to decide whether he can live with that or let her go. Fortunately, he can’t forget her and fights to not only save her but her sister as well.

The romance between Natalia and Ethan is sizzling from start to end. Although there are a great many obstacles in the way, they manage to overcome them and find their happy ending. There is plenty of deep emotional writing that had me rooting for Ethan.

While I was a little disappointed with how the plot played out, that’s because I’m a softie and always want everything to end with a happy conclusion, not just the romance which does end very happy. I look forward to reading future novels by Ms. Dyer. Happy reading!

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This story is fast paced, but takes a few chapters to really get to the part you’ll become hooked on.

This is Ethan’s story but you’ll see a great deal of Parker (Restless) and Georgia. You get to find out what makes Ethan, Ethan.

I love a good mob/mafia/cartel/Family/whatever you want to call it “underground” business story. I love dark and seedy and that’s what I expected with this story, but it’s not very dark or seedy. It’s just a good romantic story with the mob as a side plot.

I can’t wait for another book in this series - I need to find out more about Will!!

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This is the second book in this series and is an action packed mystery. It has lots of emotion and twists and turns through out the story. I would recommend reading the first book in this series too

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I was immediately attracted by the cover at the top we see a man in a suit tie and down a woman running in the street. I thank Netgalley for this partnership.

It all starts when Ethan has to infiltrate the vega cartel to rescue one of his agents. And for that he will get closer to Natalia.

A second volume filled with suspense and twists with a captivating story and endearing characters.

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I received an ARC via NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This could be read as a separate story from the previous book in the series. There is a little backstory needed, but it is covered in this book. I really liked the relationship between Ethan and Natalia. Ethan is an intense, good guy who always wants to save the girl. Natalia is a kickass enforcer, but she got there by overcoming a lot of trauma. She doesn't need to be saved because she doesn't she deserves it. This creates a challenge for Ethan and he takes it upon himself to prove her wrong.

I appreciate that the characters have a lot of layers. Our heroine is not completely good or bad. She has done a lot of bad things but they come from a place of love for her sister. She is fiercely loyal to the people she loves and she will do anything to protect them. I'm not the biggest fan of the sister the more we learn about her, but it all works out.

I love that we got some scenes with Parker from the previous book because I find him hilarious. Also super exciting about the surprise at the end! I wonder that plays into everything moving forward.

Hope there is a third book out soon! Who will it be focused on- Will? Ortiz? Someone new?

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Natalie would do what she had to, to protect Ana Marie. Ana had caught Garrison eye, working for her uncle in the cartel, and Natalie suspicions. Ethan needs to rescue an agent, no slips allowed, and needed Natalie’s help. For her could it be away out, she had become ruthless, hard, could she change. The big question to her, and his plan was trust, something unknown to her. A dangerous game they had to play , life or death at stake. It is a gripping story of surviving, and playing the odds. Readers will want to read this second book in the series, and won’t be disappointed. Given ARC by Net Galley and Montlake for my voluntary review and my honest opinion.

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This story is gripping, action packed, emotional and absolutely beautiful! I loved Ethan and Natalia find their way together. I am really looking forward to what comes next!

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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I received a copy of this e-book and am voluntarily leaving an honest opinion.

Natalia wonders if each day will be her last. Her only goal is to keep her sister and herself alive. Her Uncle Hernen is part of the Vega Cartel and power hungry, so power hungry he killed her parents so he could inherit his role. He is a brutal man.

Natalia and her sister Anna Marie just want a normal life. They want to do what all young people do; go to college, move out into their own apartment, be with friends etc. Anna Marie is in College but doesn't really know what her prospects will be after. Natalia "works" for her Uncle, doing what ever he needs done.

Ethan runs a "Security" company and has worked many times with the government. Several months ago, one of his team members was taken hostage by the Vega Cartel and he is determined
to bring his friend home alive. Natalia may be able to help....

Will Ethan infiltrate the Cartel? Will Natalia help him? Could he help her and her sister get out?

I loved Natalia and Ethan's story! Natalia and Ethan are both beautiful, smart and yes...deadly. This story is intense from the first page to the last! Natalia is on to Ethan right away and she must decide whether to kill him or help. He has promised to help Natalia and her sister get out.

The sparks fly between this couple quickly! They are definitely generating steam and developing feelings for one another. But are they true? Could Ethan be using her?

Natalia has built such a wall around herself. Staying alive has meant she could trust no one and Ethan wants to gain her trust so it is very hard for her. Then she finds that her sister is not as innocent as she thought and is feeling a bit betrayed by all.

I think the best part of this book was watching Natalia. She has been through so much and only wants to keep her sister safe. She had dreams for her sister but none for herself, which is so sad! She has to see a future for herself before she can truly be happy!

Great read, I would definitely recommend it...

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