Member Reviews

Relentless is a fast paced romantic thriller.
To rescue one of his operatives held capture for the past 6 months by a Mexican cartel Ethan Somerton must infiltrate the ruthless Vega cartel. Natalia Vega's parents were murdered by her Uncle and since she has had to do unspeakable acts including murder to protect herself and her younger sister.
Ethan realises that Natalia is the key to infiltrating and taking down this section of the cartel. As they both start admitting their feelings for each other this thriller picks up the action at speed, an enthralling and satisfying read.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.

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Relentless is the second in the Somerton Security series. If you are considering this series I would say read book 1. This can be read as a stand a lone novel several time the different characters reference events that happened in the first book. Elizabeth Dyer is able to bring her world to life with will crafted characters to scenes that will have readers feeling they are standing in the room.
The story does have pages of inner monologue that aren't always needed and slows down the story. That being said during those long monologues readers are given a chances to get to know the different characters and are given a better understand of their action and reasons for their actions.
The story is predictable in many ways but its not about the surprises endings as much as it is the journey the characters take. the story has romance, sex , action, and heart wrenching moments readers will be hooked and wanting more.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the advance copy of Elizabeth Dyer Relentless

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Natalia is torn between doing what's right and keeping her sister safe. Ethan is very supportive and lets her come to her own conclusions. That shows what a wonderful man he is. Natalia is very lucky to have found him.

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I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Defenseless, and was so happy to have found this new author. I'm pleased to say that this follow-up book bolsters my love of her writing. I knew Ethan would be a tough nut to crack, but Natalia is certainly the perfect one to do it. And actually, in a twist, Ethan spends more time trying to get through to Natalia than the other way around. She has more walls than he does. Ms. Dyer's writing style once again pulled me in from the first page and kept a strong hold on me throughout. I love that her heroes are strong, but her heroines are perhaps even stronger. No damsels in distress here, folks. Well, actually, I guess they are in distress, but they aren't looking for someone to save them; they'll do it themselves, thank you very much. I can't wait for the next one! Fans of romantic suspense can't go wrong with this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for generously providing an ARC for review.

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Elizabeth Dyer is a new author to me and I'm glad I took a chance on this read because I enjoyed it! Natalia and Ethan were well-developed characters and they had awesome chemistry as a couple. This read definitely plays with your emotions and I couldn't help but feel for Natalia and all she went through in her life. I wasn't sure that Natalia and Ethan would get their HEA and although they do, it was an ending that they had to fight and lose much for. This read was a page-turner for me and I enjoyed it!

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Why are the books where the boss is the main lead always so gut wrenching? Two people on opposite sides basically of the law get into a battle of wills to save/protect someone they care about. Both are self-sacrificing and willing to do whatever it takes. For one that means even going as far as giving up her life for her sister.

Natalia Vega was born into a cartel family. Before her parents were killed it wasn't a bad life. But since their murders by her ruthless Uncle she has had to learn to be just as ruthless in her quest to keep her promise to her dying father to always protect her younger sister. She is deadly with a knife and just as cunning with her words but deep down the she has no sense of self worth and only stays alive to protect her sister.

Ethan Somerton runs both a security business and a cover black ops team. On a previous missing to bring the cartel down his best friend was captured. He and his team have been looking for a way to get back inside the cartel to try and find out where is South America he is being held. That opportunity finally happens when Natalia's Uncle finds himself in need of a new accountant when the previous one disappears. Ethan having the right background is the one that goes undercover.

Both Ethan and Natalia are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want but immediately recognize that the other is not at all whom they seem and they eventually confess to each other their real reasons for being there. There is plenty of suspense, romance, pure comedic moments from Parker (the hero from the first book) and heartbreak.

I am dying to know whose story will be next after how this one ended..

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LOVED this book!!!! It's the perfect blend of romance and suspense and wrapped in a compelling story that hooked me from the very first page. Ethan learned that his friend, who he had thought dead, was actually alive and a prisoner of a cartel, but had no idea where he was. Because of this, he and his team devised a plan for him to infiltrate the cartel and use that to find him. Natalie is the niece of the local cartel leader who has systematically damaged her over the years, to the extent that she does not believe herself worthy of kindness or love. Despite that, sparks flew between them.

While Ethan's plan made sense, the cartels have a way of throwing unpredictable curve balls. The ones in this novel came out of left field and created tough choices for the characters....the kind of tough choices without any good or "correct" options.

This novel had me turning pages just as quickly as possible. I loved book one and found this to be a worthy addition to the series. While this is a stand alone novel, you really owe it to yourself to read them all (optimistically hoping for more books in this series). This is a must read for fans of the genre. I've added the author to my must read authors' list and can't wait to read what she writes next.

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Romance + Suspense + Snark = 5 Glow Stick Stars

You guys!!!! Relentless is pure suspenseful perfection. It’s full of danger, snark and even super hot sex! This book is exactly what you’re going to want for a HOOOOT summer read!

Ethan Somerton is the epitome of tall, dark and dangerous. He is a pull no punches, get things done, determined man. He’s all the things I dream about when I dream of my future husband. Even if he is a bit stubborn.

Natalia Vega is the most selfless and strong heroine I’ve read about in a long time. Her world has revolved around sacrificing herself for others forever.
This means she’s a captive in her own prison... until she meets Ethan.

Together these fight a battle of wills so strong I wasn’t sure so was ever going to like Natalia. But she brought me over to the dark side... and I loved every minute of it.

<i> Passionate. Devastating. Relentless. </i>

That’s exactly what this book is. It made me laugh so hard, I had tears streaming down my face. The sexiness was off the charts hot, the snark was well placed and timed and the suspense kept me glued to my kindle to the very end.

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