Member Reviews

The third and final installment of the Sons of Broad romantic suspense series was one I was convinced would easily be the best of the series for me. And, it was. Not just because it held all the answers and was the big finale, but because I've been anticipating this romance pair since they were introduced and the sparks started flying.

Broken Promise is the third book in a trilogy that is all one story with the limelight going to each of the Benedict Brothers and the ladies in their lives. It is not a good standalone or place to start the series.

Up to this point, the villain known as The Gentleman has pretty much had it all his own way. Keaton and Tilly slipped through as did Knox and Bea, but that didn't change the fact that he's still operating in the shadows and the family has no idea from what direction the danger is coming at them.
In this final segment, Kipling as his sassy cop, Alyssa team up and discover that her family secrets hold the clue that will be the game changer. That said, they have to survive long enough to pursue it. Meanwhile, Jade, the secret Benedict child, is in dire straights and time is running out.

As those who read my reviews might remember, I began this series with a prequel novella trilogy that was less than impressive as were the first two books in this series. The stories were okay with several niggling issues. The villain and his quest for revenge was the most compelling part of the story with the romance and the investigation side being weak and improbable at best. My complaints in the past were improbable plotting, shallow development on the characters and their backstory and instalove with no real development. All gone. This one did it all right.

Kipling and Alyssa had good chemistry and they made a good detecting team. They followed the trail through the past that led to some surprising places even as The Gentleman and his people were on their trail, constantly. They worked smart and had some good sizzling moments as they both learned to get past their issues- Kipling trusted that Alyssa wanted him for him and she started shedding her guilt about her sister and her mistake with her ex. I liked how the family of brother and their ladies worked together and I really liked what came of Jade's story splicing in. The epilogue was sweet and a great finish.

This version came with a bonus novella that was the third of the prequel novellas. It's actually a good one to have if the reader didn't already read them before going into the novels since its the one that gives backstory to Alyssa's ex and some of her work on the case.

So, that leaves me with a dilemma. I loved this book and could definitely recommend it, but.. its book three and I can't say I'd heartily recommend the first two. They were okay and had some good points and they led into this one. Maybe, I'll just say give the series a try. Every reader is different so maybe others will do better than I did through the first ones. Slightly spice romantic suspense with a strong premise, family of brothers, and strong ladies are what is on offer.

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This is the 3rd and final book in this series. The Benedict family is being targeted by an unknown person named “Gentlemen. Kipling is the oldest brother and when he finds out his half-sister is missing he and Alyssa must work together to find her? This is a fast-paced romance that keeps you on the edge of you seat from beginning to end. I liked the characters as well as the story. An entertaining read.

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Thanks Netgalley for an ARC to read and give my honest opinion.

My honest opinion is to not pick up book three in a series that you need to have read the first two in order to follow anything. Story was great, world building a plus, but for heavens sake please let us know that this is book three and not a stand alone. Kipling and Alyssa had some smoking chemistry. He seemed to like her just because she objected to everything he matter how trivial. Those are usually the most combustible relationships and they were hot. The storyline however was immersed in the first two in the series since I couldn't follow a damn thing. Three stars for what I did follow.

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And the wait is finally over. The question that has been on our minds is answered at last and we find out who the “Gentleman” is and why he is after the Benedicts and those around them.

Police officer Alyssa Adams has been after the man that has been threatening and killing women in Charleston for years. For her, this case is more than finding a killer. She has vowed to protect innocent women and make sure no murder case is left open. She hasn’t been able to find the person who killed her older sister years ago and it has left a giant hole in her heart and soul.

As the head of the Benedict family, Kipling will do anything and everything to protect his brothers and keep them safe. So when someone threatens to destroy not only their family name, but also his loved ones, Kipling fights back. And it seems that the perfect person to help him out on this quest is the sexy police officer whom he has had an eye on since they met.

With a chemistry that has sizzled from the moment they met, Kipling and Alyssa find themselves in the midst of danger and passion in this last book of the series. Don’t fret! All your questions and more will be answered. The only negative thing about this book is the fact that it is the last of the series and we will have to say goodbye to the Benedicts. Although , I am keeping my fingers crossed for a possible sequel with Jade as the heroine!!!

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3.75 stars--BROKEN PROMISE is the third full-length instalment in Tara Thomas’ contemporary, adult SONS OF BROAD romantic suspense series.This is Charleston Police Officer Alyssa Adams, and billionaire businessman Kipling Benedict’s story line. BROKEN PROMISE can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for cohesion and backstory as there is a continuing premise and theme throughout.

Told from several third person points of view including Alyssa and Kipling BROKEN PROMISE follows the building but forbidden relationship between Charleston Police Officer Alyssa Adams, and billionaire Kipling Benedict. Weeks earlier Officer Adams arrested Kipling Benedict on suspicion of murder but in the ensuing time Alyssa is all too well aware that there is more going down than meets the eye. With the body count rising, and each successive murder linked back to the Benedict brothers and their significant others, Alyssa’s own family history begins to unravel as threats against our heroine finds Kipling and Alyssa working together to reveal the truth. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Alyssa and Kipling, as they are pulled into a game of cat and mouse wherein Alyssa and Kipling have been targeted by someone from the past.

BROKEN PROMISE is the culmination of several story lines including the original three-part serial that focused on deception and revenge; jealousy and envy. The Benedict brothers have been pulled into the ‘Gentleman’s’ game of vengeance, a game that involved murder, torture and the ultimate act of betrayal. The premise is entertaining and engaging; the characters are charismatic; the romance is passionate and fated. I did struggle with the slow progress of events throughout the story; I am hoping the author has plans for Jade.

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I have read all the books in this stunningly taut series and am so happy that they continue to go from strength to strength!

Benedict Brother could come across as posh, self entitled and privileged, but they have a strong sense of their place in the world, what they can do to enrich others and what good they can do with their vast wealth.

Charleston almost becomes another character in the book! I've never been to the USA and I found myself googling streets and other places so I could picture them more clearly in my head.

Alyssa is still coming to terms with how close she was to danger and the revelations of her former boyfriends entanglement in the plans of "The Gentleman". Kipling, eldest of the Benedict brothers, manages to convinces her to include him in her investigation into TG and also the search for his alleged half-sister who managed to make herself missing once again.

The plot is tightly wound and the characters are put through the wringer emotionally and psychologically before the stunning conclusion. There are still a few red herrings to lead you astray!

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There is so much to this story I don’t know where to begin. I loved the other books in this series so I was really looking forward to this book. The author sure didn’t disappoint me. This is so intense. Alyssa and Kipling are what I would have thought of as totally incompatible yet the author provides a path to put them together. So many things are answered in this story that I don’t want to give away any spoilers but I will say I am completely happy with the answers and the ending. This author has made me a complete follower.

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I really enjoyed this series and I recommend reading it in order for maximum entertainment. Kipling and Alyssa’s relationship builds over the first two books and comes together in this story. I appreciated how the author built their relationship up but I wasn’t quite a fan of their insta-love in book three. You get to find out who The Gentleman is which is exciting. However, **SPOILER** when he was named I was confused to who this person actually was and I had to go looking back in previous books to figure it out. Kind of a let down. I still did enjoy this book and would definitely recommend it.

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The third and final book in the Sons of Broad series and it’s really good! This book is a good mix of steamy romance and suspense. Like a puzzle falling into place, it gives the readers all the answers we’ve been looking for. This series is a great read!!

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This is a fast-paced, sexy romantic suspense story. Alyssa is my favorite heroine of the series and Kipling was always the most mysterious brother for me. While The Gentleman was who I thought it was, there are plenty of twists and surprises involved in the reveal. Everything is wrapped up in a way that makes sense and does justice to the series. I will definitively be reading whatever comes next by this author!

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BROKEN PROMISE written by Tara Thomas
4 stars

“Welcome back. I’m going to make you wish you stayed away.”

This book ties up all the loose ends, answers your questions and does not leave you with a cliffhanger...just leaves you wanting more pages. You will fall more in love with The Benedict’s.

“The mind is the best weapon there is...”

This book is filled with mystery, fear, hope, revenge, regret, mind games, loyalty and chemistry. This book takes you on a twisted journey. You will be trying to figure out who The Gentleman is and how he fits into the puzzle~right alongside the Benedict’s.

“ have to forgive yourself and move on. You’re too good of a person to be alone forever because someone you had no control over did something horrible.”

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It seems I find a lot of new to me authors by starting one of their series anywhere but the beginning. Such is the case with Tara Thomas. This is the third book in her Sons of Broad series and I now have to go back and read the first two since I want to know the stories of Kipling's brothers and their relationships as well.

Edge of your seat suspense as this tale unfolds. The case seems to have connections to not only to the Benedict family, but also to the death of Alyssa's sister.

Twists and turns even as the attraction between Kipling and Alyssa gets steamier. Topped off by an OMG I didn't see that coming!

Don't miss this page turning read!

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Finally, all the answers are revealed! We find out who The Gentleman is. Everything is brought together perfectly in this book. It’s a great romantic thriller with a lot of steamy scenes. I would recommend reading the first two books in the series to fully appreciate the sequence of events and how everything is tied together. The first two books are just as thrilling.

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This book is the third installment in the Sons of Broad series, but despite that fact it can be read as standalone. I haven't read the previous installments (I'm planning to, tho) but I didn't need it in order to understand the story. The author explain briefly previous situations to keep the reader updated and develop a plot full of suspense and passion.

The lead characters, Alyssa and Kipling, had a rocky start but since the very first page you can feel the tension and the chemistry between them. The way the story is constructed let you spy in their minds, to explore what are they thinking every moment, and it was cool to experiment through them the fear and insecurities, but also the heat and the longing, the passion and the discovery of love.

But this story isn't about romance. Or isn't just about romance. It's also a thriller. Alyssa's sister disappeared and was killed over a decade ago, and she has dedicated her life to bring justice to families in the same situation as hers. She has some clues about her sister's case but that murder wasn't solved. But then she find the connection between her sister's case and a new one, and the hope to discover what happened blooms again.

Kipling discover, soon after his brother's wedding, that his recently found sister has been kidnapped so he'll ask Alyssa's help to find her. But the case is more complicated that they imagined, and the connection between Jade's disappearance and Alyssa's sister will put both of them in danger.

The thrilling situations Kipling and Alyssa will be involved in will lit the fire between them. Even if they try to deny their attraction, that fire will be hot enough to burn their defenses and make them surrender to a passion like no other.

There were a few moments in Broken Promise were I felt the author could have feed the suspense a little more, but the book was pretty cool. I liked the buildup between Kipling and Alyssa, not just the romance between them but how they teamed up to find Kipling's sister and solve Alyssa's case. The villain in the story, The Gentleman, was creepy AF and he had some impressive moments in the book while we discover what drive him to act the way he did. Maybe it was just me, but I kinda wanted more at the ending with him. I felt it was missing something. But that's probably because I didn't read the other books, so don't mind me.

Broken Promise was a fast-paced romance filled with suspense and will engage you in the story from the beginning. It was a great read and can't wait for you to read it.

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This was the 3rd book in this series. I have been invested with these characters and I wanted to find out who The Gentleman was once and for all! I felt for Jade as she dealt with the demons haunting her. I wanted Kipling and Alyssa to finally succumb to the chemistry that was brewing between them! While this book didn't have as much in the romance department as previous books, I thought this one held more suspense and action. I liked the mix and I enjoyed how this story developed. I was captivated by the journey Kipling and Alyssa took to figure out the secrets, lies, and deception surrounding them. I recommend reading the previous books in the series first, but be sure to add this one to your TBR list or go ahead and read if you've read the others :)

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3 1/2 stars. This author is new to me and I like her style. I did not read the other 2 books in this series but it ended up being okay to not have, although I will probably go back and read so I do get the backstory I was missing because it sounds awesome. This was a good storyline and I found it kept me interested throughout to get to the bottom of things. There is a romantic element with Alyssa and Kipling of course as this is romantic suspense, but it was not the main focal point of the story.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC of this book.

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This is the third book in the Sons of Broad series, and I enjoyed Broken Promise a great deal. I had eagerly waited for this conclusion of this series. I received a digital ARC from the publisher, via Net Galley, with the promise to read and review in advance of publication. My opinions are my own and are not influenced by that fact.

Broken Promise is a fast-paced, exciting read. While it doesn’t meet the traditional criteria for a romance, it definitely does as a thriller. I totally enjoyed the plot and the building of tension. The story pulled me in from the start.

I met Alyssa if the previous books and enjoyed her character quite a lot. In this book, her character becomes fully developed, and I fell in love with her. She is so dedicated to finding “The Gentleman” to the extent she puts her life in jeopardy in a big way.

I also met Kipling in the other books in this series. I really loved his character. He is willing to do whatever it takes to save his half-sister, especially after his actions in the previous book. I could really feel is anguish over his actions and his desire to right his wrongs. Ms. Thomas does a great job of redeeming his character and giving me the reasons behind his previous decisions.

The romance between Alyssa and Kipling is blazing hot and I could really see why they are attracted to each other. The emotions are strong and when they come together it’s amazing. I truly wanted them to find their well-deserved happy ending.

If you enjoy a book with plenty of action and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then you will love Broken Promise as much as I did. You will want to read the other books in this series first to really appreciate the diabolical, evil villain! But never fear, they will definitely be worth your time. The first two books are awesome as well. Happy reading!

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Very very good romantic suspense story!One of my favorite genres.I was new to this author when I read the description of the book and it appealed to me so I requested it on netgalley and I’m sure glad I had the chance to review it.I wasn’t aware it was part of a series,when I realized it I went back to read the previous books.I enjoyed the characters,the pace and twists throughout the book.The family and its backround was interesting and how the Gentleman evolved was really creepy.I really liked the authors style of writing and will continue to seek out her books.

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4 The Gentleman is NO Gentleman Stars!!!

Well, we finally get some answers in this last book of this amazing series. With each book I think I know who “The Gentleman” is and Ms. Thomas has proven me wrong cuz I never suspected this person!!

This book centers around the oldest Benedict brother Kipling and Alyssa Adams a local police officer. They’ve danced around each other in the previous two books so it was only a matter of time for them to finally come together! It certainly wasn’t an easy journey for our H/h.

Alyssa is determined to find out who’s behind all the murders and foul play taking place in Charleston along with truly finding out what happened to her sister all those years ago. I loved how the suspense built in this book. There were so many twists and turns and surprises that left me with my mouth gaping wide open.

There were lots of questions to be answered in this last book too….will Jade be saved? Who’s behind the Benedict company records that resulted in one family’s life being upended in more ways than they could count? And most importantly, who’s pulling all the strings and calling the plays as this suspenseful thriller comes to a crescendo?

I’m not telling you so you’ll need to read this series because it’ll have you glued to your seat deep in the not so tranquil streets of Charleston, South Carolina! I’m so glad I took a chance on this new to me author because I’m absolutely going to read all her books going forward!!

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I loved this series! This is not the first book in the series and I would recommend reading all of them. Kipling and Alyssa finally got together after so much taking place with his brothers. Lots of little surprises and twist with action and some great chemistry. The characters were all fantastic and the story had lots of surprises as it progressed. I really enjoyed all of these books and the characters. I am voluntarily reviewing an arc I received.

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