Member Reviews

Broken Promise was WOW!

Absolutely unpredictable, missing pieces coming together and surprises all the way.

The last part of the trilogy Sons of Broad finally reveals who is the mysterious man known as The Gentleman. Finally there is revelation of his motives and hatred against the Benedict family.

The last book is amazingly twisted. It switches between past and present. It reveals hidden secrets. You won't believe your eyes. You would never see it coming.

As for the attraction between the last and eldest Benedict's son Kipling and the beautiful smart detective Alyssa definitely won't be disappointed.

I am glad I decided to review this trilogy as Tara Thomas was totally new author to me and I truly enjoyed her writing. Twisted, tense, hot and so much more.
Plus the bonus chapter will melt your heart.

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J'avais hâte de découvrir le dénouement final de cette saga qui a su me tenir en haleine au fils des tomes. Même si lire les nouvelles n'est pas essentiel à la compréhension de la saga, je vous recommande tout de même de le faire car on va glaner quelques détails qui peuvent nous aider à la compréhension de l'intrigue et de la personnalité des personnages. Il est donc temps de découvrir qui va remporter la partie d'échecs : Le gentleman ou les frères Benedict.

Kipling Benedict est un personnage que nous avions découvert dans les précédents tomes étant donné qu'il est le frère aîné de Keaton et de Knox. Il avait été souvent inquiété par la police mais son innocence ne faisait aucun doute. Il est un fin enquêteur car grâce aux ressources familiales , il avait glané des détails de la plus haute importance. Tout remonte à l'époque de son père Franklin et on va comprendre les conséquences dans cet ultime tome. J'ai adoré depuis le début Kipling car c'est un homme qui n'a pas sa langue dans sa poche et qui défend toujours ses idées. Il manie aussi avec brio l'humour et les joutes verbales et sait être un adversaire de taille. Le passé familial sera au coeur de l'intrigue et il n'hésitera pas un seul instant pour venir à l'aide d'un membre de sa famille. Il pourra faire confiance à Alyssa pour l'aider dans sa quête et ce duo infernal pourrait faire des étincelles.

Alyssa Adams est un personnage que l'on connaît depuis le début et comme je vous l'ai dit au début de ma chronique, un pan de sa vie est dévoilé dans une des nouvelles , ce qui fait que nous devons avoir ces données en main pour tenter de mieux la comprendre. Certes il s'agit d'un détail mais il aura son importance sur le déroulé de l'intrigue. Elle fait partie des forces de police et depuis le début de la saga , elle est aux côtés des Benedicts pour mettre un terme à une affaire qui menace plus d'une personne. Flic intègre, elle ne reculera devant rien pour mener à bien son enquête et dans ce nouveau tome , nous en apprenons plus sur ses motivations et son passé. Elle aura donc un choix à faire et cela pourrait avoir un réel impact sur le dénouement final. Et si son destin était lié à celui des Benedicts?

Nous retrouvons aussi Jade dans ce dernier tome et nous avons envie de la connaître encore plus. Depuis quelques tomes, nous savons que ce personnage a vécu au coeur des ténèbres en étant aux côtés du Gentleman même si depuis le tome 2, nous constatons qu'elle remet en question ce que ce terrible personnage veut lui faire croire. Elle a compris des choses essentielles sur son passé et elle devra mettre tout en oeuvre pour s'en sortir. C'est un personnage que nous trouvons de plus en plus attachant car quand on découvre son passé familial , nous découvrons qu'elle revient de loin. Pourra t-elle enfin sortir des ténèbres ?

Bref, un nouveau et dernier tome qui reste aussi palpitant que les précédents tomes de la saga Sons of Broad. Tara Thomas a su créer une intrigue qui se dévoile au fil des tomes et qui sait tenir son lecteur en haleine. Bien qu'essentiellement un thriller, nous avons le plaisir d'avoir une pointe d'amour quand les héros découvrent ou retrouvent des femmes qui ne reculent pas devant le danger. Si vous lisez en VO, je vous recommande de découvrir cette saga palpitante.

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This is the third book in the Sons of Broad series, but is a total standalone. I have read the other 2 books so was familiar with the characters. The background is Charleston, SC featuring brothers who all find their HEA while trying to find a killer. The plot is somewhat trite but the writing is good. If you want you romance with a touch of suspense, then you will enjoy this book. I was not very engaged emotionally with the H/h, however. It was an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon while waiting in the airport and on an airplane.

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4.5 for me. I really found Kipling intriguing when I read the first installment of this series, and seeing him and Alyssa finally interact was like getting into a warm bed on a cold winter's night. They're both serious because of their work and past but under that broody exterior, they have this playful side that rarely gets let out. I enjoyed watching them grow closer through the stress of uncovering a kidnapper's true intentions, and Kipling has a certain primal aura about him that makes it sexy even when they're possibly struggling to survive. The suspense level really does differ day by day for them. It was a multiple POV which let you see all of the lies and deceit. The Gentleman was always an odd character for me but in this installment, you really got to see why they ended up the way they did. A few things were a little quick but I thought this was an otherwise good read full of excitement, budding romance and terrifying action scenes that involved chases, murders receptions that make you question your single status.

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OOH the Gentleman was definitely no gentleman!!! Kiplinger has had a thing for Alyssa for quite a while now and when she decides to work with him the heat ratchets up.

When they're following leads they find more than they bargained for. Will they be able to save Jade and figure out what happened to Alyssa's sister? I was literally wanting to punch the Gentleman in the face. What an evil man!!!

You definitely want to read the first two books in the series so you know what it happening up until this point.

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Broken Promise is the third book in Tara Thomas’ Sons of Broad Series.

Kipling Benedict, is the eldest of the Benedict brothers and he will stop at nothing to protect his family from the sinister threat that aims to destroy the Benedict family. Alyssa Adams, Charleston Police Officer, made a promise, after her sister went missing 10 years ago, to help protect innocent women from harm.

Kipling and Alyssa first met in Darkest Night, the first book in the Sons of Broad Series, when she arrests him for murder. Kipling is later cleared of the charges, but the attraction between Kipling and Alyssa was instantaneous, even as they fought it for many reasons. However, when their pasts collide with their future and Kipling’s long lost sister is kidnapped, they band together to find the clues they need to protect those they love. Will past secrets tear Kipling and Alyssa apart? Will they be able to survive them when they come out? Read it to find out!

I discovered Tara Thomas and this series while searching netgallery. The cover drew my attention and once I read the synopsis I was hooked. I love suspense and mystery stories with a side of romance and chemistry. I hate starting a series at the end, so prior to reading Broken Promise I read the first two books in her Sons of Broad Series. I enjoyed them all and I thought that Broken Promise was a great third book for the series. Thomas is a phenomenal writer, who’s story telling ability keeps you hanging as you go page by page.

All the books in Tara Thomas’ Sons of Broad series contain a happily ever after and can be read as a standalone, however, reading it in order will give you a better appreciation for the characters and the series itself.

This is a voluntary review of an advanced readers copy.

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Broken Promise by Tara Thomas is book three in the Sons of Broad series. This book does need to be read in order I feel to full enjoy this book and the series. With this book we continue the love story of Ashley and Kipling along with finding out who the 'Gentleman' was.
This has been a good mystery series with a underlining romance story going on.

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i bought the whole series before i read this book i absolutely love it very twisty addictive and a bit of romance highly recommend this book and her others

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This was a great series and hated to see it end. Ms. Thomas did a great job of concluding all the lose ends and getting Alisha's answers she was after. Kipling's and her chemistry throughout the series was great and to actually see the couple together was even better. Can't wait to see what she has coming out next!
Honest review in exchange for ARC.

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I highly recommend that you read the previous book before you read this one. Although each book centers around one couple the books have a main story ARC that connects them all together and this is the conclusion to that ARC. With that being said, this one is about the oldest brother Kipling Benedict and police officer Alyssa Adams. Alyssa became a police officer after the murder of her sister. She doesn't want other families to go through what her went through and chose a path to try to stop that from happening. Kipling will do anything to keep his family safe including the sister neither he nor his brothers ever knew about. When she disappears he goes to Alyssa to get her help to not only find her but to stop the man who has been hounding his family for all this time.

This was a great conclusion to this series. Alyssa and Kipling are both such strong characters and once they finally start working together they are perfect. There are so many twists and turns that I definitely had to pay attention and it makes you think! I love how it brought not only the whole story together but it brought the other characters in to help finish it all off. Here's hoping we can have a novella though to show some sort of HEA for Jade, especially after everything she has gone through. All in all, this was a great end to this series. Some of the earlier books were ok for me but when you put them all together it makes the whole story complete and well worth the read.

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This is the final book in this series of full length and novellas and definitely is NOT a standalone. The author does a good job of tying together the trailing strings from the series and we find out the identity of The Guardian and the back story of how and why everything came about. This story pairs up the oldest Benedict son, Kipling, and even though in the previous stories he has been brash and hard to get to know he has a playful side and Alyssa brings that out in him. Alyssa has been pursuing a serial killer and as a police officer has even arrested Kipling. There have always been underlying chemistry between these two but when they finally give in, all bets are off. This has been a fun and riveting series and I am sad to see it end. I definitely recommend this one.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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In Broken Promise, the third Sons of Broad novel from Tara Thomas, the story comes full circle. The characters' whose lives intertwined over the course of the series rally together once more to discover the identity of The Gentlemen and bring him down for good.

Officer Alyssa Adams has always had a personal stake in the strange killings following the Benedict brothers. Kipling and Alyssa establish a truce to end the attacks against his growing family and bring justice to her sister's killer. As they dig deeper, shocking discoveries lead them closer to The Gentlemen and bring them closer together. Broken Promise is romantic suspense through and through. I love that there's a central storyline seen through different perspectives throughout the series. I never felt like I was reading the same plot repeatedly or with embellishments in each new story. Each story comes with it's own set of problems connected to the central theme and it all comes together in Broken Promise. Not a stone is left unturned as loose ends are tied up and questions about who Jade's parents are, or Alyssa's connection to the Benedicts, are answered. Though not overly complex the story keeps you invested until all the pieces are connected.

From the Darkest Nights, I never expected the plot to escalate as much as it has, but it's definitely been worth keeping up with the series. Broken Promise is a fast-paced novel that you can't miss!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*

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Broken Promises by Tara Thomas
Sons of Broad #3

The main reason I stuck with the series was to find out who The Gentleman was. I did find out but was left thinking that his reasons for doing what he did over the years, though twisted, were not believable. I felt that his character might have needed more information divulged. As for the romance between Ashley and Kipling…did not see why they were attracted or what they had shared to have them all-in with one another. I had trouble relating to both of them and was more curious about Jade than anything else in the story. I guess I found this book unbelievable and more fantasy than reality. I believe this book/series is probably better for NA readers who have not read as many books as I have. That said, thank you to NetGalley and St. Martini’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars

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Broken Promise is the third book in the Sons of Broad series. The eldest Benedict brother Kipling is the center of this romantic thriller. Alyssa, Kipling’s partner and would be lover, discovers things about her family and her murdered sister while helping Kipling find his kidnapped half-sister. A connection exists in their separate tragedies, and the couple confronts the threat the Gentleman has been tormenting the Benedict’s with.

Kipling and Alyssa were gravitating toward one another in previous novels, and here they develop it. Their attraction matured naturally into love, the compatibility they share obvious. Kipling and Alyssa are entertaining together. I appreciate the dry humor between the two. They are also intelligent enough to defend against the threat from the Gentleman.

The background given on the Gentleman reveals his true identity and his supposed slights with the Benedict family. The Gentleman works as the protagonist for me in Broken Promise. Exposing his background gives him more substance in my eyes. Realizing his true motivations increase the anxiety. It is unsettling for the characters, understanding there’s no reasoning with a madman.

All and all I was glad to read the conclusion to this series. The romance was engaging. I worried about the leads when their lives were in danger. I became wary of and disgusted by the bad guy and his motivation. Some of the mystery unraveled before the reveal, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Decent tension presents itself, and a few things still surprised me. I place it somewhere in the middle in relation to entertainment. Worth mentioning, the bonus content is kind of sweet. There is a great speech given at a wedding so check it out if you can. This book was given to me by Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for my honest opinion. I encourage all readers to come to their own conclusions.

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This is the third and final book in the Sons of Broad series and the conclusion to the mystery that has been building throughout the entire series. The author does a good job of getting us up to date but I do recommend you read these books in order to get the full effect of the mystery build up. The identity of "The Gentleman" is finally revealed as is his motivating factors for the things he does. Jade's circumstances are also fully explained so everything gets wrapped up nicely. We also get caught up on all our favorite characters from the previous books. This is definitely a book and series I recommend.

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What a fabulous way to end this series!

I've been eager for Kipling and Alyssa's story for a long time. They've got some palpable chemistry between them and I loved watching their love story (finally!) come to life! They are perfect for each other and it shows in this book.

But I also enjoyed getting to know their characters more as individuals. They've been such crucial side-characters that it was great to learn about their pasts and how that has shaped them into the characters they are in this book.

As for the suspense, it was brimming from start to end. This book never had a dull moment in terms of the drama. We get the truth in little morsels and I loved how that created an air of anticipation that sucked me in. And everything just fit into place perfectly given everything we've learned over the last two novels. It was a finale that worked in all the ways you wanted it to.

This is a great ending to a series the never stopped building itself up. Fans will adore this grand finale!

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This is the latest book in a series. Because this is the first book I have read, I found it confusing and difficult to keep the characters straight. As the story progressed, I did not have a problem. The story moved at a fast pace and was a nice rainy afternoon read.

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My Review of “Broken Promise” by Tara Thomas, St. Martin’s Press June 26, 208

The Genres for “Broken Promise” by Tara Thomas are Fiction and Romantic Suspense. This is the third in the Sons of Broad Series. I would suggest that you read the other books, so that you understand this novel better.

The author describes her characters as complicated and complex. Charleston Police Officer Alyssa Adams has made a promise to protect women from harm. Alyssa has a dark secret that she is looking for answers and closure to. When Kipling Benedict realizes there is a kidnapping in his family he contacts Alyssa. The Benedict family has a powerful enemy, and they are yet to find out his true identity

Alyssa and Kipling have had an attraction for years, but now it seems that it has sparked. Will Alyssa and Kipling be able to find the kidnapper and give Alyssa her closure?

There is danger, and some twists and turns. This was a very fast read, but I wanted something more. Without giving any spoilers away, I will mention that I was disappointed with certain things. I would recommend this for readers of Romance and Suspense. I would also recommend that you read the other books.

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Intriguing end to a great series. This is the final book & manages to wrap up the ongoing saga of murder & mayhem along with the identity of the man behind it all. The plot takes twists & facts are revealed that are unexpected. Alyssa & Kipling are at odds for a large portion & the attraction builds as does the intensity of the mystery. I really enjoyed this one!

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An almost enemies to lovers romance, a cat and mouse game with The Gentleman, and some twists and turns brings the Sons of Broad series to a close. Lots of secrets are revealed in this final book in the series, and it moves at a faster pace than its predecessors. I did have a problem with a couple of things toward the end that seemed to have information missing, making the conclusion feel a bit rushed for me. Nevertheless, Kipling and Alyssa are, hands down, my favorite couple in this series. I liked the banter between them as they move toward romance, and they make more logical decisions under pressure than the other couples in the series. I also liked than in addition to finally learning The Gentleman's identity, we get the backstory on how it all began and why he's so determined to destroy this family. While each book has focused on a different couple, the main storyline has been a continuing one from the beginning, so I would suggest reading the books in order to get the full story. Despite the couple of issues I had with the ending, this one is, in my opinion, the best in the series.

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