Member Reviews

In this third book of the series, Kipling and Officer Alyssa Adams's attraction turns into love. When Jade is kidnapped, they work together into rescuing her. The Gentleman, who has been a villain throughout this series, now plans on taking out all the Benedicts and Alyssa. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. This is a suspenseful romance with Kipling and Alyssa on the run through most of the book. This is definitely a series that you will want to read in order. This is a more a fun suspenseful romance which you enjoy seeing how they avoid their pursers and solve the mystery. There isn't as much emphasis on the characters. I like this book very much and look forward to reading more by this author.

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While the blurb sounded intriguing, the writing and dialogue were off-putting. The story dragged for me, and although I gave it a try, I was just not interested enough to continue.

I appreciate being given an opportunity to read the ARC by the publisher.

DNF at 30%

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The Gentleman is not so perfect. Will the Benedict's ever find their sister Jade or will she be lost to them for good? Alyssa knows that she should take Kipling up on his offer to help her find out who killed her sister all those years ago? Kipling knows that he needs her help and they can help each other find out the truth. But the surprises keep on coming Jade is actually her niece as well and they have to find her but they don't know who has her yet. The more that they dig the closer the danger becomes and the Gentleman will get his ultimate revenge. This is all he has wanted is to destroy the family as he believes that they stole his happiness. He was in love with Kipling's mother back in the day and he left it too late to tell her about all the cheating and he made sure that the girls that looked like her paid the price. So when he found another woman that he had to destroy she had a little girl and that was Jade. She never really had a chance once her mother was murdered but she did the best that she could. Will the Gentleman win this round or will it be time for him to die? Can the family ever move on from the past and get the closure that they need? A good book in the series. I really like Jade as she never gave up looking after her family even when they never even knew she existed and she is a fierce young lady that deserves to have family around her. I was lucky enough to receive a copy in exchange for my honest review via Netgalley & the publishing house.

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Tara Thomas has wowed me with her latest Sons of Broad series. I was captivated by each character's own risk both personally and non.  The element of danger was included on every page, escalated into fear and intrigue. I was not sure what was going to happen and what would not happen to each character. Somehow, the characters were all circled back to each other. That only made my curiosity grow even more. 

In Broken Promise, a young woman is in a deadly scenarios with her guardian wanting to dispose of her permanently before the Benedict brothers figure out anything else. But time is not on his side. Then, there's another woman, a police officer, whom Kipling is romantically entangled with...that the killer wanted gone too.  So the race to figure out what happened in the past and who is behind both the past and present murders is a mystery worth reading. I loved every moment. Suspense, surprise, and romance were all included into this wonderful book. Overall, I would highly recommend both this writer and book to readers everywhere.

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Book three of the Sons of Broad, Broken Promise by Tara Thomas brings everything that has happened in the previous books all together. While this is Alyssa Adams’ story along with Kipling the oldest of the Benedict brothers, it is very much Jade’s story too.

Charleston Police Officer Alyssa Adams first appeared in Shattered Fear, as the roommate of the main character. Her supporting role was significant, so I had expected her story long before now. However, all the pieces of the serial killer puzzle fall together in this book including some of Alyssa’s missing pieces. Her time has arrived! This series has been excellent with Broken Promise being exceptional. I highly recommend that you start at the beginning, reading all the way through the entire series.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book was a heart-pounding, action-packed, wild ride. Broken Promise is the first book I've read by Tara Thomas. I really liked the way it flowed, and getting flashbacks into the bad guy's past. My only negative was that I did not realize this was part of a series when I started to read it. I did feel confused a couple times, but mostly was able to read it as a stand alone. I did like it enough to want to read the other books and more from her in the future. It also is a love story, which is always key for me. I love the love!

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3.5 Stars

I enjoyed this one quite a lot. In fact, I think it may be my favorite of the series. We finally find out the identity of the "Gentleman" and all the "hows & whys" of it all. Both Kipling <--- god awful name BTW. Every time I read it all I could think of was a kipper (lol) and Alyssa were likable main characters. I continued to like Jade as well, and I really hope we see a novella featuring her HEA at some point.

That said, I had a couple of issues that lowered my rating a bit. Both took place right near the end. I was a tiny bit annoyed that the author never told us what happened to Kipling when the gentleman had him. When they are saved, he appears to have just a concussion and no outward signs of injuries. Then all of a sudden he is almost dead, in a coma, and spends weeks in intense physical therapy?? For what exactly?? A little more detail was definitely needed. The other issue was, we are told Jade got shot, but then she is perfectly OK sitting in the hospital waiting room, and her being injured is never brought AT ALL. Both those issue did have me lowering my rating a bit.

Apart from that, this was a really good book and a really enjoyable series.

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Broken Promise was an enjoyable and engaging read. That had plenty of twists and I really liked how this story developed. As all the pieces and secrets that have slowly been revealed do finally lead to the unmasking of 'the gentleman'. And I have to say I had no clue who he was until that point. And for me there was some genuine what the hell moments before that actually happened. However, I did find the pace of this story a little stilted. But the suspense and intrigue were still there. As was the romance between Kipling and Alyssa. And certainly all the loose ends from the previous stories were neatly tied up; and so I would happily recommend Broken Promise to others.

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haven't read anything by this author before, but I will be reading the other books in this series. I really enjoyed this story. I liked Alyssa and Kipling. As Kipling helps Alyssa go after the man who murdered her sister, they become closer and realize they are more connected than they thought. Both of their families have big secrets and they have to uncover them if they want to save their family. The Gentleman had been at it for many years and needed to be stopped. Can they do it?

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I have not read the first two books in this series but I must now do so. This is a surefire hit- suspenseful and fast paced. Romance is there also for those who enjoy having that element. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing me with an e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars

This is the final book in the Sons of Broad, however when I requested this book I wasn't aware that this was book 3, so you will need to read the other books first, as I felt that I was missing a lot - and that is nobody's fault but my own.

I enjoyed the writing, the story flowed and was very action packed. I adored the relationship between the brothers (again though, I know I was missing so much) and love their commitment t0 family.

For me though, I just didn't feel the romantic connection between Alyssa and Kipling. Sure I felt friendship and love of sorts, but I didn't get the romantic thing - well, except for the lust. However this is probably just me.

I know this makes it sound that I didn't like this book, however that is not the case. I know that if I had read the previous 2 books and their noveallas I would have felt different about this book.

Don't make my mistake and not read the earlier books, and I am sure you will love it. I will be going back and reading the earlier entries in the series and will come back and reread this one again later, and am sure I will enjoy it more.

Again, nothing wrong with the writing or anything, this is all on me.

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4 Star Review Broken Promise (Sons of Broad #3) by Tara Thomas

Tara Thomas is a new author to me. I had no idea going into reading Broken Promise that this was book three and the final book in the trilogy. I do believe that this is a series that needs to be read in order as I was a lost whilst reading, not knowing the back story that had occurred in books 1 and 2.

I really liked the characters of Alyssa Adams and Kipling Benedict. Running for their lives, whilst trying to track down a missing sibling and a killer bent on revenge, Alyssa and Kipling are drawn together more and more. The chemistry between the two was strong and sizzled.

There was certainly intrigue, mystery and suspense and I found the writing to be solid. The characters were likeable and the storyline was gripping.

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Broken Promise is the last volume in the Sons of Broad series by Tara Thomas. As a reminder, the series is made like this:

I couldn’t wait to read this last volume because I really wanted to discover who this very horrible Gentleman was. I had a little idea when reading Darkest Night and it turned out that I was right from the start. I appreciated how the author revealed the bad guy’s motivations. Instead of having him make a monologue before killing the heroes, she used flash-backs before the plot ending and a little explanation enough for the heroes near the end.

The story begins some time after the end of Deadly secret during the previous heroes’ wedding. Our current heroes, Alyssa Adams and Kipling Benedict, met in Darkest Night. Alyssa is a cop and even arrested the hero. That didn’t prevent him from flirting with her and that’s what I appreciate a lot in our hero. He’s absolutely not a macho. Nevertheless he’s protective and doesn’t want her to put herself in danger because he cares for her.

All in all I really had a good time with this series with characters all as likeable as the others. I liked the feelings’ evolutions, simple, fast, with characters who accept quickly what they feel for the other in each volume.

In Broken Promise, Alyssa and Kipling are often facing immediate dangers which are why they must hide or be constantly on the move. That’s why there are not a lot of love scenes. When we close the book we have an answer to all the questions we wonder about when reading the series, including Tilly Brock’s family, the heroine in Darkest Night, for which an explanation was missing. And we also have a big surprise.

As for the secondary characters, we have all the previous heroes and the young Jade and her new adventures.

In any case I must say Tara Thomas (pseudo for Tara Sue Me) handled very well her new series and I’m delighted 1) that there have been no cliffhanger in each volume and 2) that she respects her initial choice to make a short series. And in the case you were wondering: it’s better to read the series in the order.

I won’t hesitate to read other opus by the author.

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Alyssa Adams is a cop with the Charleston Police Force. Kipling Benedict is the oldest son of the Benedict family..
They butt heads every time they meet. Alyssa hates the fact that she is attracted to Kipling. He, on the other hand, loves the fact the he finds Alyssa so enticing and wants to get closer
Each is dealing with the problems that investigating a rash of murders over the years is causing them but, neither one is willing to give up. Alyssa is determined to find the man who murdered her older sister 20 yrs. ago. Kipling is determined to find his kidnapped half sister. This is an action packed romantic suspense that is definitely worth the read!

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Despite their mistrust of each other, Alyssa and Kipling have a common goal- finding their lost sisters. The thing is, she's a law enforcement officer and he's the eldest son of the Benedict family, a group of wealthy and powerful people who are inexplicably being tormented by the Gentleman. Of course, these two find they are attracted to one another. There are twists and turns and while I guessed who the evil doer was, I wasn't entirely sure until the end how things about turn out. Thanks to net galley for the ARC. I did not like the first book in this series and did not read the second so this was more of less a standalone for me- and that was fine. Am curious about the additional content in the hard copy!

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The characters from the start was eye catching or what brought me in from the first page on wards. They had these interactions that made me smile like a lunatic sometimes.

It took a couple of chapters for me to realize that this is part of a series; It did seem like to try to want be a standalone. But the beginning of the book gave it away. There were pieces of information that made it evident that I am starting from the middle of the series.

Every now and then it felt like I am missing some of the story.

However, that being the case, the mystery man and the suspense of who is it as well as the connection of the two family drove me to read until the end.

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I should keep a list of what I don't like when reading series. Everyone knows my extreme dislike of picking books up mid-series. But, that's not the case here. This is a whole different dislike. I don't like skipping books in a series. Like picking up books mid-series, I get lost. I miss a huge chunk of the story between book 1 and book 2. That wasn't the case with Broken Promise. The author did a great job of explaining what happened in the last book without overwhelming this one. 

Now, I betcha you all are wondering why I rated Broken Promise a 3. I couldn't get into the book. Alyssa and Kipling's relationship seemed forced. That, in turn, made the sex scenes a little uncomfortable to read. I didn't like how Jade was treated by/her entire relationship with The Gentleman. And those are the reasons why I gave it a 3.

I did like some parts of the book, believe it or not. While I didn't like them in a relationship, I did like Alyssa and Kipling. I also liked the relationship that Kipling had with his brothers. I also liked how Jade was tied to Alyssa. Actually, that part of the book was bittersweet.

What I didn't like about the book:
I couldn't get into the book. I must have some sort of connection to the plot in order for me to like it or dislike it. I couldn't with this book. I know it was because of the tandem storylines that were going on. The Kipling/Alyssa storyline and the Jade/The Gentleman storyline.  Normally tandem storylines don't bother me. But this one did. 

I felt that Alyssa and Kipling's relationship was forced. They went from battling each other about what was going on to magically falling in love while dealing with a serial killer. Not realistic at all. So, because I felt the relationship was forced, it made the sex scenes uncomfortable to read. Don't get me wrong, I love a good sex scene. I also like a sex scene where the woman likes it rough, which Alyssa did. But I couldn't get into it. Which made me sad.

Jade's relationship with The Gentleman was beyond screwed up. He took an innocent 5-year-old and shaped her into a ninja killer (yes, you read that right). The abuse Jade suffered was barely scratched at but what was revealed was awful. Which brings us to why he did to Jade what he did. Let's say that he was one disturbed dude. He also took his anger over Helen out the wrong way. I was surprised at who The Gentleman was, though. It was not who I thought it would be.

What I liked about the book
I loved Alyssa. She was a good cop. She was determined to solve her sister's cold case. She had a feeling that her sister's murder was tied to The Gentleman somehow. I did feel bad for her. Her family was horrible. Her stepfather was a bully and her mother allowed it. I was glad Kipling was there and stood her stepfather down. Because of that, they got a huge break in her sister's case and what is going on with Kipling's family.

I also liked Kipling. When The Gentleman contacted him with the news that he had Jade, Kipling jumped to action. No question. That was his sister and he was going to find her. Even though I found their relationship forced, he did look over Alyssa too. 

I liked his relationship with his brothers. He worried about them and tried his best to protect them. But, in the end, it was his brothers that came to his rescue. That is the type of relationship that siblings should have.

I can't discuss how Jade is tied to Alyssa. But I will say that it came as a huge surprise. I was as shocked as Alyssa was when she connected the dots. My exact words were "Dayum". Talk about bittersweet. I also got beyond angry with certain other people in Alyssa's life about that. Not cool, that they did. 

So to recap...

What I disliked about Broken Promise:

A) Couldn't get into the book

B) felt Alyssa and Kipling's relationship was forced

C) Jade's relationship with The Gentleman

What I disliked about Broken Promise:

A) Alyssa. Enjoyed her character

B) Kipling. Also enjoyed his character

C) How Jade is tied to Alyssa

I would give Broken Promise an Adult rating. There is explicit sex. There is language. There is violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

There are trigger warnings in Broken Promise. They are kidnapping and torture.

I am on the fence about recommending Broken Promise to family and friends. I am also on the fence about rereading this book. I am willing to read more books by the author.

I would like to thank St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Paperback, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Broken Promise.

All opinions stated in this review of Broken Promise are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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I am sorry, but I didn't like this story and the subsequent novella at all, the main story was populated of characters I felt no connection to and the novella was set before the story so I didn't like it due to the fact that I already knew the ending. Maybe I will give another chance to the author, but as far as I am concerned, it was neither a good romance neither a good thriller.

Mi spiace dirlo, ma sia la storia principale che la novella a seguire non mi sono piaciute. Sia per i personaggi che non mi stavano per niente simpatici, sia perché temporalmente la novella veniva prima della storia, quindi una volta saputa la fine non é che poi mi interessasse proprio tanto leggerla. Inoltre devo ammettere che almeno per quanto riguarda questa DRC non mi sembra che né la storia d'amore tantomeno il giallo fossero sufficientemente buone.


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This is third in a series but easily stands alone. It will have you wanting more from this author and I find myself on my way over to check out the other two. Hopefully, there will be a fourth, I thoroughly enjoyed this from the first page to the last and read it all in one sitting, unable to put it down!

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Thank you St. Martin's Press for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

We're down on the last book of Sons of Broad series and I'm thrilled how this ends because I want to know who's The Gentleman. This book is about the eldest Benedict brother, Kipling Benedict and Officer Alyssa Adams. These two buttheads each time they meet and now they're on the same side to find a closure to their love ones who'd been murdered and believe The Gentleman is behind of it all.

Secrets were revealed and this finale is great for brainstorming. If you haven't missed any detail, you might easily guess the mastermind. The Gentleman was wicked, selfish and jealous and karma served him right. Shame on him. It's a great conclusion for the series but this one was my least favorite. Not a fan of Alyssa and Kipling.

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