Member Reviews

There are already lots of reviews saying what a great book this is, and giving details of the story. I want to take a different approach and say how much I enjoy Ben Coes' writing. First of all, Dewey Andreas? For an action hero? In a world of Dirk Pitts, Mitch Rapps and Jack Ryans reading about a Dewey is awesome. (Don't forget that Dewey was the geeky youngest kid in Malcolm in the Middle.) My point in all of this is to emphasize how well Mr Coes can write to be able to suspend your disbelief as well as he does. The hero, plot and action in this novel are well and truly at the top of the thriller space. Should he read this, I apologize profusely to him for taking the mickey out of Dewey.

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I'm sorry, but this book just wasn't my cup of tea. This was no Jack Ryan or John Clark (my favorite by the way). Keep trying you are getting close.

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First of all, wow! I love political thrillers, especially from previous government employees who have intel we would never have! This author is very engaging, keeps the pace moving from the first page and never let me down. Quite a feat! 5/5 for this book!

Ben Coes, the author, is a former member of the U.S. Special Forces Delta Force. Working for the Veterans Administration, I can concur that there are abbreviations and acronyms for everything we do, and reading this book, gave me a lesson in even more of them. For instance, SOQ is statement of qualifications, THAAD stands for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, and DARPA is Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Felt like I was reading an email from a colleague with a address, but I digress…

The book has so much action, characters who are easy to follow who aren’t predictable or annoying, and a plot that could easily fit into today’s headlines. With Kim Jong Il found to be dying of pancreatic cancer that has spread, he’s determined to annihilate the western part of the US with nuclear warfare because he wants to go out strong. But what he doesn’t realize is that Dewey Andreas, though bordering on retirement, gets pulled back in to stop him. And when the plan that’s in place goes off-course when one of Jong Il’s agents overpowers Dewey, the clock begins ticking and it’s a race to get him back to safety and to baseline.

If you like political thrillers packed with action starring a man who looks like Jason Statham (in my mind), these books are for you. This book was a fast-paced read and since it was built on the previous seven in the series, it would most likely be wise to go back and read them in sequence just for fun.

Book One: Power Down, 2010

Book Two: Coup d’etat, 2011

Book Three: The Last Refuge, 2012

Book Four: Eye for an Eye, 2013

Book Five: Independence Day, 2015

Book Six: First Strike, 2016

Book Seven: Trap the Devil, 2017

Book Eight: Bloody Sunday, 2018

Thanks for reading! 😉

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 ( “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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A great political/spy thriller about the potential of an evil dictator and the potential to destroy the world.

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North Korea is bad.  We all know that.  Now there is a chance to do something about it: sneak an operative in, inject the top military whacko with a new poison and only give him the antidote if he gives up the country's nuclear plans.  Of course, nothing ever goes as smoothly as planned.  

If you enjoy reading the inside scoop about the workings of international intrigue, you should enjoy this one.

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Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and Ben Coes for this amazing read.
This is the first book I read from Ben Coes and Bravo what a suspenseful, fast paced read.
This book is filled with so much action, twists and turns which makes it very difficult to put down. I stayed up way past my bed time even though I kept thinking last chapter.
First book I have read in this series and by God will not be my last.

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Ben Coes' latest might just be his greatest! I've been honoured to have been pleased to have read all of them. Following the development of Dewey Andreas has been a true treat. I frequently found myself cheering for Dewey, especially when he was about to kick some enemy's behind , so richly desired! You could read this fantastic book as a standalone and enjoy it richly. Yet I would definitely recommend to try to read Ben Coes's opus in order. Either way, I certainly recommend this book!!

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Dewey Andreas (#8) is ready to leave the CIA, but he's called back into action one more time. Kim Jong-un has a plan to nuclearize his missiles and America is his target. From Macau, the gambling center of Asia, to the Ryongsong Residence in Pyongyang, Andreas fights to prevent nuclear annihilation.

The U.S. Government, with the help of operations expert Jenna Hartford on loan from London's M16, develop a plan to stop Kim. Poisoning, Iranian complicity, stealth entry into North Korea and secret messages from Kim's top level General Yong-sik make for an exciting plot. And Dewey Andreas is just the man to make it work.

This book is filled with plenty of action and the plot is excellent. The superhuman efforts by Andreas had the effect of solving so many of the dilemmas so quickly and easily that it tended to mute the tension from the story. But I did enjoy reading this book and I look forward to reading more from the Dewey Andreas series.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Ben Coes, and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is the first from this author. Interesting and fun read. I will pick up another, just not sure where in the series I will continue - at the beginning since there is definitely information about the main character's background and previous storylines that are mentioned.

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Title was archived before I could review it sadly. Guess I will have to buy it if I would like to read it. I am new to the Galley and was not aware of the fact that the archival date meant that I could not access the title anymore. Too bad

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Poor Dewey, just like in the Godfather - every time he tries to get out, they pull him back in! Ben Coes adds another thrill a minute book to the series. This thriller is rather far fetched, but that's one of the reasons I choose Mr. Coes' novels, I know they will move along quickly, and the situations depicted will be innovative and downright entertaining. Is it a little predictable? Yes, but the characters are so complex and interesting, and so well drawn, that I credit the ability to predict towards those full character portraits. If you've read Ben Coes before, Dewey is Dewey and I think you'll enjoy this installment. If you haven't read Ben Coes, what are you waiting for? I recommend him to fans of Tom Clancy, David Baldacci, Brad Thor, but I suggest you read the books in order. Bloody Sunday can stand alone, but the series is excellent.

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Dewey Andres has decided to retire. North Korea's dictator has decided to attack the United States before as his legacy. He makes a deal with Iran for nukes that work and he will send uranium that Iran wants. A meeting in Macau will bring Kim what he wants. The US has to find out what is going on and stop it in time. Dewey is needed to do this and as always he can do the job but there was a problem that he did not take into account. Can he win the day for the US government? They are depending on him.

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A big thank you to the author Ben Coes, the publisher St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for my candid review.

My question: Where have I been that I have not yet discovered this series and this author? Was I living under a rock?

I love bad-ass heroes who are put into impossible situations where they HAVE TO SAVE THE WORLD....against a buzzillion bad guys. And this book does not dissappoint. The main character, Dewey Andreas, is all that and a bag of chips. He is a Navy Seal, CIA, NSA, problem-solver and he is sent into the most difficult situations. WHY? Because he can handle them! This is a story about a current world situation---North Korea and Kim Il Sung. Need I say more? Any story that includes Kim Il Sung is bound to have some craziness in it.

I will, of course, have to go back and read this series from the beginning. So, if you love books by Steve Berry, and James Rollins, and Preston and Childs, you will love this author!

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Interesting reading. The writing style was good and the mastery of the storyline was such that kept you in suspense. I happen to read this book close to the time of actual events and President Trump's meeting with North Korea.

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From Mystery Thriller Week

The best thriller of 2018 so far. Absolutely phenomenal!  A complete slam dunk by author Ben Coes.  Narrator Jay Synder even made it more exceptional with a stellar performance in the audiobook, so I highly recommend it.  I wouldn't be surprised if this won a few awards. Dewey Andreas is back on the scene with one startling realization; his wife's death was no accident. Bloody Sunday begins with the non-stop impulse of revenge on those responsible for her murder, but this is hardly the beginning.

The North Korean regime is bent on unleashing nuclear catastrophe on the United States--even without much consideration of the cost. An ailing leader. A loyal soldier. A definite promise of destruction. There's only one man who's capable of pulling off an exponentially impossible mission, but there's only one problem. He's not up to the task. His mindset is no condition for yet another mission. Dewey Andreas is absolutely sensational in every sense of the word. The stakes couldn't be higher for the United States, the CIA, North Korea; or even more personal for long time agent Andreas. An explosive, extraordinary plot that'll blow your socks right off.

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Thank you #netgalley and #stmartinpresa for allowing me the opportunity to read this ARC. This was my first Dewey Andreas book, and I already love him. In fact, I loved his character so much that I am currently going back to his beginning. I love the spy/espionage/political thriller genre, and it was terrifying how timely the plot is in “Bloody Sunday.” Ben Coes writing kept me turning pages fast and furiously, as the action kept driving me to finish. Start at the first Dewey Andreas book or start here—it doesn’t matter, as you’ll soon want to read them all. More importantly, “Bloody Sunday” is a stand-alone novel regardless if you’re new to Coes and his bad-ass Dewey Andreas.

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"Bloody Sunday", by Ben Coes is a very well-written 2018 thriller about a superhero, Dewey Andreas, who is tasked with trying to assassinate a top general in the North Korean military. In the middle of this operation, the hero manages to inject himself with some of the poison intended for his target. This starts a ticking clock scenario.

This was the first book by Ben Coes that I read. Coes' protagonist, is an interesting character: a CIA operative who seems to have an unlimited level of endurance and resilience. He is also very slightly flawed. He drinks too much, and he even manages to inject himself with poison during a very unlikely operation against a North Korean general. Things get even crazier after that. Dewey Andreas does the impossible in just about every chapter. He even makes periodic quips when he is in the middle of an operation. I have seen other authors try this, but Coes does it very well. The author layers a very clever sense of humor throughout this novel. Beginning with his backstory in which the author summarizes some of Dewey Andreas' prior exploits in a few short paragraphs, the reader gets an idea as to what to expect. To me, the backstory came off as slightly unbelievable and somewhat humorous. I believe the author intended this atmosphere of light humor throughout the novel. I found that to be the best part of the novel. It is a lot more clever than just non-stop action. Coes writes excellent non-stop action, however, and if non-stop action is your thing, "Bloody Sunday" will make you very happy. If you approach "Bloody Sunday" as fantasy and a fun thrill-ride, you will enjoy this book very much. Dewey Andreas is a little too capable for my taste, but his adventures make great fantasy.

I believe a reader would enjoy this novel more if they had read some earlier entries in the Dewey Andreas series. Also, I was wondering about Dewey Andreas' drinking. It seemed heavy to me and it didn't really seem to have much to do with the plot, at least in this novel. His drinking certainly didn't interfere with his combat skills. There was also a subplot about a strong female character in "Bloody Sunday" that seems to lead into the next book. I usually view lead-ins like this as an unpleasant but frequently used marketing technique to generate interest in the next book. I understand the need to do this, but I felt this particular subplot did not add much to this story and did not pique my interest for the next novel. My criticisms are small, however, and a reader looking for a fun thrill-ride with a very effective ticking clock with an overlay of light humor will thoroughly enjoy "Bloody Sunday".

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Former Delta officer Dewey Andreas is at it again! This was my first book by Ben Coes, but now I'll be going back and reading the first seven. Timely political thriller involving Kim Jung-un, North Korea's fearless leader, who is terminally ill and determined to go out with a bang. I could not put this book down.

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Review: BLOODY SUNDAY by Ben Coes
(Dewey Andreas #8)

Those of us who fear North Korea's aggression and nuclear capability and the leader's instability will find much foundation for that anxiety here. In this 8th installment in Ben Coes' Dewey Andreas Series, Kim Jong-Un is diagnosed with aggressively metastasized cancer, and decides to go out in a literal blaze of glory: the glory to accrue to himself, while the great enemy America perishes in nuclear travail.

Fortunately, there is tragic hero Dewey Andreas, still diligently drinking himself to death. Hot on the trail of the remaining culprits responsible for the murder of his wife, he will be put into play to save the US from utter destruction--somehow.

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Great read. Finished it in a weekend!

Definitely want to read others in this series. Highly recommended. Very engaging. Pulls the reader right in.

Thanks to Netgalley

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