Member Reviews

DNF at 33%
i really didn't want to DNF this but - sigh. i just wasn't engaged AT ALL.
i didn't connect with the writing or characters at all, and the other POV of the soldier back at the empire or wherever he is was just distracting and off-putting and made me want to read those bits as fast as possible to get back to what was happening with ittuluke and villam. they kinda just seemed thrown in there like a spanner in machinery and it helped me lose the last thread of concentration i actually had.
i guess this just isn't for me - i didn't find this engaging at all.

Title provided via Netgalley
I like Science Fiction and MM Romance crossovers. It's hard to get a title that catches everyone's interest because some just like certain aspects to show up in the stories they read. This was one of those things for me. It was well written, and I liked the characters, but the scifi aspect was just not something I could get totally in to.
What got me through it was the enemy to lovers bit. I like that kind of romantic tension and drama because if done right it's taking two relatively opposite characters and bringing them together. I like Villum and Luke's dynamic. Overall the story was ok, I will probably have to rearead it when I'm in the mood for this kind of story, but my initial read didn't thoroughly captivate me.