Member Reviews

I'm a complete fan of Ms. Hanson's books, especially her romantic suspense ones, so I decided to give this series a go and I'm so glad I did. This series is cute and fun and Ms. Hanson certainly delivers a wonderful marriage of convenience romance in this third book of her An On the Job Romance series.

Jamie Witmer and Weston Archer have been friends and colleagues for years and work well together. They're definitely a power team but coming in second spot is getting to be a real bother. They want to be number one and the only way to do that is to prove themselves to their latest client.

Getting married seems to be the only option. Will it work?

Jamie is sassy, strong and one determined woman. She's definitely out to prove she has what it takes to be the best. She was such an enjoyable heroine and so deserving of getting top spot. That is, if she and Weston get it. While Weston, he was such a wonderful hero. I loved how supportive he was of Jamie. He has such faith in her and I'm glad neither of them let anything come between them in the end. Although, there were moments where I wasn't so sure everything would work out for the best for the pair.

Overall, Ms. Hanson has delivered a really good read in this book, which has me looking forward to reading more of her work, no matter the genre she writes.

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I’m always a little nervous when I read a new to be author, but I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed The Work Wife by Allison B. Hanson. Long term co-workers agree to a marriage of convenience in order to get ahead with an influential client in this sweet, funny, and romantic love story.

Jamie Witmer and Weston Archer has been work partners for years and complement each other perfectly at the design firm where they work, consistently in the number two team spot, Jamie wants that number one spot and she is will to do most anything to get it including a fake marriage to Weston in order to go to a married partners vacation knowing an important client will be there as well. Jamie was dedicated, spunky, and determined and while Weston was a bit of an enigma for a good part of this book but it was obvious he would go to great lengths to help Jamie achieve her goals.

I enjoyed this couple quite a bit and it was easy to see from the start they shared a special friendship yet there was still so much about one another they didn’t know. It was interesting watching them navigate the relationship waters once they were “married” especially when dealing with Jamie’s father and their co-workers. There were quite a few ups and downs and even a quite devious plot to come between them and while some mistakes were made through it all the strong foundation they had from the start proved invaluable time and time again.

The Work Wife was a completely entertaining and wonderful romance and I look forward to reading this author again.

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Really lovely easy to read story, with heartwarming characters. Great story which I recommend to others.

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The Work Wife is a good contemporary romance that will leave readers feeling connected to the characters and the story. I look forward to more from Allison Hanson.

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I loved this blurb. Allison Hanson was a new to me author so I definitely wanted to give this a try. Overall, I enjoyed this title. It was a fast read, and while I thought some things were resolved a bit too easily it worked for this story. I will try this Author again.

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3.5 stars

Jamie and Wes have worked together for 5 years and are putting out quality work. However, to become the number one team in their company, Jamie suggests they get married so they are invited on a company couple's retreat with a prospective client.

This is a sweet and slightly predictable read. I really liked Jamie and Wes' friendship and how important it was to each of them. Their transition from friendship to relationship is gradual and done at a nice pace.

There are a couple side plots that add to the story. I especially liked Jamie's father and thought he added a lot of humor.

The Work Wife is part of the On the Job series but can be read as a standalone.

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This was such a fun, modern romance story.

For many career women, it IS someone you work with on a daily basis that catches your eye and becomes that someone.

In this case, the couple needed an excuse to make up their romance to see it was really meant to be.

Great light read for romance lovers.

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Review by Amber for Love Romance Books.

Jamie and Wes are a power couple at work. For the last 5 years, they have been Team #2 at Blain and Douglas, a design and engineering firm. That entire time, Jamie has wanted to be Team #1, and it is finally within her reach. If she and Wes can land a big account, they might have a chance at making that goal. Coincidentally, there is a big account up for consideration. That decision will likely be made on a company retreat in Jamaica, which is super appealing for them both. The catch is that the retreat is only for married couples. Jamie will do almost anything to go on that trip. When she impulsively proposes to Wes that they get married, they are both surprised when Wes agrees. They call each other work spouses already, so why not make it official? The idea works, and they are invited on the retreat, but marriage ends up being more complicated than they anticipated. The biggest question is what happens after the retreat? Do they split, or has the fake marriage become real?

I would give this book 4 stars. I liked both Wes and Jamie’s characters, and their story was fun to read. I also liked the story in the story with Wes’ brother.

I was asked by the author for an honest review.

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I enjoyed THE WORK WIFE by ALLISON B> HANSON. It was a cute story. Worth the read. I don't usually read workplace romances but this was worth the time.

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This is a cute contemporary romance about how sometimes your best friend could actually become the love of your life. I really enjoyed it but wish we could have gotten a separate book with Ben instead of it being wedged into this book.

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The Work Wife is the new friends to lovers romance by the talented Allison B. Hanson. Ms Hanson’s contemporary romances are the perfect relaxation reads. Ms Hanson has a love writing style that light and easy to read. This story is presented in a joint point of view format from our two main leads Weston and Jamie, and the POVs change smoothly and at logical points. It’s not jarring when the change occurs, both POVs blend together to form one cohesive story. The little side story of Weston’s brother and Anna was a nice touch, and further demonstrated what was to be a critical point in the story, just how much Ben and Wes’ mother was emotionally damaged, and more than a bit malicious because of her own experiences and values.

Overall, The Work Wife was a lovely read, and just what I needed to get me through a stressful week. It was romantic, funny, and just a touch of drama to add depth, but it wasn’t overdone and resolved quickly. If you are looking for a light romance that is a perfect escapist read, I’d highly recommend The Work Wife.

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Jamie loved cae but she didn’t like surprises. Weston/Wes was her designer team partner and had been for five years now at Blain and Douglas Design. Wes knew a lot about Jamie and she about him it was impossible to spend eight to ten hours a day with someone and not know them on a personal level. Rob Blain told Jamie that her hard work meant a lot to them. Rob had hired Jamie after her first job out of college in an architecture firm that turned out to be more about her making coffee then creating anything. Blain and Douglas Architecture paired one architect- Jamie - with one structural engineer- Wes. The teams were rated with a number of criteria including how much revenue the team brought in, how many jobs they were able to complete in a year, and the most creative design as chosen by Rob Blain, CEO. Blain and douglas was an innovative company. They had a lot of perks other companies didn’t have. Wes was a very easy going person and it was rare to get him worked up. Jamie never ceased to amaze Wes. Her designs were strong yet beautiful . She had so much skill he couldn’t put into words Jamie’s dad was a retired cop who had survived cancer. Jamie’s dad had raised her alone since she was six years old. Duane who was part on the first team’s partner was retiring and he asked Jamie if she would join his team Jamie and Wes were the number two team. She did want to be on team one but with Wes. One day at work Jamie came up with the idea they should marry it would solve her dilemma of going to Jamaica to meet the new client they wanted but it was a couple’s retreat. She asked Wes to think it over and let her know. Wes and Jamie married the following Friday once Wes agreed. Jamie was going to her fathers for here “honeymoon” and Wes was going to stay in Boston but then their assistant noticed wes didn’t have a ticket to Virginia- where Jamie’s dad lived- and purchased one for him then let Wes know. So Wes ended up going with Jamie and they told her dad they had married. But he also got a wedding planned in a church so Jamie’s dad could walk his daughter down the aisle.
This was a great book and I loved it. I loved how Jamie and Wes were best friends and work partners for five years before they married. I loved how Wes and Jamie interacted with each other. I loved the plot and the pace. I loved how Jamie and Wes ‘s relationship grew after they were married. Happily I couldn’t find anything to criticize in this book. I loved Jamie’s dad -Chris- and felt he added to this book. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend

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The Work Wife is a combination of story types with a delightful resulting romance. Wes and Jamie have been friends at work for years. They get along, their friendship has strengthened over the years and they never really thought to take it beyond the workplace. That is until the perfect chance to move on to the exclusive couples retreats that so many of their clients, or would be clients, attend. The solution? A fake company related marriage that benefits this top team at their firm. No one gets hurt, works moves along even better and should they decide to part ways if that “someone special” comes along, well, they’ll deal with that should it happen. Neither really expected that “special someone” to be each other.

Wes and Jamie’s relationship moves slowly through the friendship stage to the “what if we” stage then on to a full romance that was totally unexpected. You could call it a slow burn romance or simply a discovery of what was right in front of them all along. The Work Wife is an engaging, fun and enjoyable story. In this case I hadn’t read the two earlier books, but that made no difference to the entertainment value of this one. Yet, I’ll go back and pick the others up to discover what came before. I had fun with this one, and that’s why I devour Romance. I’d recommend this one to any Contemporary Romance reader who enjoys seeing friends become so much more… to their surprise.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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This was a fun story. From friends to lovers as well as workmates all for a trip to the Islands. FunFunFun

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Fun with a little smolder, The Work Wife is a cute story about how that person you work with, you know, the one who becomes your best friend, could actually become the love of your life. I really enjoyed it and I actually think that there was a missed opportunity for a follow-up story. While the main characters were realized their love, Ben, the hero's brother got a HEA as well. I would have loved to read that entire story rather than it being wrapped up here.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

This is a very different type of romance as Jaime and Wes were work partners and had spent five years together and never had any romantic feelings between them. The first part of the book was kind of slow as we see them at work and then contemplate a fake marriage.

It got more interesting as they married then started to deal with lots of issues that they had not thought out.

Parts were pretty funny, and you also followed Ben, Wes's brother, as he falls for his assistant, Anna. That was an interesting story there

There is the friends to lovers and lots of drama, little heartache, and then the part where they resolve their issues and celebrate with their friends and family.

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What is going on? I swear, I have read book after book that is just blowing me away lately. So many new releases in the last month or so that are absolutely stellar. I’m not complaining! Especially when this book is by a new-to-me author and part of a series where I haven’t yet read the first couple of books. That had me a bit nervous, but there was no need. This book was wonderful and there was not anything I felt I was missing in this story by having missed the first two stories…although I now plan on going back and reading them since this was such a winner.

This story has such a slow burn, and I mean that in a good way. To get to know Wes and Jamie as friends was a lot of fun. The author showed us that relationship for a while before the characters even realized they had something more than “friend” chemistry. And since this is not only a friends to lovers story but also a fake marriage I had a great time watching the whole progression. I loved how they were already so close and knew so much about each other that the marriage came so naturally to them. And it was so sweet that they so quickly got used to the little touches and affection they had to show each other in public so it became like second nature in private.

Thrown into the friends to lovers/fake marriage mix are Jamie’s dad who may or may not have cancer and Wes’ super rich and uptight family. There’s a side story that involves Wes’s brother Ben that was a great addition to this story. It wasn’t hard to figure out what was going to happen on that front, but it was still extremely romantic and delightful. The whole dynamic between Jamie, her dad, and Wes was truly touching and really gave this story a lot of heart. Too bad I absolutely hated Wes’s mom. But isn’t it also good that the author could get a strong feeling out of me…love or hate? I think so.

I strongly recommend this story. As for me, I cannot wait to get my hands on some of her other books.

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This was just an okay read for me. I liked Jamie (mostly) and I really liked Wes but I mostly felt 'blah' about them. Jamie was smart and competitive and I think a little too competitive at times but hey, that's just who she is. One of the things I'm glad The Work Wife did was NOT make Wes an alpha, even though that meant it took close to forever before there was anything more than friendship between them. It was frustrating but also totally in character for both Jamie and Wes.
I liked this book but I didn't love it and I do wish there was some steam to get through the SLOW parts.

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A funny tale of two work partners who "marry" to gain a lucrative contract while enjoying a "couples" week in Jamaica. The characters are totally delightful.

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Cute and fun
This is my first book by Allison B. Hanson.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
The humor
Part of a series: On The Job Romances

I look forward to reading more from this author and the other books in this series.

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