Member Reviews

Like the early Spiderman who tied up crooks and disappeared into a web of the city, Thrill Girl is a superhero (sort of) who takes on bad guys, muggers, rapists, etc., leaving their corpses to rot in the city streets and disappearing into the misty night. Thanks to crack reporter Jack Curran, who coined the Thrill Girl nickname, and in so doing, sets the whole city abuzz with anticipation over what's going to happen next. And, it doesn't hurt that she is a gorgeous blonde with curves that never stop. Gee, that kind of thing might sell papers, don't you think?

Writing under the pseudonym Jack Curran, the author takes us back to those thrilling days of post-war yesteryear in Los Angeles and hits all the hot spots from the Ambassador to the Pantry to the Brown Derby. Unlike many modern attempts to give us authentic fifties noir, this book does not feel contrived. It is simply lots of fun to read and that, my friends, is what reading should all be about.

Using a news reporter instead of a private eye is a great touch. Curran has just enough rough and tumble cynicism to make it work and, by the end, even his wide-eyed naivety about how things work is put to the test.

There are a lot of great plot twists which make it feel like a crazy fifties pulp novel from the rich family in San Marino with the crippled brother to the Marilyn Monroe ditzy dame, to the crazy shrinks and yogis up in the hills, to the jazz clubs, and the fascination with big luxurious cars. While I won't give away the twists, suffice it to say that it is as crazy as anything you would find in some of the pulps of that era.

Many thanks to the publishing house for providing an advance copy for review.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to get "my wish" with Thrill Girl by Jack Curran.
This book is set in 1951 when a series of murders are happening in Los Angeles. A reporter, Jack Curran (interesting name), takes an interest or more like an obsession in the cases. He knows from reports that there is a woman involved in these killings. He tags the murderer as "thrill girl". Jack's interest leads him to a lovely woman with a a sick brother - Alana - and soon their relationship leads to romance and much more. Could he be in love with the infamous "thrill girl"?
Mr. Curran does a good job in describing the 1950's and making it come alive. Characters are vivid and interesting.
Good book and well written.

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Super old fashioned yarn full of the atmosphere of 50s L.A a la Marlowe or Spillane. A reporter versus dodgy cops,establishment figures,evil doctors and aided by his editor,junior reporter,cool blonde they're all here told at rip roaring pace . Pure entertainment!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book.
It is an unique & original mystery/thriller that grabs you from page one and won’t let you go until the very end.
It has that authentic noir feel that makes believe that you are really there in the 1950’s.

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I usually don't like dated stories, and this one is a little hardboiled as well. While the story is OK, the constant smoking, the attitudes toward women and other anachronisms is a bit distracting.
The rich woman, caring for her disabled brother, under the care of a dubious doctor, finds big pieces of her life missing, She is almost unaware and seems gullible to an extreme. As the clues stack up, new characters come into the story.
If you can get past the sepia tones, this is a nice little mystery. Kind of sad at the ending, but answers all the questions.

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Pure Magic: THRILL GIRL, with all its picturesque setting, mystical plot line, and nostalgic dialogue will keep you glued to the pages of this story. Get it, read it, love it, live it! #ThrillGirlGrabADrinkAndACigaretteAndKickBackForAWildRide”

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