Member Reviews

Another fun read set in this fabulous world Lauren Dane created. I enjoyed Cora's and Beau's story quite a bit. It was lovely to see them grow closer and watch their emotions deepen. It was also great to see Cora stand up for herself.
The only downside for me was that it missed a bit of drama. There wasn't really a Black Moment when everything seemed to be lost or when you think as a reader "how are they going to make it?".
Still a good read and I hope we see more stories told here.

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Cora Silvera walks into her friend's kitchen to find Beau Petty standing at the stove. She knew the tall, ginger, model/chef fifteen years ago but it's a shock to see him again. Especially since she still has a crush on him. And he seems to think that now that she's an adult, she's his cup of tea. They start a relationship but will have to navigate muddy waters including her artistic mother, his cult past, and... well, that's most of it. They're two adults who <gasp> talk to each other (for the most part) with no last Big Misunderstanding at the end. Lovely.

Four stars
This book comes out June 26
ARC kindly provided by NetGalley

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Lauren Dane's Whiskey Sharp series has tons of heat, heart and emotion. We always buy her for our library.

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I have been a huge fan of the Whiskey Sharp series as all the books are just wonderful, heartfelt and sexy romances. I was so looking forward to Cora's romance with Beau after that brief glimpse at the end of Vic and Rachel's story. This story was absolutely beautiful and full of swoons. I never wanted it to end!

When Beau and Cora reconnect after almost two decades, sparks fly and their friendship picks up right where it left off. I loved this story. It was a very low-angst romantic story filled with all the swoons and sighs. I love how Beau just wanted to treat Cora like a priceless gem and she in return pampered him to show her adoration. This was such a sweet story. However, while I loved that there was not an overdramatic climax or that this wasn't a story full of angst, I did find myself hoping that the story would unfold a little faster. It seemed like Torn was almost a daily account of their romance and while amazing and full of fantastic characters, it was somewhat slow.

All in all, I will miss this series and hope that we receive Beau's story in the future! I would like to thank Netgalley and Harlequin US for an advanced copy of this book for an advanced review. Bravo! 4.5 stars! ~Ratula

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Book Info
Mass Market Paperback
Published June 26th 2018 by Harlequin Books
ISBN 037379942X (ISBN13: 9780373799428)
Edition Language English
Series Whiskey Sharp #3
Other Editions (7)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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Sometimes what you find isn’t what you were searching for

Beau Petty has been searching his whole life. Searching for a place that fills all the empty spaces in him. Searching for a way to tame the restlessness. Searching for answers to the secret he’s never stopped trying to solve. What he wasn’t searching for was a woman to claim all of him, but when Cora Silvera walks back into his life, he’s ready to search out all the ways he can make her his.

Cora has spent her life as the family nurturer, taking care of others. But now she’s ready to pass that job on to someone else. It’s time to make some changes and live for herself. It’s in that moment that her former teenage crush reappears and the draw and the heat of their instant connection is like nothing either of them has experienced. He craves being around her. She accepts him, dark corners and all.

Beau thinks Cora’s had enough drama in her life. He wants to protect her from the secrets of his past, even if it means holding back the last pieces of himself. But Cora is no pushover and she means to claim all those pieces.

My Thoughts

A second chance romance between teen crush Beau Petty and Cora Silvera took 17 years to come to fruition. The fact that Cora is a few years younger no longer matters and their electric connection to each other is on a par with that of the previous two couples in the series.

What I really liked about this pairing was the fact neither Beau nor Cora tried to make the other change in anyway. Unlike her domineering mother Beau accepted Cora's dreams and supported her need to finally take control of her own life rather than always smoothing the way for the rest of her family.

Cora on the other hand has no desire for Beau to close off anything from her that he thinks would make a difference in how she perceives him. She too accepts him for who he is with no reservations or doubts that he is the one for her.

Having both come from a less than normal childhood these two people find themselves able to connect on so many levels that it feels almost too good to be true.

The one thing however that truly stands out is that despite any and all obstacles that crop up in the couples path they are willing to work together to make their relationship a lasting one.

It has been quite the roller coaster ride waiting for Cora to get her own story. It was totally worth the wait for me!

[EArc from Netgalley]

On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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