Member Reviews

Finally got to get another one of this series. They have the same problems us mere humans do which get you caught up in their world. This one is centered around Elise and Mikhail. Once their paths cross you are a goner with you getting so caught up in this pack. Along with the heat there is enough drama to curl your toes and keep you riveted. She did not leave humor out either with this being a well balanced read.

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This is an older woman and man romance yet they do not seem old in anyway during this story. Elise is the mother to the alpha and Mikhail is the older brother to another member of the pack. Elise’s dead mate was a horrible man and because of that, it makes her leery to trust and let another man into her life again. Mikhail sees Elise and knows he wants her yet because of what happened to her in the past, he has to move slow and show her that he is worth that 2nd chance. This romance seemed to take forever getting going yet it was a good read. I think I would have liked it better if the characters didn’t seem so young. Even though the age appeared to be in the 60s for both, the characters came off as feeling in the mid to late 30s. Perhaps maybe their shifter blood and all but it just didn’t jive right in the story and made it hard to believe in the storyline. Anyway, it was a good read but would have been better if there wasn’t those inconsistencies/
My Rating: 4.0 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."

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Wolf of Her Own by N.J. Walters is part of the Salvation Pack Series. I was excited to be able to read an early copy. One reason is I enjoy paranormal romance including the Salvation Pack Series in the past. More importantly this was a couple especially the female lead who had some maturity and grace. It was a good story just not the great one I was looking forward to reading.

Mikhail Matheson has been an outsider to the Salvation Pack since his sister joined. He had come there for her but has stayed as a visitor not joining. Now it is time for him to make a decision about the future. This is not really a spoiler since it is the opening chapter of the book. His interest lies in the pack alpha’s mother, Elise LaForge. Sha has been alone for some time choosing to raise and stay near her sons. This is Elisa and Mikhail’s story.

I liked both of them mostly but found Mikhail, less of a gracious character. I was put off by him when on the first page he refers to Elisa in explicit sexual tones. I am aware that these are sexual creatures which is part of the story-line. I just wish the first view of his mind had not been so blatant. I liked him less for this, especially since my first impression of a character seems to stick with me as I read. Still all in all, it is an enjoyable book.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I had not read any of the previous books so I felt comfortable saying this can be read as a stand alone book. There is a huge group of people in the pack but it is easy to follow along if you don't have any previous knowledge of these pack members.

Mikhail was such a great character who fell for Elise and was so patient and kind as he wanted to woo her yet knew that she was abused by her previous mate. He knew that he could not rush her and so the beginning of this book was slow. It was hard for me to keep focused and stopped and started this book several times this week before it got a little more exciting and then it went quickly!

While I could sympathize with Elise, it was hard watch as she was so slow to venture any small bit with Mikhail. Fortunately, he was very patient and could handle her hesitancy and non-commitment.

I cheered when she finally moved forward and loved the HEA!

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The Salvation Pack is back with another spectacular romance.

Elise and Mikhail are two very strong and captivating characters that have wonderful chemistry and easily draw readers into their story. The romance is sweet but the relationship has quite an obstacle to be overcome, one with lots of emotional turbulence that has readers empathizing with the characters and wanting to help them along and of course, the story has blazing hot passion that keeps the pages heated throughout as this couple works hard for their happily ever after.

This fast paced story keeps readers on their toes with lots of anticipation and excitement not only because Mikhail really has to work hard to win Elise over but because another alpha comes for a visit and brings quite a bit of emotional trouble and thrilling danger to the pack.

Another words, A Wolf of Her Own is a romance that has it all, fantastic characters and a romance that not only fulfills every heart’s desire, packs quite a punch. I always enjoy my visits to the Salvation Pack, which captured my heart from the very beginning because the characters are easily connected to and ensure that readers want to know how everything works out for each of them in their bid for happiness after overcoming such a heart breaking past and readers can’t help but become enamored of each of the pack members who show such enormous courage and a great strength of character that readers want each and every one to have a happily ever after.

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I’ve been a fan of N.J. Walters since her Drakon series, I’m absolutely in love with those steamy dragons, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to dive into another one of her series. And the one thing I’ve regretted before jumping into Wolf of Her Own was that I haven’t read any of the other books in this series. Even though this was standalone and you could easily fall along with who all the characters were and their relation to each other, I just wish I had a bit more background about all of them. I think it would have helped me more with the story. So I’ll definitely be visiting the other wolves in this series!

I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve read a book where the couple was older, even though they’re both in their 60s, being wolves they definitely don’t look it. Apparently, that’s when they’re in their prime! Mikhail and Elise are characters you will both love, it was such a sight to see the love grow between these two even though Mikhail probably fell in love the first time he saw Elise. After months of keeping his distance, Elise forces him to make his presence known in front of her. And that’s when their story takes off.

Elise hasn’t had the best experience with having a mate and she has major hangups about being with another man, the only thing her a-hole of an ex-mate gave her was her sons. Being in an abusive relationship with their father, it would be a while into she was mentally and emotionally ready for anything. And I loved Mikhail’s absolutely sweet and caring nature he had towards her, plus his patience with her will make any man or woman swoon over him. It was so evident from the beginning that not even her sons could get in the way of him caring for their mom.

I really admired Elise, she’s a survivor and was definitely stronger for it by the end of the book. It wasn’t easy for her to break down those walls and it was totally understandable, her personal journey was an honest one. And she had a patient man beside her the entire way.

Such an enjoyable read that solely focused on the romance of the couple and definitely made me want to read about the rest of characters in this series!

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Wolf of her Own by N.J. Walters is book Nine in the Salvation Pack. This is the story of Mikhail Matheson and Elise LaForge. I have read the other books but feel this can be a standalone book.
Mikhail and Elise are an older couple but with the wolf blood they don't seem to old. Elise is the Alpha's mother of their pack and after a very abusive mate tries to stay to herself as much as she can. Mikhail came to the pack because of his sister but stayed because of Elise. Even though he not sure how things will work out with her past history and who she is within the pack he just knows that she is his true mate.
Loved reading how these two come together! Big fan of Ms. Walter's writing so this was a must read for me!

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Mikhail's home had been in Alaska but not anymore. He’d left after he discovered what his packmates had done to his beloved sister Rina. They had waited until they knew he was gone for weeks guiding an expedition into the Alaskan wilderness and then they had tried to force Rina to amte against her will. Their actions had driven Rina to run. Mikhail had spent months searching for Rena, after he had dealt with the threat from his former pack. They had both been homeless, and packless which was not a good situation for a wolf. But that had all changed for Rina She’d mated to Sage and was happy and protected -the Salvation pack had accepted Rina as one of their own. That was all that mattered to Mikhail. Mikhail was still here but not a member of the pack. They accepted him because of Rina but that could change and soon. Mikhail watched Elise LaForge and his fingers itched to unwind her thick braid preferably while they were having sex. Mikhail had wanted Elise from the moment he had laid eyes on her last fall. Mikhail fought his wolf who wanted to growl and howl before laying claim to Elise. But Mikhail didn’t believe that would go over well with Elise’s two sons , one of her sons Jacque was Alpha to the Salvation pack. The pack was filled with strong males. There was also Louis her younger son who could have been Alpha of his former pack after he had killed the Alpha who had been his father in a brutal battle years ago. That was the problem Elise’s former mate had been a brutal butthole who had hurt his mate. Elise looked almost fragile in appearance but he knew she had a backbone of steel. Elise had not only protected her sons from her ruthless mate, she’d also finally escaped and was free. From what Rina said Elise had been alone a little more than a decade. It was time for Mikhail to make a move, either that or he had to leave, He couldn't be around elise any longer without touching her. Mikhail had been there for months now. Mikhail was a werewolf and in his prime Mikhail had seen Elise watching him and he knew he wasn’t alone in his attraction. Elise thought of how Pierre- her dead mate- could no longer hurt her but she often saw his cruel brown eyes when she slept. Unlike most if the women of the pack Elise didn’t have a speciality. She cooked, she sewed quilts, made most of her clothes, she baked, and made jellies and jams. Her latest passion was photography and she bought a camera. Elise loved her small home and her freedom but recently she been feeling restless. Elise always knew when Mikhail was close as every cell in her body hummed. Elise was conflicted about Mikhail, the one thing she knew for sure was that she’d miss him if he left. Elise had made a study of Mikhail’s face over the past months and knew it as well as her own. Elise called to Mikhail to come out of the woods and he kissed her after a bit and she didn’t stop him. But she did ask him what he wanted from her and Mikhail said to court her- get to know her, spend time alone with her, watch a movie have coffee even a meal. Mikhail confused Elise more than any other man she had ever met. Mikhail ahd always been more of a lone wolf happy to go off by himself. While he was Alpha by nature, he never had the urge to assert himself and take control of his former pack. Instead he spent days and weeks sometimes months by himself in the wilderness.Now Mikhail understood why he had been restless his entire life, never settling down. He’d been searching…. for her….. Elise.
I loved reading this book It was an enjoyable romantic read. I loved the way the Salvation pack took Rina in as their own and accepted Mikhail because of Rina. I loved this book from the first page until the last. This choked me up at ties. I loved how Mikhail was patient, caring, and gentle. He even helo Elise as she cried and never asked a question while she was so upset. I loved how he also let Elise take the lead in how they progressed. I loved watching Elise grow and be the sensuous woman she was intended to be and to lose her fears. I liked this wasn’t an insta/love. I chuckled at times while reading this. I advise you to read this series in order so you know a lot of the character and your read goes along smoothly. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend.

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3 1/2 to 4

Good read. It seemed to go a tad slow. I know it had to, to be realistic. Elise went through abuse and it would take time to overcome it. Mikhail was a saint, a true saint, to be so patient and put off his gratification like he did. He was every girl’s dream he put Elise first in all things and needs. Now they both were middle aged, but they were written like they were not.

Good read. Received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley.

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I loved this story. I loved that the characters were older proving that love isn’t just for the young but for the young at heart. Wolf of Her Own is a sweet yet sometimes heartbreaking story of a woman who had been abused physically and emotionally by her former husband. It’s been 10 years but she hasn’t really dealt with it. Now there is a man who wants her and if she is going to give him a shot at her future she will have to deal with her past. Break out the tissues and a glass of wine kick back and enjoy.
Though this is part of a series it can be read standalone.

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Rating: 4.5/5

Aww . . . Mikhail is such a brilliant character - definitely an Alpha but so patient and caring yet strong and resilient!  He’s brought up his sister and she’s the initial reason he’s in Salvation but he’s stayed after seeing Elise LaForge and being attracted to her. However, he doesn’t act on that attraction as she is the mother of the pack Alpha and her now dead mate was extremely abusive so she’s definitely not looking for another mate - in fact she’s an expert at keeping herself to herself. She’s very aware of Mikhail but the barriers she’s built around herself to protect and keep her safe will take a lot of wearing down and she’ll really need to trust someone to even start that process . . . .

This is a lovely paranormal romance with two older werewolves learning to trust and love. Mikhail really does court Elise, their romance is heartwarming and sweet as he is just so considerate of her all the time - the antithesis of her first mate! The reactions of her sons and other members of the pack are so well portrayed, it was so easy to empathise with them! There’s danger, too, that threatens them, adding to the drama in this beautiful romance. I haven’t read any other books in this series before but that didn’t stop me loving this story and  I’ll certainly be looking up others in the series in future.

I requested and was given a copy of this novel, via NetGalley, with no obligation. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

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Mikhail might have come to the Salvation pack for his sister but as soon as he finds Elise, he knows he can't leave.

Elise has a lot of baggage because of the years she spent with her abusive ex. She might be cautious when Mikhail is around but she feels something for him and that in itself is a small miracle since she wasn't sure she was healed enough emotionally to take another chance on a relationship.

Mikhail is very patient with Elise and I really liked that about him. He's pretty sure that Elise is his mate but he knows he's gonna have to take his time with her and her family if this is gonna work out. Neither of them are sure how her two sons are going to react to them seeing each other especially since one of her sons is the pack's alpha. I ended up really liking her sons.

When the father of one of the females in the pack wants to come and visit his daughter that he hasn't seen in a long time, they are all on edge but what happens while he is there is not something that any of them could see coming.

Elise is stronger than she thinks and I really admired her for being able to move past what she's been through and find happiness again. But Mikhail is everything that any woman could ask for. He's patient, romantic, totally alpha and nurturing. He's exactly what she needed in her life.

I really liked Elise's grown sons even if they were a little over protective, they meant well and love their mom a lot.

This is one of those books that I wish I could just say something like, "It's great! You need to read it!" And everyone would read it and see what I mean. I read this book in one sitting because it was just that hard to put down once I started reading. I felt invested in the characters to see what would happen next and I was very happy with the ending. It ended exactly how it should have. I'll definitely be reading more of this series and highly recommend this book and series.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Disclosure: I received this book for free via NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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Where do I find the nearest wolf pack?

I loved this book! Elise is the mother of the alpha of the pack and has one other older son. She is no longer with their father, who was very abusive to her. While everyone in the pack loves her, she is very lonely with no man in her life. Enter Mikhail, an older wolf, who had thought to never have a family of his own. He has been attracted to Elise since he first set eyes on her and the time has come to act on his desires.

I have read none of the books within this series previously. Despite my lack of knowledge of the characters, I felt like the author did a good job of introducing them without too much backstory. If anyone she piqued my interest enough to make me want to dive into the other books in this series.

I loved the fact that the characters were older and still incredibly sexy and steamy. I feel there are not enough books written like this and enjoyed the idea that despite their age Elise and Mikhail could find love and build a family.

I loved the men in the pack and how much they cherished the women. All of the women were made to feel special and I really appreciated that. I know that women can be strong and independent but it's nice to have a partner who thinks that you need a little bit of extra attention.

I highly recommend this book.

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Wolf of her Own by N.J. Walters
Salvation Pack #9

You know that story that ends and you wish you could stay with the characters just a little bit longer? I felt that I would have liked to stay with Mikhail and Elise…and the rest of the Salvation Pack…and gotten to know them all a bit better….perhaps become their friends or a member of their pack. I suppose that means I will need to see if I can find the first eight books in the series so I *can* get to know them better ;)

This is a story of two older werewolves given the chance to find love and mate. Mikhail knew Elise was for him when he first saw her but with her rough past he also knew he would need to pick his time to woo her carefully. That said, when he made his move…OH MY!

Mikhail is a man that one would want for their own and I loved the way he was patient, generous and caring as he courted Elise. Elise was one of the strongest heroines I have met in a book and her growth from a bit repressed to the wolf she was meant to be was a pleasure to observe. I wish the two of them long lives and all the happiness life has to offer!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing-Amara for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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This is the 9th book in this series and I have read them all. This is now my favorite out of all of them, I love love loved this books. Getting to see the progression of the pack and their mates about 10 years after the first book was great. Hoping this is not the last story as there was some hinting as to the children.

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A WOLF OF HER OWN is a tale of reward ... for both gentle, but fierce, Mikhail and sweet and stronger than she thinks, Elise. After seeing hints of their "watching" each other I was very much hoping they would get their own book, not just continued mentions in others storylines.

You have to read A WOLF OF HER OWN just so you can enjoy the brothers' reaction to the truth of their mothers mating with Mikhail. I laughed out loud! Another aspect of it is in human years both Elise and Mikhail would be in their 60s (which proves you can still fall in love even if you are ancient), but in wolf age still in their 30s so another surprise just might show up to give another good laugh at the brothers' expense.

If you love books about family, friends, a love that grows and strengths the people involved, while still being sweet and steamy then get A WOLF OF HER OWN by N.J. Walters. You won't want to put it down and it will definitely be a keeper.

~Annetta Sweetko, reviewer for Fresh Fiction

The complete review may be found at:

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Wolf of Her Own was a delightful read and the romance that had been hinted at in prior books didn’t disappoint. It was in fact charming and sweet – a nice change from the usual insta-love/mate often found in paranormal romances. That doesn’t mean it didn’t have it’s share of sexiness. There is no doubt that Mikhail is a strong virile alpha wolf but when it comes to Elise, he just wants to cuddle up and get cozy. Elise was forced at a young age to mate with the Alpha in charge of her pack who was extremely domineering, abusive and cruel. She’s spent the past 10 years slowly recovering from that relation in the loving embrace of her sons, their families and friends who make up the small and unique Salvation pack. When Mikhail shows up, Elise doesn’t know what to make or do about the look she sees & feels whenever their eyes meet. After all the only positive thing about her last mating was her 2 wonderful sons and she’s had no more interest in a relationship or males than she did even before her mating turned her off the idea. However, she soon learns she’s got a little more recovery to go to truly find and embrace the strong, vibrant and sexy female she really is underneath if she’s willing to claim it. Mikhail is willing to help her with her discovery but also understands that because of the past, Elise is a bit skittish and surrounded by overprotective loved ones who never want to see her hurting again. It was so enjoyable to watch Mikhail court Elise as the two secretly date, to see him let her set the pace even as he was honest about what he wanted, and to see Elise grow into her own. It was almost as if in some ways they had turned back the clock 30-40 years to when they were young and experiencing young love the way they would have (at least in the “human world”) back then. The author neither rushed nor dragged out the story but instead gave honest weight to Elise and her past. There were moments of laughter, moments of wanting to just hug the characters and a whole lot of cheering them to their own HEA.

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First off, i love the guy on the cover. Looks like the guy who played Alcude on True Blood, Joe M.

Anyway, his was a good werewolf romance. I loved that it wasn't 2 young people finding love. That it was 2 mature ones.

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I received an ARC copy of this book for my honest review. I loved, loved, loved this book. Let’s start with the fact that the leads are more mature in age than most stories lately ( I have to say I enjoyed the fact that they weren’t teenagers) and while their romance was a slow build it was by no means lackluster. Elise had initially struggled with her feelings for Mikhail due to the emotional and physical abuse from her previous mate. She had been coddled by her pack family especially hers sons due to this trauma and never really got a chance to deal with her emotions from that time. But Mikhail, while an alpha himself, showed that love is patient and kind helping her overcome her challenges. Since it’s a shifter story they’re emotions are quite streamy with a perfect balance of heat and tenderness. I highly recommend this book and plan to go buy the beginning books in the series. While it was my first book buy this author it will not be my last.

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Elise Laforge was badly abused by her mate. After he is killed by their son she goes to live with her sons in the Salvation Pack. She lives a half-life only allowing a few people close. Mikhail has been living with the Salvation Pack since his sister married into it. He is drawn to Elise and decides that a direct approach is needed. They are both older in human terms but the romance is beautifully scripted and Mikhail is so patient.
I received this ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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