Member Reviews

I picked this book because of the cover (the purple is so pretty) and when I read the 'about' on the book I was hooked. Great concept for a shifter book and I look forward to reading the other books in this series. This is my first book by this author.

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hanks to Netgalley for giving me this novel in exchange for an honest review.

LOVED loved loved this book. I loved the older protagonists...I loved the fact that the author treated past as only a minor part of the book and didn't harp back to it but used it as part of what made the heroine who she is today. I love how respectful she was of her children and their role in her new relationship or lack there of:) ....I loved how respectful the hero was of her and her emotional challenges yet treated her as a desirable woman...overall I just loved this book.

If you haven't met the salvation pack you really need to! 5 stars and a well done to N. J. Walters!

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So incredibly sweet, sexy and just a awesome read. I love that they are just a tad older then the normal 20-something usual yet just as hot and sexy

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I love this series! Elise was abused by her late alpha mate. Her journey to healing is a compelling read. Mikhail surprised me with his patience and insight into her needs. Laughed out loud about the scene with the milk and kissing. The ending is perfect! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I freely leave this honest review!

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Wow, I loved this amazing story. I am looking forward to reading more books, from this author.
Thanks to NetGalley, for this free copy. My opinion is my own.

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Wolf of Her Own is #9 in NJ Walter’s Salvation Pack series. It is a hauntingly sensual tale about a woman who works to overcome the effects of trauma and abuse so that she may move forward with her life.

Elise Laforge is a damaged woman. Brutally abused by her mate, she eventually comes to live with her sons in the Salvation Pack after her mate is killed (by her son). Wolf of Her Own starts some years after these events where Elise is happy with her family but living a half-life within her protective shell, only allowing a few people close, but even then just so far. Then enters Mikhail. He has watched Elise from afar for months and finally decides the more direct approach is needed. And so it begins…

Wolf of Her Own follows Elise’s battle with her PTSD, and even though she knows Mikhail is nothing like her vicious ex-mate she is unable to move forward until she can reconcile her past with her present. Wolf of Her Own is a character study novel, unlike others in the series, there is minimal action, only one scene that acts as a trigger to Elise’s re-evaluation of her relationship with Mikhail. If you are someone that likes action with a side of romance, you probably want to skip this book and wait for the next one in the series. Personally, I loved it! Although the horrors Elise experienced are noted in other books, to see them from her point of view was unsettling, but only made her determination to overcome them all the more heroic. Mikhail… Well, what can you say about Mikhail? Could a wolf be any more sensitive and patient? He was perfect for Elise, gentle but strong. His own experiences gave him an understanding of how Elise’s past affected her, and he was happy to work within her boundaries.

I thought it was fantastic to finally read an older romance, that wasn’t too old. Most romances have the leads in the pre 40’s age group. Others go the other extreme and are late fifties to sixties. Maybe I’m starting to feel my years, but I feel that my age group 40-50 often gets skipped, which is strange because I’d bet my last dollar that the largest demographic for romance novels are in this age range! Although both Mikhail and Elise are in their 60s, in NJ Walters world, werewolf lifespans are much longer, so they are equivalent to around the 40s in mere human years. It’s not a big deal, although age does play a part in this book to set Elise and Mikhail apart from the younger generation that usually dominates the series; but I thought it was a nice touch.

I loved the little bit at the end with Etienne (no spoilers) boy, he’s going to be trouble when he grows up!!

I absolutely loved Wolf of Her Own and found I couldn’t put it down once I started. If you enjoy exploring characters and finding out how their minds work, their motivations, and how they relate to each other, you’ll love this book as much as I did.

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Yay, older characters finding love! OK they might look like they are my age but they are werewolves so are actually in their 60's!

Mikhail has been living with the Salvation Pack since his sister married into it. He feels he should move on now she is settled but something is holding him back...or should that be someone. Elise is everything he wants in a mate but she is the Alpha's mother. She is also a domestic abuse survivor. He really wants to brink that fecker back to life so he can kill him himself!

Elise has ensconced herself in a safe little bubble. She has the respect and protection of the pack but with the exception of family she is still kind of removed from them by her status as Alpha's mother. Her cabin is well away from everyone and they treat her with kid gloves. But is this what she needs to move forward with her life? Companionship if not love would go a long way to soothe her loneliness.

Mikhail could be just who she needs but she doesn't want to be under anyone's thumb again and she doesn't know if she can be fully mated to someone like Mikhail, someone who can make her feel.

I haven't read this series before (how the heck did that happen!!!) but I was soon neck deep in the world and invested in both the story and the characters. The domestic abuse thread is handled with love, care and attention and whilst a victim, Elise is not in any way shape or form a weak characters, she has a spine of steel when needed. I loved the way the pack took her and Mikhail to their collective hearts and banded around them.

The scene with the "bad guy" had me choking back tears and cheering at the same time. I loved the way Elise refused to be cowed. I am going to have to get the rest of the series now - one click it is has struck again and the wish list has probably grown by a good few too!!!

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~I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.~

This is the 9th book of the Salvation Pack series. I must say, this is a book that is really worth waiting for.

From the start, till the end, I was so giddy with each turn of the page. There was the right amount of conversation, and thoughts, that it did not overwhelm each of the scene in every chapter.

What touched my heart, was the purity of the emotions Mikhail and Elise as you progress. The pain from the past, and the fear to reach out for the future. You will experience a roller coaster of emotions, yet in the end, the satisfaction is there.

The Salvation Pack has grown. Each member grew up from the first till this book. Their relationship is evident on how they take care of their own. Yet Ms. Walters, took it a step further.

I salute you for creating such a wonderful book.

Fact: I was also reading the Hades' Carnival series, while I was reading this book. I saw the changes of her writing style. I must applaud her, as a reader of her books, the chance to read her older books, gave me a glimpse on how she wrote before. She improved, and her improvement was outstanding. I look forward to reading the Drakon 5th book!

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ARC received for review

I've only read one other book in this series, but each one is a stand alone with over lapping characters.

This is an older woman and man romance (both are in their 60s), but it never seems like they are old. Must be all the shifter blood that keeps them young. Elise is the mama to the alpha and Mikhail is older brother to another member of the pack. Elise's previous mate was an arsehole to the nth degree and (view spoiler). Mikhail takes his time in overcoming all of her fears and phobias. A beautiful romance with just a chapter or two with a bad guy to take care of.

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Jacque and Louis LaForge's mother, has found a new home in her son's pack, gaining new self confidence and learning about her strengths. Mikhail is the older brother of Sage's mate, and his attraction to Elise could get him in deep trouble if she doesn't return his feelings. As these two grow closer, Elise is surprised to discover her sensual nature is still alive in her, and that her wolf wants Mikhail as her own forever.

This is a wonderful addition to the Salvation pack series, and Me. Walters has handled the story with a sensitivity and passion that shows both of these strong characters in times of determination and in hesitancy. I liked that Mikhail was patient with Elise, letting her see that she was the one with all the control. And I liked that Elise was finally ready to move forward to a new and happy life.

href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Wolf of Her Own (Salvation Pack, #9)" src="" /></a><a href="">Wolf of Her Own</a> by <a href="">N.J. Walters</a><br/>

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Loved this book!!! I've enjoyed each novel in the Salvation Pack series and this book is a great addition to the series. This book is Elsie and Mikhail's story. Elsie is the mother of the alpha and is still emotionally scarred from her former abusive mate when Mikhail tells her he wants to court her. She doesn't know what that means or how to deal with all the feelings he brings out in her. Thus begins a difficult recovery from abuse while blended with the fresh bloom of a new love.

I really enjoyed their story and how patient and gentle Mikhail was with Elsie. I love the way they interacted and learning more about Mikhail. Fans of the genre will love this book and want to put it at the top of their TBR list. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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