Member Reviews

This book has become my go to book when i am struggling with my dd. She is autistic and this has helped with meltdowns and given both me and her strategies to help us out. Excellent reading !

Though my days of working with autistic spectrum children is done, I think this book will be a godsend to those who do have to deal with them. Really informative and worth a read.

No More Meltdowns by Jed Baker, Ph.D., Carol Stock Kranowitz
Positive Strategies for Dealing with and Preventing Out of Control Behavior
Non fiction
I received a digital copy of this book for review via NetGalley and publisher Future Horizons Inc.
Although published in 2008, the information remains applicable today in its approach to dealing with children who experience emotional outbursts. The author has developed a four-step approach to preventing the out of control behavior. Although nothing is guaranteed, the book does provide useful advice for adults as his recommendations are focused on understanding the child’s difficulties.
His book is based on his evaluation of research on the function of brain cells with challenges abstract thinking. These challenges with abstract thinking can lead to inflexibility due to inability to see another person’s perspective. He explains how adjusting ones expectations can help develop and maintain a positive relationship with the child.
Before we can develop and maintain a positive relationship with our child we must address some key issues. He explains how controlling our own frustrations can help our child feel competent and avoid “learned helplessness” and avoid constant power struggles.

I love this book because it's practical and really helpful! This book gives reasonable explanations and solution approaches to helping children deal with frustrations.

This book provides a range of tips and techniques for preventing and dealing with meltdowns. Using clear language, Baker offers steps from recognizing and avoiding triggers to detailing consequences. I'm not sure how useful this will be in my household with a toddler on the spectrum, but I definitely plan to give it a try.

A mix of helpful information and unhelpful. I may try some techniques.
I voluntarily read an advanced copy.