Member Reviews

Follow Kendra along as she gets involved again in another murder! I love following this character, who was once blind, but has thankfully gained her sight and uses it in wonderful ways. This book will truly keep you on your toes as you guess who is the killer and why exactly they are taking everyone in the bridal party. Follow Kendra and Lynch in another adventure!

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I've liked the character Kendra, from the moment she was introduced. I’m so happy that things finally worked in her favor and the guard is going down. This one had so much going on and yet it was still so good and easy to follow. Some of the writing was a bit amateur in my opinion or else it would have been a five star rating. Other than that I have always enjoyed this series and look forward to the next one!

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Two questions, when is the next Kendra Michaels book coming out and why haven't her and Lynch been made into a TV show? I didn't realize how over Eve Duncan I was until I read the other books by Iris Johansen.

Kendra Michaels was born blind until an experimental surgery gave her sight again. Her extra honed senses have made her a sought after consult to the police AND the FBI which is how she met Lynch (now working freelance) and how they stumbled onto a case where a murder victim had a flash drive that she was taking to Kendra but no one knew why.

For me, this was a page turner. One of those keeps you up way past your bedtime so that you can read "just one more chapter." Pick it up!

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Kendra Michales helps out with strange cases for the FBI. This is book 6 in her series. She prefers her job helping autistic children and is reluctant to change her schedule but a woman died near Kendra's house with an envelope addressed to her. Now people associated with the dead woman are disappearing and it seems there is a big conspiracy including the government. This series is becoming a little to graphic and violent for me. Suspense fans will love this hero and her friends that survive many attempts to disrupt their investigation. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Ob allein oder als Duo, der Name Johansen bürgt stets für Spannung und beste Unterhaltung. Neben der Haupthandlung geht die Nebengeschichte rund um die Hauptdarsteller weiter. Sehr nett zu lesen, alles schön rund, wenn auch ein wenig unaufregend.

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Formally blind Kendra is so in touch with her other senses. This makes her notice details others don't and she's in high demand with the FBI. There is a serial killer at large and she's made herself a target. This was a face paced, action packed drama and I enjoyed every minute of it.

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I received an arc from Netgalley. Kendra and Lynch have a unique story and are drawn together to try and solve a case.

A woman is on the run and she is in the process of trying to deliver a video to Kendra dies in a tragic accident. When Lynch and Kendra are brought in to help solve the case, more murders and disappearances start to occur.

After the FBI brings in a profiler, whom both have worked with before, they realize they are dealing with a serial killer. One who has made several attempts on Lynch and Kendra to kill them. When the killer takes Olivia, Kendra’s best friend, Kendra is more than ready to sacrifice herself to find Olivia.

In the end the killer is found but As Lynch and Kendra get closer in friendship and love the need to resolve a security companies wrongs put Kendra and Lynch in danger. Can’t wait to see how this one plays out.

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Received from NetGalley for my honest review
Completed 7/21/18
336 page ebook

Another really great Kendra Michaels book, and though I rated it a 5, I think that I'm getting a little bored with this series. I love Kendra as a character, and the others are good as well, but just like with the Eve Duncan series, it just gets old for me after a while. I'm not sure why. I read other long standing series (In Death comes to mind) and I'm always excited to read them and never disappointed. Though I was excited to read this, and while I did rate it well and wouldn't say I was disappointed, I'd say that I'm indifferent to the series as a whole now. It's just the same story wrapped up in a different package each time. Kendra is smart, smarter than all the FBI and the cops and everyone, so it's just the same old thing really.

That's not to say it's bad, because it isn't. It's very good and Kendra is a very likable and compelling character. I think I'm just getting bored with the stories. Of course, by the time the next one comes around, I'll forget that and want to read it. And I will mostly enjoy it, until I remember it's all the same thing. Maybe with them actually going elsewhere in the next one, it will provide a bit of difference.

Recommended to people who love interesting characters but don't mind a fairly predictable plot.

Setting = B
Plot = B
Conflict = B
Characters = A
Theme = B

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Kendra Michaels is once again drawn into a FBI investigation although this time by the murder victim. Kendra relies heavily on her heightened senses to pick up on clues that the average investigator doesn't. In this case, the murder victim was murdered trying to get to Kendra's apartment. The interesting twist is that Kendra has no idea who the woman is or why she would want to get to Kendra. We see many of the former characters that we have met in the Kendra Michaels series and it is great to have them back in the mix. If you are looking for an interesting and entertaining read this one will definitely do the job.

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This is the first Kendra Michaels book I’ve read and I will definitely read more. I loved all of Kendra’s quirks and how she uses her senses that she believes everyone has, but doesn’t implement - It made me think I should pay more attention to my own senses. The story was a page-turner and the relationship between she and Lynch kept me wanting more about them! I highly recommend this book!

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I love this series! It was nice to have more of Kendra/Adam's relationship in this one, and there is still the constant push/pull between them. I hope with the ending of this book, with Kendra going to assist Adam in some of his situations, that their relationship will finally grow into something solid.

With the above situation, I don't think that Kendra's skills were used as much in this installment. But part of that may have been her strong emotional attachment due to the items she needed to solve revolving around her friends/family.

Overall, still a very enjoyable story (albeit a little more on the dark side than previous ones) and I look forward to the next book!

**Received from NetGalley for my honest review.**

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Johansen remains one of my favorite authors,even if the Kendra Michael's series is not my favorite. This is the sixth books in the series.

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Once again the team of Iris and Roy Johansen did not disappoint with this thriller with just enough edge to make you want to keep reading. The return of Kendra and Lynch will keep readers turning the pages.

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If you are a fan of Iris Johansen, you will enjoy this story. If you have read any of the Kendra Michaels books, this is another suspenseful story involving her well-honed senses that she developed while she was blind and trained after her successful stem cell surgery. There is not as much of her life dealing with music therapy in this book, which I missed. Once again, Michael Griffin, Special Agent in charge of the San Diego FBI office, draws Kendra into a case involving dead and missing women. A woman has purposely run into traffic and been killed a few blocks from Kendra’s home. The police have found an envelope containing a memory stick with Kendra’s name on it. Luckily she has Lynch, the man called upon by governments or their agencies for special jobs. Lynch stays at Kendra’s side while she is consulting on this case. As usual, she becomes a target from the psychopath that she and the FBI are trying to find.

Jessie Mercado, a private detective and friend to Kendra, also makes an appearance to help Kendra with some surveillance. Olivia, Kendra's best friend is also important to the story in both the hero and victim role. The women in this story are strong, smart, have amazing skills, are determined and close to fearless. They are also loyal to one another and their true friends. The pacing and plot kept me turning the pages to see what was going to happen next. I am finding that these books are still enjoyable, but not necessarily as heart pounding as they were when I started reading them. The writing and story are still good, it is my interest that is waning somewhat. This is a series that does not have to be read in order, but as characters have been added to it, it will help you understand about the relationships if you do. The publisher, St. Martin's Press, provided me with a copy of this book to read. The opinions stated are my own.

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This is the sixth book in the Kendra Michael's series. I have read the entire series and enjoyed every book. I highly recommend this new release as a excellent high paced thriller. This is a book you read long into the night !

Kendra has overcome blindness to become excellent at finding clues and sensing things normal people miss. She works for the FBI on several cases. Adam Lynch is a former FBI agent , and he and Kendra have worked together in the past. This respect they share for each other has now grown into something deeper.
A young woman with a gunshot wound runs into a city street where she is killed. The police find an envelope addressed to Kendra, but Kendra did not know the woman. The mystery deepens further when the envelope holds a video of a wedding reception of a bride and groom. The investigating pair soon find out that the bride has been kidnapped. There are factors at work here and clues that they find which place them in danger .

I love the authors fast paced writing, her excellent well crafted plots and this book does not disappoint. It is a exciting thrill ride and I look forward to the next in series. This book is a winning thriller in every way.
Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC. My personal reviews are my own.

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Iris Johansen and her various series are on my must read list and I was thrilled to have a chance to review the latest installment of the Kendra Michaels series, which Ms. Johansen wrote with her son, Roy Johansen.

This is the book that many fans have been waiting for. A fast paced thriller, a great mystery, strong characters, emotional tension, and more. I devoured it and already want to re-read it!

Kendra's keen powers of observation put her once again in the middle of an FBI investigation, this time because the victim had an envelope with Kendra's name on it. Kendra has to call on Adam Lynch once again for his support, as well as investigator Jessie Mercado, as the case becomes more perilous and the killer begins to go after those Kendra cares about.

I'm intrigued by the ending here and anxious to see how and where the story progresses. This could be a standalone book, but I think having some background on the relationships of the recurring characters helps make it a fuller and more enjoyable reading experience.

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A great series,can't wait for the next one. A tricky case for Kendra to solve with little to go on. Fast paced and full of excitement,terror and some humour. Fab.

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Thank you Net-galley, St. Martin's Press and Authors for a copy of this book.

I have loved every book that I have read with Kendra Michaels in it. This one fell just a little short for me. I loved getting more Adam/ Kendra moments but it was lacking the action and suspense that we usually get from this series. It was there just not as much as I would have liked. Overall it was still a great read.

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Im Prolog ist die angeschossene Elena Meyer auf der Flucht vor Verfolgern. Mit letzter Kraft wirft sie sich auf die Straße, wo sie mit einem Auto kollidiert und schnell von einer Menschenmenge umringt wird.
Dann lernen wir die eigentliche Musiktherapeutin Kendra Michaels beim Kampftraining mit ihrem langjährigen Freund Adam Lynch kennen. Sie will nicht nur Selbstverteidigung lernen, sondern auch wie man den Gegner ernsthaft verletzen oder ganz ausschalten kann. Die Interessen ihres Trainers gehen weiter, was er recht offen zu verstehen gibt. Die beiden haben wohl schon manch brenzlige Situation zusammen durchgestanden. Kendra wurde blind geboren und hat erst nach 26 Jahren durch einen chirurgischen Eingriff die Sehkraft erlangt. Daher sind ihre restlichen Sinne besonders geschärft. Das macht sie zu einer überragenden Ermittlerin, um die sich Polizei und FBI reißen.
Lynch war selber mal FBI Agent und arbeitet jetzt aber freiberuflich für die Regierungsagenturen. Obwohl Kendra schon in unzähligen lebensgefährlichen Situationen war, will sie lieber keine Waffe tragen. Dann tauchen während des Trainings Griffin und Metcalf vom FBI mit dem neuen Fall auf und sie beweist direkt mal, ihre unglaubliche Beobachtungsgabe und ihr Deduktionsvermögen, in dem sie die Details zur Sache errät. Auf Bitten der Agenten erläutert sie später sehr unterhaltsam, wie sie auf die vorherigen Schlussfolgerungen gekommen ist. Das erinnert sehr an die neue Sherlock Serie oder Folgen von The Mentalist.
Die Tote hatte einen Umschlag mit Kendras Anschrift in der Tasche, daher sind die Agenten direkt zu ihr gekommen. Aber sie kennt die junge Frau nicht. Im Umschlag war ein USB-Stick mit einem Video darauf. Es scheint eine harmlose unverdächtige Amateuraufnahme von einer Hochzeitsfeier zu sein. Keiner kann erkennen, warum sie für diese Bilder ihr Leben geben musste. Aber Kendra kann ihnen immerhin einige Tipps geben. Schon ist sie widerwillig mit dem Fall verbunden...
Die Ermittler haben gerade den Ort der Feierlichkeiten gefunden, als sie auch schon entdecken müssen, dass die Braut aus dem Video entführt wurde...
Im Laufe der folgenden Geschichte werden die Ermittler mehrfach attackiert und in Lebensgefahr gebracht. Das Buch nimmt Tempo auf. Es kommen weitere Unterstützer an Bord. Die Autorin führt sehr sympathische Nebenfiguren wie Kendras blinde beste Freundin Olivia oder den durch und durch toughen Lynch ein, der sich einfach nie abschütteln lässt. Neben dem Plot dreht sich viel um das Zwischenmenschliche, was ich in Thrillern sehr schätze. Zwischen Kendra und Lynch kommt es zu witzigen Flirtereien, cleveren Andeutung und Wortwechseln.
Auch wenn man es nicht für möglich hält, wird der Fall noch persönliche für Kendra. Die Spannung steigert sich weiter. Der Bösewicht manövriert sie in eine unmögliche und ausweglose Situation. Das Ganze wird sehr emotional. Dann kommt es zu einem ideenreichen gewaltigen Showdown, zur finalen Konfrontation. Abschließend wird der Fall zum Teil gelöst. Das Buch schließt dann mit einem spannenden Ausblick auf eine mögliche Zukunft.
Die Serie werde ich definitiv im Auge behalten. Man konnte diesen Teil aber auch prima lesen, ohne die vorherigen Bücher zu kennen.
4,5 von 5 Punkten

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A huge fan of Iris Johansen's Eve Duncan books, this is my first foray into her Kendra Michaels series. Double Blind is just as intricate as any of her previous plots with plenty of government coverups and advances in science technology. But maybe because this is book 6 and I am just encountering the characters now that I have this feeling that I just "liked" it enough for it to be a 3. 0 star,but I began to skim around the 67% mark. However, I really liked the relationship between Kendra and Lynch and the epilogue left me very intrigued into what comes next for the duo.

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