Member Reviews

The Kendra Michaels series by this mother and son duo is fantastic and the latest installment “Double Blind” is no exception. They made me care about the characters from the very start. I’m loving the progress in the relationships and the interaction between the characters really pull me in. Suspense, emotional ups and downs, humor, sensual pull - it has it all. If you haven’t heard of Kendra Michaels and you love binge reading you are in luck and you need to scoop them all up and get reading!

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I such a huge fan of Kendra Michaels and her series and this book is just as exciting and suspenseful as the rest.

When Kendra is pulled into an FBI investigation be someone she doesn't even know she has no idea it will put the people she loves the most in danger. You have to read this if you love action and puzzles. This is probably the most intense read I've read in this series and totally worth it!

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kendra Michaels is not too happy about working with the FBI again, but this case has her name on it. Literally. A woman is killed, and on her body they find an envelope addressed to Kendra. Inside the envelope is a wedding video that no one seems to be able to make heads or tails of. As Kendra gets involved, the body count rises and Kendra herself is in danger.

The 6th book in the Kenra Michaels series by Iris Johansen. I haven’t read all of the previous books, but, from the few I have read, this is a fun and exciting series. I need to go back and read the ones I somehow missed.

Kendra was blind and had enhanced abilities with her other senses, making her great at the power of deduction. She is no longer blind, but still has an incredible critical thinking abilities. A strong female protagonist who is smart, brave, and honest.

Double Blind is a fast-paced, light, and entertaining read. Plenty of suspense and a little romance. A good read for fans of Iris Johansen.

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Fans of Kendra Michaels will not be disappointed in the latest story featuring her and Adam Lynch, Double Blind, by Iris and Roy Johansen. The story follows the two of them as they try to determine why a young lady died delivering a wedding video to Kendra. As only the Johansen’s can do, the ride is filled with twists, turns, and even a ride to the top of a cliff in an out of control car. And, of course, there is so much more at stake than meets the eye. Throw in a large security company (Brock Unlimited) with a bad reputation, a psychopath who enjoys pattern killing, and a few kidnappings, and things are bound to get a little out of control. Jessie Mercado, private investigator and friend to Kendra, is also back for more action and she is always full of life. Can the three friends rescue the latest victim, Kendra’s friend Olivia, before it is too late? And can they figure out how to overthrow Brock Unlimited before they do any more damage? If all of the drama isn’t enough, there is also the relationship between Kendra and Lynch that has been building for several books now. Will it finally come to a head?
I really liked this book. I have enjoyed reading about Kendra and her abilities and this book didn’t disappoint. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys action and adventure with a little bit of mystery! I received a free copy of this story from NetGalley for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Engaging, fast-paced action and suspense…

This is the sixth book in the Kendra Michaels series that can be read as a stand-alone.

No matter how hard Kendra Michaels endeavors to stay away from assisting in criminal investigations for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies she still gets drawn in, her inquisitive intelligence and the unique abilities she retained after gaining sight years ago make her especially effective at solving complex cases. She deserves the reputation she’s garnered. When a woman she doesn’t know is killed, on her person was a video of a wedding reception and a note leading to Kendra and she’s obligated to view it. Though she doesn’t fathom what the video was supposed to tell her, Kendra feels empathy for the victim who reached out to her and that has her wanting to solve the woman’s murder and those that follow.

Having built her own resources outside of the FBI, Kendra’s supported by the private investigator Jesse Mercado and the man known as the puppet master, Adam Lynch, who freelances for the government and countries that need his special talents and a man who she has conflicted feelings about. They are two bad-ass individuals who have no qualms doing what needs to be done and more importantly are trusted. Kendra will need their assistance as she mentally combats a rogue psychopath who knows of her successes and has planned for dealing with her once she becomes involved, he knows the ways to torment her and won’t hesitate to use them.

This was engaging, fast-paced action and suspense with intriguing characters, an intricate mystery and a nefarious villain protected by greedy individuals wanting to cover their backs. The relationship between Kendra and Lynch attains new heights and added complications. In this series, the characters constantly evolve as events lead them to epiphanies that stretch their boundaries. The ending surprisingly and nicely sets the stage for the next book.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

4.5 stars

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It really is a thriller that will keep you reading through the night. Characters have their own voices, strengths and weaknesses which they use to overcome the threats.

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I wanted to love Double Blind by Iris and Roy Johnansen but for some reason this book was lacking. They created an amazing synopsis that will have reader jumping for the book but fail to full fill those expectations. IN many ways I felt like I was reading a half done super hero story that couldn't find its grove.
The story was more about the relationship and less action packed as the other books in the series which seems to be the main drive of the series.
While some readers will be happy to have more relationship development other will wonder where the voice of the series.
The author has an interesting voice and this book is a series and not a stand alone novel.
Pushing though the book I found the story line to flow well and readers will enjoy the story as it builds into the next of the next Kendra Michael series.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher St. Martin's Press for the advance copy of Iris and Roy Johansen Double Blind.

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Double Blind is another joint book between Iris and Roy Johansen. I am a big fan of Iris Johansen and always liked her writing style and voice. I also really like the character Kendra Michaels. She has an interesting past and her keen observation skills are always interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't find the books she co-writes with Roy Johansen of the same caliber. This particular book is mostly dialog. While that in and of itself is not necessarily bad, there were just too many scenes that felt like filler material. They did nothing to advance the plot or further develop the characters. In addition, while Kendra and Lynch are both interesting characters, there was little sexual chemistry between them for the relationship that supposedly develops. The emotional pull just isn't there. I enjoyed the ending of the story. That was fast paced and flowed well. I only wish the whole book had been more like the last couple of chapters. While this book does set up a next story, this one does have a satisfying conclusion.

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I loved this book! The chemistry finally boils over for Kendra and Lynch. They are such a fascinating couple. They are dealing with a serial killer and a corrupt international security company. It’s a twisty road lots of action and suspense. Iris and Roy Johansen know how to weave an intricate tale. Their writing is superb! I received an advance review copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Kendra Michaels was born blind. She had to rely on her other senses to help navigate the world around her. When surgery restored her sight, she was able to pick up on details that would have gone unnoticed by others. This skill brought her attention from the FBI. When she is not consulting with them, she uses music therapy to help others cope with their worlds.

She is brought back into their world when FBI Agents Metcalf and Griffin bring a case to her attention. A young woman ran into traffic carrying a package with her name on it. With the help of her friends, she must help the FBI catch a deadly killer before he reaches his end game.

Iris Johansen has written an exciting story where the heroes are racing against the clock. It is a page turning adventure that you do not want to stop. We meet familiar faces and see how their relationship evolves throughout the book and series. I especially enjoyed the chemistry between Kendra and Adam Lynch. I love how their friendship changes from book to book and how they keep dancing around each other with her trying to avoid the elephant in the corner. I look forward to seeing how this plays out in their next adventure.

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Since this is the sixth novel in this series, but the first I have read, it took me a little while to get comfortable with the characters. But once I did, the story moved very well. I found th plot easy to follow and would recommend this book for an entertaining read while at the beach in the mountains relaxing.

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Kendra Michaels is reluctant to help the FBI with their most recent case until she learns that there was an envelope found on the victim with Kendra's name on it. Inside that envelope is an SD card that contains the video of a wedding. The bride as well as other guests on that video suddenly turn up dead. As Kendra along with Adam Linch and PI Jessie Mercado race against time to prevent more deaths things get really personal for Kendra when the threats become more close to home. As usual Johansen pulls you into the story from beginning to end!

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Double Blind by both Iris and Roy Johansen is an exciting thriller. A deadly game that could end up worse if not stopped soon. A serial killer is hired by a company to handle problems for them only that the killer goes off the edge and blackmails them. The killer is then able to get away with a lot more than planned. Murders are now being traced to the company and the company can't control their hired hired any longer.  FBI is introduced into the case when a dead woman has something for someone they know...that's when the chase really begins...

Kendra Michaels is the lead female character. She is the one the FBI like to work with because of her ability to notice the smallest details quickly. Kendra cannot handle working on cases like the FBI does, because she hates seeing victims' families suffer. Death is never easy to handle. But now, a dead woman is found with a USB drive containing damaging evidence for her. Only she never knew the victim. It is only a matter of time before the FBI bring her in on the case. Kendra feels obligated to help since the dead woman tried to reach out to her. Other than that she wants noting to do with the case. But that's where it starts to get complicated. Her former FBI friend that she is attracted to, handles deadly crime stuff. She feels something more for him but she isn't allowing herself to fall in love. Adam Lynch wants Kendra Michaels as his woman. However, he knows it will be difficult to get to agree. She likes him just as much as he likes her but she won't open up. Instead, she pushes away from him. The new case is provides a tug of war in their relationship. 

Overall, this new novel was suspenseful. I was deeply engaged from the start. Both Iris and Roy Johansen have caught my attention with Kendra Michaels. She is a detective for the FBI in a way. The personality was easy to latch onto as well as like. Kendra is a strong independent woman who won't let anyone or anything bring her down...Adam Lynch is a cocky good looking man who is smart and deadly to mess with. But when it comes to Kendra he makes mistakes and doesn't know how to approach her. I felt their push/pull relationship. It was intriguing and sad to follow. Double Blind was fast-paced. It kept me guessing the whole way. I highly recommend it to all.

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With words from the killer “remember I know you better than you know yourself” Kendra sounds like an ordinary person with an unusual job. Doing music therapy, and double blind experiments, she helps people and gets results. Griffen with the FBI Is trying to recruit her, meanwhile, a case with her name on it. Kendra didn’t know her, though envelope had her name on it. Great start to this story, you have the players, you have the name of the corpse, now we want to know why. Her name was Elena, she ran into traffic, as a bullet entered her chest. You are captured, by another book in this series. Good flowing plot, and one loves the characters. Given ARC by Net Galley and St Martin publishers

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This is the 6th novel in the Kendra Michaels series. I have followed the series from the beginning and love Kendra and her collection of friends/family. This was a great thriller with lots of fast paced action. I did, however, miss the usual scenes where she deduces a fantastic amount of information using the "super senses" she honed while blind. If I remember correctly there was only on such scene...and it was a personal one not one of a crime scene. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next book. Speaking of which, while the ending was not exactly a cliff hanger, the plot of the next book was definitely introduced. All in all an excellent fast read, with a well crafted cast of characters.

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On the whole, this book is quite good ...but, I will admit, there were parts that were a little far fetched! I thought the relationship between Kendra and Lynch could have been developed a little better. And ...of course, Kendra gets in the middle of a gun fight and she puts her life on the line (...again!!) This is the 6th book in the series...and although I probably will read them ...the books are starting to get a little predictable.

I would like to thank the authors, the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest and unbiased feedback

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Double Blind by by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen is a perfect book to read while relaxing at the beach or taking a vacation. Kendra Michaels and Adam Lynch sexual and emotional attraction creates an interesting addition to the Johansen's plot. I enjoy the light reading and hope others do too.

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I love this duos books and Double Blind was no exception. Well written with a plot that will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat. I look for to the next book in this series. Suspense fans will love this book.

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Double Blind is the sixth novel in the Johansen's Kendra Michaels series and is a fast-paced thriller that is sure to have wide appeal. The main concept is that Kendra, like the superhero Daredevil, grew up blind and thus developed super-senses which allow almost Sherlock Holmesian powers of deduction. Those supersenses are featured at the start, but that focus should have continued throughout. Black ops, a Mack Bolan style warrior buddy, and mysterious murders round out the tale. Overall, a decent escape, but not exceptional.

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This is the 6th book in the Kendra Michaels series. This is a very fast pace mystery that grabs you from the start. Highly Recommended

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