Member Reviews

I love this cat cafe series. It is so unique and for me there is a peace that comes over me when I read this one. I have shared this series with many of my colleagues and friends. Book 2 did not disappoint.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was one of the best I've read in a while. The plot was wonderfully written with loveable characters. I didn't even see the true murderer on my radar - that's how well written this book is! There was just enough romance to satisfy without it being overbearing. I couldn't put this one down and can't wait for the next one!

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Purrder She Wrote is the second book in the Cat Cafe Mystery series. Maddie James left California to return home to Daybreak Island, MA to live with her aging grandfather. Grandpa Leo is the former island police chief. Maddie is opening JJ's House of Purrs, a trendy Cat Cafe, with help from her business partner Ethan. Grand Opening Day for the cafe has finally arrived, but it quickly goes downhill when an employee gets into an argument with a customer over a cat. Adele Barrows is adamant that Holly Hawthorne should not be allowed to adopt any of the cats they have on site for the local shelter, given her past track record with pets. It turns into an ugly scene. The problem escalates when Holly is later found murdered, laying face down on the beach by her wealthy parents' house. She was choked using a cat toy. Can Maddie prove that her employee didn't kill the spoiled, rich girl?

The Cat Cafe theme of this series is cute and enjoyable. The mystery moved along at a nice pace with some twists and plenty of suspects. I like the characters in this series. Maddie is intelligent and feisty when she has to be. There is a bit of a love triangle vibe in this series.....that's more than a bit old hat in cozies. I hope it doesn't develop into a main theme for this series. Really really really tired of that trope.

All in all, this book was a fun weekend read. Enjoyable theme, plot and characters! I will definitely continue to read this series.

The next book, The Tell Tail Heart, will be out in June 2019.

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St. Martins Press via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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This is book 2 in the great new cozy series, Cat Cafe Mystery. Maddie has decided to stay on Daybreak Island and open a cafe, cat adoption center. On opening day a local drama queen gets into an argument with Maddie's helper Adele about adopting a kitten. When she is found dead, Adele becomes the top suspect. This book serves up the perfect setting for a well written mystery. I'd love to live on the Island, would love to have coffee with the cats and would enjoy being friends with Maddie and her friends and family. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

The Daybreak Island cat café is open and the response is fantastic. People can come in by appointment to play with a cat and can even offer it a furever home. Plus they can have a cup of coffee and a delicious baked treat themselves as well. Except one guest wants to take home a cat today, as in right now. One of Maddie’s volunteers knows the woman and her history with cats and they get into an argument about her fitness as a pet owner. The woman leaves but is later found dead with a catnip toy, handmade by the volunteer, stuffed in her mouth. Maddie’s volunteer becomes the prime suspect, but Maddie can’t believe she’s guilty and decides to do some investigating on her own.

The theme for this series is such a wonderful idea and the setting of Daybreak Island sounds like a great place to visit.

What I really love about this series though is the characters and their relationships. Maddie Day is a strong protagonist and I love the relationship she has with her grandfather. He is still trying to find his way after losing his wife and the cat cafe is a great project where he and Maddie can work together. She has also inherited his love of investigations and finding the truth. Maddie’s partner Ethan handles the kitchen and the food and he has great ideas for expanding on what they have started together. He also gets a surprising romantic interest in this installment. A certain pet groomer is interested in Maddie too, so there is love in the air on Daybreak Island.

The mystery is in a “cat”egory all it’s own. Thr victim was not a nice person and many suspects come to light. Twists and turns keep the pace moving right along, but you could have knocked me over with a feather as the real killer was being revealed. It was so cleverly written, total surprise.

These characters are fun, the mystery is tight, and all the subplots work. Drama, romance, cats, and comedy come together in all the right amounts to make this book “A Perfect Escape”.

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Purrder She Wrote by Cate Conte is the second A Cat Café Mystery. Maddie James is having the grand opening of JJ’s House of Purr’s, a cat café, on Daybreak Island. It is a chance for people to spend time with adorable felines and enjoy a snack at the same time. It is Maddie’s goal to find loving, stable homes for the cats in her care. The first day gets off to an explosive start when volunteer, Adele Barrows gets into an altercation with Holly Hawthorne. Holly wishes to adopt a cat and Adele has no intention of letting Holly get her claws into another innocent feline. Before Maddie ends up with a cat fight on her hands, she diffuses the situation. That evening Sgt. Mick Ellory stops by asking about the shop’s signature cat toys which are made by Adele and exclusive to JJ’s House of Purr’s. Unfortunately, someone used them to silence Holly forever. With Adele at the top of the suspect list and the shop the subject of hot gossip, Maddie, with the aid of Grandpa Leo, digs into the case. She will need to work in her investigating in between handling the café, spending time with her new boyfriend, listening to Ethan’s new ideas for the café’s kitchen, handling the hospital gala for her father, delivering for the new Pet Meals on Wheels program and dealing with her sister’s marital woes. Maddie will need to work in a cat nap or two if she is to keep up with her responsibilities. She will need to be stealthy in her investigation or Maddie may use up the last of her nine lives.

Purrder She Wrote is easy to read and has a steady pace. There is a lot going on in this book. I do not quite understand why the author felt the need to jam so much into one story. I would prefer she take the time to fully flesh out her characters. I would like to know more about Grandpa Leo and have him take a more active role in the investigating. I also could do with less of Maddie’s father who comes across as self-centered. He cares more about how events affect his career than his family. There was a great Emily Gilmore (of Gilmore Girls) reference in the book as well as one referring to Lord Voldemort. It was clever how the author included Stan and her pet treats from the Pawsitively Organic Mystery series. The whodunit was straightforward, and readers will have no problem identifying the guilty party. Maddie was intensely focused on solving the crime. She went from suspect to suspect to obtain information and kept in touch with her contact at the local newspaper for the latest news. There is speculation, rumors, and red herrings. I do wish that the case had been solved differently by Maddie (I would say more but I do not want to spoil it for you). There is some mild foul language in the story. Maddie is dating local pet groomer, Lucas Davenport but an old beau is also trying to capture her attention. Personally, I prefer the old beau over Lucas. I would prefer the romance to be less prominent in future books. I enjoyed the descriptions of the adorable felines and their antics. However, we do not need to know how often or when the litter boxes are scooped (no matter how necessary the chore). The cat café concept is unique, and I had not heard about them until I read Cat About Town (you should look it up online to see the various designs). While Purrder She Wrote is the second novel in A Cat Café Mystery series, it can be read alone. My rating for Purrder She Wrote is 3 out of 5 stars.

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The second book in the Cat Cafe Mystery series by Cate Conte is Purrder She Wrote. Maddie and her grandfather are excited for the opening day of their cat cafe. Things seem to be going well until one of her volunteers gets into a shouting match with a wealthy visitor who wants a cat right then. When this wealthy woman is later found murdered, the volunteer is the main suspect. Maddie jumps in to solve the mystery to exonerate her volunteer and save the cafe's reputation. I enjoy the idea of a cat cafe in a small town. This book had quite a bit going on. Some things were resolved, and the rest I expect will carry over to future books.

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Purrder She Wrote is a terrific follow up to Cate Conte’s debut, Cat About Town.  In her newest mystery, Maddie James’s new cat cafe is finally open, and most of the town is purring in excitement - except for Holly Hawthorne.  At the grand opening, the wealthy and spoiled Holly almost comes to blows with Adele, Maddie’s lead volunteer, over her refusal to give her a cat.  This isn’t the first time Adele and Holly have come into conflict over cats, but it looks particularly suspicious when Holly turns up murdered not long after- by means of a catnip mouse exclusive to the Daybreak Island Cat Cafe.  Maddie is by no means willing to settle for the easy answer, and starts her own investigation into the murder.

Maddie’s family plays a central role in Purrder She Wrote, her parents’ connections both making things easier and harder.  It’s very clear that the wealthy of Daybreak Island have a powerful and privileged status. Their treatment of humans and animals alike demonstrates their view that anyone not of their economic/social strata is not as valuable or as important.  Purrder She Wrote also manages to highlight a couple of important animal issues. First is the importance of being a responsible pet owner, looking to the long term safety and well-being of your pet. It also illustrates how irresponsible cat ownership and lack of spaying/neutering can lead to a large population of stray/feral cats.

Purrder She Wrote is an entertaining pet cozy that will readily appeal to animal lovers and cozy aficionados alike.

4 / 5

I received a copy of Purrder She Wrote from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.

-- Crittermom

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In the second book of the Cat Café Mystery series, Maddie has opened her cat café with her Grandpa Leo and close friend Ethan. On the opening day, a catfight between a volunteer and a customer disrupts the happy harmony. Later that day the customer is found dead with a catnip toy stuffed down her throat. As the police coming slinking around the café can Maddie find the killer before he or she gets away?

I want to start my review off with this announcement: I was not a fan of this book but please read other reviews before making a decision if this book is for you. There are plenty of reviews praising this book. I think it was just not for me, which happens. I would suggest you start the series with the first book, Cat About Town.

The mystery was good as there were a lot of red herrings to keep you guessing as to who the murderer was but there was too much going on and too many characters. I had to keep flipping back and reminding myself who was who. Especially in Maddie's love interests. I found the love interests to be distracting to the story.

Let's talk about Maddie's father...a self-centered jerk! I know I am not the only one who thought this about him. He cared more about his precious job on the hospital board than two of his own daughters. I am thankful I have a dad who would have told the snobby board to stick it wjere the sun doesn't shine!

If you love cats and mysteries give the Cat Cafe Mystery series a try, you may love it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley. Any and all opinions expressed in the above review are entirely my own.

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Only two months had passed since the last book and it was still summer on Daybreak Island, MA. Maddie's business partner Ethan had joined her in the cat cafe venture, while they still had the juice bar business thriving in San Francisco. Ethan took to the town and people like a natural and everyone loved his baking and his coffee that they served to the people who came to play with cats or look at cats to see if they wanted to adopt one. The business seemed to have taken off really well.

When the murder of a wealthy socialite occurred after that woman and Maddie's volunteer Adele had words about the woman wanting to adopt a cat, the police zoned in on Adele for the murder. Adele had trained a young college-age girl to work with the cats. Her name was Gigi and she took up the slack and worked hard. Maddie thought she seemed a little odd and even scared when it came to her mother, Felicia, who had asked if she could do catering there at the cafe. Along with trying to snoop around to clear Adele's name, Maddie had the construction project on her plate, the hospital gala that her dad had pleaded with her to help him with and driving the van for her animal control friend Katrina delivering pet food to those on the neighboring islands who couldn't make ends meet. Maddie also wanted to know what her daddy's-boy-brother-in-law had to do with all this mess, since he was the one who called in the murder.

There was a really fun twist at the end during the showdown which for a change didn't seem dangerous. I had randomly thought of the person who was the killer but I had nothing at that point to back it up. But it definitely wasn't who I had hoped it would be. Adele obviously came back to work and now the construction could begin in turning the garage into a cafe and making some changes inside the house--which was all provided for by the unknown benefactor whose other stipulation was to remain anonymous, so I guess we readers will probably not find that out either--although I still am suspecting someone in particular. The first stipulation was that Grandpa and Maddie turn the house into something to benefit stray cats.

I just love Grandpa even more in this book. He's so fun and sneaky in how he does his own little investigating using his man cave for an office, but he loves his family like crazy and would do anything for them. I liked getting to know Maddie's parents a little better too. They're really nice people and if it wasn't for having to always please rich people on the hospital board that employed him, I think her dad would be a lot more relaxed! We got to know her middle sister, Val, pretty well in this story. I hope her friendship with Ethan continues because it sure seems they're more suited for each other than Val and Cole!

I'm going to have a really hard time waiting for the next book--in the back of this book it says it comes out summer of 2019. I do have plenty of other cozies to read, but I could easily have binged into a third book! ;)

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After months of planning, the grand opening for the cat cafe is quite the success except for disagreement between a volunteer and a potential adopter. A disagreement that might have led to murder. Maddie James is determined to clear it up, but she has her hands full. Not only is her volunteer under suspicion, but her sister's unpleasant husband is an even better suspect -- if the police only knew. Entertaining and highly recommended!
If you are a lover of felines or all-time cozies, don't miss this series.

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This series is "purrfectly" delightful for all cat lovers and "catnip" for mystery readers that love a great cat mystery.
This is the 2nd in series. I adored the first book and was thrilled to receive the 2nd for review. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the ARC. My opinions are my own.
In the first in series the author set up the charcters for the reader and introduced us to the Cat Cafe. This book can be read as a stand alone however I highly recommend the first in series .
In this next in series our protagonist has her Cat Cafe up and running successfully with help from volunteers. The Cafe offers coffee and a chance for people to come bond with the cats and hopefully adopt them.. These cafe's are all over the world now so I was enchanted to read a mystery series about the inner workings of a cat cafe. The cafe has been a dream of Maddie James who is a cat lover and advocate for homeless pets.

Maddie James is excited for her opening day and she wants to hopefully grab business from the end of the tourist season on the New England coastal island . She is hopeful that many homeless cats will be adopted once people spend time with them in the cafe.

One wealthy island resident comes in and demands to adopt a certain cat. Maddie's volunteer has words with her and they refuse her the adoption as the woman seems to be unstable. Words are exchanged and she leaves in a huff, only to be found dead with evidence leading toward the volunteer. Maddie gets pulled into the investigation right away to save her friend.

When Maddie seems to get involved in a series of mishaps, her friends help her and are always there for her to be the voice of reason. As she investigates further into the murder soon suspects abound and she is ahead of the local police with clues and possibly in danger herself.

I enjoy the island location off the coast of New England . The supporting charcters all add to the story and the sleuth. The sleuth was very well crafted and kept me guessing until the end. I found this book to be one I was unable to part with until the end, I loved it and look forward to the next in series. Its pure catnip to us cat lovers and mystery readers alike. A very enjoyable read !

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Review: PURRDER SHE WROTE by Cate Conte

I totally adored this delightful and heartwarming cozy mystery, and I hope this series continues forever. I loved characters, setting, and of course, the cats (and some dogs). The characters are realistic, well drawn, and it's easy to feel empathy for them. I even managed to shed a tear or two when their lives hit a downturn. Protagonist Maddie, an entrepreneur who has recently returned to her home island after several years in San Francisco, has opened a cat cafe. Interested parties spend time with the felines, and can apply to adopt them. Maddie and an older volunteer, Adele, reminded me so much of myself, as they are outspoken, often tactless, and all out for the cats! PURRDER SHE WROTE is a Reading Delight!

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How I would love to live close to Maddie and be a full time volunteer at her cat cafe. Add her grandfather, Leo and her business partner, Ethan's good cooking - yes, please! Somehow I missed reading the first in this delightful series but, now that I have consumed this one, I will get my hands on it, ASAP.
Maddie relies on several volunteers to help her run her new business venture, a cat cafe. Adele is one of those volunteers and to say that she is passionate about cats, domestic and feral, is a big understatement. One the first day of being open, she has a rather loud confrontation with a distasteful woman who demands that she be given a certain cat, just like that. Not going to happen. When she later turns up dead on her private beach, killed by a catnip toy no less, fingers point to Adele.
Maddie does stick her nose into the investigation after being told not to but her grandfather, the retired police chief and owner of the family home that also houses Maddie and the cat cafe, Impossible not to want to find the killer when the murder touches not only her cafe but her own family.
The mystery was well structured and I didn't guess the killer. After enjoying this entry and being introduced to her awesome cat, J.J. I find myself wanting a cat in my life. Maybe I will be lucky enough to be adopted by my own J.J. Until then, I will be waiting for the third book in this series.

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This is the second in a series of books by Cate Conte. The first, “Cat About Town”, set the series up and introduced the characters. While “Purrder She Wrote” can be read stand-alone, I recommend reading the series in order as it will assist you in understanding the characters. It gives their history in the first book and you can see the growth of each of them from book to book.

Maddie James has set up her new Cat Cafe. It is opening day and while the cafe is still undergoing changes (especially to the scheduling system!), she wants to take advantage of the end of the tourist season on the New England coastal island before the weather changes.

It doesn’t take very long before a murder has occurred and Maddie gets pulled into the investigation. I really appreciate that the natural flow of why this happens versus something artificial or having our sleuth start investigating in a way that hampers the on-going police investigation.

When Maddie seems to overstep, there are other characters who call her out on it. She steps back, sees the point of their concern and tries to get her life back on keel. Unfortunately, even more events (out of her control) happen which draw her right back in.

While I did figure out the whodunnit a bit earlier than the reveal, I appreciated the plot line and had a lot of fun with the characters including, of course, JJ, who is a very special cat about town.

I was provided a digital advance reader copy of this book by the publisher via Netgalley.

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Purrder She Wrote by Cate Conte is the 2nd book in Cat Cafe Mystery series, and another fun addition. Maddie James, co-owner to the recently opened Daybreak Island Cat Cafe, is excited to finally be opened. The cafe lets you visit cats that you might want to adopt, or just play with, while enjoying some coffee and a scone. The grand opening is a success, except for an altercation between a cafe volunteer and a wealthy entitled women. When the women turns up dead, the volunteer is the prime suspect. Maddie is determined to find the real killer. I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first one, but I still enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book in the series. I recommend this book/series for all cozy mystery and cat lovers.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I love Purrder, She Wrote, second in the Cat Café Mystery series! I envy the business that our protagonists are in, a cat café with adorable cats ready for adoption. Each character is designed with care; Maddie and Grandpa Leo run JJ’s House of Purrs. The café is named in honor of JJ, Junkyard Johnny, an orange tabby who rescues Maddie even as she rescues him right back. The mystery is finely planned and executed.
Grandpa Leo’s Victorian home has been in his family for several generations. An anonymous benefactor saved the family home from a shyster trying to take it with the stipulation that the home be used to benefit Daybreak Island’s cats. Maddie had worked at a cat rescue in San Francisco and knows the business well. She and Leo, retired police chief, turn the home into a cat café, with the cat quarters and café on the main floor. Their Grand Opening is underway with two volunteers and Maddie’s business partner from California, Ethan, to serve coffee and baked goods.
All is going well until Holly Hawthorne, from one of the wealthy island families, decides she wants to adopt a cat and take it home that day, sans the application required for all adoptions. She and volunteer Adele, who works two jobs to support herself and help the island’s feral cat population, have a loud disagreement. Maddie tries to calm the ladies, confirms the adoption process, and a very angry young woman leaves the Café without a cat. Cats Holly had adopted from Animal Control had not fared well, and Adele didn’t want another cat going to less than ideal circumstances.
Sergeant Mick Ellory comes to visit later to ask about the signature catnip toys. Adele makes and donates them for the café cats, and one for each cat to take to their fur-ever home. Katrina, who manages Animal Control, arrives. She is afraid that Adele may have finally lost it, as Holly has been found dead, choked with a catnip toy. Even before Adele finally confesses, Maddie knew something was off. Something was also off with Adele’s friend, Gigi, also volunteering at the Café. Maddie is determined to find the truth.
The characters are well defined. I like Maddie and her best friend Becky. Holly and her twin Heather were unquestionably not my favorites. Grandpa Leo and others are seen best through their decisive actions, love for cats, and rich dialog. Maddie’s lack of self-confidence is endearing, serving to make her more realistic. Discovering which of the two guys interested in her she will pursue is interesting; also interesting will be seeing whether Maddie’s sister goes back to her cheatin’ hubby.
The novel is so good that I can’t wait for the next one! The author provides such an in-depth knowledge of cat cafés that it sounds to be as enchanting a place to work as a bookstore or library. The mystery is very well-written with plot twists that continually change the suspect list. I was surprised at who the killer really is, as I had not even considered the person. JJ is a unique protagonist! He seems at times to be imparting wisdom to Maddie; he wears a harness and walk on a leash. Not many cats will see that as a positive trait but JJ loves the attention. This is a memorable “tail” in almost every aspect, and this crazy cat lady who smiles at the mention of the organic pet treat vendor highly recommends it!
From a grateful heart: I received a copy of this e-arc from the publisher and NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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Purrder She Wrote is the second book in the Cat Café Mystery series and is the first I have read. I did not feel lost in picking up with book 2.

Maddie’s new business, a cat café is just getting off the ground when there is a dispute about cat adoptions. The negatively confrontational would be adopter is found dead. The suspect is a worker in the café. Maddie tries to clear the worker’s name.

What I liked about this story is:
It is well written, flows smoothly and has a delightful cast of characters.
Can be read as a standalone.
Fast Paced and keeps you turning the pages.
The killer is not obvious.
The Cover!

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Conte's second installment in the Cat Cafe Mystery series left me wanting. The work identifies a niche in the genre (cat cafes and female entrepreneurs), yet is surprisingly light on the details of these subjects. Instead, the book is a common manifestation of the genre. The chapters are very short, which serves to increase reading rate at the expense of continuity. I would recommend this series to readers who are very committed to the niche subjects portrayed throughout the novel, but would not use this title as a means of introducing someone to cozies. Overall, the work adheres to the genre well, but is lacking in unique, memorable qualities.

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Maddie James is absolutely delightful and relatable. Whether she's dealing with family entanglements, trying to run her new cat cafe, or solving a crime, she tries to give her all. Ethan is amazing and I need one of him in my life. Of course, I'd take the cat cafe too but without the murder, please. No recipes came with this one which is a shame as there was plenty of opportunity with a featured caterer and the cafe having its own recipes. Still, if that's the only negative you can pull from a book, you're pretty lucky. I did guess who the culprit was just before the reveal and somewhat why but there was still a lot I hadn't figured out by the time the big reveal came about. I really hope to find the first book in the series so I can be fully caught up and I cannot wait to read more from Cate Conte. I'm hooked.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, MacMillan Books, Cate Conte, and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this book and share my thoughts and opinions with others.

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