Member Reviews

Enjoyable retelling of a classic American story. The characters are much more vivid and have greater depth than the original short story. I found myself unsure of the dynamic and flow of the book because the plot is vastly altered from the original. I like the book and enjoyed a more female centered take on such a beloved American story.

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Rich with historical detail and with a believably passionate love story at its heart, The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel struggles under its own weight, and is a little too long for its own good. The supernatural elements might have been a little stronger (indeed, the spellbook itself doesn't come in until over half way through) but there's clearly been a lot of research done and for the most part it's another enjoyable romance from Palombo.

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I loved this book so much and I really hope more Sleepy Hollow books are released in the future as I just can't get enough. The only problem I had was the first person viewpoint.

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The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel: A Story of Sleepy Hollow by Alyssa Palombo
St. Martin's Griffin, 2018
Fiction/Fantasy/Historical; 416 pgs
Source: Review copy provided by publisher via NetGalley

Although I will not be doing a formal write up of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, I did reread it before diving into The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel. I thought it would be a nice segue from one book to the other. I was reminded how beautiful Irving's writing is, not to mention just how eerie his tale is. It has long become canon in American literature.

For those new to the story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is about a school teacher, Ichabod Crane, who arrives in Sleepy Hollow to teach. He has little means, and relies on the kindness of his pupils' families and other families in the area to put him up and provide him with sustenance. He meets the beautiful Katrina Van Tassel and the brawny Brom Van Brunt, who is known for causing mischief and strife. Ghost stories are nothing new to Sleepy Hollow, and that of the Headless Horseman is one of the most famous. Ichabod Crane is about to find that out first hand.

Author Alyssa Palombo builds on the original tale, writing a novel from the perspective of Katrina Van Tassel. Her love for music and books matches that of Ichabod Crane's who has come to stay in Van Tassel home as he begins his assignment of school teacher in their town. He has little to offer the beautiful young woman other than music lessons and good conversation. She falls for him nonetheless, even knowing her father might not be a fan of the match. Brom, the son of a neighboring farmer, is much more to her father's tastes. Katrina and Brom were once childhood friends, but a falling out over a friend of theirs is not something Katrina is willing to forgive at all. Brom, however, has long loved Katrina and wants to make her his wife. Would he do anything to make that happen? When Ichabod disappears on All Hallow's Eve night, Katrina begins to wonder. Or is the legend of the Headless Horseman really true as the signs suggest?

I confess it took me a bit to get into Alyssa Palombo's novel. I found myself watching the first few episodes of Sleepy Hollow, risking getting the television show's characters images stuck in my head. Fortunately, that didn't happen. It did help in getting me more in the mood for the novel, however. And I soon found myself caught under Palombo's spell.

When I first heard about this novel and considered accepting it for review, I noticed mention of the romance being a main focus. And in a way it is. The romance between Ichabod and Katrina kicks off quickly. The heat between the two characters and their frequent trysts was much like two young lovers who cannot keep their hands off each other. Katrina, raised as an only child in one of the wealthiest families of Sleepy Hollow, is a bit spoiled and immature. Over the course of the novel, however, her character does grow. This is not a romance novel, however, as the reader will come to see.

I enjoyed the ghost stories Katrina relates throughout the novel, particularly to Ichabod in the first half of the book. I have always enjoyed historical ghost stories, and these were no different in just how compelling, sad and creepy they could be.

Of all the characters in the novel, I was most taken with Charlotte Jansen, Katrina's best friend. Rumor has it she is a witch, given her uncanny ability of foresight. Set in a time when witchcraft is more than frowned upon, Charlotte and her mother, the town healer, are very careful in what they do and say. She proves to be a faithful friend to Katrina and stands by her side throughout, even when she does not agree with the choices Katrina makes.Katrina herself soon discovers a use for a little magic, and her own natural abilities.

While The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel got off to a shaky start for me, it ended strong, and overall I can say I enjoyed the novel. With a bit of mystery, romance, a coming of age story, and just the right amount of creepiness, this was an entertaining historical novel.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced reading copy in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

I liked the idea of this book, and I was very excited to read it. It was the hope of some big reveal about the mysterious horseman that kept me reading through it until the end, but I was disappointed. The book is overly long - the plot plodding along at a slow pace, the romance not quite convincing, the characters not quite formed, and Katrina herself talking and talking and talking. Charlotte and Nancy were probably the two most interesting characters, and I would have liked to know more about both, but only got snippets here and there.

The story revolves around a couple of big mysteries: what was Ichabod's fate? What did Charlotte say to Bram all those years ago that caused such a rift? Is the Headless Horseman real? And you get answers to two of these questions, but they aren't all that interesting - not worth the time it takes to get there. And Ichabod, he's not really a romantic hero is he? Even through Katrina's writing I felt he was a pushover, a timid intellectual, and not worthy of such a headstrong and intelligent woman. I wasn't convinced, and found myself rooting for Bram, hoping there was something good in him that I just wasn't seeing.

High hopes, big let down. Three stars because I know there will be a small audience for it somewhere and I applaud the effort.

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I read ‘The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel: A Story if Sleepy Hollow’ in the early days of October to get in the mood for Halloween and author Alyssa Palombo successfully cast a spell over me with her retelling of Washington Irving’s ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’.
Palombo’s tale is told from the perspective of the young heiress, Katrina Van Tassel and reimagines the original tale as a passionate romance both mystical and spooky. When the new school teacher for Sleepy Hollow arrives to the village Katrina and Ichabod quickly fall madly in love but Brom Van Brunt, who is the suitor Katrina’s father favors is determined to win her and the valuable Van Tassel farm. When Ichabod suddenly disappears on All Hallows’ Eve, Katrina investigates and must come to learn if the legend of the Headless Horseman is more fact than fiction.
I enjoyed this retelling of ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ a lot. I felt it read as authentic and cozy; autumnal, eerie, and exactly what I was hoping for to kick off fall.

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I,liked the idea of this story. It’s a perfect fall theme. However, I was challenged by the fact that it really felt more like a romance. I know that’s part of the original story, but this felt too cheesy for me.

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When I started to read The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel, I thought I was in for a spooky adventure, but unfortunately the novel was a real letdown from many aspects.

When you engross yourself in a Sleepy Hollow story, you naturally expect a lot of action involving the Headless Horseman – well, in this book he only appears in dreams and as hearsay. Up until the very last pages we don't know if he is a mere legend or more than that. Even the dreams in which he is present are repetitive and therefore they completely failed to excite me.

I understand what the author was aiming for in this book. First of all, she tried to write a feminist retelling of a well-know story – in that she succeded. Second of all, she wanted to show that while old superstition made people afraid of bloodthirsty apparitions, in reality people themselves could be monsters enough, even bigger ones than supernatural villains. But hey, I was here for the Headless Horseman, not a drama-ridden love story... I didn't get what I signed up for and the substitute just wasn't good enough.

The focus is clearly on the romance and it is the cheesy kind, unfortunately. I was eager to get through the first part where Ichabod was courting Katrina, because it was plainly boring, but even after they got separated in the middle of the novel, it just didn't get better. I was thinking about giving it up, but I had put too much energy into reading it already so I pushed on till the end.

Guys, if you are after a Sleepy Hollow retelling with lots of Headless Horseman, this is NOT it. On the one hand I'm so sorry I couldn't like this novel, on the other I feel seriously betrayed.

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The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel is a retelling of The Legend of Sleep Hollow from Katrina's perspective. In all honesty, I had never read anything regarding Sleepy Hollow prior to this. A romance begins when Ichabod Crane moves into town and stays with the Van Tassel family, starting a new and unapproved romance. When Ichabod disappears on All Hallow's Eve (presumed to be by the Headless Horseman!), Katrina is left to discover what happened to the love of her life with the help of the village witch, Charolette Jansen.

From my understanding the previous Sleepy Hollow stories were more spooky and less romance. This tale is definitely more of a romance with a smaller component of mystery and fantasy. This is a great fall read for any historical fiction/romance/fantasy book lover!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St Martin's Press via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel is a great retelling of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with a lot of backstory and romance, told with a feminine perspective. I found the characters to be interesting and well-developed and the story compelling. I didn't want to put it down! I will remember it for quite a while. Good pre-Halloween or anytime read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Alyssa Palombo for allowing me to read and review The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel. This book was really good! I've recommended it to several friends.

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DNF 78%

I had high hopes for this Sleepy Hollow retelling but really struggled with it because of how self-centered and spoiled the main character Katrina is. I really didn't like her, nor did I understand her decisions or why Charlotte was friends with her. I kept hoping the story would hold my interest but it dragged on and I didn't feel much sympathy for Katrina, which was unfortunate because that's one of the main points. Ultimately I decided it wasn't worth persevering any further and DNFed. Smart Bitches reviewed this and thought it was a feminist version of Sleepy Hollow, which is fascinating to me because I didn't see it while reading but I can see why the reviewer felt that way. But that's the beauty of reading! We all come to books with different experiences and takeaways.

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Gah…..and this is why I don’t read romance books!!! I am a hopeless romantic and I always end romance books with my heart in teeeeeny tinnnny pieces.

The Spellbook of Katrina Von Tassel is a perfect combination of romance, mystery, history retellings and witchery.

I grew such adoration for Katrina Von Tassel. Throughout the entire story, she held her ground, never let anyone see her weak, and she fought for who/what she loved. Her character development was pure. We see her flourish from a young woman to a resilient mother. The romance between her and Ichabod was a relationship straight out of a fairytale and I was always rooting for them. Ichabod’s fate was something I resolved rather quickly. The story dragged on with Katrina hating Ichabod for abandoning her but c’mon we knew what happened. When Ichabod’s ending was revealed, I was yelling ‘DUH KATRINA I COULD’VE TOLD YOU THAT’.

Ooooo and that wretched Brom Van Brunt. I hated him from the very beginning, sorry not sorry. His arrogance and entitlement drove me insane. I truly felt bad for him his deep love for Katrina drove him to be an impenitent drunk but not in any way was he allowed to decide Katrina and Ichabod's fate.

The relationship between Katrina and Charlotte, definitely BFF goals. They were everything best friends should be. They both helped each other when they were down, protected each other, and did what was best for each other’s feelings and future.

While, I enjoyed this book I definitely entered this book with another expectation and finished with an entirely new view of this book. There was too much romance for me I steer clear from romance for obvious reasons. I feel as though a lot of it could’ve been omitted, it dragged a bit in the middle but I am glad I finished it. The ending was absolute perfection.

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Katrina van Tassel is often not portrayed favorably in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. Washington Irving shows Katrina as a vain, flirty, and manipulative character. In this retelling, Katrina is given a feminist makeover by being the protagonist and the narrator. When Ichabod Crane vanishes, Katrina investigates his mysterious disappearance. Katrina is willing to do anything, including dabbling in witchcraft, to find out what happened to ichabod on All Hallow’s Eve.

The author attempts to make Katrina sympathetic. However, I found her to be an annoying and frustrating character. She was a very irritating narrator because all she could think about was Ichabod. She was also a boring character, and there was not much to her character development until near the end of the novel. Throughout the book, she is mostly naive. There were times that she was wishy-washy because she could not make up her mind about what she wanted. There were some aspects about her that I liked. She is an excellent storyteller, and I love her perseverance. However, I believe that the novel would have been better if it was narrated by her best friend.

Overall, this retelling did not do Washington Irving’s tale justice. All of the characters were bland and had little character depth. I found the original characters more compelling than in the retelling. Most of the novel is made up of boring and repetitive love scenes that did nothing to enhance the plot. The pace of the novel tended to drag. I was also disappointed that Katrina barely made any attempt to investigate Ichabod’s disappearance and focused on newfound love for Brom Bones. The Headless Horseman barely featured into the novel and was primarily used as a metaphor. I thought the title was misleading because it did not contain a spellbook. The only thing going for this novel was its gothic setting. Thus, The Spellbook of Katrina van Tassel is a perfect read for those wanting a Harlequin novel. However for those who want a spooky, satirical retelling that is characteristic of Washington Irving’s tale, then skip this book. Re-read the original instead. The Spellbook of Katrina van Tassel is a forgettable and at best mediocre retelling.

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A delicious read, perfect for the Halloween season (or anytime, really!). I was immediately drawn into the sweet love story set in a small town full of suspicions about the legendary Headless Horseman. Although protagonist, Katrina Van Tassel, finds herself in a seemingly hopeless situation, she is mighty and bold in her quest to remedy it. She is a superb character who I greatly admired. This is a fabulous book that I will not soon forget.

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This story was wonderful until about 12% when the hokey romance scenes started. Three grunty, groping, and grinding romance scenes kept repeating themselves over, and over again until about the 60% mark in the book, when it picked up again and I was enjoying it. However, it didn't get good enough to undo all the damage done from that beginning 50 percent. There was also a lot of license taken with the historical elements for a Historical Fiction story. I know they do this with Historical Romance (which is what this book is in reality), but it's being promoted and marketed as HF, so therefore I am reviewing it as HF. I don't think people used the word "gonna" in the early 1800s. She admitted in the acknowledgements that she used Halloween traditions and a style of tarot cards that weren't around until 100 years later "for benefit to the story". this is just not something that's done in Historical Fiction. The publisher and author would be better off admitting it's a Romance novel, so readers and bloggers like me aren't picking it up thinking it's Historical Fiction. There never ends up being any spellbook, either. It's a book of legends and folk tales; so the hook of the title is a lie.

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Now that’s how you do it! The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel: A Sleepy Hollow Story is AMAZING! Loved, loved, loved this read! Think part The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and part The Headless Horseman with a big scoop of "I didn't see that coming."

What an exciting tale told from Katrina Van Tassel’s vantage point. Alyssa Palombo has exceeded all my expectations with this brilliantly and beautifully written story that weaves a tale of love, betrayal, psychological suspense and legend.

I received an advanced review copy (ARC) of this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Synopsis From Publisher/
When Ichabod Crane arrives in the spooky little village of Sleepy Hollow as the new schoolmaster, Katrina Van Tassel is instantly drawn to him. Through their shared love of books and music, they form a friendship that quickly develops into romance. Ichabod knows that as an itinerant schoolteacher of little social standing, he has nothing to offer the wealthy Katrina – unlike her childhood friend-turned-enemy, Brom Van Brunt, who is the suitor Katrina’s father favors.

But when romance gives way to passion, Ichabod and Katrina embark on a secret love affair, sneaking away into the woods after dark to be together – all while praying they do not catch sight of Sleepy Hollow’s legendary Headless Horseman. That is, until All Hallows’s Eve, when Ichabod suddenly disappears, leaving Katrina alone and in a perilous position.

Enlisting the help of her friend – and rumored witch – Charlotte Jansen, Katrina seeks the truth of Ichabod Crane’s disappearance, investigating the forest around Sleepy Hollow using unconventional – often magical – means. What they find forces Katrina to question everything she once knew, and to wonder if the Headless Horseman is perhaps more than just a story after all. In Alyssa Palombo's The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel nothing is as it seems, and love is a thing even death won't erase.

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I kept giving Alyssa a standing ovation as I read this book. I don't think it could have been done any better!! I was totally blown away with this story. I was so afraid to read it at first because of how much I love The Legend of Sleep Hollow. But, my fears were unfounded!! This book was amazing!! She told Katrina's story beautifully!! One of the most beautiful love stories ever.

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'The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel' was a wonderful surprise that I hadn't been expecting. Being so near to Halloween and based on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, I knew I had to read it. I didn't know or expect how much I would end up loving it. It's one of those books where you can ramble on forever about why you love it so much and never really get your point across. For me, I literally loved everything about it. It's basically the Legend of Sleepy Hollow as most of us know it. But in this version, the story is told from Katrina Van Tassel's point of view and it made all the difference in the world. My favorite writing style by far is the first person POV because the reader gets to connect on a deeper level to the narrator of the story and really get to know them. This is precisely what happens in this novel. I loved getting to know every little thing about Katrina - her hopes and dreams, fears, nightmares, friendships, memories, and her love for those around her - especially Ichabod Crane. I don't think I would've had such a great experience with this book if it hadn't been written in the first person, but since it was - I found it enthralling until the very last words.

The characters were all well written, especially our main character, Katrina, and the other major characters of Ichabod, Brom, and Charlotte. Even some of the secondary characters were rounded and complex like Nancy and Katrina's parents. I adored seeing Katrina and Ichabod's relationship begin and grow into a true love romance that meets a devastating end. Well, I hated the devastating end part obviously, but I knew from the original story what was coming. There were some turns in the novel that I didn't see coming and the timeline was a bit different than I expected, which only made for a more enticing mystery and heartbreaking story. The writing was very well done and the author made Katrina's world come to life right before my eyes within the first pages. I think the author's immense storytelling talent and ability is showcased nicely with this novel and I'm adding her other works to my to-read list. I very highly recommend this book for fans of historical fiction, fantasy, mystery and suspense, and retellings - and especially those readers who love the original Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

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October is the perfect time of year, in my opinion, to indulge in reading all things mysterious and supernatural. The kinds of reads that invoke chills and thrills and that are filled with strange happenings and spooky atmosphere. Retellings of classics are always an interest to me and I could not wait to read Palombo’s take on an American classic that is as haunting and well loved today as it was when it was first written.

THE SPELLBOOK OF KATRINA VAN TASSEL by Alyssa Palombo takes Washington Irving's classic tale "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and gives it a new twist as readers hear the story from Katrina’s viewpoint while delivering to readers a forbidden romance, a fierce friendship, mystery and a touch of the supernatural.

Woven into the story is the wonderfully atmospheric and otherworldly town of Sleepy Hollow.

What I really enjoyed about this story was the sense of the town of Sleepy Hollow and its otherworldly feel while Palombo creates this vivid picture of an early American Dutch settlement along the Hudson River Valley. I could easily picture the village, the Albany Post Road, and the winding beauty of the Hudson River. Even the food, drinks and clothing were scrumptiously described. A touch of spine-tingling horror seems to wrap the town of Sleepy Hollow in its embrace but the beauty of it beckons regardless.

“It was early summer of my eighteenth year that my destiny arrived and despite my fancy for premonitions, he took me quite by surprise.”

Forbidden romance is a key element in the story.

The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel is very much a romantic tale of first love and of forbidden love. The building romance between Katrina Van Tassel the new schoolmaster Ichabod Crane took me by surprise but I really enjoyed their passionate romance.

There’s plenty of tension as Katrina’s childhood friend-turned-enemy, Brom Van Brunt, is determined to remain a suitor of Katrina’s and gain her favor despite her adamant refusal to be courted by him. Whether you are familiar with the classic tale or even Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, you can’t help but wonder how the romance will play out and if that fateful night on All Hallows Eve will indeed separate this passionate couple.

One of the best features of the story is the strong female friendship presented between Katrina and Charlotte.

This story is very much about women and friendship. Charlotte Jansen and Katrina have been friends since they were just girls, and through the course of it all, they have weathered some rough trials together. Readers who enjoy positive female friendships will definitely enjoy these two ladies together. What makes their devoted friendship even more interesting is the fact that Charlotte is rumored to be a witch.

For all its romance, gorgeous atmosphere and positive portrayal of female friendship, I remained disappointed in the supernatural aspect of the story.
Despite being well written, I could not help but be disappointed in the lack of certain key elements in the story, namely the iconic Headless Horseman who remained missing for much of the story and the lack of supernatural elements.

Yes, there are hints of it—tarot cards, potions, and premonitions, and a book that really isn’t a spellbook, but I never had the sense of doom from the rumored Hessian soldier believed to have lost his head in battle and who haunts the forests and roads. He remained, for the most part, an enigma that really doesn’t come to play until the end which was really disappointing for me.

In the End

The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel: A Story of Sleepy Hollow by Alyssa Palombo is a compelling read. One that reinvents the story from a woman’s perspective. But readers should know that this is less a story of Headless Horseman and the supernatural but one of romance and societal customs.

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