Member Reviews

A simple, useful guide. J an a writer and have more than the basic level of understanding but this book still had helpful and insightful tips that I have picked up and used. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for an entry level text on the subject.

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A nice little book for people interested in learning or perfecting their copywriting styles.

Writing engaging content and getting the right message across is crucial in the business world, specially for those working in Communications and Marketing.

The book is divided in three parts: planning, writing and improving copywriting. The first part runs through basic marketing activities, how to get to know your product/services and the target audience. The second part approaches the body of the subject: key things to consider while copywriting (structure, catchy titles and calls to action). Finally, the is all about improving copywriting considering creativity, finding the red thread through the text, engaging with the audience, adapting the voice and being persuasive. It also gives advice on how to sharpen the text, "kill your darlings" and how to deal with feedback.

There are exercises to put the knowledge to the test at the end of each section, which is useful to get a first hang of the tips provided.

A nice book that I will definitely buy in the future to help me in copywriting.

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Overall , this is not a bad book if you are just getting started in this domain, offering general advice on the process as well as specific tips for print advertisements, audio and video scripts, sales letters, emails, brochures, and social media posts. The book is divided into three parts: plan your copy, write your copy, and improve your copy.

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This book had a lot of great ideas in it and I love how it was laid out. It's definitely a book I would love to have on my shelf for reference. I wasn't sure what to expect but this exceeded expectations

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This book had a lot of great tips and I really enjoyed the way it was organized. I learned a lot about how to write in a persuasive way.

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This is a good book if you are new to copywriting, like me! I’m not a writer but do write blog posts for my business and found this to be helpful. There are some great ideas, thankfully I had already done a fair bit of research already so some of this I have come across before, but this would be useful for someone completely new. Also useful as a longer-term reference guide as well, this is a fairly simple guide to help and easy to dip in and out of the bits you want.

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As an Indie Writer, I needed a reference book to help me write "book blurbs" and "ad copy" to describe my books/stories for the book jacket/back-cover and summarize the content for sale at all retailers, and for advertising on social media. It's important to be able to write the best pitch for a book. It's amazing how I can easily describe content that is not my own work. This book helped me put the art of copywriting in perspective and is a handy reference tool for all who need to write a persuasive piece of advertising. I feel a little more confident that I could utilize the ideas offered in this book to write the right pitch for both selling my book to readers and to agents/publishers.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a very useful guide for someone who is interested in getting into copywriting and adding another string to their bow. Lots of practical advice and handy tips.

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As someone who's had a good amount of experience with copywriting, I still found this book really useful and a great work to have always close by to keep the inspiration and skills going. It really simplifies the whole process without diminishing it and what's really interesting is how it broke it down so someone who's never known anything about copywriting can keep up.

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This was a very helpful book with lots of straightforward tips and tricks. I really enjoyed that the information was broken down into manageable chunks.

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The title does not lie, as far as simplicity goes. The first graphic shows this perfectly: a man (reader) crossing a bridge at the urging of a woman (copywriter), exactly as the text just said. It’s kindergarten level. Thankfully it doesn’t continue this way, once your intelligence gets over feeling insulted.
The chapter on structure is amusing, because it perfectly mimics the steps I take to write a book, movie, or music review.
It’s a pretty big book, so there’s no surprise that there’s a few gems in here, mostly the examples of famous or just hilarious ads. I ended up making a lot more notes than I thought I would. At the same time, there are sections I skimmed through, with the thought that “If I ever need them, I’ll look them up then, but they won’t help me now.”

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Copywriting is my least favorite part of my writing career. But even though I'm mostly a traditionally published writer, I do have plenty of times I need to write short, snappy copy to promote something: me, one of my books, a speaking gig, etc. This book offers a comprehensive and accessible look at copywriting and how to become better at it. I've highlighted so many passages in my Kindle version that I think I'm going to have to just give in and buy the print edition!

A great choice for reluctant copywriters.

Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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While this book was well-written and provided a few answers to some questions, there are more comprehensive titles available.
Good for those just learning about copywriting and who only desire the basics.
Not good for those who have a general understanding of the craft.

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This book WILL improve your Business Copywriting skills!
Copywriting is one of the most important skills to develop within a business. The messages we present to the world, defines our companies, our products and our services. The written messages (or copy) we present through company literature, sales material, social media channels and websites are the main mechanism by which we stay in front of our customers and partners. Copy must be enticing, informative and generate action.

I was very keen to read this book and explore new ideas or reinforce current approaches and strategies at an introductory level. While it’s very easy to say you’re in the marketing department you write catchy eye grabbing material that will grow sales, or you write convincing funding applications or investor packs to raise money, we do need a process and plan to organise a structured and measurable delivery of copy. If research has been done on how people respond to various approaches and techniques I want to know. If some techniques are known to work better than others I want to know. If there are major don’t dos, I want to know. This book provides answers along with the appreciation that we all need to find our own style and each project is different.

The book is structured in 3 main parts: Plan your Copy, Write your Copy, and Improve your Copy.

The first part in planning your copy, was very much basic marketing activities that would typically be known before approaching a book like this. However, it was important to include this section for full coverage of the topic. The content was really about Know your Product, Benefits and Reader, and then Write the Brief.

The second part of the book starts to deal with information that I was really interested in, how to write my copy and what I need to consider. While the information may not be completely new it’s important that we receive information that reinforces and brings structure to our task. The chapters in this section deal with Writing your Headline, Structuring your Copy and developing Calls to Action.

The third part of the book is about improving your copy and delivers the real value of the book and the expertise Tom Albrighton provides. This part focuses on creativity, finding your flow, engaging your reader, being persuasive, using psychology and hitting the right tone. It challenges us to sharpen our copy by often killing our darlings and how to deal with feedback. The expertise shines through and the use of tables and graphics really help to present the information in more understandable and memorable formats.

At the end of each chapter there is a little TRY THIS section which is not a long extensive exercise but rather a simple thought provoking query. I found these great because I don’t want to interrupt reading to spend hours doing some other exercise. There is also a substantial reference list with a total of 82 references in the book.

I found the book really valuable for my needs and I would highly recommend it within the context that it is an introductory text, and I’m not a professional copywriter.

Many thanks to Troubador Publishing Limited and NetGalley, for an ARC version of the book in return for an honest review.

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This is a good book to read if you are looking to get into copywriting. It is easy to follow and a good introductory guide.

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This a good book, it's a little hard to read or at least a little to much of a text book style then a reference shelf book, but if you can get past that you will find a lot of information and ideas that can be applied to more then just "copywriting" in the traditional sense.  The information learned from the ideas and prompts could be applied to anything from writing reviews to writing an ad for something you want to sell on eBay.

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This is a simple, well-detailed book on copy writing and it's the kind that you could always refer to while writing. What I loved the most is that I learned something new on 'Persuasion' and I can't wait to use it in my writing.
Thanks for the advance digital copy NetGalley.

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Copywriting Made Simple is just that -- a simple way to learn the basics of good copywriting. This is a solid little book with a ton of great advice for anyone needing to write some persuasive text. The material covered would be beneficial to anyone who needs to learn how to sell, whether it be with words, images, or verbally. In fact, some of the sections were lessons I was taught as a clerk in a retail shop many years ago.

Although this handy reference book might be too simplistic for many who have some copywriting experience, it's one I'd keep on my bookshelf for those times when inspiration is failing me and I need to remember to go back to the basics.

Thank you to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing Limited for providing me with a free e-ARC of this book.

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As a writer or journalist, you may consider copywriting as a not-so-noble profession, when you accept to sell your gifts for producing well-paid but cheap stylish pieces of writing. But copywriting, and advertising in general, may mean much more than producing some advertorial content. A good work of writing has the power of changing the world, either it is read in less than a minute or more than 100-page long. Wherever you are using your skills, you are not wasting them, only using your words for a different aim, and sometimes audience too, and as long as you write well, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Copywriting Made Simple by Tom Albrighton offers an overview of the challenges and daily briefs a copywriter need to deal with on a daily basis. It is not aimed to someone completely new in the world of writing, but eventually to a professional looking for a career switch. The skills and knowledge in matters related to writing, there is only the need to understand how exactly a copywritter works and what his or her job involves on a daily basis.

Otherwise, if you are already active into this field, the book doesn't help too much. Personally, I would have been interested in even more examples but also how to use your well-honed writing skills to persuade difficult clients unable to understand your work.

In other words, it is an useful book, but it also has some limitations in terms of the reading audience. Noteworthy is also the list of bibliographical references at the end of every chapter, and the couple of exercices recommended.

It makes copywriting simple, indeed, but in a professional way.

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This wasn't exactly what I expected. It's geared more toward those in the advertising industry vs. writing, in general. There are some tips in the book that could be helpful to writers, bloggers, etc., but it isn't as useful as I'd hoped.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.

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