Member Reviews

This was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it. thanks for letting me have an advance copy. I'm new to this author.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

2.5 stars for this confusing(?) brother/sister story.

The cool think about Well Below Heaven, is that it was written as a series of letters between Kelly and her younger brother, Sammy. I love books written in unconventional styles. Unfortunately, sometimes the letters were out of order, like they wrote two before the sibling got the first one, so the responses didn't always make sense. For a lot of the book I was just confused about the point of the story? It got interesting about 80% in, but still the ending was confusing. Unfortunately, I can't say I would recommend this one.

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Thank you NetGalley for this review copy of Well Below Heaven.
For most of this gritty YA novel that is comprised of the letters that two siblings are sending back and forth I wasn’t sure if I was really “getting it” and what exactly the point was. Their letters were gritty and a mixture of the mundane and slightly alarming so I never quite trusted either Kelly’s stories from the bad girl camp or Samuel’s exploits back at home with their parents. When the book actually starts leading to some pretty dramatic dark situations it was hard to tell if it was really happening or not. Both characters are so completely unlikable that it’s only their devotion to each other that gives the reader any reason to care about them.
All in all, I found this book rather difficult to categorize. I will say that the character’s weren’t cookie cutter and the author didn’t shy away from real topics (exploitation of teens, child pornography, infidelity, violence) and the letters were sometimes confusing but never boring. But for me personally, it felt a little more like an experiment than an actual novel.

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This book is very good. It is about dysfunctional families and other relationships. It talks about bully and the bad choices that have can bad results. I think It was a great read for anyone YA and up.

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Although Well Below Heaven, by Idyllwild Eliot, was categorized as YA, I really enjoyed it. It is an emotional book based on dysfunctional families and a brother and sister relationship, along with friendships with classmates and teachers that make me very glad that my child is out of high school and never experienced the bullying and the end result of bad choices Ms. Idyllwild spells out in detail. It’s about bad decisions made by good kids and the roller coaster path they go on. It’s well written by using letters written between Sammy and his big sister, Kelly. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on, but this book kept my interest through the end. I highly recommend it!

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I didn’t enjoy this book at all, I understand the concept of the brother and sister keeping their relationship going via letters and emails, but it just didnt grab me and make me want to keep reading it.

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