Member Reviews

This series gets better with each book and the character development also grows with each book. This is one of the series that I enjoy and look forward to when a new book is being released.

Another enjoyable installment featuring librarian sleuth Lindsey Norris who investigates when library books are at the scene of the crime!
As a librarian, I genuinely adore this series and it makes me want to be like Lindsey (minus the murders) and her library.

As a fan of Jenn McKinlay’s other series, I was very much looking forward to try her most popular series yet! Since I haven’t read the other books in the series, I was a little worried that I would be lost, but I thought it would be okay since Mysteries tend to standalone really well anyway.
HITTING THE BOOKS is book nine in the Library Lover’s Mystery series and right off the bat, I could tell that this one has a much different tone than some of McKinley’s other books. The others tend to be more upbeat and humorous where this one dabbles in all that too, but there’s a much tighter focus to these books. I enjoyed the differences and feel like it will appeal to a lot of different readers’ tastes.
As this was my first book in this series, it is also my first time being introduced to Lindsey. She is a very sweet girl who I think is very smart. However, she didn’t jump out at me very much. I think maybe because she is a librarian, she’s a little more quieter and a little more calm than some of the other amateur sleuths I typically go for, but like I said, I do like that McKinlay can write different types of characters.
The mystery of this book is pretty straightforward. McKinlay gets straight into the action and I do think it becomes quite a challenge to keep things fresh over the course of so many books. So I am looking forward to going back and reading the other books of the series to learn more about these characters and this world.

The ninth book in the series. Series continues to be wonderfully entertaining. Jenn McKinlay never disappoints.

I think this was the very first cozy series I ever tried reading, so it will always have a special place in my heart. I definitely enjoyed this installment, even though the series seems to be losing a bit of steam. Still, any book set in a library gets lots of bonus points from me! And I really love the protagonist.

Library Director, Lindsay Norris finds herself involved in a murder investigation when library materials turn up at the scene of a hit and run. Soon after, another murder occurs to complicate things!

This book follows the path of a librarian solving a murder and the mysteries that surround it. Twists and turns with insight into the life of a librarian.

Lindsey is now the director of Briar Creek's small library and she is witness to a hit and run in front of the library. She tries to stay out of the investigation but there are several more attempts to kill Theresa who survived the car hitting her. She gets involved when the car is found and there are materials from the library in the vehicle. Lindsey and Scully are now very much a couple and the town is working to get them married. This is book 9 in the Library Lover's Mystery series and is easy to read as a stand alone. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Another good cozy mystery by Jenn McKinlay! A light read to take oneself away when the weather is crummy or the news is not cheery. True, a hit and run isn't the best way to move into a story, but with Library Director LIndsey Norris on the case you know she will solve any and all murders that happen after that!

As a librarian, I find these books a fun addition to the librarian mystery fiction genre. I read all of Jenn McKinlay's books and always enjoy how well she describes the settings and the interactions between the characters. I can actually imagine some of this happening in my library (well, not the murder part). I also enjoy how her characters grow in each book. The stuffy librarian is starting to come out of her shell and that's a good thing.

I enjoyed this one as usual, although the culprit(s) were easy to spot from the get-go, as was the motivation, so the ending was a bit less exciting for me this time around. But, as a librarian, I have to say I loved her handling of the librarian issues :-) However, the point of the whole plot point surrounding the library was never adequately explained? After the last installment I complained that it needed more Heathcliff so add a bonus star for the constant presence of everyone's favorite pooch in this one!

I love this series! Jenn Mckinlay is my go to author when someone asks for a new cozy mystery author!

Just as in the other books in the series, Jenn McKinlay again draws readers into the small-town life and the adventures of Lindsey the library director. Another cute, cozy mystery that allows readers to learn more about the characters but also could be read as a stand-alone novel.

Jenn McKinlay has been Hitting the Books in her Library Lover's mystery series. Library Director Lindsey Norris watches hit and run victim Theresa knocked down just outside the library. The driver is found murdered in the stolen car along with CD's borrowed from the library. The library card for these items is reported stolen. Why is the fiancee of a very wealthy man targeted and by whom? How did the library get involved in mayhem again?Lindsey is in the thick of things again; read this entertaining library cozy.

Hitting the Books is the ninth book in A Library Lover’s Mystery Series. Even though it is the ninth book, I have not read the others and felt informed enough to read it as a stand alone. But I will be going back to read the others, as it was an enjoyable read. What could be more exciting than a librarian, a stack of borrowed books and solving a murder! Although this is a mystery, it was a fun read and made you want to find out more about the quirky characters. Lindsey, the main character, is kind, energetic, and is always digging deeper to find answers. She and her boyfriend Sully are at an awkward place in their relationship, so they are working out a few challenges. One of the challenges that I think many women will appreciate is Lindsey’s hesitation in telling Sully about not wanting to have children. While trying to solve the mysteries of her heart, she and her circle of friends from the library are swept right into the middle of a crime. Everyone in the town of Bear Creek is on high alert, and the strange events continue to occur. There small town made up of quirky people seem to have secrets hidden beneath the surface and Lindsey is determined to find out who is behind the attack on her friend and her town. Theresa, a pro tennis player who is dating the wealthy, widowed town furniture dealer, seems to be the one taking the brunt of misfortune. She was hit by a car, her home was broken into and then she is kidnapped. But the list of who could be behind these terrible events is growing with every new crime committed. Lindsey soon discovers she will be a part of the investigation due to library materials found in the hit-and-run vehicle. Piece by piece Lindsey and the police chief begin to tie the crimes all together to solve the mystery. I don’t want to give any spoilers, as the story takes a few twists and turns in all of the right places. As we head into fall, this would be a great book to read on a chilly evening. Or if you are like me and live by the ocean, it’s a perfect beach read!

Well, this series certainly hasn't slipped much.
Lindsey Norris has moved in with her boat captain boyfriend, and they're trying to navigate co-habitation. She is a night person, he is a day person. He likes it tidy, she throws her shoes around the room. The one thing they both agree on is that they love each other.
At work one day, Lindsey witnesses someone trying to run down a local resident. Several other attempts on the woman's life puts Lindsey back in investigative mode. About half way through the book, there is a very intriguing "Jane Eyre" moment, and it kind of put the whole mystery in perspective. Plus, I think I might have solved it at the point. Not the whole thing, but most of it.
It was an entertaining book, a quick read, and a delightful cozy mystery. Although one wonders how a small town in Connecticut can have a shoot out in broad daylight and no news people are there to cover it.
Also, I appreciate a main character who is adamant about not wanting kids. The beginning of the book really sells the idea. My only disappointment at the end is she kind of leaves the door open for kids. As a happily child-free woman, it was nice to see myself reflected in a character. When the end happens, it was kind of a let down. But the book was still enjoyable and I'm still a fan.

Life is full of adjustments, but they tend to get more complicated when you move in with your boyfriend, a whistling morning person, and all you want is some peace before your first cup of coffee. Add in the fact that everyone knows everyone else’s business and you have a typical day in the life of Lindsay Norris, the Briar Creek Library director.
Glancing out her office window, Lindsay is stuck dumb when she sees a car careening towards, and hits, her friend Theresa Huston. Before the loved tennis coach can be transported to the hospital, there is a second reported incident, involving the same car, and her friend Charlie Peyton. What is going on in this quiet town? It turns out that furniture magnate, and fiancé of Theresa, has a secret and his college-aged daughter Liza seems to be in the middle of it.
Relationships get a bit twisty here, but Jenn McKinley does an impressive job in keeping each person and their intertwined stories straight even though there are a couple rabbit trails and incidental characters that tend to lead you astray.

Hitting the Books: A Library Lovers’ Mystery
By Jenn McKinlay
September 2018
Review by Cynthia Chow
Briar Creek Public Library Director Lindsey Norris had thought that her biggest challenge of the day would be staying awake after a late night of One More Chapter compulsive reading. The death of a beloved fictional character can’t compare to real-life tragedy though, which almost occurs when Lindsey witnesses the hit-and-run of tennis coach Theresa Huston outside of the library. Chief of Police Emma Plewicki quickly locates the vehicle as having been stolen from Kayla Manning, who rather suspiciously is the ex-girlfriend of Theresa’s fiancé.
The solution may not be that simple though, as a burglary hides yet another attempt at murder, necessitating the need for some rather attractive bodyguards. Less appealing is the discovery that Theresa’s fiancé may have already lost a spouse to nefarious means, and life insurance policies could make another death exceedingly lucrative. Lindsey’s inherent curiosity as a librarian wars with her professional ethics though, as a clue left at the scene of the crime has the police chief demanding information that Lindsey is sworn to protect. Never underestimate a librarian’s adherence to the American Library Association code of ethics, or her bravery in the face of opposing law enforcement officers. That doesn’t mean that Lindsey still won’t do everything she can to help those involved of course, although this case of possible murderous spouses may be hitting a little close to home as she and her boyfriend Sully move closer to making a commitment.
The author of four outstanding mystery series, McKinlay absolutely shines with this one showcasing her librarian and library-loving background. It’s a nerdy inside detail, but anyone who has worked in a library will revel in the budget-stretching acts of whacking toner cartridges, turning computers on and off again to trouble-shoot, and the compulsive need to promote library services to everyone they meet. Less known will be how librarians enforce confidentiality rules, demanding subpoenas to protect the privacy of all patrons, no matter their age. Perhaps more relatable to all readers will be Lindsey’s absolute terror when contemplating a future with Sully, having never previously discussed the topic of marriage, much less children. It’s becoming critical now that after moving in together, Lindsey discovered just how much she can’t stand happy whistlers in the morning and that she herself doesn’t care about putting away her shoes. Their relationships, as well as their friendships with other couples and patrons of Briar Creek Public Library, continue to make this a welcoming and heart-warming series to return to again and again. This 9th installment contains more than its share of witty banter, clever plot twists, and abundance of affection of libraries and library users. This is a series that rewards readers who have grown to love all of its delightful characters and leaves them anticipating even more adventures for the vividly-drawn residents of Briar Creek.

Another great read by Ms. McKinlay. I loved how she brought tied in the Library Privacy Act while Lindsey works to help the police solve the crime. I enjoy how Sully and Lindsey's relationship is evolving. The characters and the setting are interesting. This is the ninth book in the series and this is a series interesting enough to start at the beginning if you haven't read the others.
I received an eARC from the publisher via NetGalley for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this installment of the series!
The characters' personal storylines are as entertaining as the mysteries!