Member Reviews

First, I actually read this in the French rather than the English because I never got around to downloading it from NetGalley the first time around and have read some of the other volumes in French so figured it would be better to stick with the language I started with as well. Thus, my feedback is for the French edition which I enjoyed. There was a good mix of text and visuals and the story moved quite well. The illustrations are lovely and really detailed, and the premise that a mouse is behind some of the major milestones in our human history was fun. Not necessarily unique as there have been other similar tales (tails - hee hee) but still a great way to teach kids about history without overloading them with facts. The facts come at the end where the book provides some context for Edison's work and inventions as well as some of the other inventors who came before.
All in all a very good read. The French is well written and contains some words that even I had to check to make sure I knew what they were, so enough of a challenge for a younger reader working on a project for school.

Such a beautifully illustrated and fun book! I love these adventures of these quick witted little mice and the pictures give so much scope for the imagination to blossom. A great series, my kids really like the tales of Edison, Armstrong, and Lindbergh, respectively, and are quickly engrossed in the adventures of these tiny explorers.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Love the illustrations in this book. So unique and fit so well with the story. A short read for beginning and intermediate readers.

'Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure' with story and art by Torben Kuhlmann continues the series of lavishly illustrated books about mice who seem connected to great figures in history.
A young mouse goes to his professor when he learns of a sunken treasure his grandfather left him. The mice work to invent something that will take them to a shipwreck and the treasure promised. What they find at the bottom of the sea is not your ordinary treasure.
These are interesting stories, but don't have a ton of tie in with the famous figures, so while the book is titled Edison, he is kind of a background character. The illustrations are amazing and they are detailed. I really like the illustration style and these would be fun books for younger readers.
I received a review copy of this ebook from North South Books Inc. and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Intriguing read about the adventures of two mice searching for a missing treasure under the sea. Fun, engaging, exciting adventure throughout the pages. Beautifully illustrated and finished with a bit of history and science!

Here's the story of a brave, smart, and adventurous mouse! This book is a LOT of fun! If you, or your family, like anything with mice stories, and I could name quite a few famous ones in film and in other books, then you are bound to love this story. First, the illustrations are screen worthy! The artwork is top=notch. Then the story flows beautifully with the artwork. I love the mice going under the sea. I like the sprinkle of history, and science, in with the mythos of mice being able to do brave and wonderful things. It's so good for the imagination, heart, and soul. I'm shocked I haven't heard of this author before and will be investigating more of his books.
My copy came from Net Galley. I'm grateful for it! This review is my own, left of my own volition.

While reading this beautifully illustrated book you find yourself quietly pausing. Quietly pausing to look at every detail on every page. Wordless pages outnumber the opposite. Once you leave behind your realistic view of mice and lose yourself in the story you can't wait to see this mouse succeed.

This was an adorable book about some adventurous mice searching for lost treasure. The treasure, of course, is not what they thought. And can I just say, the illustrations are truly amazing! So much detail and really add to the story! This is the 3rd book in this “series” and my 4 year old is already asking for me to see if the library has the others!
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38526399-edison" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1520163309m/38526399.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38526399-edison">Edison: The Mystery of the Missing Mouse Treasure</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7377207.Torben_Kuhlmann">Torben Kuhlmann</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2862634777">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
WOW the illustrations in this book are stunning! The story is adorable and plays well with my love of reading stories featuring mice. I will check out the rest of the mouse stories from this incredible author. I read this book as a digital copy and would love to own it in hardback to fully enjoy the pictures. This series seems to be a fantastic way to introduce kids to incredible inventions and their inventors.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7087090-andrea-wright">View all my reviews</a>

The illustrations in this book are outstanding. There are other books in this series by Torben Kuhlmann and this is a perfect addition to the collection.
A fun adventure, it would appeal to a variety of ages, even the youngest child would be captivated by the beautiful pictures, even if they could not understand all the text.
Thank you to #NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance e-copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I love the illustrations in this book. I could spend hours admiring all of the details. The plot is almost secondary.

A chapter book shaped like a picture book, about two mice trying to solve the mystery of a mouse ancestor said to have had a great treasure and who may have been lost when the ship he was taking to America sunk. A unique premise which ultimately ties in with history and science, illustrated with delightful, detailed pictures. Notes at the end describe the history of the light bulb and of Thomas Edison, from a non-American perspective (the author is German,) making this a good choice for international schools.

Wow!! This book deserves more than 5 stars! The artwork is incredible. A must read for for children and their parents alike!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

If you like Lindbergh or Armstrong, then you’ll appreciate Kuhlmann’s latest mouse edition: Edison.
Pete the mouse is on a quest to find more information about a mouse ancestor and possible missing treasure. An adventurous story and Kuhlmann’s intricate illustrations are sure to please!

My review will be short and sweet, much like the book, "Edison." Torben Kuhlmann creates adorable little chapter books for children, each of which teaches the reader a little bit about history and science - from a mouse's point of view, of course. In this particular story, Edison is on an adventure to find a secret treasure long hidden by his ancestor. Instead of gold, he discovers a book filled with scientific diagrams. It's a cute story with facts, both scientific and historical, scattered throughout. Children will be delighted by the mouse's adventures but even more so by the magnificent illustrations.
As a few other reviewers have noted, there are no females in this book. While some would say that this book will go far in encouraging young readers to pursue STEM activities, I cannot help but think that once again this points to a male dominated world which contradicts all that STEM stands for. This was such a wasted opportunity to show young girls that science and adventure are not just for boys. As a woman who highly encouraged her own daughter to pursue this area of study, I'm very sad whenever I see lost opportunities such as this one. Perhaps this author will get the message in future books.

This book is great. Sweet characters, nice setting. Vintage interiors and clothing. I love the illustrations and the story is interesting. I would like to have it in my child’s collection.

I love this series! It is so inventive, teaches a bit of history in a fun way, and the illustrations are absolutely stunning! In this installment, our mouse hero Pete seeks out the hero of "Armstrong" to help him track down the treasure of his ancestor...which they soon discover is at the bottom of the ocean. Can the little mouse inventors/explorers develop a way to dive to the ocean depths and find the lost treasure? (Spoiler alert: Of course!)

Great illustrations, but that's where my enjoyability stopped. It felt complicated and terse, and not something I'd expect a child to really care for.

This is a creative and unique story about mice friends who build a machine to take them deep underwater. From there the search for treasure begins, but the journey ends with something much more exciting.
The illustrations are gorgeous and the story of friendship and adventure are perfect for students. Students will love the detail in each illustration which can spark rich discussion on the importance of detail/descriptions in picture books.

I really liked all of the illustrations for Edison, but some of the wording was weird. I was under the impression that this was a children's book, so saying things like "When I was young, I also went off on crazy adventures, risking life and limb like an idiot" seemed inappropriate. It wouldn't have taken much to phrase that a little differently.
This is another book that didn't flow well. It was almost like reading an old telegram. Words words words STOP words words STOP words... I felt like I kept having to stop and start again within the story. Some of their mousey comments didn't make sense either.
I liked the idea of mice being just as intelligent and independent as people. It made me think of the movie The Borrowers, but with rodents. They have homes, schools, can weld and invent -- one even went to the moon. It was an interesting story about using your brain to come up with a scientific solution to a problem. Trial and error, drawing out plans, researching, hypothesizing -- all of this was a great way to incorporate science into a children's story.
Wonderful book, although I wish it had been presented and worded just a tad differently.
Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on August 9, 2018.