Member Reviews

I like Biblical historical fiction sometimes and I enjoy a good choose your own adventure type story. The combination is very exciting! I LOVED that the story treats me as the reader, as the main character.
I think this would be amazing for kids to learn Bible stories while feeling like they are actually there. There was also a lot of great end material to supplement the stories and help you find them in the Bible. It included a glossary of terms too. I am looking forward to getting this for my library as well as exploring more choose your own adventure books for myself in the future.

I LOVE CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURES! I found this book to be an accurate, very interesting retelling of many stories from the Gospels and I enjoyed all 3! I cant wait to share with kids.

This book brings back fond memories of choose your own adventure books, this time, Biblical adventures!
I enjoyed all three adventure threads, and of course I went back through several times to make all the different choices.
The Crossroads theme makes it a great tool for learning choices and consequences. Some choices were simply "what's next" while others were definitely "right or wrong" or "obedience VS my own way" so getting to see how these Crossroads impact each character's future I think will be a good thing for kids to observe.
The fun of seeing life in Jesus's time, from kids, was great! A different perspective than what I usually read, so I was impressed. This was well written and makes you think.
*please note that I received a copy of this book from NetGalley, and have chosen to review it here.

When I was young, I enjoyed books where you chose your path. I always had to try all the different options and see where each one would end up! Crossroads Among the Gentiles is one of these books, and in the process retells many stories from the Gospels. I enjoyed following the various paths to see what happened with the different choices.
There are three base stories in this book. The main characters in the stories are a child of Samaria, a younger brother of the disciple Bartholomew, and a daughter of Susannah, one of the women who followed and ministered to Jesus. Of course, these characters are imaginary, but the events that are described are real, as told in the Bible.
The child of Samaria comes across Jesus when she goes to the well and sees Him talking to a woman. She has to decide whether or not to stay and listen to Him or to continue helping her mother, and then other people.
Bartholomew's brother also has conflicts. He has some friends who have a questionable reputation. His brother tells stories that he has heard from Jesus, and then takes him to hear Jesus for himself. The brother gets to go along on several trips across the Sea of Galilee and see some miracles.
Susannah and her daughter travel with Jesus, and find themselves going north of Galilee into cities of the Gentiles. They help provide food and cook for Jesus and the disciples. They also witness many miracles and help people themselves.
Children will enjoy this fresh view of Jesus' ministry to the Gentiles. There is a list in the back showing which stories from the Gospels are included in each story, and also several pages of information about the Jews and their relationship to the Gentiles near them. This book will be a good addition to any child's library!

First sentence:
Journey 1
A Child of Samaria
Your little sister never walks; she runs. She collects pebbles and makes tiny houses for stick people. And she chatters constantly. No wonder Mama is tired.
Premise/plot: Crossroads Among the Gentiles is essentially a Christian choose-your-own adventure novel. It features three interactive stories: "A Child of Samaria," "Bartholomew's Younger Brother," and "Susanna's Daughter." All three stories are set in Bible times during the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Each story has multiple opportunities for little readers to make a decision and determine the course of the story.
My thoughts: I love the premise of this one. I do. I enjoyed reading choose your own adventure stories as a kid. I'd have loved to read ones set in Biblical times as a kid. So I'm happy to recommend these now for Christian families. (I believe this is the THIRD book in their series.)
I am pleased with the back matter as well. I appreciate the fact that the author provides a list of bible stories she used as sources--as inspiration--for each of the three stories. Readers can go straight to the source and read these verses and stories themselves.