Member Reviews

For the residence of Mulberry Lane, the war continues to drag on in England, and they have started making plans for Christmas. When the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, America’s involvement in the war increases and they hope it means the war will finally end. Times are tough with rationing, shortages of everything and they have to make do. Constantly worried about loved ones fighting in the war, life must go on, everyone in the lane sticks together, neighbors and friends help and support each other.

Mulberry Lane’s experiencing a baby boom, Peggy Ashley and Maureen Hart are both pregnant. All the ladies in the lane are excited, they all help by organizing maternity clothes and everything the new babies will need. Mrs Tandy, Mrs Jackson and Alice Carter all get out the knitting needles and are busy making baby clothes. Newly married Anne Riley, dreams of having a baby with her husband Kirk Ross, Tom Barton has grown up since his father’s joined the army, he’s helping Henry Jackson at his shop and Ellie Morris is busy with her hair dressing business.

When a series of houses are broken into, the residents of Mulberry Lane are shocked, they band together, it must have something to do with the strange man that’s been seen hanging around, everyone’s on the look out and helping the police to catch him. A wonderful way to continue on from A Wedding at Mulberry Lane, I enjoyed reading about the new romances and babies being born in Mulberry Lane Babies and I look forward to starting the next book in the series.
Thanks to NetGalley and Rosie Clarke for my copy and four stars from me. I have shared my review on Goodreads, Twitter and Amazon Australia.

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I haven't read the previous books in this series but still really enjoyed Mulberry Lane Babies.

The book is set in wartime London and features a group of women who are at different stages of their pregnancies. It is a time when women had to become incredibly strong and independent because the men were away fighting for their country. I loved the community spirit and sense of friendship in the way the women looked out for each other.

The plot flows along nicely, Rosie Clarke covers some tough subjects with sensitivity and the book brings out every emotion imaginable.

Recommended for lovers of wartime fiction.

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4☆ A Heartwarming and Compelling War Time Saga!

MULBERRY LANE BABIES is the third book in the series and my first book. Although this can be read as a standalone as Rosie gives enough backstory, I would recommend reading the previous books, I wish I had, as i missed out on all the amazing stories from Mulberry Lane!

Incase you haven't yet read this instalment I'm not going to risk spoiling it for you.

I absolutely love the war time stories, they always have such a strong sense of community spirit and friendship, no matter how tough things get and Rosie had created exactly that.
The Women of Mulberry Lane come together to support each through Pregnancy, Childbirth, Life, Work, Relationships and the Chaos and Heartbreak of War.

The Characters were perfectly written, realistic, strong, relatable, supportive.
There are some sensitive subjects such as rape, violence, unplanned pregnancy but Rosie handles them with the right amount of sensitivity to still make an impact and keep the story authentic.

MULBERRY LANE BABIES is a beautifully Compelling and Heart warming War Time Saga that was Authentic, Realistic and really gave me a taste of what it was like to be a part of Mulberry Lane and dealing with the ups and downs of the War!
I adored the community spirit and the uplifting friendships.

I am definitely looking forward to reading the previous two books as i want to learn more about the characters and Mulberry Lane. But I also hope there is more to come!

Thank you to Aria Fiction for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Book 3 in the Mulberry Lane series by Rosie Clarke. Yet again this book didn’t disappoint and I was engrossed in it from the very first chapter. The beauty of these books are that that they can be read as standalone as you get a good insight to what has happened previously in these books, but as they are all so good I recommend reading them all.

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Mulberry Lane Babies is the third in the Mulberry Lane series from Rosie Clarke, but it is personally my first visit. I don’t think it’s essential to have read the others – it read well as a standalone book, in my opinion. You probably would benefit from reading the others, as it is always nice to read any book series from the start – you may find out things about the characters that I have missed out on.

We are given the stories of several women who go about their lives with loved ones away at war or having already been lost, they are either having, expecting or hoping for babies. The lives of these very endearing ladies are taking very different paths and each girl is having to cope with cruel or surprising twists and turns. It’s a good thing they have each other for support and they try to keep on.
There's a fair dose of drama within the book, a mixture of happy and sad times. I really enjoyed Rosie Clarkes style of writing, everything flowed nicely and was lovely to delve into their world. A fantastic book that fans of historical romance will love. I recommend.

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It’s 1941 and the war has already ravaged London and the ladies left behind to guard the homefront while the men are at war. With Janet’s husband back home after being severely wounded, both Peggy and Maureen pregnant, and young Tom’s father released from prison and heading to join up- everyone is adjusting and struggling with restrictions and rationing and worry. Unfortunately, as happens in wartime, there are conflicts and dangers not obvious from the outside, and we’ve got plenty of those as well. With Tom’s younger brother digging in bombed out homes recovering stolen merchandise to pawn later and his ultimate death, there are ‘things’ he found that he didn’t turn over to the ‘head’ of the crew- and now that man is looking for the items, and isn’t afraid of breaking in, threats or physical intimidation. With Tom only just recovering from an injury to his shoulder and now running the house by himself with his father away, he’s in need of work, and Maureen hires him to work in the local shop – despite her father’s and stepmother’s objections. Her father has had a massive stroke, and isn’t up to the daily operations, and Maureen is more determined to keep working as a nurse as long as she can, until her pregnancy becomes apparent.

So we’ve got danger from the German bombs, rationing and limited resources and a small neighborhood that looks out for its own – even when people are obviously dancing with danger. Waiting for mail from the front, hoping that their men will return quickly and the war will be over soon, these women are making decisions, joining together, and generally expanding their concerns and family circles into one large group. With Peggy always willing to open her house to anyone in need, and the whole Lane keeping a careful eye out for both Tom and Ellie – the youngest ‘adults’ on the street, there is plenty of worry for those in the immediate sphere to worry for. With Ellie’s acting out early on, and her assault and then a husband who is more controlling and dangerous than she thought, there are plenty of harrowing moments to come for her as well.

I adore this series: with its heartfelt friendships, concerns, challenges and the whole “get stuck in” attitude of the residents. It truly feels like they are holding the fort, some better than others, until the war ends – and while most of these women are finding a new purpose and surety in their ability to keep their homes ticking forward, there is a sense of an enlightenment coming to them all. Clarke carefully describes the neighborhood, the emotions and the struggles in ways that are easy to grasp and understand, and while the story is told in multiple perspectives, it is easy to follow along with the action, as voices are clear and easy to imagine. A lovely series for that “taste” of wartime Britain.

I received an e Arc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=” /” > <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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I feel as if im part of mulberry lane too. Rosie Clarke is an amazing author. I love these books. This is the 2nd time I've read it too!

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Third in the series loved visiting with the characters again.So well written I sink back into Mukberry Lane the people the daily living the families .Highky recommend .#netgalley #aria

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This is the third in the series and it was wonderful to catch up with the ladies of Mulberry Lane and we follow the pregnancies each coming with its own difficulties. The women are such strong characters and so brilliantly drawn that you really do feel amongst friends. They are facing the hardships presented by the war but still supporting each other through difficult times.
The great thing about finding a strong series is that you don’t have to say goodbye to the characters when you get to the end of the book. I can’t wait to find out what the Mulberry ladies have in store next

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This is a five star story and is the third in the "Mulberry Lane" series. It's set during World War Two in London. Peggy is the wife of the absent publican. She is pregnant with another man's baby. Maureen and Elie who also featured in the other books are also pregnant. So it's a busy time in "Mulberry Lane" . Read on!

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This book was a delight to read! I enjoyed each of the characters and the detail of how life was back in 1941 England. I'm not usually fond of stories which take place during wartime but this was so well written and enjoyable that it changed my mind. I now see that this is the third in a series and am planning to read the first two books as soon as I can get them. Strongly recommend.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for a review copy. This is my honest opinion.

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This is the third book in the series. I loved catching up to the ladies of Mulberry Lane. This book is fast paced and I read it quickly to catch up on all my favorite charaters and their goings on. I look forward to the next book in the series. I enjoyed this book . Thanks netgalley for an arc of this book. the review is my honest opinion.

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Mulberry Lane Babies is the third in the Mulberry Lane series from Rosie Clarke, and I am pleased to say that I have had the pleasure of reading all three.  I am a huge fan of fiction set during World War II, particularly when it centres on women during that time. It was a period of substantial change for women, as men were drafted up and sent to fight in a war that went on for 6 long years.  With the majority of able-bodied men gone, women were expected to step up to keep things running back home.  Finally, women were given more opportunity to leave their homes and make a difference for their country.

Mulberry Lane Babies continues the stories of Peggy, Jane, Maureen and Anne as they deal with their new lives whilst their men are at war, or lost due to the war.  Each of their lives takes a different turn as the gruelling war continues, and they are forced to push forward with their lives with only each other for support.

I liked the fact that this novel introduced characters that had only briefly been mentioned in previous novels in this series - most notably Ellie.  Ellie had previously been introduced as a young, naive new wife, who just wanted some fun when her new husband left her behind for war.  In Mulberry Lane Babies we learn far more about Ellie and what life has in store for her.

If I have any comments about this series, it would be that you need to read them all, in order.  What you learn about these characters in each novel is so important, and I probably wouldn't recommend reading them as standalone novels.  This is not a bad thing though.  The character development, and the stories that surround each of them are enthralling.  I already cannot wait for the next instalment in this series.  I know that Rosie Clarke has suggested there may be 4 books in this series, but more if that's what the readers want - I would definitely be happy with more!  I love to read about characters in a real life historical setting, and the Mulberry Lane series is now exception.  Go and grab yourself a copy of this lovely novel!

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This continues with the women's lives that live in Mulberry Lane, so Peggy who runs the local pub and is pregnant, her daughter Janet now has her husband Mike home but after the accident Mike still doesn't remember his wife and daughter, but they are all working closely together to have a happy family.

Maureen is now married to Gordon and looking after Shirley her step daughter, how much longer will she be able to continue nursing as she is pregnant?? Maureen is determined not to end up back in her dads grocery shop.

And also Ellie that can't cope being by herself when her husband Peter is in the army and fighting in world war 2.

This is book three in the series, still great characters, I didn't realise until the end that there will be a book four, so I will look forward to reading hopefully the completed series in the autumn.

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Mulberry Lane Babies by Rosie Clarke is the third novel in The Mulberry Lane Series. It is December 1941 and the Americans are finally entering the war. The residents of Mulberry Lane are working together to survive during these difficult and dangerous times. Peggy Ashley, who runs the Pig & Whistle Pub, is pregnant along with the newly married Maureen Hart. Maureen is trying to hide her condition, so she can continue working since nurses are sorely needed. Anne Riley is dropping of a pair of shoes to be repaired and meets Sgt. Kirk Ross. Anne is instantly smitten with the soldier. Has Anne finally met the man of her dreams? Tommy Barton takes over his father’s job at the grocer’s when he departs for boot camp and the ladies of Mulberry Lane make sure that Tommy has plenty to eat (they keep an eye on him). However, there is a man lurking in the background with a mission and he is not going to let anyone get in his way. Ellie Morris is eighteen and misses her new husband. To liven up her life, she goes out to the pubs at night letting the soldiers buy her drinks. But what happens when one man wants more than a smile in return? Peggy gets a new tenant when Helen Barnes leaves her bully of a husband. Life is never dull on Mulberry Lane. Return to Mulberry Lane to see how the residents are faring during these tumultuous times.

Mulberry Lane Babies is well-written and has steady pacing. I like the authors conversational writing style. I was immediately drawn into the story and it held my attention throughout. I do recommend reading the series in order. Each book in The Mulberry Lane Series builds upon the previous one. Rosie Clarke has crafted lovely characters for her series. They are realistic and well-rounded. There are characters to love and there are characters that you will dislike (intensely). My favorite characters are Peggy, Maureen, Janet, Tommy and Anne. They are warm, friendly, thoughtful people and I wish they were my neighbors. Peggy is the mother figure and confidant for the residents of the lane. I like that we get to know Anne more in Mulberry Lane Babies. Tommy continues to grow into a responsible, hardworking and caring man. The East End was brought alive for me with the descriptions of the shops, home and area. We are given a realistic picture of life for those at home during World War II. Rationing is increasing and items are in scarce supply which we see in this book. While America is just entering the war, England has been at war since 1938. The author did an admirable job at handling some difficult subject matter (a woman being attacked). The residents of Mulberry Lane have each other to rely on during these dark days. The characters feeling/emotions come through the pages along with the grittiness of the war. I like how the author balances the difficulties with the joy. There may be a war going on, but they have their friendship, their families, weddings, and new babies. The Mulberry Lane Series would make a wonderful television program on PBS. The Avid Reader rating for Mulberry Lane Babies is 5 out of 5 stars. I cannot wait for my next to journey to Mulberry Lane.

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Excellent story line which was gripping from start to finish. Great characters. I would highly recommend this book.

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It was lovely to catch up with the people of Mulberry Lane again. There was so much going on from start to finish I couldn’t put it down. It’s lovely the way everyone in Mulberry Lane looks out for each other and are there for the good and the bad to support each other through it. A fabulous read that I highly recommend.

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Best-selling author Rosie Clarke takes us back to Mulberry Lane in the latest enchanting and mesmerizing installment, Mulberry Lane Babies.

In 1941, the Second World War is still casting dark shadows upon the world and the community living in Mulberry Lane, London is certainly not impervious to the raging conflict and the ensuing carnage and hardship that has blighted everybody’s life. Times are more desperate than ever, evil lurks around every corner and the lonely, feeble and vulnerable are in the eye of the storm as their safety and well-being are threatened on a daily basis by people lacking heart, empathy and compassion. In such trying times it is important to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer and nobody knows this better than Peggy, Maureen and Nellie, three women who have stuck together through thick and thin and whose friendship means the absolute world to them. With material possessions being few and far between, feeding and clothing one’s family an impossible hardship and life more precious than ever before, the bonds between friends and neighbours must strengthen and endure – for the alternative is too awful to even contemplate…

When Peggy’s twins are born prematurely, Maureen and Nellie are adamant that they will chip in and lend a helping hand. The two friends will not let Peggy cope on her own, however, both Maureen and Nellie have got a lot on their plates as well. Maureen has certainly got a lot to contend with – not only is she pregnant herself, but she also has to deal with her father’s illness and her stepmother’s animosity, whilst overseeing that things run smoothly at the family business. Nellie has also got her own troubles to cope with – and as if things weren’t bad enough already, a shadowy figure stalks their lives intent on revenge and destruction.

Will the Mulberry Lane girls and their babies ever find the happiness they are searching for? Will the wretched war ever end? And will Peggy, Maureen and Nellie emerge unscathed from the evil that threatens to destroy their lives?

Rosie Clarke writes books that touch the heart and keep readers on the edge of their seats and Mulberry Lane Babies is certainly no exception. Warm-hearted, poignant and gripping, Mulberry Lane Babies is a wonderful tale of community, friendship and loyalty that will not only satisfy Rosie Clarke’s ever growing legion of fans, but win her lots of new ones.

Funny, uplifting, compelling and full of characters readers will take to their hearts, Mulberry Lane Babies is another winner for much-loved author Rosie Clarke!

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The third book in the Mulberry Lane series not only advances the story of domestic life during WWII, it is a fabulous addition to this series.

It's lovely to return to the Pig & Whistle and be back in the lives of Peggy and all her friends. Whilst the focus is very much on new arrivals, not everyone in the vicinity is working to keep things together whilst the war rages on; there are some bad people about and more than one of them raises their ugly head in the lanes this time round. Can the community pull together and get through? Only one way to find out!

This is, as I had expected, a terrific read. Picking up from where book two left off, we find ourselves once again fascinated by the tenacity of women during WWII to get on and make the best of things. With Peggy pregnant, all those around her pull together to help where and when they can. Maureen, also pregnant, has a fair bit to deal with too, what with her father's illness, his new wife's hostility towards her, looking after her step-daughter whilst her husband fights at the front and, as always, overseeing things at her father's shop. Life is very busy and there's never a dull moment. So much going on! This really is a packed - and completely enjoyable - novel. No less than five stars for such superb writing!

My thanks to publishers Aria for approving my request via NetGalley. This is my honest, original and unbiased review.

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Mulberry Lane Babies follows Peggy,Maureen Janet and Ann in the latest goings -on in their lives. I have read the other 2 books in the Mulberry Lane series and Rosie Clarke has a detailed yet easy style that I adore. Ann and Kirk are very romantic together and Kirk is very loving, tender and thoughtful. Maureen is caring and loves to gossip but not in a nasty way. The women are trying to move on with their lives as best they can and either have, or hope to have, babies. In this book as well as other historical romances, you learn so much from the dialogue which easily flows. There's a fair dose of drama and happy and sad times. I do not want to give too much away but really recommend this book! I am hoping I will be seeing more from Rosie Clarke in the future. You get a lot of insight into life at the time. I felt as if I were there and seeing everything through the characters' eyes. The book is addictive!

Thanks to Rosie Clarke and Aria for my ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review and for the chance to take part in the blog tour for this book on June 9th 2018.

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