Member Reviews

Rating: 5/5

Sweet Jesus I freaking LOVED this! I don't know what it is about royal romances (maybe it's the princess dream of mine) but I desperately wanted to be the girl for either of these princes! I could NOT choose between Leo and Marco - both are equally dreamy and romantic in their own way that my heart pitter-pattered for them constantly! I need more by Ms. Sutton if this was ANY inclination to how her future stories will be like! I treasured these stories and will be enjoying rereads of them frequently.

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I must say, that was the best ending to a series ever!!! I so didn’t see that ending coming!! It was so sweet!!

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Hot ! A very Modern day fairytale . One that I thoroughly enjoyed . I was graciously provided this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Commoner sisters and royal brothers - two matches made for each other.

Tessa and Leo meet when she needs a liver transplant and he is a match. She thaws the Polar Prince.

Cassie and Marco meet when their siblings fall in love then marry. Marco is bowled over by Cassie, but mistakenly thinks she’s not interested. They hook up at a masquerade ball as wolf and bumblebee not realizing who the other really is.

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Loved the cover and loved the book. I am a sucker for anything that has to do with royal romances though. So in that sense I am kind of biased. It is my favorite sub genre of romance and this one did not let me down.

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Two sweet and steamy stories that you’ll fall fast for. Leo was everything and Marco wasn’t so bad himself. Highly enjoyable read that had me smiling on more than one occasion. Great characters and all around easy fast-paced read. Would recommend.

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I didn't expect to enjoy Jenna Sutton's writing so much when I picked this one up.

The characters were very well written and refreshing, they felt very real and I appreciate that I lot when it comes to this type of story. I was very invested in what was happening to them and really liked being into their "skin".
However, what I didn't enjoy quite as much was the lust-love confusion and intense focus on sex. I would've liked more angst from the plot, I would've liked the characters to spend more time together without humping and I am no prude. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it mainly due to the characters.

3 - 3.5 stars

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I DNFed this book around 60%.

First of all, this plot had sooo much potential I was excited for something new. But then it turned into insta-lust and sex and they were already in love about 25% into the book.

This book just has a lot of what every other romance novel has and it just didn't feel unique. I've read this same story about the same guy and same girl a million times.

Also the way he smelled her was ... weird.

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There are really two books inside this book so we get treated to the love stories of two princes! Both stories were wonderfully written, nice and steamy, and fun to read. There was not a lot of turmoil in either story which can make them just enjoyable reads without the angst!

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I received a copy of this book for an honest review via NetGalley. I wasn't compensated in any way for the review of this book. All that follows is my opinion and mine alone.

I am part of a competitive reading game called, Book Battle. One of the criteria these previous months was "Royal Wedding". I was trying to figure out what royal wedding book I should read when I got the email for this one. Naturally, I jumped for it.

Royal Mess is a compilation of two novellas about two brothers finding love. The first one is the crowned Prince of a nation, the second is his playboy brother. They find love with two sisters. 

Okay, so the first book was cute. The main issue was that the Prince seemed to be doing everything for public relations. Though that isn't really the case. It just seemed like it from her point of view. From his, he was guarded and didn't want something to happen if he let his heart fly.

The second book was a little different. It did have a similar cute factor, but I liked the dynamic between the characters more. The prince in that book was already done with his playboy ways by the beginning of this story. 

All in all, the romance was fine. There wasn't much in the world or a very big conflict, just people getting into trouble on their own. Which was perfect for what I needed at the time. 

The book is a cute romance and a great palette cleanser.

Final Rating: 3/5

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There were two novellas in the book. I liked them both. They are a good stand alone but short. Also the fact that Jenna the author added a social issue with a really good storyline was refreshing. There were plenty of steamy sex scenes. Look forward to reading more from this author.

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What the heck, Jenna Sutton and team? I've enjoyed your previous books, but this one read as if it was written by an inexperienced kid. As if these were previously unpublished rough drafts from your school days that you didn't take the time to fine tune.

There was none of the smarts from the SF-based books (O'Reilly & Co and Trinity Distillery) and that's a big shame because those have been my go-to books to read when I get on a plane. So, for this most recent trip, I regretted not downloading other alternatives because there were a plenty of times I needed to stop reading this royal mess and actually pick up the in flight magazine and Sky Mall-like shopping guide to escape Alsania. And isn't that what your books should be? A royal escape? Instead, this one lived up to its title of being a Royal Mess. 1.5 out of 5.

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This is a two for one lol....two stories for one (nice surprise)! The first story is about Tessa and Leo (Prince of Alsania). They meet under highly unusual circumstances. Tessa connects with the Ice Prince Leo and an unlikely and deep romance develops with royal intrigue and hot loving! The second story has Cassie and Marco. Cassie is Tessa's sister and Marco is Leo's wild brother, also a Prince. Marco wants Cassie in the worst way, not just her body but her heart. I did enjoy both stories but Tessa and Leo were my favorite.

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Really cute stories of 2 civilian sisters who snag the royal princes. Both stories were cute and quick reads; hard to say which was my favorite. The author made the liver donor heroine strong and not pitiable, which I enjoyed. The princes were just adorably oblivious until they realized how they really felt.

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I was DELIGHTED by this book. The pacing was great and the plot was fun. I really loved each of the POVs and was glad we got time with both main characters - because the main conflict for each of them was internal. Sure, there were all these trappings that they had to deal with, but mainly, it was internal and I was glad we got to see it.

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This was two books in one - two royal brothers and two adopted sisters. Prince Leo (who was the heir) met Tessa in the hospital when he donated part of his liver so she would live. She was easy to talk to and he could be himself. During their tour talking about the process of organ donation they fell in love. Sweet story.
Prince Marco was the playboy prince who was atracted to Cassie the first time he met her. Frustrated that she was on vacation with her boyfriend, he had sex with a stranger who reminded him of her. Cassie had sex with a stranger who reminded her of him. Since it was a masquarade ball, they didn't know they had slept with each other. A pregnancy occurred and he was estastic to know he was going to be a father. His mistake was not telling her right away. It caused hard feelings and some problems. It also was a good read

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This is my first Jenna Sutton book, and I completely enjoyed it!! I loved these two princess....and the fact I am a teacher made it a little better! HA
HEA are a must and Royal Mess did not disappoint.

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I actually purchased on Amazon the companion book to this... and read both same week. What a great story...
Will definitely keep eye out for author

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I really enjoyed this book. The thought of dating or marrying a royal is every girls fantasy. I loved how this played out. The timing was perfect with everything in the book. The story flowed well, and was not full of cliches.

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Absolutely loved this, 5 stars.

What is not to love? Two incredibly hot stories of two hot princes. Plus both stories end up having a message of supporting good causes, which was a nice surprise.

My only complaint- too short! Each of these princes and their women deserve full length books. Please tell me there are more brothers or cousins or something.....

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