Member Reviews

This was a very good read, I was not able to put it down and happy to have the second book behind it which I also loved.

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QueenZany 4 Star Review

ROYAL MESS was just head over heels fabulous!
With tons of mischief, satire, that oh, so hot scenes, and mouthwatering storyline. I was completely dazzled by this new author. I so need to look into more of her works ASAP!

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This was a story with a wonderful basis; the life giving selflessness of organ donation. I applaud the author for weaving this into a romance story. This is a 2-story book that tells the tale of 2 sisters, Tessa and Cassie; both adopted by their parents and unrelated (as far as they know) to each other except for being adopted. The first story, Royal Match, is Tessa's and her need for a liver donation; the second, Royal Catch, is Cassie's and her unrequited love. The stories unfold in the fictional country of Alsania, ruled by a Monarchy.
I feel that the stories are well written, with somewhat well-developed characters, and a good story-line that flows well. These are shorter stories, novellas, that have to pack a lot into a little time. I was very happy that the author included epilogues at the end of each story so that we could have closure with the characters and are not left hanging to wonder what happens next. Truly my only complaint is that I found the use of explicit sex in the stories a little bit off-putting at times. Instead of enriching the story; I found that sometimes it felt almost forced. The physical acts could have been alluded too and still have had the same effect on the story. I am by no means a prude and enjoy a lusty sex scene as much as anyone else; but, only if it has a place in the story and flows well into it. That being said, is why I only give it 3 stars. I would have gone for 4 if there was more story and less sex scenes.

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Winner, winner - two stories about royals in one. I enjoyed both stories equally for different reasons.

Royal Match - I didn’t know organ donation could be a romance trope, but there it is. Never read one of those before, but very glad I did. Leo and Tessa are well matched, in so many ways.

Royal Catch - I’m not always a huge fan of mistaken identity but it worked for me here. I really enjoyed Marco and his personality, even though he kept the secret a bit too long, in my opinion. And probably in Cassie’s opinion as well. But it all works out in the end, of course.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book includes two stories where two sisters fall and marry two brothers. I enjoyed both stories. I liked more the story of the first couple, but I loved the epilogue of the other couple's story. That epilogue was the kind I love. It gave us a glimpse of how Cassie and Marco were doing ten years later and it also gave us a catch up to what they had been up to all that time. The epilogue was a repeat of how the story began and I am a sucker for that. The epilogue of the first story was also good, but I didn't love it as much. Both of them were sweet though. I feel like the first story was more developed and that I got to know the characters better. You should read this book. It was short and sweet and I loved it.

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This a complication of 2 different stories, featuring two brothers who happen to be princes. Both were heartwarming, yet sexy romances that kept my eyes glued to the pages. I loved the characters and the connections the author created between them.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a good fairytale or a sexy love story. (Both are shorter, novella length stories.)

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I love the royal series by Jenna Sutton & these bonus short stories don't disappoint. They are fun, naughty, & sexy. I couldn't put them down. I love that Marco & Cassie's story has a twist as well as Tessa & Leo's story. I highly recommend this book if you like a little raunchy with your romantic royals!

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I received an arc from Netgalley. I enjoyed this book but felt it lacked a little depth with the characters. I still enjoyed this author and would read her again.

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I loved this duet of novellas! I thought I loved Leo and Tessa’s story so much that I didn’t want to read on to Marco and Cassie, but it turns out I loved that equally as much! Leo will melt your heart with his love for Tessa, and the fire Marco and Cassie create will burn your soul to ashes! There is a great surprise, one of my favorite parts to be added to stories, and it’s so angsty to see how everything unfolds. Two great stories! I received this story on NetGalley to give an honest review.

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Royal Mess, which was provided to me by NetGalley for review, was actually two novelettes each about a royal brother of the fictional kingdom of Alsania. Royal Match is about Prince Leo, who is the heir to the kingdom and needs a bride. Royal Catch is about his younger brother Prince Marco, who has a reputation as a womanizer. Will either of these brothers find true love? Both books are a fun romp in an imaginary kingdom...who doesn't want to find their romantic happily ever after?

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I liked both of the stories contained in this book, although I did feel that Leo's and Tessa's story was a bit rushed in regards to the blossoming romance. Even though both stories aren't long, I liked that we got to see the evolution of Marco's and Cassie's relationship, especially as it kind of happened concurrently with Leo and Tessa.

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While I appreciate the free book, I did not realize it was 2 shorter stories in one. I don't typically enjoy rushed timelines, which the first story had. Hyper sexualized storyline was not as romantic as I was hoping for. I did not read the next in the series, as the first did not meet my expectations.

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A Royal Mess was intriguing to me after watching the royal wedding of Meghan and Harry. Although the book characters were nothing like those in real life, it was an enjoyable, if somewhat predictable, love story that I would recommend if you like anything with a ‘royal bent.’

Leo is a prince with an image problem...apparently he’s as cold as ice and no one likes him. So he does what anyone in that situation might do (hardly); he agrees to donate his liver to a commoner who miraculously is a perfect match. Seeing Tessa in the hospital was one thing, but seeing her post-op when she is healthy and thriving again; well, that’s a completely different ballgame.

Tessa, a florist by trade, is not someone who was enamored by the fact that Prince Leo is royal, a prince or anything but a good human being who was willing to give up a piece of his liver so she could live. She feels forever grateful to him for what he did. Leo cannot believe what the feeling of pure gratitude feels like and it draws him to Tessa.

Meanwhile, Leo’s father, the King, wants to expose who ‘the commoner’ is who received the royal liver donation, which will change Tessa’s life forever. He is planning to have them tour the country to speak about their ordeal, all to increase Leo’s approval ratings before he becomes king.

Will Tessa weather the storm of the paparazzi and the strict demands of the royal family? Will Leo stand beside her side or stand up to his family? Will she end up back in her floral shop or as the next Queen of Alsania?

Read Royal Mess to find out...and when you are finished, you can read “Royal Catch” and continue on with the story of their siblings, Marco and Cassie.

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I love a good royal romance and these novels had it all!

First you have the Prince with the icy exterior that really is a big softy. Not only does he literally save the damsel in distress but he also sweeps her off her feet to a happy ending.

Then you have the Playboy Prince everyone loves but doesn't take seriously. Except after Cassie has a one night stand at a masquerade ball this playboy prince seems to be number one person there for her to rely on. While their budding relationship isn't quiet conventionally its definitely fairy tale worthy.

I super adored each epilogue for their stories, literally made me say 'awe'.

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I so loved this book. Both stories ( Leo and Tessa and Marco and Cassie ) were so poignant, emotional and moving. The character development was well done, the stories moved at a great pace, the chemistry was so hot and the romance so beautiful The way Leo falls for Tessa, the pain Marco feels, what he does to make sure that they can connect....all of it was wonderful.

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I started this not realizing it was a bind up of two stories - I enjoyed the first one (Royal Match; Leo & Tessa's story) .

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The duo take on the classic fairy tale of a prince and a commoner is adorable. Loved all 4 characters and for short-stories the plot is well-developed. Humor, romance & steamy sex; what more could you want.

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Royal Mess features two novellas focusing on two brothers who just happen to be Princes of Alsania.
Prince Leo is the Crown Prince of Alsania. He is considered the Polar Prince and his parents wish him to improve his approval ratings if he intends to become King. Participating in an organ donation drive seemed like a promising idea at the time. He is happy to donate his organs after death but when he is matched with someone needing a living donation he begins to regret his decision but when he meets the woman who needs his liver he is driven to help her.
Tess Lulach never expected to die from a small injury but when she suffers a reaction to the antibiotics that cause her liver to fail, she is desperate. Wanting to return to her small flower shop she is dismayed when her identity is revealed to the public. Everyone wants to know who received the Prince’s liver and to help the Prince with his image problem she agrees to a media tour.
Both are secretly happy to spend extra time with each other but can two people from different worlds be together?
Prince Marco is tired of being the playboy prince. Drawn to his new sister-in-law’s sister he is determined to forget her and enjoys a midnight tryst at a masquerade.
Cassie Lulach is tired of untrustworthy men. After a one-night stand she finds herself pregnant with no idea who the father may be. Marco steps in to help her but when he finds out that the baby was conceived at a masquerade can he tell Cassie the truth?
I found both stories to be an entertaining read. I especially enjoyed the well-researched use of liver donation. The characters were well developed and likeable. Even though they are novellas the relationship develops at a nice pace.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. For more reviews please visit my blog:

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I really enjoyed both of these novellas!!! I’m a huge Jens Sutton fan and thought these were a great way to spend a couple of ours in the midst of Harry and Meagan-mania! Even though they are princes I found them relatable and great hero’s and found the heroines compelling as well! Well worth the read!!!

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This book has is made of two separate novellas about very different brothers. Prince Leo is the heir to the throne of a small European country and Prince Marco is his younger brother, the so called spare. As most fictional royal brothers, the heir is a proper bred young man ready to take his rightful place as king when the time comes and the younger one is total mess, living it up without a care in the world.
Royal Match is the story of how Prince Leo, the least liked member of the royal family of Alsania, ends up being an organ donor for a complete stranger and saving her life. The young woman in question, Tessa Lulach, is commoner in her late 20s, who owns a flower shop and a sharp sense of humor.
Leo and Tessa are an unlikely pair and their relationship blooms rather fast for my taste. Still, I liked the premise of the story and the way this couple comes together. The story line was original and it was enjoyable and entertaining.
In Royal Catch, we find Prince Marco completely changed a year after the events from the first story. He’s more dedicated to do good deeds than party all night and fall in bed with every available woman because he’s fallen in love with the one woman who doesn’t heed to his charms.
When Cassie finds herself rejected yet again by her latest boyfriend, she ends up acting out of character and having a one night stand at a masquerade ball with a stranger that gets her pregnant. When she seeks friendship and refuge in Prince Marco he finds the opportunity to find his HEA with the woman he loves.
Another enjoyable fast read. I related better to the characters and their situation and found the story more likeable than the first.
In all, Royal Mess is a nicely written, fast and entertaining read for those of us who like to read about fictional modern royalty.

3.5 stars

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